Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 12 The Hunt Begins

Chapter 12 The Hunt Begins

Seventeen enemies!
Five with rifles left!

Roger hid in the corner of the rooftop, counting the number of enemies below.

Because of the silent attack of the "stretch thread", until now, he still has not revealed his whereabouts, and he has the absolute initiative.

However, now he still has no plans to go down and fight with these action players.

As long as the action team members below can be eliminated, it doesn't matter whether it is a sneak attack or a frontal attack.

This is not called Congxin, this is called reasonable tactical arrangement.

When these action members formed a defensive formation to guard against attacks from the dark, Roger's hands continuously shot out almost transparent thin lines, quickly setting up the battlefield he imagined.

The Osborne Group's convoys are all concentrated near the factory gate, and there are three roads extending from the factory gate.

Regardless of whether these action members of the Osborne Group intend to evacuate or escape, they can only choose one of the three paths.

Of course, in addition to evacuating and fleeing, they have another option, which is to ask for help from the group headquarters.

But even if they asked for help, it would be at least half an hour before the reinforcements arrived.

During this time, Roger had enough time to complete his arrangement.

Nearly transparent sharp thin lines were shot out one by one by him.

At this time, like a spider, he "weaved" an imperceptible hunting net around the three roads and the convoy.

After doing all this, he once again set his sights on the operatives near the convoy.

"Hunting, start!"

After muttering silently in his heart, he raised his right hand and shot a silk thread towards the opposite building.

Afterwards, he took the initiative to expose his tracks, and landed on the roof of the truck with the metal cage like a spiderman swinging a silk thread.

bang bang bang...

Almost the moment he landed on the roof of the truck, the five action members with rifles aimed at him immediately and pulled the trigger decisively.

In addition to the five action players with rifles, other team members also shot at him frantically with pistols.

All of a sudden, there was a loud gunshot.

Roger was very aware of his current physique. Just when the action team members pointed their guns at him, he jumped off the roof of the car, using the truck as a barrier against bullets.

bang bang bang bang...

Although his figure has been completely covered by the truck compartment, these action members did not stop shooting.

Not only that, these operatives were also divided into several teams, outflanking him from different directions.

Just as these action members were covering the shooting and slowly approaching him, Roger closed his eyes and seriously felt the slight touch from his left hand.

Every finger of his left hand is connected with a thin almost transparent thread.

These five thin threads are respectively wound around the silk threads at various positions on the "hunting net".

Index finger area, four enemies!
Feeling the faint vibration from the thin line of the index finger of his left hand, Roger did not hesitate, and gently hooked the index finger.

The moment he hooked his left index finger, the hunting net he had arranged in the "index finger area" shrank suddenly.

All the thin threads in the "index finger area" tensed instantly, like a sharp knife across the bodies of these action players.

Although all the thin lines on the field were arranged by himself, he himself is not particularly sure where these thin lines will cut the action players.

The only thing he can be sure of is that the enemies who entered the "index finger area" will be attacked by dozens of thin lines from different directions.

what! ! !
The tragic cry sounded immediately!
Along with these screams, there was the continuous gunfire.

The sudden accident made all the action team members on the scene unconsciously look for shelters and at the same time look for the source of the attack.

However, their vigilance and search are destined to be in vain.

After confirming this tactic called "hunting net", Roger completely gave up the idea of ​​fighting head-on.

He is not Doflamingo, and for the time being, he can't do the kind of action that uses the fruit of the thread to confront a large number of enemies head-on.

Thumb area!

Ring finger area!
The thumb and ring finger of the left hand vibrated one after another.

Without thinking about it, he hooked his left thumb and ring finger at the same time.

The "hunting net" on the thumb area and the ring finger area contracted at the same time, and the sound of the thin wire cutting the flesh sounded at the same time.

In just a split second, the action team members in the thumb and ring finger area fell to the ground one after another, howling in pain.

Until now, these action members have not figured out what is going on, let alone where these deadly thin lines come from.

However, there is no need for them to continue thinking about this issue.

Because Roger intends to put an end to this hunt now.

The hunting nets on the thumb, index finger, and ring finger have eliminated eleven enemies.

Although there are still six enemies who have not stepped into the "hunting net" trap he carefully prepared, but this is irrelevant.

While the injured operatives were wailing in pain, Roger opened the door of the van and started the van containing Professor Lizard.

The truck starts!

Roger tied all the five thin wires on his left hand to the front of the truck, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

When he activated the hunting net on the three areas of his thumb, index finger, and ring finger just now, he did not use his own physical strength, but the powerful power that comes with the thread fruit when it recovers the thin thread.

Otherwise, with just the strength of his fingers, it would be impossible for him to activate the "hunting nets" in those three areas.

But now, he intends to borrow the power of technology.

After stepping on the accelerator to the bottom, the black truck rushed out like a mad bison, and the thin wire wrapped around the front of the car directly pulled the entire "hunting net".

The "hunting net" covering the factory gates was completely pulled, and all action members within the range of the "hunting net" were greeted with thin lines of attacks from all directions.

The action team members were not the only ones who were attacked, even the parked vehicles were streaked by these nearly transparent sharp thin lines one after another.

Even the truck that Roger was driving was also attacked by a thin line.

But with him as the instigator, the fate of the truck is much luckier than those SUVs that were cut.

The messy and deadly thin wires hit everyone and vehicles near the factory gate like a fishing net.

Glancing at the miserable situation behind through the broken rearview mirror, Roger untied all the strings of the string fruit, and drove the truck to disappear at the end of the street.

Perfect for a hunt!
Although the tactics are a bit wretched and insidious, the effect is still very satisfying.

 PS: New book please ****~~~
(End of this chapter)

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