All-Professional Trainer

Chapter 1 Tutoring

Chapter 1 Tutoring
Cangnan City, in a rental house.

Sitting in front of the computer, Li Feng looked at the various signboard information on the job hunting website, feeling a little pain in his head.

He couldn't help but sighed. After one and a half years of graduation, he changed jobs six or seven times.

Some are because he thinks the boss has poor character, some are because the boss thinks he is disobedient, and some are because he is really not interested in continuing to do it...

It's nerve-racking!

He really doesn't want to look for a job anymore. He is paid by others and controlled by others. He prefers to live a free life.

But if you don't look for a job, you can't live without money.

After returning home during the Chinese New Year, and living there for less than two months, the total assets in his bank card changed from more than 1 yuan to 3000 yuan.

Rent plus living expenses, at least 1000 yuan a month.

Although 3000 yuan can support him for three months, he has to plan ahead. He doesn't want to wait until he is penniless before looking for a job.

What's more, he also wants to save some money to start a small business.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be bragging..."

Li Feng scratched his head. On New Year's Eve the year before last, after working for half a year, he gave each of his parents a red envelope worth RMB [-]. Once he got excited, it was easy to double his passionate promise every year.

Going home last year, he actually doubled it.

Gritting my teeth, I can barely do it this year, but what about next year?

What is even more depressing is that he is still playing tricks, patting his chest and saying that his monthly income has exceeded [-], and this year he plans to strive for a monthly income of over [-].

It turned out to be a tragedy. Just after the new year, my parents began to ask around for new real estate, planning to mortgage a house for him so that he could marry his wife.

He doesn't have to worry about the down payment, but he has to pay the mortgage, lest he spend all the wages he earns.

His family is in a small county under Cangnan City. Although the house price is not outrageous, a better location still costs four to five thousand one square meters.

According to his father's opinion, he had to buy a set of more than 130 square meters, otherwise, after he got married and had a few more children, there would be no room for the old couple.

Li Feng made a rough calculation, the mortgage guarantee is [-] a month!
In fact, the conditions of his family are not bad.My parents run a dry goods store in the vegetable market. Although my father is keen on small gambling, my mother is diligent and thrifty in managing the house, and has a good vision. In the early years, I saved money and bought two stores one after another. Now the rent of the store alone is paid every month. Six or seven thousand.He can be self-reliant, and the old couple are very satisfied.

If you can't rely on yourself, it doesn't matter to go home and eat the old.

However, he insisted on bragging.

Moreover, even if you want to save it, you can't save it.His mother has many advantages, but also has many disadvantages. She has a big temper, cares about comparisons, and wants to save face.As soon as he finished blowing it up, it took less than three days to keep it, and the content could be spread to relatives, friends, and neighbors.

If he knew that he was bragging, the sturdy mother could chase him all over the street with a kitchen knife.

Li Feng felt that he was playing himself to death.

"Forget it, take one step at a time, find a job first and then talk about it!"

He browsed various recruitment information aimlessly for more than an hour, but gained nothing.

Those whose salary is too low don’t want to go, and those whose salary is high, people look down on him with a second degree or lack of work experience.

"Find a part-time job casually first, and then look for it slowly!"

He was a little dizzy, and decided to find a part-time job at the end of the day or at the end of the week for a few days.

If you earn one yuan, you count one yuan, as long as you can leave at any time.

"Flyer distribution, food delivery, promotional shopping guide... Tutor?"

Li Feng regained his energy. His childhood dream was to be a primary school teacher, who would punish anyone who disobeyed and call him a parent.

Now, although I have long since given up on this dream, occasionally when I am bored, I still dream of holding a pointer in my hand, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and teaching a lot of super talented people.Then to see who was unhappy, he made a phone call, and a lot of super rich people, superstars, and political figures rushed to help him, the teacher, settle the situation.

"Well, try tutoring. You can't teach high school students, but it shouldn't be a big problem for junior high school students and elementary school students."

Li Feng checked one by one, but was a little disappointed.

The income of a tutor is much higher than he expected, but the requirements are also higher than he expected.Whether it is those training courses or private tutoring, the minimum requirement is to be a student at Cangda, or to be a teacher in a certain school.

Try to make a phone call, no matter how he introduces himself in junior high school and elementary school, how good both character and learning are.The better one declined, and the attitude almost hung up the phone directly.

"Hey, this one didn't fill in any requirements?"

Fang Chen's eyes lit up with a job posting, one-on-one, junior high school math tutoring, Saturday and Sunday, [-] per day.

Although it can't compare with those who earn fifty or sixty or even one or two hundred per hour, they don't ask for it!

And, tomorrow is Saturday.

Anyway, I just want to make do with it for a few days, and it's not bad to get 400 yuan.

Li Feng immediately made a phone call.

"Hello." The phone was connected quickly, and a woman's voice came from inside.

"Hello, are you looking for a tutor who can tutor junior high school mathematics?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, yes, yes." The other side seemed to be very positive, and quickly responded, "Are you a college student or a junior high school teacher?"

"That's nothing." Li Feng felt that he was going to be ruined, but he still said the truth: "I graduated from Cangnan University of Technology. It has been more than a year since I graduated, and I have never been a teacher. But my grades in junior high school are very good. Every time I take a test in mathematics, physics and chemistry They can all enter the top three in the class..."

Before Li Feng could finish speaking, he said to Convenience: "Yes, not bad."

That's it?That's not bad?
Li Feng was confused.

"Let me tell the truth!" The other side seemed to sense Li Feng's doubts, and explained: "My son's grades in the third year of junior high school this year, how should I say it... is hopeless. I hired a tutor for him, mainly because he influenced him. His sister is studying. His sister is in the third year of high school this year, and she is the first in the whole grade in almost every exam, and has never fallen out of the top three. There is only one semester before the college entrance examination, and a quiet environment is needed. My son is mischievous , I don’t have a peaceful day at home, and I’m afraid of imitating others if I let him go out to play, and we two don’t have time, so..."

"So you want to find someone to watch him?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, my request is very simple." The other party nodded: "From nine to five, let my son come to your place. You send me a photo of him on WeChat every hour to prove that he is always at your house. Just go out. At noon, you can help him buy it outside, and let him pay for it.”

Li Feng was speechless, didn't he ask for it?
Moreover, this is not asking for a tutor, this is simply asking for a prison guard, and the prison guard has his own prison.

"Well... what do you think?" the other party asked.


Li Feng immediately agreed. He didn't ask for study, so why didn't he agree?
For those college students or middle school teachers, the prison guards who bring their own prisons are a bit harsh, and they are only 200 yuan a day, which is not attractive.

He was different, anyway, he just wanted to hang out for a couple of days, and this job was just right for him.

"You agree?" The other party's voice was full of surprise.

"Agreed." Li Feng nodded.

"That's fine, let's add a WeChat, you send me the location, and I will take my son there tomorrow." Lest Li Feng would regret it, the other party added: "If you agree, you agree, but don't change your mind just now. Are you really happy?" If you do well, I can add some more money in the future.”

"No problem." Li Feng nodded. Anyway, it's only Saturday and Sunday. Even if you find a new job, it's a good part-time job.

Soon, Li Feng added a WeChat account called 'Xinxin Tiles Store'.

After chatting for a few more words, the two sides formally finalized.

After finding a part-time job that can last for a semester well, and can fulfill his childhood dream, and taste the taste of teaching students, Li Feng's mood immediately improved.

Even, I decided to look up the content of junior high school mathematics online.

Although the other party feels that his son is hopeless and has no requirements for his studies, he is still a tutor after all in terms of reputation.

Maybe, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude can bring them back to life?

Li Feng was walking towards the computer with a bright smile, when a synthesized voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

[It is detected that the host meets the binding requirements, and the "All-Professional Trainer" system starts to bind, with a countdown of 10, 9, 8...]

(End of this chapter)

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