Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 125 Sparring

Chapter 125 Sparring
In a forest in the suburbs of New York.

After Daisy and Cora agreed, Roger used the silk portal to bring them here.

"Although this is not a real battle, you'd better use your full strength."

Before the battle started, Roger specially reminded Daisy and the two of them.

Although Daisy and Cora had awakened their super powers a long time ago, Jia Ying did not let them participate in any actual combat.

The usual training is also mainly training in the control of superpowers.

So what kind of combat power the two of them possessed, not to mention Roger didn't know, even their mother Jia Ying didn't know.

When Roger threw the suit jacket into the different space in his body, Daisy and Cora looked at each other.

Then, he decisively attacked Roger.

I saw the two of them raised their right hands at the same time, and displayed their superpowers without saying a word.

The orange-yellow energy ray and the transparent shock wave flew towards Roger at the same time.

Line flow wall!
Daisy and the two had just launched an attack, and a white line wall with a light blue light and several dog head reliefs appeared in front of Roger.

The orange-yellow energy and the transparent shock wave slammed into the wall, making a deafening crash.

Before the momentum of the explosion dissipated, Roger jumped out from behind the wire wall.

I saw him jumping onto the wire wall very easily, with a light tap of his toes on the wire wall, his whole body flew towards the two sisters Daisy like a cannonball.

At the same time as attacking Daisy and the two of them, a white thread stick more than one meter long appeared in his right hand.

With more and more moves mastered, Roger has rarely used silk threads to condense into cold melee weapons such as thread knives and sticks.

But now, he used this move again.

Roger's speed was fast, but Daisy's reaction was not slow either.

Before he came in front of Daisy with a long stick, Daisy and Cora launched a second wave of attacks.

Still the same as before, Daisy and Cora still emitted orange-yellow energy and transparent shock waves.

In the blink of an eye, energy rays and shock waves came in front of Roger.

However, just when the energy ray and the shock wave were about to hit him, he made a move that was totally beyond Daisy's expectations.

The white stick made of condensed silk thread was thrown out by him like a javelin, and lightning flew towards Daisy.

Space, replace!
As soon as the white stick flew out, it disappeared from the sight of Daisy and the two of them.

Instead, it was Roger who was about to be hit by energy rays and shock waves.

By assimilating the space power obtained after assimilating the space gem, Roger instantly switched the positions of himself and the white stick, making the stick a target of the attack, while he took the opportunity to get rid of the attack.

The effect of space replacement, in his opinion, is somewhat similar to the substitute technique in the Naruto world next door, in that they use other objects to take the attack instead of themselves.

The only difference is that space replacement also involves space power.

The white thread stick hit by the energy ray and the shock wave was instantly blown away, and Roger took the opportunity to come in front of Daisy and the two.

Facing Daisy and Cora who obviously hadn't reacted yet, he was not polite, and Lightning swung his fist.

In a flash, he threw two punches one after another.

Daisy and Cora didn't even have time to take a defensive stance before being hit in the lower abdomen by him, and the severe pain spread all over their bodies in an instant.

For Daisy and the others, Roger's fist can be regarded as powerful.

But in fact, he didn't use much strength, and even intentionally controlled his own strength.

Although Daisy both have superpowers, their physiques are still normal.

If Roger didn't hold back, these two punches could kill them directly.

Daisy and Cora, who were hit by him in the lower abdomen, couldn't help covering their stomachs, and put on pain masks at the same time.

Experience is still too little!
Seeing the pained expressions on the faces of Daisy and Daisy, Roger did not continue to attack them, but stepped back silently.

Although he knew from the beginning that Daisy and the two had no combat experience, their performance was even worse than he had imagined.

It's so easy to get close by the enemy, and the superpower attack method is a bit too monotonous.

"Is this all your strength?"

Roger asked.

Daisy and Cora didn't answer him, but just looked up at him.

Afterwards, the two of them attacked in an incomparably tacit understanding.

Cora's body shone with an orange-yellow light, and Daisy's body burst into circles of shock waves.

Without any communication, they attacked Roger at the same time.

Unlike before using super powers to perform long-range attacks, this time, they decisively changed their tactics.

I saw the two of them attacking Roger at the same time, one from the left and the other from the right, displaying the fighting skills they learned from Sharon Carter.

However, before the fists of the two of them came to Roger, they were shot flying like baseballs.

"I've made some progress, and I can actually combine my superpowers with fighting.

However, it is not enough! "

Roger felt the feeling of slapping Daisy and Cora just now, and said with a serious face.

Because of gender, he couldn't slap the two of them on the face, so he could only slap them on the chest in a relatively gentle way, sending them flying.

Although the contact time is very short, he has already felt the difference between Daisy and Cora.

Cora is indeed the older sister, relatively speaking, she is more majestic.

As for Daisy, perhaps because she looks more Asian, she is a little less majestic than Cora.

However, considering that Daisy has only just reached adulthood, and there is still room for growth in the future, Roger is not sure what will become of her in the end.

Although being shot away by Roger, or pushed out, Daisy and Cora did not suffer much damage.

Except for a little chest tightness and shortness of breath at the beginning, none of them suffered any obvious injuries.

Perhaps it was a bit uncomfortable to be hit twice in a row, or it might be that they finally realized the gap between themselves and Roger, and in the following battles, their performances became better each time.

Of course, they can have the chance to come back again and again, which is inseparable from Roger's retention.

More than half an hour later, Daisy and Cora lay on the grass with disheveled hair and sweat profusely, panting heavily.

Unlike Daisy, who was limp and limp on the ground, Roger at this moment had a calm face, with an indescribable ease in his whole body.

Fighting against Daisy, or in other words, having been a sparring partner for more than half an hour, not only did he not feel any fatigue, but he didn't even break out a drop of sweat.

"The awakened super powers of both of you are good, but you haven't displayed the power you should have at all. In other words, you have wasted your talents.

Continue to practice, now you don't talk about dealing with powerful enemies, even ordinary people in the army, you may not be able to win. "

After speaking, Roger did not go to help Daisy and the two, but manipulated the silk thread to lift them up and brought them back to the Don Quixote Building.

After handing Daisy to Sharon Carter and asking her to increase the training level of Daisy in the future, he left the office and returned to the apartment where he lived.

Although Daisy's performance was worse than he expected, but considering that they had not participated in any battles before and they were not particularly old, Roger was not too disappointed.

It is obviously unrealistic to eat food one bite at a time, and to become fat in a short period of time.

Time passed day by day, and soon, more than half a month passed.

After fighting against Roger and getting their first fiasco in their lives, both Daisy and Cora gave up their plans to go to other departments and put all their energy on cultivation.

Regarding their decision, Roger didn't say anything, but just told Sharon Carter to keep an eye on Daisy and Daisy's body, lest they accidentally cripple themselves.

When Daisy and the two were practicing frantically, he was not idle, and continued to develop and improve the fruit of the line.

After owning the magma fruit and the sparkling fruit, he slacked up a lot in the cultivation of the thread fruit.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no urgent matter, he plans to raise the level of the thread fruit to Lv5 to prepare for the awakening of the thread fruit.

However, he didn't know if it was because of assimilating the space gem, but when he was cultivating the fruit of the line, he discovered a very serious problem.

It wasn't an easy level upgrade at first, but after assimilating the space gem, it became more difficult.

Although it took more than half a month to cultivate the fruit of the line, he still did not see the hope of improving the fruit of the line.

Of course, the practice during this period is not without any benefits.

After practicing for this period of time, his control over the silk thread has become more detailed.

To give a simple example, in the past, he could only control one doll of Shadow Rider, but now, he can control two at the same time.

After discovering that he could increase the number of clone dolls in the shadow riding line, the two puppet techniques of the white secret technique, Jinsong ten people and the red secret technique, a hundred machines, unconsciously appeared in his mind.

Maybe one day I can also control ten or even a hundred shadow riding string clone dolls at a time.

Although this goal seems a bit far away, it may not be impossible to achieve it if you continue to practice.

However, after the number of dolls in the shadow riding line changed from one to two, what he did most was not to control the two dolls to fight at the same time, but to control the two dolls to fight the landlord together.

Just when he was planning to increase the number of clone dolls to three and upgrade Doudizhu to playing mahjong, Jia Yi, who is in charge of the intelligence department, suddenly received a message.

After receiving Jiayi's report, Roger used the silk thread portal to arrive at the information center without even changing his training clothes.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Baron Zemo took the initiative to find our intelligence personnel and said that he wanted to meet with you, young master."

A quickly answered.

In fact, Jia Yi is also full of questions now.

"Did he say anything else?" Roger continued.

"No! Our intelligence officers are bringing him back, and he is expected to be back in New York in ten hours."

"Okay, I see, you will notify me when he arrives!"

After speaking, Roger left the intelligence center and returned to the apartment where he lived.

Although he didn't know exactly what Baron Zemo was planning, one thing he could be sure of was that the still-shattering fruit he was longing for should be available soon.

Ten hours later, in a manor in the suburbs of New York.

"You want to see me because you are tired of work. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

In the study, Roger said to Baron Zemo.

"I don't know where Hydra offended you, but I don't think I offended you.

So if you don't mind, I'd like to negotiate a deal with you. "

Baron Zemo, who was wearing a brown fur coat, had a calm face, without any expression of nervousness or fear.

"Deal? I don't think you are qualified to negotiate a deal with me."

For ordinary people, Baron Zemo is rich and powerful, and he also has a certain fighting power.

But to Roger, there was nothing about Baron Zemo that interested him.

"Whether I am qualified or not, you will know after reading this."

After speaking, Baron Zemo took out a black USB flash drive from his coat pocket.

Looking at the USB flash drive that Baron Zemo handed over, Roger glanced at him suspiciously.

Before sending Baron Zemo to the manor, the first class conducted a detailed body search on him.

Except that the clothes on his body were not taken off, there should be nothing on Baron Zemo.

Even his purple headgear was taken away by Jiayi and the others.

"This U disk, where did you hide it before?"

Roger didn't really want to take this USB flash drive, he thought of some not very good pictures.

"You still care about this?" Baron Zemo asked back.

"Of course!"

Roger refused to touch the USB flash drive in Baron Zemo's hand, pointed to the laptop on the table and said, "Open it yourself."

Baron Zemo smiled, then stood up, inserted the USB flash drive into the laptop, and opened the files inside.

There are not many files in the USB flash drive, only a dozen pages.

The rest are photos and videos.

After watching the photos and videos, Roger was silent for a few seconds before he said, "Can you ensure the authenticity of these things?"

"If it's not true, how dare I come to see you. By the way, I forgot to tell you something, I have quit Hydra.

Everything in Hydra, I turn over to those fanatics. "

Baron Zemo's tone was relaxed and sounded sincere, but Roger didn't choose to believe it for the first time.

Whether he has withdrawn from Hydra, he does not count, but the system does.

The system judged that he was not Hydra anymore, so he really quit Hydra.

Otherwise, no matter how gaudy he said, Roger didn't mind breaking his neck.

After carefully looking at Baron Zemo for a few seconds, he turned on the system and glanced at the bounty mission.

"Advanced Bounty Mission: Obtain the Cosmic Cube and Destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra!"

"Advanced Reward (Destroy Two Organizations): Shocking Fruit; Task Progress: Not Completed!"

(End of this chapter)

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