All-Professional Trainer

Chapter 553 Dissatisfaction

Chapter 553 Dissatisfaction
"Tell Mr. John's assistant that I'm asleep."

Neil thought carefully and looked up at his assistant.

The assistant hesitated to speak.

With his level, it is natural to hear that Neil is deliberately giving Mr. John a soft nail, in order to tell the other party that he is dissatisfied.

Otherwise, instead of saying that he was asleep, he should say that his mental state is seriously unstable and he may not be able to return the call until tomorrow.

There is a huge gap between the two.

The main reason is that the votes have already been released, and if it is replaced by any previous best actor, it will definitely not be able to fall asleep under such circumstances.If the mental state is seriously unstable, it is excusable.

After all, he is the best actor, with great honor added, it is inevitable for anyone to be overwhelmed, and the mental state is in a serious state of excitement.

This state is really not suitable for answering the phone.

The assistant didn't say much in the end. Neil was the boss. Since he felt it was necessary, he must have made a deliberate decision, and he could just do it himself.

Soon, he conveyed Neil's meaning to John's assistant.

In a villa in Washington, members of John's team gathered in the living room.

After the assistant finished the call, they all stood up.

All of them had angry expressions on their faces.

Different positions lead to different directions of thinking.

From Neil's standpoint, he is already the quasi-best actor and is about to become the most prominent person in country M. John still treats him casually like before, which is not enough respect. He has the right to be dissatisfied, and he is also dissatisfied reason.

From the standpoint of John's team, Neil almost lost his reputation four years ago, and it was John and them who saved him.In the past four years, it was also thanks to John and their support and training that Neil was able to triumph all the way.

Otherwise, Neil is nothing.Without John and them, even if Neil is not in prison right now, it won't be much better.

Now that Neil is being promoted, he is stunned, unable to treat the people who rescued and promoted him like before.The members of John's team were naturally dissatisfied.

They came to the kitchen one after another.

In the kitchen, John is kneading the dough with lye to prepare for tomorrow's Roujiamo.Seeing everyone coming in suddenly, he was a little puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Boss, Neil's assistant said he was asleep." The assistant explained.

"Oh! Let's call tomorrow!" John nodded, he just wanted to congratulate Neil.Since Neil fell asleep, it was natural to call again tomorrow.

"Boss, this is the best actor award. Even if Neil hasn't slept for ten days and nights, it is absolutely impossible for him to fall asleep right now."

The crowd was not surprised by John's attitude. After following John for so many years, they knew very well that John's brain circuit was a little short.

If this is not the case, there is no need for their think tanks.

"He did it on purpose?"

John was a little surprised, he didn't ask why.

His brain circuit is indeed a little short, but when it comes to the content of the career of a politician, he doesn't need to use his brain at all, and he naturally knows the reason.

"Boss, if you have one, then you have two. Next time, I'm afraid it won't be that you don't answer the boss's calls, but that you won't even meet the boss in person."

"That's right, even if the best actor is a certainty, with the boss's current network resources, at least it can make him burn out."

"I really thought that because he was about to win the Best Actor, he could ignore his boss. He underestimated his energy too much."

Everyone is filled with righteous indignation when you say something to me.

John shook his head, he said hehe: "It's so troublesome, just let him not be the best actor."

"The results have already come out, and I'm afraid it's irreversible."

"Yeah! If we had known this, we might as well support Kellett. Although there is no accident, the donkey party has a greater advantage this year. But as long as we fully support Kellett, Kellett may not have a chance."

Everyone was a little annoyed.

No one knows that John's real horror is not only because he is the leader of the Donkey Party, he has close ties with all the big consortia, and at the same time has recruited a large number of Donkey Party followers.In addition, he is also secretly supporting the figures of the Xiang Party.

Kellett and many mainstays of the Elephant Party were also picked up by John.

He is already a well-deserved godfather in the political arena of Country M.

With the resources he possessed, he was even able to push a homeless man to a high position in a short period of time.

If John fully supports Kellett and even advises Kellett in the early stage, even if the donkey party has a [-]% chance of winning this year, Kellett has a great chance to go against the current.

But now, the best actor has been announced, and there is only one cutscene left.It is impossible to turn things around, even if John has huge resources and the ability to manipulate public opinion.

John scratched his head and said a little strangely: "Have you forgotten that Neil has a lot of tricks in our hands?"

"Boss, you should know better than us. Those handles, in the usual times, even after Neil became the best actor, can bring him a lot of trouble. But now the situation is special, because In the competition for the best actor, both sides have exhausted their means, and all kinds of negative news are overwhelming, and many of them have solid evidence. The public has long been numb, and it is purely entertainment news. Just like the best The male lead, at the critical moment, was exposed to the recording scandal and the letter scandal, and sometimes even ten women accused him of trespassing in a day, so he still won the best actor? Now Neil has been voted as the best actor, only The remaining formality of the electoral vote is even less likely to cause any surprises."

"Electors can vote, but there is no law. Electors must vote according to the wishes of the voters." John said disapprovingly.

The crowd was stunned.

"Boss, boss, you don't want to play a big game and manipulate some electors to vote in reverse?"

"If this is the case, the matter will be too big. If you want Kellett to win, at least one-fifth of the electors must control the reverse vote. No more than 200 people. Suddenly more than [-] electors ran out of votes in this election, that would be an earth-shattering event. Once it is found that you are related to the boss, even with the boss's current network resources, I am afraid that there will be huge troubles Come to the door."

John wrapped the kneaded dough and put it in the refrigerator. After washing his hands, he said: "It is definitely not possible to directly control a large number of electors to vote in reverse, but if Neil is involved in a scandal first and arouses the disgust of the people, then it will not work. It's the same."

"Isn't that the same? During this period of time, any scandal can only make the public excited, and it is impossible to cause disgust."

Everyone smiled wryly.

"The people think those scandals are just fun because they have nothing to do with them." John said with a chuckle, "If it had something to do with them, it would be different. I remember that three years ago, we arranged a meeting with Jacques for Neil During the private dinner of the chairman of the group, Lenett, in order to curry favor with Lenett, Neil said that the people are stupid asses, and he can gain their trust with just a few words."

"Have it?"

Everyone was a little confused.

John and the people they support will try to find ways to get hold of each other, either overtly or covertly.Neil is a key training target, so he naturally has a lot of tricks.

Who remembers what happened three years ago.

"Yes!" John nodded firmly.

"That's easy to do!"

Everyone looked happy, and John said in a positive tone that yes, then there must be.After following John for so many years, they knew very well that John's memory had reached an unbelievable level.

"I'll look for it now." Someone immediately left the kitchen excitedly.

"You guys come up with a detailed plan. Sirius, call Kellett and tell him that I want to have a few words with him." John said.


Everyone dispersed in a rush, with crazy and bloodthirsty excitement on their faces.

John started to prepare the ingredients needed to sell Roujiamo tomorrow.

Life is not easy, he doesn't like this kind of life of gathering resources and calculating others all day long.Selling Roujiamo is his only pleasure.

Fortunately, this annoying day will soon come to an end.

In recent years, relying on the three full-value careers of lobbyist, psychologist, and politician, the resources and connections he has gathered have reached an unimaginable level.

Whether Neil or Kellett becomes the best actor, the biggest driving force behind the scenes is him and his team.

He has become the top politician that his grandfather worshiped and admired all his life.

The only flaw is that his resources and contacts are not stable.Once he leaves country M for Huaxia, and Li Feng doesn't like this kind of thing very much, it's not easy for him to conduct remote control frequently. The resources and contacts he has gathered over the years will definitely fall apart in a short time.

Although he doesn't care about these resources and contacts, he understands that his grandfather's spirit in the sky definitely doesn't want to see his brilliance disappear like a flash in the pan.

Moreover, having these resources and connections firmly in his hands, he felt that it would also be beneficial to Li Feng in the future.

Therefore, he needs to establish a complete management system and perfectly grasp the gathered resources and contacts in his hands.Even if he went to Huaxia, even if he only asked once in a few months, he still has the ability to control these resources and contacts.

He is already asking his think tank to prepare and conduct experiments on this kind of management system. He believes that it will definitely be successful in just one or two years.

At that time, he will be able to return to his happiest life.

The 'horticulture training class' back then was the life he felt most comfortable and enjoyed the most.

Although Li Feng has already moved to Zhulin, he believes that he will get used to it, and maybe he will like it even more, because the sales of Roujiamo in the "Full Vocational Famous Teacher School" must be greater.The only trouble is that the profit is not as high as outside, so we can only follow the route of small profits but quick turnover.

Of course, the most important point is to be able to follow Li Feng's side.

That is his only relative now.

(End of this chapter)

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