i revived the scientist

Chapter 90 The Man Closest to God

Chapter 90 The Man Closest to God

"let's start!"

The roulette wheel rotates, the pointer falls on the red area, smoke fills the air, and the figures gradually solidify.

Open Dependent Science Properties Palette
[Terra, inventor scientist, physicist, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, founder of radio communication, pioneer of radio remote control, X-ray (X-Ray) photography, radio, fax machine, vacuum tube, neon tube, missile navigation, Creator of bladeless turbines, founder and pioneer of alternating current systems, radio systems, wireless power transmission, and amplifying transmitters, father of Tesla magnetic storm coils, high-frequency alternating currents, and pioneers of induction motors, geothermal energy effects, and seawater power. 】

Su Sheng's breathing was a bit short of breath, this scientist, the historical evaluation is a bit bullish!Regardless of whether there are elements of bragging or exaggeration, judging from his achievements, it is clear that Tera is worthy of being hailed as the man who is closest to God!

Tetrala, like Dafenci, is a versatile genius with a particularly wide range of research fields, ranging from alternating current systems, radio systems, wireless power transmission, ball lightning, turbines, amplified transmitters, particle beam weapons, solar engines, and X-ray equipment , electric energy meters, missile science, remote sensing technology, aircraft, cosmic rays, radar systems, robots... covering almost the entire industry!And achieved remarkable results.

He has independently researched and developed 700+ technical patents for invention projects, and participated in cooperative development projects as high as 1000+, and assisted in countless research and development projects... He is like a god. It is said that if Tela is willing, he only needs one year of "AC" patent fees If you collect it, you can become the richest man in the world.

Terra has dabbled in various fields such as robotics, ballistics, information science, and nuclear physics, and proposed principles such as death rays, electric shields, butterfly aircraft, floating hovercraft, and particle beam weapons. He is really a "sci-fi" scientist .

He once wrote a book "The Dynamic Theory of Gravity" that mentioned "super technology" systems such as space transmission systems, gravity gate systems, anti-gravity and artificial gravity devices, which are not terrible!
Known as the greatest scientist in human history!Keeping pace with Ainshtan, Ainshtan is more theory-oriented, while Tesla is more application-oriented.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the figures became solid.

The handsome young man has a sensual moustache and walks gracefully and calmly.

Scientist Dependent Property Board.

Name: Terra.

Sex: Male.

Age: 20 (164)

Achievements: Scientific inventors, physicists, mechanical engineers (grandmasters), electrical engineers (grandmasters), foundations for alternating current systems, X-ray research, wireless energy transmission, radio technology, artificial lightning technology, manufacturing of flying furnaces and flying saucers, world systems, etc. People, turbines, transmitters, particle beam weapons, solar engines, X-device, missile science, information technology, radar systems, cosmic rays, aircraft, industrial machinery robots and other application pioneers, trailblazers...

Ability: Cosmic energy control (magnetic explosion, electronic control, light of peace), sequence motor technology, creation of mechanical world civilization, cosmic ray particle weapons, detection and detection equipment design, anti-gravity gravity aircraft, mechanical life robot (industrial grade), High-frequency and high-dimensional electrical particle transmission, energy-level energy applications...

Su Cheng was secretly speechless when he saw the item of special ability, the boss is a little bit of a joke!There are many categories, and everything looks extremely impressive.

Trila came to Su Sheng and bent down slowly, saluting, "Sir, thank you for waking me up from the long river of history. In this life, Trila is willing to serve, encourage, and support you!"

Su Cheng smiled and waved his hands, "Professor Terra is polite."

He introduced Tetra: "Professor Volta, Professor Ampere, and Professor Ohm, you should be familiar with them."

Terra nodded, and went forward to say hello to the three physics seniors respectively, "Professor Volta's voltaic pile created the electromotive force system, Professor Ampere's magnetocurrent and current, and Professor Ohm's resistance to materials, all for my junior scientists. The juniors are grateful for laying a solid foundation for porcelain."

"Professor Terela, you're welcome. Your high-frequency alternating current system also inspired me a lot." They are all from the physics circle. After the birth of the three theoretical scientists, they often wandered between libraries and virtual laboratories. Although Terela is better than They are all late, but in terms of achievements, future generations will rate them higher than them!This "high" exists in practical applications.

After chatting politely and getting to know each other better, Su Sheng said, "I have a question I would like to ask Professor Tetra."

"Just ask, and Terra will tell you everything."

"How much control do you have over energy?"

Terra slowly stretched out his hands, and put on a pair of special leather gloves, cheers!Several tiny blue electric arcs wandered freely in his palm, dancing at the fingertips of his five fingers, like elves.

Terra said, "If I wanted to, I could split the earth in half."

Su Sheng: "...very good, very powerful."

Three Volts: "..."

In the theoretical stage of scientific civilization, peace is the most important thing, and we discuss academics together. Suddenly, a practical application person will be more scary. The mind must be controlled well, otherwise, whoever is caught will be blamed, and who will be able to withstand it?If it is convenient to create beneficial applications for human beings, it is fine, but if it is not played with destruction, it will be more terrifying!

The appearance of Tesera gave Su Sheng some special ideas. The achievements of Tesera in theoretical science are amazing, but they are not very obvious. After all, super technologies such as space teleportation and anti-gravity gravity are currently only It exists in science fiction novels and science fiction movies, but Tela's practical application and creativity are well-deserved crowns in history, and countless technological inventions can prove it for him.

"I need security technology to protect the future Rongguang Technology headquarters, as well as its core laboratories and research institutes. I wonder if Professor Trasera can help me?"

"Space-based orbital particle beam thermal weapons, cosmic ray high-energy piercing thermal weapons, source-energy fusion bombs, Skynet monitoring and reconnaissance satellite technology, magnetic storm mechanical soldiers... What do you think you need?"

"Ahem, just look at the research."

Space-based strikes from the very beginning, do you want him to become the man who rules the earth?

"Leaving aside security technology, you should know Professor Bullock."

Tetra nodded, "The creator of the Leyden jar and the originator of the capacitor."

"Professor Bullock has been developing new battery technology recently, and with your control over motors and energy, I hope you can work together to develop a new energy-motor system. In the future, I will initiate reforms in the new energy & power industry, so New motor technology and new energy energy application technology need your help."

To be honest, just developing new energy cannot satisfy his ambition. In terms of the wide application of new energy, the most common and urgently needed ones are new energy vehicles. The two core components of new energy vehicles are generators and batteries!
Secondly, regardless of the indescribable communicative relations in the international energy market, we only talk about the consumption of energy resources. As non-renewable resources become increasingly scarce as they are used, energy disputes become more and more intense. Therefore, new energy is bound to become a hot topic in human scientific and technological civilization.

With new energy, new power engine technology is indispensable, and power technology is the core technology that promotes the process of civilization.

Terela nodded, "In my special ability, sequence motor technology is one of the main talent research directions. At present, human science and technology civilization is only in the initial application stage of motors, and the core applications are internal combustion engines, external combustion engines and electric motors. , and the motor is the mainstream of future development, I can use the ninth sequence, the anti-gravity magnetic energy engine! What do you think?"

"An anti-gravity magnetic energy engine?"

Su Cheng pursed his lips, "Land aircraft?"

Terra nodded, "You can think so."

Su Sheng is very excited. If this technology can be realized, he imagines that in the future, driving will not be limited to land, but can open up new routes for sky traffic... Hehe, it looks very impressive, full of sci-fi style visual sense.

"Yes, but I hope that there can be a transitional stage, and the anti-gravity engine will be used in the first place. The steps are too long, and it is easy to fall short."

Afterwards, Su Sheng chatted with Tela about some non-technical topics, and then opened a third-level virtual laboratory for Tela, which consumes 1 technology points per day.

(End of this chapter)

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