All-Professional Trainer

Chapter 33 Feeling Obvious

Chapter 33 Feeling Obvious
"Fang, you are simply crazy."

Cangnan Gymnasium, basketball training ground, Okodo looked at Fang Zihan, as if he saw some monster.

"Is this training plan okay?" Fang Zihan asked.

"Simply terrible! You're an athlete, you should know that you have a high body fat percentage, and it's common sense that you can't eat fried chicken nuggets."

"I ran back and forth for two hours holding the ball within [-] meters. I don't understand at all what the training is for? Ball control ability? Then we should practice Z-shaped fast dribbling running throughout the field. Movement awareness? What do we need to dribble for?"

"Take a hundred deep breaths... The biggest effect of deep breathing is to calm tension and relieve stress. When you are training, are you so nervous that you need to take a hundred deep breaths?"

"Dribbling the ball on the spot for an hour and a half outside the three-point line is even more inexplicable. I can't guess what it is for training!"

"These four hours of training are completely unnecessary."

"Strength training, jumping training, endurance training, ball-handling skills, passing awareness... If you want to secure your position as the main point guard of your team, you have to spend a lot of time on training every day for the past three years. One day is wasted Four hours, this is just a joke. Moreover, this kind of meaningless training, without any restraint in eating, is also wasting your energy, affecting your physical condition, and seriously endangering my training plan."

Ocodo chatted endlessly, approving Li Feng's training plan from beginning to end.

"There is no training program more amateurish than yours, no!"

"Try it first! I will make sure to complete the training plan you arranged." Fang Zihan said.

"No, your training plan seriously affects the effect of my training plan." Ocodo shook his head firmly: "Fang, believe me, the training plan you have in hand will only harm you and not help you."

"If there is no effect in half a month, I will give up." Fang Zihan explained.

"If you don't give up this meaningless training, then you can contact me in half a month."

Ocodo felt that his authority had been questioned. He turned and left angrily, thinking that Fang Zihan was simply unreasonable, and he was willing to implement such an obviously unreasonable training plan.

Fang Zihan was silent and watched Okodo leave.

He also felt that Li Feng's training plan was very unscientific, and it was even more unsightly compared to Okedo's two-page long, highly targeted training plan.

But Ocodo doesn't even have enough confidence to make him a starter for a bad team within three years, but Li Feng said conclusively that he will become an NBA superstar within three years.

Anyway, it's already terrible. If you try, it will only waste half a month.

After a long time, he woke up and yelled at an assistant: "What are you still doing? Go buy chicken nuggets!"

The assistant nodded quickly and trotted away.

Fang Zihan took a deep breath, took the basketball to the three-point line, and started dribbling on the spot.

The other assistant didn't dare to wait for him to yell before acting. He immediately picked up the timer and started counting the time.

On the training field, the sound of basketballs colliding with the floor kept ringing.


The next morning, at the beginning of seven o'clock, Fang Zihan came to the door with a travel bag on his back.

On his face, there was some impatience.

At the dining table, Li Feng asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Fang Zihan hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head: "I got up late in the morning and haven't eaten yet."

Li Feng shrugged: "It is still very important to eat three meals a day on time. There is a breakfast shop at the entrance of the community."

Fang Zihan was a little speechless, he thought that Li Feng wanted him to sit down and eat together, and he just asked casually about his feelings.

Li Feng didn't mind him eating together, but the problem was that Lin Siyun didn't cook that much at all.

Moreover, cooking is not Lin Siyun's obligation, he has no right to ask Lin Siyun to be an extra person.

Although he was a little hungry, Fang Zihan felt a little embarrassed when the three of Li Feng were eating breakfast at the dining table, but he quickly put the embarrassment behind him, and asked impatiently: "Coach, I feel that after the training, the skills and Physical fitness has improved to a certain extent, and I tested the turning speed and shooting percentage, and it seems that they have improved."

"Call me Teacher Li from now on." Li Feng said indifferently.

Fang Zihan nodded quickly, and looked at Li Feng expectantly. He was afraid that yesterday's simple test was an illusion, and the glimmer of light that had finally appeared just disappeared.

"Train according to my training plan, don't worry, you will soon find that your strength has improved by leaps and bounds." Li Feng smiled.

"I understand." Fang Zihan was overjoyed.

After breakfast, Li Feng came to the living room and sat down, pulled out a note and handed it to Fang Zihan.

Above, are three daily training tasks.

"Li, Teacher Li, I'm going to train now." Fang Zihan carefully folded the note and put it in his pocket as if he had found a treasure.

Li Feng nodded.

Fang Zihan went downstairs excitedly and got into a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

"Hurry up..." Along the way, Fang Zihan urged the part-time driver's assistant to drive faster.

Arriving at the gymnasium, I immediately devoted myself to training in the first place.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Feng was playing chess with Lin Siyun, and Fang Zihan hurried back.

On his face was uncontrollable ecstasy.

After completing the three training plans, he tested again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that all the data had improved a lot.

This result made him unbelievable, but the instruments and equipment could not be faked, nor could his physical sensations be faked.

Everything is not an illusion, but a real improvement.

"Mr. Li, can the training plan be increased?" Fang Zihan looked at Li Feng excitedly. He felt that it would be a waste of life not to do six or seven meals a day.

"Don't worry, take your time. As I said, you will become an NBA superstar within three years at the latest."

Originally, Fang Zihan was an adult. During the offseason, Li Feng felt that it was not impossible to add one or two training plans every day.

Still, this guy is an athlete.Although the intensity of his training plan is not very high, it is exercise after all.The daily training time is too long, and it is easy to get injured, which is not worth the candle.

"Then... there are basketball hoops in the community, can I just put the training ground in the community?"

Fang Zihan didn't want to go to the gym anymore, it would take more than an hour to go back and forth.With that time, it's better to get close with Li Feng more.

As for Okodo, he called directly and asked the other party to go back to Dongning City and wait.

The miracle was just around the corner, and he didn't want Li Feng to have the idea of ​​interrupting the training because of any of his small mistakes.

"Of course, the premise is to take protective measures so as not to get injured. My training plan does not have high requirements for venues and facilities." Li Feng nodded.

"Then what... Teacher Li, send me an account number, and I will transfer the first installment money to you."

"Does this mean that your strength has improved significantly?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

Fang Zihan nodded solemnly. Although he had only trained for two days, he did feel that his strength had greatly improved.

In fact, he has indeed improved a lot.

Between 30-40 ability points, each training task can increase the ability value by 0.7, after five tasks, that is an increase of 3.5 points.

Fang Zihan's own basketball point guard ability value is 31.78, an increase of 3.5 points, which is still a big increase.

(End of this chapter)

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