Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 155 Roger the Pirate vs Ronan the Accuser

Chapter 155 Roger the Pirate vs Ronan the Accuser

The best way to completely receive the Dark Star is to eliminate all the enemies inside at once.

Only in this way can the incidental damage caused by the battle be minimized, and the integrity of the Dark Star can be kept to the greatest extent.

Micro-manipulating thousands of silk threads at the same time, this kind of thing, in the past, Roger would not have dared to think about it.

But now, he is only one step away from the awakening of the string fruit, and he has the confidence to accomplish this seemingly impossible thing.

Use knowledge-colored arrogance to lock the position of each enemy.

Then use the ability of the space gem to make the thread appear in the right place.

Finally, manipulate these silk threads to carry out the real assassination.

After confirming that he had made all the preparations, Roger did not hesitate, and at the same time manipulated the thread that appeared out of thin air in every corner of the Dark Star.

Silk threads exuding blue-purple light appeared in an instant.

Then, like a bullet or a sharp knife, lightning struck everyone in the Dark Star.

Whether it's the Kree fighters who are ready to go, the maintenance technicians who are doing nothing, or the operators who are busy in various positions.

Everyone in the Dark Star ushered in the silk thread attack at the same time.

The sound of silk thread piercing the head or cutting the neck resounded continuously in the dark asterisk.

Before the Kerry people in the Dark Star realized anything, they were killed by the sharp silk threads that emerged out of thin air.

Knowledge-colored domineering sensed the life signal, and 90.00% of it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Strange and deadly threads appeared in every corner of the Dark Star like the scythe of death.

With just one attack, the Dark Star ushered in the biggest casualties since the start of the war.

Before the surviving Kree fighters could react, Roger started the second attack.

Just like before, the knowledgeable domineering locked the target position, and the silk thread of the thread fruit was responsible for the fatal blow.

Although these Kerry fighters already have a certain degree of vigilance.

But in the face of the elusive silk thread, their vigilance could not save their lives.

After repeating this step two or three times, only the last life signal remained in the Dark Star.

Ronan the Accuser!
Except for Ronan, all the Cree people in the Dark Star died under the thread controlled by Roger.

Without even a chance to resist, they held hands and lined up to go to hell.

From landing on the Dark Star to the end of the attack, less than five seconds had passed in total.

But in this short period of less than five seconds, Roger ended the lives of thousands of Kree people, and made the Dark Star enter the point where no one could control it.

At this time, Ronan in the bridge showed an extremely ugly expression.

Although he escaped the silk thread's attack, his subordinates were not as lucky as him.

The bridge, which was bustling just now, was the only one left in the blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for this weird thread attack that happened right in front of him and took away the lives of his subordinates, he couldn't believe that there would be such a weird and deadly attack in this world.

Although he still doesn't know exactly what happened until now, but he is sure that this weird phenomenon has something to do with the glittering Roger.

Just as he was holding the warhammer "universal weapon" tightly with both hands, and was wary of the silk thread appearing again and launched an attack, a slightly illusory space door appeared in front of him.

As soon as this transparent space door was formed, a man with glittering gold came out from it.

"An alien from Earth?"

After seeing Roger appear, Ronan asked vigilantly.

When investigating the Wanli Sunshine, he also knew the purpose of the battleship going to Earth.

Coupled with the weird attack just now, he took Roger as a stranger for granted.


Roger frowned.

"Looking at you, you probably want to seize the Dark Star, come on, let me see what you are capable of!"

As soon as the words fell, Ronan swung the war hammer in his hand, and a shock wave lightning that was not much weaker than the energy cannon struck Roger.

Seeing the shock wave that was getting closer and closer to him, Roger did not dodge or dodge, standing still and letting the shock wave attack him.

In his elemental state, he doesn't need to worry about these attacks at all.

Nearly transparent shock waves generally swept in.

It then went straight through Roger's body, hitting the metal wall behind him.

There was a sudden impact sound from a distance, and cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the metal walls.

Seeing that the shock wave had absolutely no effect on Roger, Ronan's face became even uglier.

He knows that there are many special races in the universe.

But in his memory, on the backward earth, there is no such special race that can ignore attacks.

At this moment, he began to doubt Roger's identity.

Although Roger's appearance looks a lot like an earthling, the abilities he displays are not earthly at all.

"Who are you?" Ronan asked again.

"My name is Roger, and I'm a pirate!"


Ronan quickly recalled in his mind, but did not recall any information related to pirates.

It's normal not to remember.

Roger only said that he was a pirate in ignorance.

And those villains who knew that he was a pirate were forcibly recruited by him without exception, and became his cannon fodder.

Glancing at Ronan, who was full of vigilance, Roger tapped his right foot lightly on the ground.

Then, a space gate with a diameter of tens of meters floated on the ground out of thin air.

Although Ronan noticed the abnormality at the first time, he had no chance to leave in front of Roger, and fell into the space door without any suspense.

When Ronan fell into the green space, Roger also directly entered the green space and closed the space door.

In the silk thread assassination attack just now, he didn't specifically keep his hands on Ronan.

Ronan can survive purely because of his own strength.

A person who can resist the blowback of the power gem with his body can't be a weak person.

If Ronan had no strength at all, it would be impossible for him to become the supreme accuser of the Kree Empire and the commander of the accuser regiment.

To some extent, Ronan is one of the most powerful existences in the Kerry Empire.

In Roger's memory, Ronan has a super ability to adapt to the environment, can be immune to most toxins and viruses, and has a longer lifespan than ordinary Cree.

In addition, he also has super self-healing ability, super fast movement speed and agility, as well as extraordinary strength and endurance, and he has excellent fighting skills and weapon skills.

Outstanding physique and skills are only part of Ronan's strength.

The warhammer called "Universal Weapon" in his hand should not be underestimated either.

The "universal weapon" warhammer can realize the manipulation of matter by disintegrating or reorganizing molecules or atoms, changing the gravity and density of matter.

In addition, the "universal weapon" can also perform energy absorption, energy manipulation, create energy shields, launch shock waves, and control lightning.

More importantly, the "universal weapon" can also create a force field, create a "time movement field", and carry out "hyperspace" teleportation.

It is said that Ronan at his peak can even create black holes and manipulate time.

Although this is how it is described in the comics, Roger is skeptical of the description.

It's not that he looks down on Ronan, but creating black holes and manipulating time, no matter how you look at it, it's not something that "universal weapons" can do.

Creating black holes and manipulating time, in his opinion, can only be achieved by universe-level treasures of the level of infinite gems.

For example, use the space gem to create a black hole, and use the time gem to manipulate time.

Although Ronan's warhammer "universal weapon" is also a rare and precious existence, it is obviously still a long way from the infinite gems.

"Don't be afraid. Although this is a different space that I control, the home field advantage is not as great as you think."

Roger explained something to Ronan.

However, his explanation didn't have any effect, instead it made Ronan more vigilant.

Although he hasn't officially played against Roger yet, he already regards Roger as a formidable opponent who needs to go all out.

Whether it was the silk thread attack that Roger used before, or the act of ignoring the shock wave just now, he was extremely impressed.

At this time, he finally understood why the Kree fighters who went to the earth to capture aliens could not even send out a message for help, and their entire army was wiped out on the earth.

The existence of this kind of strength, not to mention the average strength of the Cree team, even if Ronan personally took action, there is no guarantee that the task will be completed.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!"

Ronan held a warhammer in his fighting stance.

Looking at Ronan who was completely serious, Roger didn't hesitate, raising his hand was a laser beam.

He didn't intend to bully Ronan by taking advantage of the home court advantage of the green space.

call out!
The golden light came in an instant, directly hitting Ronan's head.

Facing this lightning-fast blow, Ronan showed the qualities that an excellent fighter should have.

He raised his hands slightly, and at the moment when the laser light was about to hit his head, he blocked the hammer head in front of him.

At the same time, a transparent but amazingly defensive energy shield instantly emerged, standing in front of him like a wall.

The laser light hit the square hammer head of the "universal weapon" without any suspense, and exploded.

A powerful shock wave scattered with the explosion.

Although the explosion was right in front of him, Ronan didn't take a step back and used his energy shield to resist this powerful attack wave.

The golden light became the only color in Ronan's eyes, completely blocking his vision.

While using the energy shield to block the shock wave, he activated the "universal weapon" again, extending the energy shield to a 360-degree full-envelopment form with no dead ends.

In front of Roger, he didn't dare to be careless.

And his experience told him that Roger's attack would definitely not be that simple.

As he expected, before the golden light of the explosion dissipated, a golden beam of light thicker than laser light descended from the sky.

Lightspeed kick!

Roger's right leg volleys towards Ronan.

Accompanied by the kick, a large number of photons instantly accelerated to a terrifying level, hitting Ronan like a laser.

Ronan's caution paid off in this moment.

The astonishing explosion, which was far more powerful than laser light, was blocked by the energy shield he urged with all his strength.


Just when Ronan was thankful that he had extended the energy shield to his whole body without any dead ends, he heard a voice that shouldn't have existed.

This sound, as if glass was about to shatter, made his mood sink suddenly.

Almost at the moment when he heard the shattering sound, Ronan felt an indescribable blow, and he flew upside down uncontrollably, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

how can that be!

Ronan never thought that the speed of light kick was so powerful that it could break the energy shield with one kick.

As the owner of the "universal weapon", he knows better than anyone how powerful the energy shield fully activated is.

But now, Roger's light-speed kick seemed to shatter his dream, making him feel the cruelty of reality.

Without having time to pay attention to the sharp pain coming from his chest, Ronan activated the energy shield again.


No more passive defense!
Several new ideas quickly emerged in Ronan's mind.

Not long after these ideas appeared, they were overturned one by one by him.

Ordinary means can't resist the monster-like Roger.

Amazing speed and power, immune to general physical defense...

Ronan turned his attention to the most powerful ability of the "universal weapon".

Time moves to the mobile realm!

Only this kind of "hyperspace" general mind movement ability can escape Roger's attack.

Although the field of time movement movement is an undoubted powerful ability, Ronan has no intention of using this trick immediately.

The reason is simple, the more powerful the move, the heavier the burden.

With his current strength, he can only use the time movement field five times at most in one day.

Five times!

He only has five chances to beat Roger.

However, the problem is that the current him does not have a final and powerful attack move.

The time movement field can allow him to avoid Roger's attack, or instantly come to Roger's blind spot.

But he still lacks the ability to really hurt Roger.

For the average Cree, Ronan's strength is all-round.

Strength, speed, physique, experience, skills, weapons and equipment are all in top condition.

In other words, Ronan is like a perfect hexagonal warrior with full marks for all attributes.

However, the problem is that this so-called all-round strength is judged according to the standards of the Cree Empire.

Could it really be that we can only wait to die?

For the first time in a fight Ronan felt powerless.

After kicking Ronan with the speed of light, Roger did not immediately launch a second wave of attacks.

Although he is now suspected of cheating, he does not intend to cancel the elementalization.

Speaking of it, Ronan was not lucky enough, if he didn't meet Roger, or in other words, he didn't meet Roger who had raised the sparkling fruit to Lv5.

Even if he would still fail, he wouldn't fail so helplessly.

Not to mention the immunity of elementalization to physical attacks.

The fruit level has been raised to Lv5's Glittering Fruit, and the increase in attack power is no different from opening it.

In this case, not to mention Ronan, even Saul would be troubled.

(End of this chapter)

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