Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 132 The Past of the Inhumans

Chapter 132 The Past of the Inhumans
After hearing what Nick Fury said, Roger smiled disdainfully.

"Make a deal with me with something that doesn't belong to you, do you think I'm stupid?"

Let’s not talk about what kind of spaceship the Cree’s spaceship is, just Nick Fury’s act of trying to empty the white wolf, there is no sincerity at all.

"Then what do you want?"

Nick Fury didn't show any embarrassment, and asked calmly.

"Essence devouring beast! I know it's not dead, and it's still alive and kicking."

After thinking for a few seconds, Roger gave his answer.

Among the things that Nick Fury can give now, the only thing that is considered valuable is the Yuan Devourer.

As for the black technology products developed by S.H.I.E.L.D., Roger doesn't like any of them now.

With the help of Sharon Carter, Don Quixote Group absorbed a large number of technical R&D personnel who originally belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Especially after obtaining the Hydra R&D materials provided by Baron Zemo, Don Quixote Group now has neither technical personnel nor various R&D materials.

Unless Nick Fury can give a black technology product such as a steel suit, or a cosmic treasure such as a space gem, otherwise, the Yuan Devourer should be the most valuable thing in Nick Fury's hands.

Nick Fury never imagined that what Roger wanted would be the Yuan Devouring Beast Goo Goo.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, he agreed to Roger's request.

"No problem, I can give you the Yuan Devouring Beast, but I don't guarantee that it will listen to you."

"Since you know Yuan Devourer, you should know that it is one of the most dangerous creatures in the universe."

Having said that, Nick Fury felt a little pain in his left eye again.

"You don't need to worry about this, I naturally have a way to deal with it."

Whether it is dangerous or not is relative to personal strength.

For ordinary people, Yuan Devouring Beast is indeed dangerous.

But for Roger, Yuan Devourer is at best a naughty orange cat.

If he couldn't even tame the devouring beast, then he would be too embarrassing for a devil fruit capable user.

"By the way, since you mentioned the Cree spaceship, I want the spaceship too."

Roger didn't intend to have the Kree spaceship in the first place.

But Nick Fury's straightforward attitude made him change his mind.

Even the Yuan Devourer can be handed over so simply, it is not impossible to hand over the Kerry spaceship.

Looking at Roger who temporarily increased the price, Nick Fury's face became a little ugly.

However, he finally agreed to Roger's request.

"The spaceship can be given to you, but the captured weapons and equipment belong to us."

Now that the remuneration has been discussed, the next step is naturally the specific action content.

The content of the action is very simple. Nick Fury and others are responsible for formulating specific plans, and what Roger has to do is to provide them with military support.

A few days ago, Rogers, Natasha and others fought against those Cree people once.

From the results, the two sides should be regarded as evenly divided.

But Nick Fury is obviously not very satisfied with the result.

The elite team composed of Rogers, Natasha, Falcon, Hawkeye, Mockingbird Barbara, and iron cavalry Melinda was blocked by the same number of Kerry warriors.

According to their investigation, there are at least a dozen of such six-person teams in the Kerry spacecraft.

Thus, a very embarrassing question arises.

Nick Fury and others have neither advanced combat power that can absolutely suppress the opponent, nor do they have an advantage in numbers.

To solve this problem, they approached Roger.

Of course, in addition to Roger, they have several other options.

For example, Tony, who has become Iron Man.

However, from the perspective of strength, Roger is always their first choice.

Tony's steel suit does have a lot of high technology, but the technology of the Cree is not weak.

In any case, the Kerry Empire is a cosmic civilization, and the technology they possess is far beyond what the Earth can match.

"The departure time is set in three days. Is there any problem?"

Nick Fury briefly introduced the situation of the Kree spaceship and the Kree fighters, but he did not disclose the specific location of the Kree to Roger.

Although a verbal agreement has been reached now, he is still somewhat wary of Roger.

If he told Roger the location of the Kree people now, he was afraid that Roger would leave them behind and take everything including the Kree spaceship as his own.

"I'm OK!"

Roger knew what Nick Fury was worried about, but he didn't make it clear.

Now he is no longer the poor and white lone ranger. He still doesn't like those Kerry equipment.

Compared with spaceships that can jump between stars, those equipments are just insignificant.

After communicating the details, Roger started the silk portal to leave the bar and returned to the manor.

When he left the bar completely, Rogers with a rough beard said to Nick Fury: "I still don't trust him. He is not the kind of teammate who can make people feel relieved to hand over their backs."

"I can understand what you're thinking, but he's the strongest foreign player we've been able to find during this time."

Although Rogers has proved with his actions, he can definitely be trusted.

But Nick Fury still has no plans to disclose all the information.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, he didn't want to cooperate with Roger either.

If that woman was there, Roger wouldn't be so arrogant.

Although he thought so in his heart, Nick Fury knew better than anyone that that woman was not something he could control.

After returning to the manor, Roger called Daisy's mother Jia Ying.

For some reason, he always felt that the appearance of the Cree people had something to do with other people like Jia Ying.

"We haven't encountered any trouble recently, have you received any news?"

Jia Ying asked suspiciously.

Although the current cooperative relationship, Luo Jie does not have much contact with Jia Ying.

Apart from asking the Don Quixote Group to arrange a legal identity for those aliens to integrate into society, there is not much communication between them.

Of course, these identities are not arranged randomly.

In return, Jia Ying will provide Dr. Connors with some designated alien biological samples to meet Dr. Connors' research needs.

Until now, Dr. Connors still has not given up on the crazy idea of ​​promoting human evolution by studying aliens.

And with the deepening of the research, Dr. Connors became more and more fanatical, completely turning into a mad scientist.

If it weren't for Roger's suppression, Dr. Connors might have started inhumane and illegal human experiments.

"The Cree are coming to Earth!"

Roger did not hide Jia Ying, and told her the news that the Cree had come to Earth.


Knowing that the Cree had come to Earth, Jia Ying's tone suddenly became a little abnormal.

After thinking for a while, she continued, "Are you free to come to the afterlife now?"


Although he didn't know what Jia Ying was going to talk to him about, but from Jia Ying's strange tone, he heard something was wrong.

The Kree operation was three days away, and he now had plenty of time to travel to the afterlife.

After hanging up the phone, he cast the silk thread portal, creating a space passage leading directly to the afterlife.

Seconds later, he had traveled from his New York estate to his afterlife in the Himalayas.

As soon as he walked out of the portal, Gordon, wearing sunglasses, appeared beside him shining brilliantly.

Under Gordon's quantum teleportation, he came to a secret safe house located underground in the afterlife.

Unlike those buildings with the classical florist style, this secret safe house located underground is extremely modern.

If he didn't know that this was the afterlife, he would have thought that he had come to Tony's mansion by the sea.

After bringing Roger to this modern room, Gordon nodded to Jia Ying who was wearing a cheongsam.

Afterwards, he cast quantum teleportation and left the room.

"This is my secret safe house. The area is not very large, less than 300 square meters, about 50 meters above the ground. There is no conventional entrance, and it can only be entered through Gordon's teleportation."

"Besides me and Gordon, the only person who knows this place exists is you."

Jia Ying spoke casually, but Roger heard something different.

It is obviously impossible for Jia Ying and Gordon to build this underground safe house, which means that the people who built this safe house have been properly "disposed".

Otherwise, it is impossible for the only people who know this place to be the three of them.

"You asked Gordon to bring me here, probably not to let me see your safe house."

Roger was not polite to Jia Ying, and came to the small bar in the corner of the room, and picked out a bottle of whiskey that was not bad.

"Since you know the origin of the Yiren, then you should also know that the Yiren are not the only ones of ours."

Jia Ying didn't continue talking, but looked at Roger with a smile.

She was testing Roger, testing whether he really knew another unknown alien.

"I know that they are aliens living in the city of Attilan on the moon."

Of course Roger knew about the existence of the alien on the moon.

And compared with Jia Ying and others, the aliens in Attilan are more orthodox.

Although they all need to awaken super powers through the Terrigen Mist, the Inhumans in Attilan City have mastered super technology that Jia Ying and others do not have.

"The city of Attilan is a mobile city created by our ancestors 7000 years ago. It was established under the leadership of King Mailan, the king of the Inhumans at that time."

"In the past thousands of years, we aliens have been living in Attilan City and have not had any contact with human society."

"The last place where the city of Attilan stayed on the earth is the Himalayas where we are now."

"Because the earth's environment is getting worse and worse, decades ago, the current king of the Inhumans, Black Bolt, decided to leave the earth and move the city of Attilan to the blue zone of the moon."

"Since then, the Inhumans have been split into two branches."

"One is the aliens of the moon who have retained a complete inheritance, and the other is the aliens of the earth who were abandoned on the earth."

While Jia Ying was talking about the past of Attilan, Roger poured two glasses of whiskey and handed one of them to Jia Ying.

Although he knew about the existence of Black Bolt King and Attilan City early in the morning, his understanding was very limited, far inferior to that of Jia Ying.

He even suspected that Jia Ying was the witness when the city of Attilan was relocated and left the earth.

Judging from the longevity endowed by her superpower, she is likely to have personally witnessed the departure of Attilan.

"Does this have anything to do with the Cree coming to Earth?"

Although the history of aliens told by Jia Ying is quite attractive, Roger doesn't think it has anything to do with the Cree who suddenly came to Earth.

After taking a sip of the whiskey in the glass, Jia Ying said slowly, "I'm not dissatisfied with Black Bolt King's decision to relocate Attilan City, but they shouldn't abandon us like abandoned children!"

"We are the same family, the same family with the same root and origin!"

Jia Ying's tone became more and more excited.

Looking at Jia Ying, whose face was full of anger, Roger frowned.

What's wrong with her?
Just because the Kree came to Earth?

"Well, calm down first, I still don't understand, what does this have to do with the Cree coming to Earth?"

Roger is not a stranger, he can't understand Jia Ying's dissatisfaction with being abandoned.

But he could understand Jia Ying's anger.

This feeling of being abandoned should be similar to being suddenly abandoned by the country one loves.

"Inhumans are the product of the Cree's research on mutant soldiers, just like the super soldiers developed by you humans."

"The experiment was successful, but for some unknown reason, the Cree suddenly gave up the experiment and left our ancestors on Earth."

"The Kree came for us, and they wanted us to be their soldiers again, human weapons to die for them."

I have to say that Jia Ying's thinking was a little jumpy.

Although her statement has a basis, there is no evidence to support her statement.

"How did you know this? You didn't even know that the Cree came to Earth, and how did you make sure that their purpose was to arrest you?"

Roger asked suspiciously.

"You told me!" Jia Ying looked at Roger with a wry smile.

"Did I tell you?"

Luo Jie couldn't keep up with Jia Ying's thinking more and more.

"I thought that the city of Attilan moved out of the earth just because the earth's environment is getting worse."

"But now it seems that the migration of Attilan City to the earth, in addition to environmental factors, also has the purpose of avoiding the Cree."

"If the Cree don't come, we aliens on Earth can survive as a branch."

"If the Kree come, we'll be pariahs for the Kree's needs."

Logically speaking, Jia Ying's inference still makes some sense.

However, all of this is Jia Ying's speculation, and there is no evidence to support her statement.

Moreover, Roger instinctively felt that Black Bolt King didn't seem like someone who would make such a decision.

If Black Bolt King doesn't have much strength, maybe there is such a possibility.

But the problem is that Black Bolt is not generally strong.

With the existence of such a powerful force, it is unlikely to do this kind of practice of abandoning the people in exchange for peace.

 PS: Thank you for your favorite blank, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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