Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 162 Sol's Trouble

Chapter 162 Sol's Trouble

Before Thor got out the ether particles on Jane, Roger didn't need to pay much attention to the ether particles.

So he planned to take this time to learn about the recent developments in Wakanda, and by the way, ask Jia Ying and others about the meeting with Black Bolt King.

The palace where Jia Ying and Daisy live now originally belonged to the royal family of Wakanda.

After Jia Ying became the nominal queen of Wakanda, the palace became the residence of Jia Ying's family.

Without any notification, Roger, who has the status of an elder, easily entered the palace and walked towards the building where Jia Ying worked.

On the way to the office building, he encountered several alien guards.

Seeing these alien guards who were fully armed and in uniform, he took a few more curious glances.

He was sure that before he left Wakanda to start his interstellar voyage, these alien guards were not what they are now.

And he didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that the uniforms on these alien guards didn't look like the style on Earth.

Although the civilization of Wakanda does not look a bit like a product of the earth, but that is only because of the influence of Wakanda culture.

Is this influenced by the city of Attilan?
A guess quickly emerged in Roger's mind.

But he didn't pay much attention to this issue, and walked straight towards Jia Ying's office building.

Not long after, he came to Jia Ying's office.

Perhaps because of the nourishment of power, Jia Ying now looks younger than before.

Now if she and Daisy Cora stand together, it will definitely not feel like mother and daughter, but sisters.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Roger's arrival, Jia Ying, who was wearing a close-fitting cheongsam, stood up and asked with a smile.

"I have nothing to do for the time being, just stop by and have a look."

Roger sat on the sofa and said casually.

"Are you finished with that astronomer?"

Although Jia Ying didn't know why he was suddenly interested in Jane, she knew that Roger had specially invited Jane and his party to Dressrosa.

"Not yet, but it has been handed over to professionals. I just need to wait for the final result."

After answering Jia Ying's question, Roger asked about the recent development of Wakanda and the meeting between Jia Ying and Black Bolt.

During the time he left the earth, no accidents occurred in Wakanda, and it developed rapidly according to the established plan, maintaining a certain amount of communication with the outside world.

As for Jia Ying's meeting with Black Bolt King, the situation was similar to what he expected.

Black Bat King recognized Jia Ying's status as the leader of the aliens on Earth, and took advantage of the opportunity to propose a mutual cooperation between Attilan City and Dressrosa.

To put it simply, Black Bolt intends to re-establish the connection between the aliens of the moon and the aliens of the earth, so that they who are of the same race will become closer.

According to Black Bolt King's proposal, Attilan City has now opened a certain degree of communication with Dressrosa, including but not limited to technology, culture, lunar specialties, vibration gold, and agricultural products.

"You can decide these things, as long as the interests and safety of Dressrosa are not endangered, everything else is fine."

Roger was not surprised by the cooperation proposed by Black Bolt.

If he were Black Bolt King, he would also make similar requests after knowing the current situation of Jia Ying and others.

This cooperation is a good thing for both parties.

"There is something that needs to be handled by you yourself."

"About two months ago, Black Bolt suddenly sent a message saying that he hoped to meet you. The time and place are up to you."

Jia Ying sat opposite him and said slowly.

"Meet me?"

Roger frowned slightly.

His impression of Black Bolt is not bad, but that is only limited to the impression in the comics.

And what really caught his attention was not the time and place for the meeting to be decided by him, but the time that Black Bolt King proposed to meet.

More than two months ago, he had just conquered Xandar.

Although he has no way to determine whether this is the reason why Black Bolt King intends to meet him, but judging from the current situation, this possibility is very high.

After thinking for a while, he said slowly: "Tell Black Bolt King that I agree to meet with him, but the time may be later. I will inform him of the specific time after I decide."

Before the matter of ether particles is resolved, he does not plan to participate in other matters for the time being.

No matter what Black Bolt King intends to do, even if he just wants to compete with him, he still intends to completely solve the matter of ether particles.

After chatting with Jia Ying for more than ten minutes, Roger left the office building and started heading to Daisy's residence.


Asgard, Golden Palace, Royal Treatment Room.

"Judging from the current situation, the ether particles actively chose to merge with her, and suppressed their own erosion of her."

Thorburn intends to let the Royal Physician deal with Jane's problems.

However, things were much more serious than he imagined.

In the end, he found his mother, Queen Frigg.

As for why he didn't go directly to Odin, the reason is very simple. Although Odin is stronger than Frigg, when it comes to healing, Odin is far inferior to Frigg.

"Is there a way to extract the ether particles without endangering her life?"

Sol glanced at Jane and asked about Queen Frigg.

"It's not easy. Your father is capable of suppressing ether particles, but he is not good at healing."

Having said that, Queen Frigg turned her head to look at Sol, and said slightly reprimanded: "Although ether particles are involved in the transaction between your father and Roger, as the king of Asgard, you must not Too much energy should be put here."

"Go back and deal with government affairs, I will deal with things here."

Although Sol is already the king of Asgard, in front of Queen Frigg, he still only has to be obedient.

After Sol left the treatment room, Queen Frigga said to the maid beside her, "Go and call Sif."

Afterwards, she ordered the royal physician to take good care of Jane and left the treatment room directly.

Although the ether particles in Jane's body were a bit tricky, it was not to the point where Queen Frigg was helpless.

The reason why it was a little troublesome to tell Saul just now was purely because of personal selfishness.

Although Sol behaved normally just now, Queen Frigg could tell at a glance that her silly son was a little tempted.

Otherwise, with Sol's character, it is impossible to be so sad about a woman on earth.

Even if Simplified has ether particles in his body, it is impossible for Thor to be so patient.


When meeting Jia Ying, Luo Jie mainly talked about business matters.

But when he met Daisy, he talked mainly about personal matters.

To be precise, it was Daisy who took the initiative to chat about private matters with him.

After spending a pleasant and somewhat exhausting afternoon at Daisy's residence, Roger returned to his elder mansion.

Because the system is still in the upgrade state, after returning to Earth, especially after handing Jane over to Saul, Roger suddenly fell into a state of doing nothing.

Fruit that should be awakened has been awakened, and that which should be promoted has also been promoted.

Knowledge-colored domineering and armed-colored domineering have also been upgraded to the highest level.

He is not particularly lacking in combat moves and physical skills.

How about going to Los Angeles to talk to Tony?
Once people are free, they will have many inexplicable ideas.

After thinking of Tony, he suddenly had a plan to ask Tony to build a set of armor for himself.

But not long after this idea appeared, it was rejected by him.

As for the steel suit, he already has one.

Although it is a backward Mark 3, it is enough to satisfy his daily experience.

After carefully recalling it in his mind, he found that he really didn't have any friends except Tony and Sol.

Norman Osborn and General Ross were just partners, not friends at all.

Bucky and Iron Fist are subordinates, not friends.

Sharon Carter, Jessica and others are also subordinates, but they have a closer relationship.

Now he began to understand why Doflamingo wanted to form the Don Quixote family.

After some serious and rigorous thinking, he finally decided to stay in Dressrosa and wait patiently for the final result from Sol.

Time passed day by day, and Roger waited for more than half a month.

At the beginning, he didn't have any obvious feeling.

However, as time passed, he noticed something was wrong.

Ether particles are indeed one of the infinite gems, but with Asgard's ability, it is definitely not impossible to handle them for more than half a month.

That is Asgard, Asgard is famous in the universe and has a long history.

After spending more than half a month of absurd and depraved in Dressrosa, Roger finally decided to go to Asgard to see the specific progress.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, he did not use the silk thread portal to go there on his own, but came outside Dressrosa and called Heimdall.

Using the silk thread portal to go there by himself, he is suspected of "smuggling".

Going through the Rainbow Bridge is legal entry.

Heimdall did not disappoint Roger, and it is not ruled out that Sol specifically ordered Heimdall.

Not long after he called Heimdall, a brilliant beam of seven-colored light fell from the sky, hitting him with incomparable precision.

With the rainbow-like brilliant light, Roger once again came to the Rainbow Bridge Hall.

However, he never expected that when he was walking towards the Golden Palace, he was stopped outside the Golden Palace.

The person who stopped him was none other than Sif.

At this time, Sif, wearing close-fitting armor and holding a long sword enchanted by Odin, looked at him dissatisfied.

The moment he saw Sif's expression, Roger guessed the reason.

As an experienced old driver, he knows exactly what he should say now.

"What a coincidence, your armor today is very good, it fits your temperament very well."

Roger smiled and said as if nothing happened.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a cold light strike towards him with lightning.

At the moment when the long sword in Sif's hand was about to hit him, several blue-purple silk threads appeared in front of Roger out of thin air, forming a shield like a spider web, blocking Sif's sword.

"There's no need to stab me with a sword as soon as we meet!"

Roger's voice sounded again.

But Sif didn't intend to listen to his explanation at all. With a slight twist of her wrist, the long sword avoided the spider web shield and attacked him again.

Sif is extremely good at melee combat and has mastered extraordinary swordsmanship.

Among the goddesses of Asgard, her combat ability is second only to Valkyrie.

But even so, it was still impossible for her to hit Roger.

Facing Sif's long sword attack again, Roger did not cast a silk thread to block her attack.

Seeing that the long sword was about to hit him, he turned slightly to avoid Sif's menacing sword.

The attack failed again, and Sif still had no intention of giving up.

The long sword struck towards Roger again and again, but no matter how exquisite the sword move she used, Roger could always easily dodge her attack at the last moment.

See the color domineering!
In front of the knowledgeable domineering that has been promoted to Lv5, all of Sif's attacks were seen through by Roger.

"I think we can change the way of communication, what do you think?"

While avoiding Sif's attack, Roger offered to propose.

He knew exactly why Sif attacked him the first time, but that didn't mean it couldn't be fixed.

After all, the one who really made Sif angry was not him, but Jane.

Realizing that she couldn't hit Roger at all, Sif's hands began to slow down.

Finally, she put away the long sword and snorted extremely dissatisfied.

"When are you going to take that woman away?"

"It's not up to me to decide, it's up to Saul to say it."

Roger didn't care at all whether Jane returned to Earth or not.

Even if Jane is going to marry Saul tomorrow, at most he will give Saul a congratulatory gift.

"Sol is in the meeting hall, go find him yourself!"

After speaking, Sif left without looking back, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Sif's gradually disappearing back, Roger sighed silently.

Why bother!
There is no monogamy restriction in Asgard, and Sol is still the king of Asgard, so what does it matter if you marry more wives.

Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to say this to Sif.

If he really said it, maybe Sif would not be the only one who cut him with a sword.

After coming to the chamber, Roger saw Saul who was obviously absent-minded.

"How is the aether dealt with?"

He sat in front of Sol and asked directly.

"Take it out, it's in here."

As soon as the words fell, Sol took out a long, fist-sized cuboid container from the drawer, and placed it in front of Roger.

"When was it taken out?" Roger asked.

"It was taken out a week ago, but you were not notified."

Hearing this, Roger gave Saul a supercilious look.

"I have accepted the ether particles, what are you going to do with Jane, let me take her back to Earth?"

After throwing the cuboid container containing ether particles into the different space in the body, Roger continued to ask.

"I don't know if I should keep her in Asgard. Both the queen mother and the king father don't agree with me being with her."

(End of this chapter)

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