i revived the scientist

Chapter 56 Learn about the super antivirus function of Rongguang Butler!

Chapter 56 Learn about the super antivirus function of Rongguang Butler!
When Su Sheng was sleeping, Li Yongzhi in the staff dormitory of Shenxi Media panicked. He didn't think that Rongguang Technology deliberately bluffed and bombed him. Rongguang Technology has such powerful computer technology, and it may be possible to find out that he released it. Devil sticky rice worm.

"To run, you must be fast."

clap clap clap...

Third-party booking software, searching and inquiring about flights to Goguryeo, no!There is no official booking software either!

How can there be no tickets?

Li Yongzhi was a little nervous, beads of sweat oozed out of his forehead.

12306 train ticket, go to Dandong!
Hu, "Fortunately, there are train tickets."

Hope in time.


On the isolated island of hackers, in order to build a good global network ecological environment, various Internet masters and members of the hacker alliance spontaneously held a network-wide hacker defense conference, solicited suggestions, sorted out feedback in a timely manner, and jointly formulated the final executable early warning plan and solution.

On the other hand, once the global computer network is paralyzed, no matter how powerful their computer technology is, they will be useless. Whether it is for their own benefit or to contribute to the cause of network informationization for all mankind, they have to do something to do.

GOD, as the number one powerhouse in the hacker world, hosted this online conference, and Rongxin used the online conference software. With the powerful performance of Rongguang cloud server, Rongxin group chat can supply tens of thousands of people at the same time. Online, to ensure that the meeting is smooth and uninterrupted. In terms of this advantage, there is no online meeting software on the market that can support online meetings of hundreds of thousands of people.

After GOD silenced everyone, it delivered an important series of speeches: "The first informal global hacker joint emergency conference was held. Regarding the treatment of the spread and infection of the devil glutinous rice bug virus, the following solutions were made after discussion."

"First, the government responds to emergency calls and formulates solutions. I believe that among us, there must be people from official organizations. They must have their own executable solutions and early warning plans. It stands to reason that we should not worry about salty carrots. But in terms of technology, we know better than them. In addition, everyone is responsible for maintaining the network security environment, let alone us hackers?
What I want to say is that the officials of various countries should temporarily cut off the network transmission of the external network under the condition of ensuring the basic production of the national industry, and form a local area network and an internal network environment in their respective regions to meet the needs of office and production, and try to avoid contact with the complex and open outside world. In the network environment, achieve "home isolation", otherwise it will cause large-scale economic losses, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Specifically, the key areas to be isolated are official special departments, military and military jurisdiction, important state-owned central enterprises, major university laboratories, national research institutes, core scientific research institutes, state government agencies, basic industries, aerospace, transportation... Computer services such as microcomputers, minicomputers, midrange computers, mainframes, and supercomputers. "

"Second point, the main source of netizens is from the private sector, and the use of microcomputers accounts for a very large proportion. According to statistics from the Internet monitoring departments of various countries, there are about 40 billion Internet users in the world, and the number of private microcomputers connected to the Internet is more than 30 billion. Once such a large number of microcomputer groups are infected with viruses...the consequences will be disastrous."

"Therefore, protecting the people is the top priority, but it is obviously impossible in the information age to forcibly prevent netizens from accessing the Internet. Therefore, we need to fight, use our own powerful advantages in computer technology, occupy various portals, and publicize as much as possible. It may be possible to persuade users to turn off their computers before the glutinous rice worm virus spreads completely to prevent infection and poisoning."


A series of security recommendations and protective measures are arranged, and the most important thing is to do a good job of publicity. Therefore, an army of [-] hackers started to act. Hackers, red hackers, and white hackers are all Internet heroes at this time. At this moment, they are all hackers. The great opportunity is not comparable to those keyboard warriors and small thieves who steal TT numbers.

The meaning of hacking should not be misinterpreted as narrow nouns such as "stealing, attacking, cracking", but should be regarded as the first line of defense and the last line of defense in the online world.

There are rivers and lakes where there are people, and there are scum and garbage among hackers, which is unavoidable, but more of them are "knights" who use keyboards to defend their homeland.

So... key here!
Tens of thousands of hackers in the Eastern Hemisphere have chosen to fight until dawn, and ask for leave tomorrow instead of going to work.

Such as Hua Mulan sent a text message to the editor: "Hello, respected leader, my ex-girlfriend will get married tomorrow, and I will go to the wedding, and I will ask for a day off."

As a result, as soon as it was sent out, it was approved by the leader, "Xiaohua, my condolences have changed."

"...Leader, you didn't sleep at three o'clock in the morning!?"

"I, just finished warming up and exercising... I'm about to go to sleep, hehe."


The infection rate of the devil glutinous rice worm is getting faster and faster. When the eastern and western hemispheres are night and day respectively, there are an endless stream of reporting calls and technical visits, and hackers are all on the move.

Major post bars, forums, bibs, headlines, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Du Niang, Gu Ge... and other portals and exchange areas with large traffic at home and abroad have fallen one after another.

The Internet earthquake rolled up, and one stone stirred up thousands of waves, and major portal websites and media news were moved by the news.

Du Niang.

"Let all the employees of the technology department and the news department come to work, hurry up! The entire Internet ecosystem will be implicated, and it is inevitable for Du Niang, but we must minimize the loss as much as possible."

easy net.

"What's wrong at 03:30 in the morning? Hurry up, get out of bed if you don't get up!"


"What? Didn't answer the phone?"

"Whoever doesn't answer the phone will go to HR to resign tomorrow."

Twitter, Star Country is located in the Western Hemisphere, daytime.

"OMG, big news, replace the homepage headline with me, don't need hackers to attack, but the gimmick needs to borrow them, gogogo!"


"What? So hi! Global hacker redemption operation? Build a fortress defense line for the global Internet?!"

It's evening in Eagle Country, BBC.

"Oh, damn it, I just got off work, shit!... Huaxia guys like to make things happen."

Sakuragi Kyoto, early morning.

"Hurry up, tell the national media that the glutinous rice bug virus will never be allowed to invade the empire's territory today!"


In a short period of time, the portal website was updated in a timely manner, and the media, broadcasting, and information media were not far behind, and stepped up their efforts to focus on this matter.

The Times published: Dongfang Rongguang Technology provoked a hacker organization and released a terrible glutinous rice bug virus. It is said that the computer infection rate is 100%, and the infection rate is extremely high!
The Sun: Hacker crisis reappears, who is the computer savior?Who is the internet hero?
Wall Street Journal: If what GOD, the No. 50 hacker alliance, says is true, the global economic losses caused by the glutinous rice bug virus are immeasurable, and the initial budget is [-] trillion!

Internet Age: Devil sticky rice virus is so terrible?If the Internet catastrophe comes, the implicated scope will lead to the paralysis and collapse of all emerging industries, causing countless people to lose their jobs, and even serious social unrest.


At this time, Rongguang Technology was at the cusp and center of the vortex. The glutinous rice bug virus appeared due to hackers around the world internally testing the Rongguang Cloud Server. Therefore, countless people around the world focused their attention on Rongguang Technology.

Is it a virus released by a hacker organization, or a computer virus deliberately released by Rongguang Technology for defense and counter-attack?The whole world is watching, and there is no rush to jump to conclusions.

But in the end, someone must come forward to pay the bill, to take responsibility and bear the blame.

Penguin, who is at odds with Rongguang, naturally puts all his energy on Rongguang Technology, and does not miss any opportunity to forcefully buy or suppress Rongguang Technology. Zhang Qiang lit a cigarette, puffed out the clouds, and muttered: "When you step on Rongguang Technology It's here, step on it hard for me!"

Losing again and again, Zhang Qiang has no patience, step on it first and then talk.

Then the media channels under the Penguin Department all said: "Rongguang Technology deliberately released the glutinous rice bug virus with the help of virtual cloud technology gimmick!"

"Otherwise, how would Rongguang Technology know that the name of the virus is Devil's Glutinous Rice Worm Virus? As for the evidence of a certain person or a certain organization, hehe, it's just a thief calling catch a thief, trying to cover it up."

Penguin, as one of the leaders in the Internet industry in China, naturally responded with overwhelming response, and almost the entire network scolded Rongguang Technology overwhelmingly!

The keyboard man is in operation, and the abuse and clamor never stops. Infamy and good fame can make him famous, and the virtual cloud technology has leapt to the forefront of the world, and has attracted the attention of international consortiums and official organizations of various countries. A bigger storm is brewing.


Wang Tao was woken up from his sleep, and the first thing he heard from Lu Guoan was: "Mr. Wang, something serious happened to the company!"

"What happened? Make it clear."

Wang Tao frowned and asked.

Lu Guoan said in a deep voice: "In the early hours of the morning, hackers from all over the world gathered on Rongguang Cloud Server to attack and crack our server. Later, the hackers from all over the world fell to the ground. I guess it was Ms. Angela who shot them all. Unexpectedly, But it caused a computer virus called devil glutinous rice bug virus, which is particularly contagious..."

"Now our Glory Technology is attracting global attention, if we don't operate it properly, it's easy to be lost!"

Wang Tao shook his head. Lu Guoan was born in technology, and his business thinking and cognition are different from him. He doesn't know that the corporate crisis is accompanied by great opportunities. If Rongguang Technology can seize the opportunity, it will become a top company in no time!Not impossible.

Immediately, he appeased Lu Guoan's restless mood, "You go to contact Mr. Huang and the others and ask them to go to the company for a meeting. I'll get up and go to the company right away."

Then he added: "Call all the employees of the technical department and the marketing center. If special circumstances allow it, those who come... well, I will give you a bonus."

Wang Tao is well aware of Su Sheng's thinking. The new generation of young people have higher living costs and pressures. Therefore, if they can be solved with money, they should definitely not talk about relationships. It's boring!When the money is in place, everything is easy to say.


At 03:30 in the morning, Beijing time, the Ministry of National Information Defense and Security stayed up all night. Yes, members of the network team of the Ministry of Security participated in the "internal testing" event of Rongguang Cloud Server tonight.

"Xiaoyun, can the devil glutinous rice bug virus be arrested by Skynet's cage?"

"I'm afraid our Skynet cage can't do it. I tried to use Skynet to encircle a virus data stream, but it not only escaped successfully, but also penetrated our Skynet cage with a few small bugs. Loophole." Wang Xiaoyun was very depressed.

The Skynet Prison Cage is a defense law network independently woven by the Huaxia Information Security Department, which specializes in intercepting network attacks by foreign organizations that try to steal important national data.

"The infection in Hangcheng started and spread to the surrounding area. In addition, the hackers who participated in the operation in Huaxia tonight were all recruited, and with them as the center, the glutinous rice bug virus spread and continued to infect! It has been half an hour since Rongguang Cloud released the notice. According to According to statistics from the statistics department, 600 million private computers have been infected nationwide, and tens of thousands of enterprise-level computers (minicomputers and medium-sized computers) have been infected... The situation of computer virus infections in other countries is unknown.”


All countries in the world are busy with filing and early warning. For the first time, the hacker alliance cooperated with official representatives to announce the big data of computer virus infection and cooperate with the official publicity. At the same time, major computer research institutes, computer laboratories and anti-virus Software companies are trying to find a way to overcome the devil sticky rice virus.

Big data shows:
Beijing time, at four o'clock in the morning, the total number of computers in Huaxia District, including but not limited to microcomputers, has exceeded 1000 million, and the number of viruses infected has exceeded 8000 million, which is [-] million worldwide.

Beijing time, at five o'clock in the morning, the number of computers infected with the virus in Huaxia District reached 1750 million, exceeding [-] million worldwide!

At 2550 a.m., the number of viruses in China reached 1.5 million, and [-] million globally.

At 4000 o'clock in the morning, the number of viruses in Huaxia's computers exceeded 2.2 million, and the number of viruses in the world was [-] million...

At a quarter past seven, Su Sheng woke up at the right time to develop a habit. Although he slept too late last night, his head was a little dizzy and swollen. After a simple wash, he came to the computer virtual laboratory, and Angela briefly reported last night in the middle of the night Condition.

"What are you talking about? 3 million computers infected worldwide?!"

Su Cheng muttered, "Didn't I tell them to download Rongguang Butler as soon as possible and there will be surprises... Could it be that I didn't hint clearly enough?"

Angela pointed to the international news and said, "Mr. Su, now that the world's attention is on Rongguang Technology, you may be in unprecedented trouble."

"Well, there are two major crises that are about to come." Su Sheng nodded, took a deep breath, and mused: "It is not a good thing to be paid attention to by some countries and top consortiums too early. Virtual cloud technology and several epoch-making technologies in Rongguang Butler To keep it, I need to make powerful allies!"

"As for the virus crisis, I don't take it seriously. Help me call the police and say, I know who released the devil's glutinous rice bug virus."

"Ok sir."


Su Cheng fell into deep thought, it's wrong to be weak!Recognizing their own insignificance, pursuing the right to speak and social status.

"If you are weak, you will be beaten, but I will become stronger... powerful!"

Su Sheng took a deep breath again, "Come with me to the meeting, I need to make Rongguang Butler the only computer system protection steward and anti-virus software in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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