i revived the scientist

Chapter 95 It’s okay to drive a computer, but it’s too much to be able to drive a refrigerator and a

Chapter 95 It’s okay to drive a computer, but it’s too much to be able to drive a refrigerator and air conditioner (please subscribe)
"The experimental data of standby time, battery life and charging rate will be three days later. Warwick, Rice, OP, VO, Meizu and Rongguang will jointly issue a six-party test report in the laboratory. Friends from the media, please look forward to verifying graphene. The performance of the micro-battery module is authentic."

After Lin Qian finished speaking, some local reporters in Hangzhou said: "There is no need to issue a test report to prove that we believe in the powerful technology of Rongguang Technology, and will not cheat, deceive our media and consumers."

Lin Qian said with a smile: "The Rongguang brand is worthy of everyone's trust. It is the technological accumulation of brand reputation and the pride of Rongguang. The experimental test data is to convince the public, so that the technological glory of Rongguang Technology can be shared by everyone."

Papapa... The power of technology companies is the unique charm of science and technology.

Lin Qian then took out 4X5 and 5X6 matrix capacitor battery compartments, and embedded them on tablets and laptops respectively. The time is related to the number of modules, and a micro battery takes 5 minute."

He Miao raised his hand to signal, Lin Qian nodded, "What questions does Mr. He have?"

He Miao said: "I may not know much about new battery technology, but as an ordinary consumer and user of smart products, what gives me a headache is the heat dissipation of the battery when using electronic devices. I have no doubt that expensive The company can achieve 1-minute fast charging technology, but what about heat dissipation? Safety?

If the heat cannot be dissipated in time or the cooling mechanism is poor, will it cause a safety accident? Just like the Samsung NoteS7, the battery heat consumption accumulates quickly and the heat is not dissipated in time, resulting in an imbalance in the temperature control system, causing the Samsung NoteS[-] to have a "bomber" Negative effects of joking. "

Lin Qian said to He Miao: "As for the safety issues caused by heat dissipation, I will ask Mr. Liang to answer for you."

Just as Lin Qian finished speaking, Liang Chenghong came to the stage.

Let Mr. Liang Chenghong answer?

Liang Chenghong is the president of Chang Gung Group, and Chang Gung Group's main business is materials. Could it be that...

In fact, sharp-eyed reporters have noticed a word, graphene!

What is graphene?
Graphene is a special conductor material that conducts heat, electricity, and hardness. The special feature is that graphene is a semi-metal, between a conductor and a semiconductor. When large-area graphene exists, it does not have conductive properties. is a semiconductor.

Theoretically, it is a transparent conductor, and its energy band is zero. Moreover, the specific conductivity of graphene depends on its preparation process. Different process preparation methods will give graphene different conduction characteristics.

Liang Chenghong took the microphone and said: "Since you have asked about the heat dissipation of the graphene micro-battery module, I will explain to Mr. Lin that the heat dissipation secret of Tebu micro-battery is graphene! What is graphene? Glory graphene has What's the difference?"

Liang Chenghong began to introduce graphene, "Graphene is a two-dimensional crystal, the common graphite...

Because graphene has good thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, generally speaking, in the industry, we will use graphene materials to develop flexible graphene heat dissipation films, which can effectively help instruments, electromechanical equipment, and smart electronic products to improve heat dissipation performance.

However, due to the different preparation process of Chang Gung graphene materials from other manufacturers, the heat dissipation mechanism of the graphene battery produced by Chang Gung is fully transparent and fully conductive, which can adapt to various high temperature, low cold and harsh environments. The battery module has the characteristics of graphene all-pass and all-conduction. In other words, the graphene micro-battery module of Tebu Group has almost zero heat loss and energy consumption, which can be ignored!Therefore, there is no battery safety issue. "

Liang Chenghong's last words were like a boulder falling into a small lotus pond. Suddenly, the ripples turned into hundreds of feet of waves!
Heat loss energy is zero?I'm afraid it's going against the sky, all the reporters can't sit still anymore!
They all raised their hands to ask questions. This press conference is not Chang Gung Group's press conference. Liang Chenghong will not overwhelm the guests, so Liang Chenghong handed the microphone back to Lin Qian and was about to leave the rostrum. He Miao immediately asked, "Mr. Liang, do you sell graphene materials?"

Liang Chenghong shook his head, "There is no plan to sell graphene for the time being, and the specific sale date will be determined by President Su."

A reporter from the island country Fusang raised his hand and asked, "Chang Gung's special graphene material is an industry monopoly, and you can live with rare products! The anti-monopoly law will not let you hide your clumsiness."

Liang Chenghong's face sank, and he said bluntly: "There are as many as 800+ enterprises capable of producing graphene in the world, and your IA and SD in Fusang, as well as Suoni, especially the manufacture of heat dissipation film for Suoni graphene equipment, ranks first in the world. Three, it seems that this Fusang reporter friend, in your eyes only our glory, but not your Fusang and Suo Ni, speaking of which, I should thank you for your recognition of our glory and Chang Geng."

The Fusang reporter was speechless after being stunned, his face flushed like a pig's liver, and he sat down embarrassingly.

The reporters took photos and videos one after another, all of them were news information and hot gimmicks. Having said that, Rongguang's confidence is really tough in every way. With strong technology, confidence is strong!The glorious people who hate the sky are not afraid of being made up by the reporters who hate the air.

Then, Lin Qian shifted the topic from the new material graphene to the micro-battery module itself. He took a capacitor battery compartment with a specification of 10X10. Then, a staff member carried an air conditioner and refrigerator to the stage.

The audience was silent, what did Lin Qian want to do?Shouldn't it be said that the battery should be loaded on the air conditioner and refrigerator? ! !
It’s nothing if your graphene micro-battery module can power a laptop, it’s a momentary surprise, but if it can power an air conditioner or a refrigerator, it’s too much!
Lin Qian handed over the assembled and inlaid capacitor battery compartment to the staff, held up the microphone and said: "Yes, as you can see, Tebu graphene micro-battery modules can support the operation of high-power electrical appliances. In theory, The matrix of the capacitor battery compartment increases infinitely, and the stored electric energy capacity can be expanded without limit!"

Ding dong.

The air conditioner was running, and the cool wind was blowing Lin Qian's white shirt, elegant and unrestrained, which caused the audience to burst into amazement and applause. Then, the 10-square matrix capacitor battery compartment was embedded in the refrigerator, and the operation was still normal.

Normally, air conditioners and refrigerators use domestic 220-volt mains electricity, which is uninterrupted 24 hours a day. It seems that the micro-battery module that expands the matrix capacitor battery compartment is very tasteless, but in fact it is not. Just imagine, in the southern and western regions, in In the hot summer, the temperature remains high. No matter what the reason for the power outage, once the power is cut off suddenly, tsk tsk, the people in the house are sweating profusely, which affects not only work, but also rest and mood. However, if you temporarily install a large matrix capacitor The pool cabin can supply common electrical appliances such as air conditioners, which is simple and convenient.

Next was the question-and-answer session. The reporters took turns to ask various tricky questions, and Lin Qian calmly dealt with them one by one with ease.

A reporter from Hangcheng Daily asked: "Hi Mr. Lin, after the bankruptcy of Future Automobile, you retired from the business district. What made you come back out of the rivers and lakes and join Rongguang? Is it graphene micro-battery technology?"

Lin Qian's expression didn't change at all, and he smiled slightly, "If you were given a chance to join Rongguang and become a group executive, would you come?"

"I..." The daily reporter was taken aback.

Nonsense, not to mention executives, even the small leaders of Rongguang Technology's department have a salary ten times higher than that of a small reporter like him. No one in the industry knows that Rongguang's salary for employees is top-notch in the entire industry.

Lin Qian laughed loudly, "Just kidding, I, Lin Qian, failed before and had already lost my fighting spirit. Thank you President Su for giving me the opportunity to fight for the new energy industry again. That's right, you can understand that I am attracted by Rongguang technology. here."

The daily reporter wanted to ask something more, but Lin Qian waved his hand, "The group's new technology and new product launch conference is not a one-man show for me, Lin Qian. Everyone, please summarize the questions on graphene micro-battery technology and product modules. Otherwise, I'm afraid Su My salary is always deducted." Lin Qian said jokingly.

The media reporters laughed and chatted and answered questions to return to normal order.

A reporter from the financial radio station asked a more reliable question, "Mr. Lin, what is the price of the graphene micro-battery module? What is the market positioning? When will it be put on the market?"

"To answer your first question, the price of graphene is 20 yuan per piece, and the price of capacitor battery compartment has a large range according to the power requirements of the equipment, ranging from 200 yuan to 10 yuan.

The second question is that the market is positioned as industries such as instrumentation, electromechanical equipment, smart products, and household appliances that all require batteries.

The third question, when will the graphene micro-battery module be launched on the market?Sorry, we have no plans to launch the battery market for the time being, at least not within three months.

At present, the graphene micro-battery module only cooperates with Huawei, Rice, VO, OP, and Meizu. It is related to when the new smartphone will be released. You need to consult Mr. Lei and Mr. Meng. "

Glory Technology and Tebu Group's show operation is confusing to everyone. Since they hold a product launch event and set the market price of the product, but they don't sell the product, they only cooperate with Huawei and other groups. Why?Want to unite with friends to monopolize the oligopoly market?

The reporters looked blank, "Why not sell it within three months? Not push it to the market?"

Lin Qian smiled, "There is only one specific reason. Rongguang's production site is limited, and it can only supply the new mobile phones of five companies including Huawei and Rice."

The reporters are even more confused. Is the lack of production space the reason for not selling batteries on a large scale?You can find a processing factory!Who has trouble with money?Given the predictable popularity of the market for graphene micro-battery modules, if the Venteb Group puts it, I am afraid that OEMs will be able to break the threshold of Tebbe.

When the reporters interviewed Meng Wan, Meng Wan said: "Huawei launched the P30pro version equipped with a graphene micro-battery module on the National Day of October 30. Because the number of batteries produced by Rongguang is limited, the Huawei P[-]pro version is only launched in China. Do not push the global market.”

Meng Wan said that, if the reporters don't react, they shouldn't be reporters!

There is not enough production space, and the supply of batteries is not enough. They are all excuses. The main reason is that they are afraid of being sanctioned by a certain group of people!Warwick has suffered in the past and now!
In the end, Tebu Group's graphene micro-battery technology product launch conference ended perfectly.

There were two main points at the meeting. First, Lin Qian came out of the mountain and was ready to fight in the new energy industry. Second, graphene micro-battery technology is particularly powerful and has epoch-making industry reform significance!
Once publicized, the news broke out and caused a sensation all over the Internet. Rongguang Technology once again occupied the top spot in the hot search list, followed by Tebu Group, Chang Gung Group, graphene micro-battery technology and modules, graphene superconducting materials, and Lin Qian's coming out of the mountain, etc. To put it bluntly, the top 10 hot spots on the entire network are all occupied by glory, and there are no topics such as celebrity marriage, divorce, cheating, etc. at all.

(End of this chapter)

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