i revived the scientist

Chapter 71 The media focuses on Hangzhou, the spectacle beside the West Lake

Chapter 71 The media focuses on Hangzhou, the spectacle beside the West Lake
I made an appointment with Huo Siyan to pick up the car later and go to the Jinhuang Building next to the West Lake to participate in the acceptance inspection and ribbon cutting.

Huo Siyan said: "Boss Su, I suggest you take the time to practice. Driving is a skill. If you are as smart as you, you can do it."

Su Cheng smiled, "Just praise me to you, I, I will leave the job of driver to you, full-time driver, there is a long way to go, come on, I am optimistic about you."

Huo Siyan: "..."


West Lake, the breeze is coming, the water is calm, and the lotus flowers are full of red. On the east side, Jinhuang Real Estate is under construction. The West Lake New Financial Center CBD high-end office building contracted by Jiangyao Cultural Urban Construction Group is a green gauze anti-block. The covered building soars into the clouds, and its appearance cannot be seen clearly. Only the outline can be seen. It is in the shape of a bucket, like a crescent moon, and like an erect sailboat. It is 218 meters high and has 55 floors in total.

Under the square in front of Jinhuang International Building, a group of media reporters were waiting for the unveiling and ribbon-cutting. The higher-ups received a notice that the chairman of Jinhuang Real Estate would come in person. Dare to say that there are 100 buildings under construction, and there are still 6 or 70 buildings. I have never heard that the chairman of Jinhuang Real Estate has personally inspected and accepted them.

But no matter what, the arrival of a heavyweight is itself a heat!Therefore, as a media related to the real estate industry, it is natural not to be absent.

When it comes to Jinhuang Real Estate, you can never avoid its chairman Chen Jianghe. Chen Jianghe, a legend of Zhejiang merchants, a native of Wushang in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, was born as a farmer. Chen Jianghe dares to be the second in the country, and no one dares to be the first. Although most of Chen Jianghe's industries have been transferred to foreign countries, his influence in the country is still not weak, especially in the Wushang Gang, and he is even regarded as the level of the elders exist.

Chen Jianghe is a businessman, smart, smart, wise, sincere, and loyal!Pursue morality first, followed by profits.

Jin Yaocheng, Jin Yixing and Jin Pangpang father and son came together and stood guard in the front square, waiting for Chen Jianghe who was about to greet him.

"Dad, I've heard about Mr. Chen's legendary business path since I was a child. I usually see it in photos and on TV. I didn't expect to see it alive today!" Jin Pangpang said excitedly.

Jin Yaocheng scolded: "Go, don't talk nonsense, Director Chen is living a good life, but the words from your mouth will change the taste."

"By the way, Dad, Su Sheng will be here later to discuss a deal with Director Chen. You have to say a few words for him."

"Huh? Xiaosu wants to discuss business with Mr. Chen? What kind of business?" Jin Yaocheng was puzzled. Real estate companies have nothing to do with high-tech companies.

"Su Sheng wants to buy Jinhuang International Building." Jin Pangpang said nonchalantly.

"What? He wants to buy the Jinhuang International Building?" Jin Yaocheng shook his head, "It's difficult. It is said that the original intention of the construction of the Jinhuang International Building in Hangzhou was to provide business venues for small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang. The spirit of entrepreneurship is carried forward, and Xiaosu wants to buy it, which is equivalent to arbitrarily dictating some small and medium-sized enterprises’ entrepreneurial opportunities. As a person, Chen Dong is definitely not willing. For Chen Dong, money is nothing more than a bunch of numbers after all.”

However, since Su Sheng was mentioned, he glanced at his "dog", hey, what a dog!

"Fat Hu, learn the real skills from Xiao Su in the future. Look at him. Under his leadership, Rongguang Technology has taken off steadily and skyrocketed. Now there are two companies with the highest valuation in Hangzhou, one is Ari, and the other is Rongguang Technology. Look at you, eating, drinking and having fun all day long, you are not in shape."

Jin Pangpang said cynically: "Dad, what you said is not rigorous. First of all, Rongguang Technology was led by Su Sheng. It is true that Rongguang Technology has become a dragon. But Rongguang Technology also has shares in my fat tiger. Even if the shares are smaller, but In terms of personal worth, I am not inferior to you."

Jin Yaocheng was choked dumb. What his son said is nothing wrong. This year, the evaluation agency evaluates the market value of Internet companies. Among them, two of Hangzhou's top 10 list, and the top 10 list ranked first, Penguin, 5.24 trillion, second, A Beaver, 5.18 trillion, and the third is Rongguang Technology, 5 trillion. Since Rongguang Technology Group has not been listed, and the products of Chang Gung Materials Group have not been launched, otherwise, the valuation will have to be doubled, and it will be comparable to W Ruan and Duck. International multinational groups such as PEAR and Samsung are all right.

As for Jinpangpang's 0.01% shares, there are about 5 million yuan, which is just enough to buy Yuhang Block B, C Block and Tianke Block E. Just like what Su Sheng once promised, don't underestimate 0.01%, and you can buy several in the future. Block Yuhang Block B.

And 5 million yuan is exactly the net assets of Jiangyao Culture Group. Although Jiangyao Culture is valued at tens of billions, its actual assets are only 13 to 10 million yuan. Jin Yaocheng's personal shares account for 500% of the group's shares, so it is calculated according to the net assets Not as tall as Jin Pangpang, but according to the valuation, it is twice as high as his son... But don't forget, Jin Pangpang also owns [-]% of the shares of Glory Games, and Glory Games is valued at [-] billion, so ...Comparing the worth of the father and the son, the judgment is judged!

Soon, a Maybach parked slowly in front of the square. The driver got off the car ahead of time and opened the door. An old man with frosty temples, full of energy and wearing gold-rimmed glasses got out of the car. , the old man smiled elegantly and waved his hands gently, giving people a deep impression like a spring breeze.

"It's Mr. Chen! Follow me to meet you."

Jin Yaocheng, father and son were all a little excited, and the media reporters were even more excited. Their eyes were like eagles, their noses were like hyenas, and they were agile and sharp.

Wow, all the brains rushed forward, surrounded the Maybach, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

"Hello, Director Chen, may I ask why you personally inspected the West Lake Jinhuang International Building? Does this building have any special significance?"

"Mr. Chen, I'm very glad to see you. I would like to ask you a question, do you value the Xizihu Jinhuang International Building so much, do you have the idea of ​​transferring the industry back to China?"

"What is your opinion on the high domestic housing prices?"

"You came to Hangzhou this time..."


The reporters were chattering and noisy, Jin Yaocheng hurriedly greeted the security personnel and asked them to come over and stop him.

Chen Jianghe waved his hand, signaling Jin Yaocheng to be calm, and smiled calmly at the surrounding reporters, "Everyone, today I came to Hangzhou to host the project of Xizihu Jinhuang International Building, and I was completely attracted by a magical item. As for what it is, I will reveal it to everyone later, because I have never seen its original appearance."

"Similarly, I know that everyone wants to ask me all kinds of questions, don't panic, don't rush, I will hold an exclusive interview meeting for you later, when everyone comes together, you can ask whatever you want. "

"Now, friends from the media, please make way for Jianghe and let me complete the inspection and acceptance work."

Chen Jianghe, who is over seventy years old, speaks softly and kindly, and has an elegant and easy-going smile, which makes everyone who sees and hears it inexplicably convinced and reassured. The reporters all smile and agree, and the crowded crowd immediately divides into a narrow alley!
"Mr. Chen." Jiang Yaocheng said respectfully. Jiang Yaocheng's respect was not a compliment to power and money, but to respect the elders and the legendary ancestors of Zhejiang merchants.

"Yaocheng, let's start the unveiling."

"Alright Mr. Chen."

Jin Yaocheng nodded to Jin Yixing, and Jin Yixing went to make arrangements, striving to make the scene large and the effect surprising, so as to shock the world.

The media reporters set up their cameras and cameras. Although they did not know what the magical items Chen Jianghe said were, what Chen Jianghe said was definitely true.

At 10:30 in the morning, Su Sheng was beside the green trees in the front square.

"Mr. Su, can't we go there?" Huo Siyan looked at the high-rise building covered by the anti-blocking filter. There was a faint light flickering on the wall of the building.

Su Sheng shook his head. "There are reporters around, I don't want to be photographed."

Three minutes later, following Chen Jianghe's order, the anti-blocking filter covering the building was slowly lowered.

Swish swish!
The whole world is quiet!
There was no movement at all, including pedestrians on the road and vehicles passing by. Except for the traffic lights and the moving water of West Lake, other objects seemed to be frozen at this moment, as if a grandson had cast a fixation spell.

What did they see?
They saw a towering building inlaid with a "9D" illusion curtain wall. There were dragons soaring, colorful phoenixes flying, and suddenly, blue sky, white clouds, and birds. , forests... cities... deserts... Xingguo full of sci-fi elements!

The screen shows that the scene is changing all the time, switching sides in the middle and staying for a while, showing different patterns and colors under the sun's rays.

Every frame presents the most perfect color, overlooking from different angles, you will get different colors, patterns, video enjoyment and visual impact.


so amazing!

What a great deal!
Everyone lamented that Jinhuang Real Estate is worthy of being called the world's number one real estate developer, and it really deserves its reputation. The whole building dares to use full 8D and 9D tempered magic color display screens as the curtain wall. How fucking inhumane!

10 minutes!
For a full 10 minutes, within a radius of one kilometer around the West Lake, there was silence and no movement at all.

Until a certain moment of tacit understanding, as far as the ear can reach, the applause is like thunder, cheering!
(End of this chapter)

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