i revived the scientist

Chapter 443 Glory Bank Chaos District 1 Pilot, Alipay Cat Baogou East Online Shopping Mall is ready!

Chapter 443 Glory Bank's chaotic first area pilot, Alipay Mao Bao Gou East online shopping mall is ready!
The first pilot branch of Rongguang Bank is in Juque City. Juque City is the city that Rongguang Group is most familiar with in the interstellar world, and it is also the city where the culture of Rongguang Group has the deepest influence. In this city, the reputation of Rongguang Group is higher than anything else. Therefore, relatively speaking, it is extremely reasonable and appropriate for the Glory Bank to be piloted in Juque City.

At the beginning of September, the weather was cool in autumn and the mood was refreshing. On the original site of the former Tianma Technology Group, the brand of Rongguang Bank hung high, and the former Tianma Technology Group was acquired by Rongguang Group and merged into a sub-group enterprise of Rongguang Group.

The Rongguang Group was established quietly on this day, and the next thing was the bombardment of information!

"Are you worried about accumulating a large number of Star Origin Stones at home, which is meaningless and inconvenient to carry? Come to Rongguang Bank to store your Star Origin Stones, let the Star Origin Stones gain profits and become more Star Origin Stones, and the interest rate is 5.00% Two percent, three percent, or even [-]%. The longer the period of fixed storage, the higher the interest rate!"

"Are you worrying about having no money? You can't buy a ship or a manor, and you can't get a wife. In the final analysis, you don't have money, you're fine, come to Rongguang Bank, a small credit loan, let you have a Complete home!"

"Are you worried about your family? Are you afraid of getting sick and have no money to see a doctor? Are you worried about your parents raising you and your children's education? Come to Rongguang Bank and buy your first insurance in your life, so that you can have a safe and quality life!"

"Do you want to start a business? Have you become a rich man? Do you want to be the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and be rich and handsome? Come to Rongguang Bank. The large loan business will help you get rich quickly!"



Advertisement insertions about Rongguang Bank are pervasive.

All of a sudden, the Rongguang Bank set fire to the entire Juque City.

Can you advance future money?Can you buy a manor, a planet, or a spaceship with a mortgage and credit?Can I get a loan to start a business?Can I help with storage and care for free and get some money?

Everyone is crazy!

At the same time, Rongguang Group launched a real-time bank payment product, Rongguang Alipay, which is used to complete virtual currency transactions and replace the bulky Star Origin Stone!
Glory Bank is on fire!

In one day, tens of trillions of Star Source Stones are stored in the warehouse, and at the same time, hundreds of trillions of Star Source Stones are lent out every day. Each time they are collected and released, they are growing upwards in a linear monotonic manner with an exponential function, and they continue!
A month later, Rongguang Bank became the financial transaction center of Juque City, with a daily turnover of up to one trillion trillion times/level.

The pilot project in Juque City was successful, and Rongguang Bank’s business began to expand outwards. Payment business, storage business, mortgage and credit business became the mainstream business, and Rongguang Bank exploded!
When Rongguang Bank laid out the entire chaotic area, the Rongguang Group headquarters held a meeting.

"The achievements of Rongguang Bank are obvious to all. Everyone has worked hard. This month, everyone will be rewarded with one month's salary."

"President Su is wise." Everyone said.

Su Sheng waved his hand, "The second thing can be arranged on the agenda!"

"It is a certainty that the payment business will become mainstream in the future. The exchange and exchange of virtual currencies will live in the cash market. In order to complete frequent online exchanges, I plan to build an online shopping mall. Under the mode of Maobaogoudong, Rongguang Xingtao and Glory Express!"

"Xingtao products will become a gathering point for online activities in the future, and express delivery will become the driving force of the gathering point!"

"The concept of celestial network will be proposed, whether there is a smooth interspace star field!"

"Glory's future will develop in an environment of high-speed transportation and high-speed information!"

"What we need to do is to seize the opportunity given by the times and face the waves!"

"Next, I will talk about the Xingtao model, which is divided into two sections, one is called Maobao, which is an agency online product store and the concept of a mall, and the other is called Goudong's self-operated store mall concept. An important and indispensable part of online development, all merchants and those who want to sell consignments online must have certain review procedures and simplified procedures!"

"Express delivery is an online and offline transportation hub. It not only undertakes the communication on the non-information side, but more important mechanisms will be developed faster and more in the future, such as catering, medicine, entertainment, and express in-depth industries. Not only to undertake online and offline conclusions and hubs!"

"As for the Internet of Things, it is an extension of the Internet of Things on the basis of the Internet and the Internet of Things, that is, the information transmission and fast communication across star fields and interstellar fields. In terms of technology, only our Rongguang Group can do it at present. Therefore, the construction of the information highway will be completely monopolized by our Rongguang Group, and the future communication industry will also be monopolized by us!"


The new concept of Rongguang Group is the relationship between online and offline, as well as the conclusion of the intermediate hub. Money circulation can create wealth, and the economy will replace part of the traditional contract. The material age is sometimes relatively comfortable and peaceful!

Rongguang took what was on Earth and moved it to the Pangu Universe. It can be regarded as a kind of soft invasion and colonization of civilization!

At the same time as Rongguang Bank is developing, the development department has put plans for Xingtao products and express delivery companies on the agenda.


Three months later, Rongguang Bank bloomed everywhere in the chaotic area. All major cities, counties and towns have set up Rongguang Bank and sub-branches. The balance of storage business and loan business is offset. The daily profit of Rongguang Bank... is as high as tens of trillions. [-] million!
This is so much faster than mining machines!
The number of star origin stones in the Glory Vault is increasing, and the more they accumulate, the larger the number is, and things like star origin stones are a kind of cultivation resources for Su Sheng, or for practitioners. Star Origin Stone contains a small amount of special "Qi", the higher the rank of Star Origin Stone, the more concentrated "Qi" it contains!
Looking at the star source stone that can't be seen at a glance in the vault, all the practicing scientists and wives summoned by Su Sheng are practicing in the vault!

A steady stream of "Qi" was absorbed, and everyone's cultivation base was rising!
And these star origin stones are all turned into a series of numbers in the hands of bank traders, virtual currency numbers!

With Rongguang Group's incomparably powerful defense system, no one can even think about violating the Rongguang Bank system!Of course, no one can do it!

Rongguang Bank continues to promote in the chaotic area, not only to the main city and counties and towns, but also to establish sub-district sales departments, township cooperatives, and district and county branches... In short, the number of Rongguang Bank is more than that of Rongguang Group offices, and more!
At the same time, with the official escort of Tianma Civilization, in the chaotic area, Rongguang Bank's implementation was not hindered at all, and the green light was given all the way.

Tiannan City.

"Loan of 500 million!"

"Sorry, your credit limit is not high, so our bank can't handle this business for you?"


Slap, man, slap on the counter.

"The credit information of the credit shows that you were once exiled to the city of sin, and your credit limit is low, so I cannot give you a loan."

"Fart, I think your Rongguang Bank is a liar..."

Before he could finish speaking, security guards appeared and pulled the troublemaker out.

Here is one thing to explain, the Rongguang Bank system database is shared with the local ruling civilized household registration information database and talent information database. In other words, Rongguang Bank has all the information of all customers, including address, spouse, education, All the information is messed up at work and so on!
Just like on the earth, personal information is fully transparent, so the opportunities for fraud and crime will soar!
However, Rongguang Group will help the government to fight crimes. At the same time, Rongguang Group also has a huge information base and the establishment of an intelligence base!


(End of this chapter)

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