All-Professional Trainer

Chapter 87 Reaching a Consensus

Chapter 87 Reaching a Consensus
In the small teahouse, when Li Feng was rubbing the medicine for A Fei, Liang Xinrong, after careful consideration, finally took out his mobile phone and called Taihe.

"Have you already obtained the copyright of "Crazy Fate"?" As soon as the connection was made, Tai He's impatient voice came from inside.

"Not yet." Liang Xinrong shook his head.

"Not yet? Bastard, you promised me a month ago that you would get all the copyrights for "The Legend of the Second World". Are you telling me now?" Taihe roared angrily: "Do you know that, "The Legend of the Second World"? How popular is "The Fate" now? Did you know that the author of "The Second Life" is an outrageously beautiful little girl? The effect of adding the two together is not that one plus one equals two, but one multiplied by one It’s equal to a hundred.”

Liang Xinrong was speechless, this old guy seemed to be on the verge of being furious, and he was a little confused.

Fortunately, I finally reached a consensus with Lin Siyun.

He was secretly thankful, sorted out his thoughts a little bit, and said before Taihe erupted: "Editor Tai, don't rush to get angry, listen to me first."

"You...speak!" Taihe gritted his teeth: "If you don't give me a satisfactory reason today, I will buy a ticket to Haifeng now."

"You can't find me even if you go to Haifeng." Liang Xinrong said with a smile, "I'm in Cangnan City."

"Cangnan City? The city where the little girl lives?" Taihe asked.

"Yes!" Liang Xinrong nodded.

"Go ahead." Taihe restrained his temper a little. With Liang Xinrong's status, being able to go to Cangnan City in person at least shows that he didn't perfunctory him.

Liang Xinrong sighed leisurely, and his tone was full of annoyance: "It is indeed my fault that I didn't win the copyright. I underestimated the potential of "Marvel". The right buyout fee can be easily won, so I wanted to save some money for the group, and wanted to lower the price as much as possible, but in the end..."

"You're confused!" Taihe said, "I've told you already, even I'm chasing after reading "Crazy Fate" every day. From now on, the price will definitely be one price per day."

Liang Xinrong slapped himself hard on the face, and he said with a mournful face, "I know there is a price per day, but who would have known that the author of "Once Upon a Time" is an unbelievably pretty little girl?"

Taihe is silent.


Who would have thought that the author of "Crazy Chance" is a ridiculously beautiful little girl?
The combination of the two is simply a super advertising effect.

Originally, most of the readers of romance novels were women.

But after a while... that might not be the case.

The divine book plus the super beautiful girl is simply a fan harvester, and it kills both men and women.

After a long time, Taihe asked: "What is the price that Mr. Li is asking now?"

"Mr. Li didn't ask for a price. He said that Lin Siyun is 16 years old and can make his own decisions. Lin Siyun's condition is 15.00% of the royalties. As for the right to adapt, use "Reincarnation" and her popularity to offset all of our group Resources and contacts. Both parties jointly funded and filmed "Crazy Romance", and the dividends are distributed according to the investment ratio. The group's share should not be less than 50.00%. Lin Siyun himself may invest tens of millions. Besides, during the filming, everything She decides everything." Liang Xinrong explained.

Taihe couldn't help but gasped: "This little girl has such courage?"

"That's not true..." Liang Xinrong sighed heavily again. He took the retreat as a step forward: "It would be great if we could wait a few more months. If we wait a few more months, the popularity of "Reincarnation" and herself will definitely increase. It will be clearer. Unfortunately, the little girl is also a little too confident. She said that the reason why she is cooperating with SITC is because the last book was published by SITC, and she reminds us of the old relationship. In addition, SITC is in I am not outstanding in film and television dramas, so I can agree to the conditions she proposed. If in a few months, those larger film and television companies come to us, we will not have this condition if we want to cooperate again, or they will simply not cooperate with us."

Taihe fell silent again.

He has much higher confidence than Liang Xinrong in "Crazy Chance".Decades of editing career made him judge almost a month ago that if "Reincarnation" can maintain its quality, it will definitely become a classic among romance novels.

Now, with the addition of Lin Siyun's own image, he would not be surprised at all even if "Crazy Chance" sets any records.

But as Liang Xinrong said, the popularity of books does not mean that film and television dramas can also become popular.

If it's just that the two parties invest tens of millions each, Taihe thinks it's feasible.

After all, the two sides add up to at least 8000 to [-] million.The screenwriter, director, props... can all reach a good standard.As long as we invite a few more popular stars, plus the popularity of Lin Siyun and "The Second World", the possibility of losing money is extremely low.

But the problem is, Lin Siyun still wants everything to be decided by her.

There are too many variables here.

Maybe, a drama will be abandoned in the middle of filming, or it may not be filmed for several years, or it may require continuous additional investment... The uncertainty factors have increased too much.

After thinking about it for a long time, Taihe suddenly asked: "Can you contact the little girl to ask that the physical publication of the next book will also be signed by our group?"

Liang Xinrong was overjoyed, but his tone was full of surprise: "Editor Tai, you don't mean that if she is willing to sign us the physical copyright of the next book, we can agree to her condition?"

"With Lin Siyun's writing level and popularity, even if the next book is not as good as "Awakening", it will not be far behind. If you can sign it in advance, even if the film and television drama "Awakening" loses everything, it can still make up for it. Loss." Tai He explained.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of it? Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot." Liang Xinrong slapped his thigh suddenly. With this guarantee, and if Taihe is willing to step forward, the two will work together to convince the chairman to basically It's a nail in the coffin.

"Let's talk to the little girl first!" Taihe decided: "I know you like to show off your airs, so don't show off your director's airs in front of her and Mr. Li. The little girl's potential is limitless. Limited quantity, if she is willing to cooperate with our SITC for a long time, in the future, SITC Publishing House will at least be able to reach a height that you can’t believe.”

"Editor Tai, don't worry, I'm not that stupid." Liang Xinrong smiled wryly in his heart. If he had put on airs, he wouldn't have traveled all the way to Cangnan City, and he wouldn't have pretended to be his son and grandson.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately called Li Feng's cell phone number again.

Li Feng was driving back, when he saw that Liang Xinrong was calling, he directly gave the phone to Lin Siyun.

The result made Liang Xinrong overjoyed.This innocent and sweet girl, but in fact extremely difficult, did not embarrass him, and immediately agreed to give priority to Haifeng Publishing House for the physical publication of the next book.

He contacted Taihe non-stop. Editor-in-chief Taihe, who had a bad temper and had always disliked him and was disliked by him, simply agreed to accompany him to the chairman's office. .

After being frightened and frightened for a month, I finally watched the moonlight when the clouds opened.

At that moment, he even had the urge to go home and set up a longevity tablet for Li Feng, Lin Siyun, and Taihe.

(End of this chapter)

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