Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 157 The Awakening of the Thread Fruit

Chapter 157 The Awakening of the Thread Fruit
Ronan did not disappoint Roger.

In just one day, Ronan led his own troops, and the looters such as Yondu wiped out all the space fleets of the Nova Corps, and transferred the battlefield from space to Xandar.

Because of Ronan's excellent performance, the specially modified Wanli Sunshine was idle at this time, and followed behind the Dark Star like a logistics support force.

Roger did not intervene in Ronan's specific command work, and even recalled the interstellar special forces placed in the Yondu team back to the Wanli Sunshine.

Ronan, Yondu, and Xingjue were accompanied by a clone doll made by Shadow Rider.

Except for Yondu's avatar in leopard form, those around Ronan and Xingjue are all leopard avatars.

With these three avatars, Roger doesn't need to worry about any abnormal behavior of the three of Ronan.

Not to mention Yondu and Xingjue, they don't have the strength to defeat the doll now.

Although Ronan has such strength, as long as he dares to attack Roger's leopard clone, Roger will immediately use the silk portal to rush to the scene, so that he can experience the unreasonable power of the shiny fruit.

After handing over the command to Ronan, Roger completely became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Now, apart from exchanging fighting skills with Nami, what he does most is to study the storm hammer that is suspected to be the horse-faced Thor.

Although he still has no way to determine whether this hammer is the Storm Hammer of the Horse-faced Thor.

However, after these two days of research, he already had some guesses.

If nothing else, this thing is the Storm Hammer of the Horse-faced Thor.

As for why the Storm Hammer was swallowed by the Yuan Devourer, he didn't know, and the Yuan Devourer couldn't tell him the truth.

The language barrier has now become the biggest communication barrier between him and the Yuan Devourer.

And I don't know if it's because of the last time that the Yuan Devourer was forced to spit out the whistle, the relationship between Yuan Devourer and him is getting worse and worse.

His relationship with Yuanqi Beast has deteriorated, but what is puzzling is that Yuanqi Beast has completely fallen in love with Nami.

Neither Roger nor Nami expected this development.

In the training room of the Miles of Sunshine, Roger wields a storm hammer with a hammer head on one side and an ax on the other, trying to unleash the true power of the storm hammer.

However, it turns out that he doesn't have any talent for using a hammer.

Simple use, such as using the storm hammer as an ordinary cold weapon, does not have any problems for him.

But he can only do these simple uses.

He vaguely remembered that the Storm Hammer was specially made by Odin for the horse-faced Thor, possessing abilities similar to Thor's Hammer, without any restrictions.

The Storm Hammer allows Thor to fly, manipulate the weather, and absorb or release various energies.

However, Thor seems to rarely use his Storm Hammer special ability.

In the hands of the horse-faced Thor, the Storm Hammer is just a melee hammer most of the time.

After waving the fighting technique that he casually named "Chaotic Wind Hammer Technique" more than a dozen times in the training room, Roger ended today's training.

After returning to the captain's cabin and taking a comfortable hot bath, he put on clean clothes and came to the bridge.

The Wanli Sunshine did not enter Xandar, but stayed in outer space.

Even so, the display screen on the bridge still clearly shows the picture of the Dark Star attacking Xandar.

Under Ronan's command, the Nova Corps was defeated steadily.

According to the current pace of development, the Nova Corps can only persist until tomorrow at most.

It has to be said that Ronan did make sufficient preparations for revenge on Xandar.

Although Roger's appearance caused some mistakes in his preparations.

But when dealing with the Nova Corps, the tactics and equipment he prepared perfectly restrained the Nova Corps.

"Send a message to Ronan, it's okay to destroy the Nova Corps, but don't cause too much damage to Xandar. I don't want to accept a ruined Xandar star."

The reason why Roger likes Xandar is because Xandar allows him to see what the future of the earth will look like.

If the earth continues to develop, sooner or later, the earth will become the appearance of an advanced civilization like Xandar.

Even if it suffers war damage, Xandar's technological level can restore everything.

But Roger didn't intend Xandar to be like that.

A Xandar star that has not suffered much damage is what he wants, a planet with advanced civilization and perfect enjoyment.

"Okay, I'll notify Ronan immediately."

Nami's voice sounded beside Roger.

Afterwards, he saw Nami wearing a white close-fitting dress came to the console and sent a message to Dark Asterisk.

Looking at Nami's perfect back outlined by the close-fitting dress, Roger swallowed silently.

Although he already knew Nami's body very well, it had to be said that Nami's perfect figure would still involuntarily evoke some unhealthy thoughts in his heart.

After Nami sent the message, Roger went straight to her side and hugged Nami's slender waist.

Then, he grabbed the Yuan Devourer lying on Nami's shoulder and was unwilling to leave, and threw the Yuan Devourer out.

Afterwards, he took Nami to the captain's cabin.


After three days of attack, Ronan successfully fulfilled his promise and completely captured Xandar.

In other words, the headquarters of the Nova Corps was completely destroyed.

Although Xandar is an out-and-out high-level civilization in the universe.

But the military power of Xandar is all concentrated in the hands of the Nova Corps.

The failure of the Nova Corps means the complete failure of Xandar.

After Ronan took down Xandar, Roger came to Xandar on the Wanli Sunshine.

In the headquarters of the Nova Corps, in the office of Nova Supreme.

Roger sat in the position of Nova Supreme, and looked at Ronan with a satisfied face.

Although the course of the matter was somewhat different from what he had planned, Ronan finally achieved his wish and completely captured Xandar.

It's just that, because of Roger's existence, he has no way to truly wipe out Xandar.

After listening to Ronan's report, Roger asked unhurriedly: "How is the super life computer 'Heart of the World' of the Nova Corps invading now?"

"It is still trying to crack it. According to the current situation, the possibility of intrusion and cracking is unlikely."

Ronan didn't hide anything, and replied directly.

The super life computer "Heart of the World" is the real controller behind the Nova Corps.

Although on the bright side, Nova Supreme is the leader of Nova Corps.

But in fact, Nova Supreme is not just the spokesperson of "Heart of the World".

The source of the Nova Corps' power is "Nova Power", which is a nearly infinite field of power generated by the super life computer "World Heart".

According to the different levels of the legion, the "Heart of the World" will reasonably distribute the "Nova Power" to all members of the Nova Legion including the Centurion.

At the same time, the super life computer "Heart of the World" also records the civilization and history of the entire planet Xandar.

To a certain extent, as long as the "Heart of the World" is destroyed, the civilization inheritance of Xandar can be completely cut off.

Before meeting the monster Roger, Ronan thought about destroying the "Heart of the World" more than once.

But now he obviously won't have such a chance again.

"Let your people withdraw, I want to talk to 'Heart of the World'."

After hearing Roger's words, Ronan frowned slightly.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he nodded silently.

In the core area of ​​the underground headquarters of the Nova Corps, Roger saw the legendary super life computer "Heart of the World".

Strictly speaking, the core center underground of the Nova Corps headquarters is the brain of the "Heart of the World", and Roger is now standing in the brain of the "Heart of the World".

"If you don't want the Xandar Stars to be completely wiped out, come out and have a chat."

Standing in this huge room the size of a basketball court, Roger said silently.

A few seconds later, a holographic projection appeared in front of him.

A Xandar projection made up of countless tiny Xandar scripts and messages.


Except for Roger and the "Heart of the World", no one knows what they talked about.

After half an hour in that empty green room, Roger left unscathed.

With his departure, the systems and information bases in the headquarters of the Nova Corps that originally denied various accesses were opened.

Only the super life computer "Heart of the World" can do this.

After reaching an agreement with the "Heart of the World", Roger finally conquered Xandar and made this planet his private domain.

time flies.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

During these two months, Roger enjoyed the true king's treatment on Xandar.

This kind of supreme power that the entire planet is in his hands almost gave him the idea of ​​living on Xandar for a long time.

But not long after this idea came into being, he threw it behind him.

I am a pirate, a pirate with lofty ambitions!
The ultimate enjoyment in life is not his biggest gain in these two months.

With the help of the super life computer "Heart of the World", he finally found the opportunity to awaken the fruit of the line.

No, not just an opportunity.

To be precise, with the help of "Nova Power", he completed the awakening of the thread fruit in one fell swoop.

"Devil Fruit (Main): Line Fruit · Awakening (Assimilation: Space Gem, Cat Fruit, Power Gem)"

In order to help the fruit of the line to awaken, the "Heart of the World" consumed enough "nova power" to maintain an entire army of novas, forcing the fruit of the line to the level of awakening.

The depletion of "nova power" also brought a small trouble.

That is the Nova Corps, and in the last one or two years, it is unlikely to complete the reconstruction.

But Roger didn't particularly care about this.

After these two months of dissemination, the news of the Tianyasha Pirates subduing Ronan the Accuser and conquering Xandar has spread.

Roger's name has now become the most widely known name in the universe.

The wide spread of fame will definitely bring about an increase in bounties.

However, the system is currently being upgraded, so Roger is also curious to what extent his current bounty will be increased.

The awakening of the thread fruit brought a significant improvement to Roger's strength.

Not to mention the moves he could use before.

After the online fruit awakened, he deliberately experimented with the changes in the awakening.

The results of the test are very satisfactory.

He made a rough calculation, the current him can assimilate all non-living matter within more than ten kilometers around into silk threads.

Whether it is buildings or the earth, or stones and metals, he can assimilate them into threads.

However, this assimilation is not a panacea.

Life forms such as human beings are not within the scope of his assimilation.

According to the calculation of the super life computer "Heart of the World", as his strength continues to improve, the scope of awakening and assimilation can continue to increase.

As for how much it can be improved, "Heart of the World" can't figure it out.

During the two months of repairing, Ronan was not idle.

After obtaining Roger's permission, Ronan recruited a large number of die-hard fans from the Cree Empire and expanded his troops.

In order to prevent Ronan's family from being dominant, Roger asked Bucky to start the expansion of the Interstellar Special Forces and recruit new special forces members from Xandar.

With the increase in number, the Interstellar Special Forces was also officially promoted to the level of the legion, and was named "Tian Yasha Legion" by Roger.

It is said to be the "Tianyasha Legion", but it is actually the Nova Legion with a different name and owner.

The equipment used by the Tianyasha Legion is basically the equipment of the Nova Army.

Apart from the fact that the members do not have the Nova Power, there is no significant difference between the Tianyasha Legion and the Nova Legion.

When the "Heart of the World" regenerates the "Nova Power", members of the Ayasha Legion can use the "Nova Power" like the Nova Corps.

But that's at least a year or two away.

As for Yondu, Xingjue and others, Roger did not let them idle, allowing them to further expand the number of predators.

The "Dark Star Legion" in charge of Ronan, the "Tianyasha Legion" in charge of Bucky, and the "Plunder Legion" in charge of Yondu, these are the only three armed forces on Xandar.

Although the number of people is not very large, with the help of "Heart of the World", the three legions are thriving.

Given time, these three legions can grow to the point where they can compete with Thanos' Chitauri army and Vanguard.

After spending two months of depraved life on Xandar, Roger took Nami and left Xandar, and headed for Asgard on the Wanli Sunshine.

Except for Nami and the basic operators of the battleship, he didn't bring anyone with him.

Even the Yuan Devourer, who often prevented him from being alone with Nami, was thrown into Bucky's care for a while.

He went to Asgard this time, in addition to wanting to find out the situation of Storm Hammer and Thor with a Horse Face, he also had a more important purpose, that is, ether particles.

The ether particle is the reality gem among the infinite gems.

After assimilating the Power Gem and the Space Gem, the Reality Gem has become the Infinity Gem he is most likely to obtain at present.

The time gem is in the hands of the supreme mage Gu Yi. If there is no accident, he should have little chance to get it.

The mind stone is suspected to be in the hands of Thanos, and it is not very easy to get it.

As for the soul gem, which can only be obtained by sacrificing his beloved, he gave up immediately.

Not to mention that he will not sacrifice his true love, even if he wants to sacrifice his true love, he must have his true love.

It is impossible to get soul gems by throwing them down at random.

 PS: Thank you for your reward, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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