i revived the scientist

Chapter 440 Space Technology Revolution, Space Tunnel Route, Computer Contest, Virtual Currency Bank

Chapter 440 Space Technology Revolution, Space Tunnel Route, Computer Contest, Virtual Currency Bank

Soon, Song Qingsong, the head of the Song family, came to Su Sheng, saying that the clan elders would discuss the results, and they "unanimously" voted to cooperate with each other. At the same time, they were willing to reduce the interests of the sector, and only needed the Rongguang Group to provide channel fees and marketing agency promotion fees. , As for the main product sales and profits, the Song family does not take a cent.

"Are you a little bit too aggressive? Is there anything you can ask for? Or conditions?" Su Cheng frowned.

"Yes, I need the Rongguang Group to issue a certificate of exemption from liability and infringement. My Song family... I am afraid of stepping into the footsteps of the Zhu family in Qingzhou and the Jiang family in Yongzhou..."

As he said that, Song Qingsong looked ashamed and helpless. How could the Song family, which has been powerful for hundreds of millions of years in the south of the Five Ridges, be so humbly facing a "small" group, a "small" group chairman?
Su Cheng laughed dumbfounded and shook his head, got it!This cooperation was unwilling and helpless. The Lingnan Song family was afraid that the Rongguang Group would cause trouble, so they had to agree to it, and at the same time gave up all their interests. It was only used in exchange for a guarantee from the Rongguang Group, a guarantee against "injury" Book!

Su Sheng smiled and shook his head, "Patriarch Song misunderstood, I have a rift with the Zhu family of the Jiang family, and it is a life-and-death relationship, so I was forced to act first. As for your Song family, I came here with the intention of sincere cooperation. It is definitely not to erode or occupy the Song family's property."

Song Qingsong sneered, "I naturally believe this, but you also know that sometimes my family cannot go against the decisions of the elders' association."

Su Cheng sighed slightly, what about the trust between people?
"Forget it, then I will write a guarantee letter, but I will give you the Song family a lot of the benefits that should be shared."

"No, we can't! We, the Song family, are willing to help Rongguang Group open the market in the chaotic three districts. As for the differentiation of interests, our Song family is also considered a large food family in Lingnan. Although our family members are hundreds of millions, it is not a problem to solve the problem of food and clothing." Song Qingsong There is a cold sweat on your temples, Mad, you wrote a letter of guarantee, and you want to give me money... you are trying to scare me to death!
Even if you sincerely give me benefits and give me money, I still dare not ask for it, let alone... how do I know if you are sincere or testing me?
Song Qingsong murmured in his heart. In the end, Su Sheng wrote a "no harm" guarantee according to the request of the Song family. The main content was that when the Song family did not endanger the interests of the Rongguang Group, the Rongguang Group would not use any excuses or any means to , planning the Song family, writing the letter of guarantee, the interstellar contract came into effect, violating it and being cast aside by all races in the world and so on.

When the Lingnan cooperation matters are completed, Su Sheng is going to take everyone back to Chaotic District [-]. At this time, Song Que comes to visit, "Brother Su, I heard that you are discussing cooperation with my Song family and plan to open up Chaotic District [-]?"

"Well, the three chaotic districts have a prosperous economy. Although the technology is not prosperous, it is an excellent development target location for Rongguang Group."

Song Que said with a smile: "The technology in this chaotic third area is not high, and the existing civilizations are generally between the first-level medium to the second-level elementary level, but as the transportation hub of the prehistoric civilization and the southern star field, the economic development and prospects are good. , Mr. Song grew up in the third chaotic area when he was a child, and he is very familiar with the human environment in the third chaotic area. If brother Su wants to go to the third chaotic area for field research, Song is willing to lead the way and be a guide."

Su Sheng nodded with a smile, "Thank you Brother Song for being generous to be Su's guide, I am grateful for your help, but there are some urgent matters at Su Sheng's family that need to be dealt with, so why don't you wait until next time, then I will trouble Brother Song again." , I hope Brother Song will not refuse."

A look of disappointment flashed in Song Que's eyes and Su Sheng caught it. Song Que clenched his fists and smiled, "If Brother Su needs anything, just mention it."

Looking at the back of Song Que leaving, Su Sheng squinted his eyes. What does Song Que want to do in the third chaotic area?Ambush him?As the saying goes, a weasel has no good intentions to pay a New Year greeting to a chicken!If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!The warning words of the famous ancients are very reasonable.

Thinking about his wife again...the answer is ready to come out!

The Song family in Lingnan had finished discussing cooperation matters, and Su Sheng and others set sail back to the chaotic area to review Angela's return from school.

A week later, when he returned to the chaotic area, Glory Planet, Su Cheng saw his wife Huang Xi whom he hadn't seen for half a year, "Xi'er, I kept you waiting! I'm back!"

Huang Xi looked at Su Sheng in surprise, and threw herself into Su Sheng's arms, "You're finally back... My, our hot pot restaurant is full of chaos!"

"My Xi'er is amazing..."

Tired, tired, tired...

Three days later, Su Sheng came to the headquarters of Rongguang Group's chaotic area with dark circles under his eyes, and met Angela who had been away for more than half a year.

"Sir." Angela said hello.

Su Sheng smiled and motioned Angela to take a seat, "See you in a long time, how have you always been?"

"I am immersed in the ocean of knowledge all day long, very good."

"Well, the firewood civilization secret realm is a place for excellent scientists to study. I will make a rule that whenever a scientist encounters a technical bottleneck or feels that the knowledge reserve is not enough, they can apply to go to the firewood secret realm!"

Angela agreed and said: "Your decision is always right. That's right. The vast amount of knowledge of the Xinhuo civilization is the most suitable time for us to learn from and use it at the current group level."

Although Angela was suspected of flattering, I have to say, it sounds good.

"Let's get down to business. What benefits have you gained from this trip? I heard that you not only gained higher technology and knowledge in computer technology and network technology, but also made great achievements in the field of space technology."

"Well, space technology has been researched by Professor Ainshitan and others for a long time, but the scope of reference technology and knowledge is limited, and the limitations of civilization on knowledge are indescribable and unimaginable."

Angela paused, and then said: "In this trip, in terms of computer technology and network technology, I have read all the technical materials and knowledge books on the two civilizations of Atlantis civilization and Xinhuo civilization. , and obtained correlation experiments, in the end, I believe with a high probability that my computer network technology should be among the best and second to none in the entire ancient universe!"

Angela didn't speak modestly or politely at all, but she was very confident!

"In addition, the knowledge of space technology can only be said to be a coincidence. I originally wanted to try to analyze space in the field of computer networks, so as to achieve cross-space communication. I didn't expect... Once I got in, I couldn't come out. After in-depth research, I found that the technology I have mastered is already extremely high..."

Angela said it in a casual tone, but Su Cheng said bluntly in his heart that he was a freak, evildoer, and genius!
I just want to confirm and extend it and use it for experiments. Unexpectedly, the scientific field that I don't care about will become a master if I am not careful!

"Next, what plan do you have to make good use of the technology and knowledge I have learned."

Su Cheng looked at Lu Zhou who had been silent all this time, Lu Zhou nodded and said, "According to the original plan, there are a few things that need to trouble Angela."

"First, write the Rongguang Bank system together with Professor Feng Yiman and others, including the defense system, trading system, circulation system, supervision system...etc. Second, after writing an absolute defense system, I will invite the entire Pangu Universe If experts in computer technology and network security technology, enthusiasts, and field experts and scientists come to break, we must win the title of Rongguang Group's computer technology and network technology to be the best in the world, so as to facilitate subsequent development plans."

"Third, based on computer technology, network technology and space technology, we will jointly develop and create a global communication model. We will be the communications operator enterprise business segment of the Earth's Celestial Empire! Monopolize the communications and interaction industry of the entire Pangu Universe!"

This is an important part of the Luzhou plan. You must know that in the Pangu universe today, there are only regional and small-scale communication areas. Once it crosses regions, it is difficult to communicate between stars. For example, if you say, Su Sheng is in Juque City in Chaotic District [-], and Huang Xi is in the Central City of Chaotic District [-], then using interstellar communication equipment, real-time online contact can be achieved, but if Su Sheng is in the Kyushu Star Map, and Huang Xi is in Chaos [-] In other areas, there is no possibility of direct contact at all, and information can only be transmitted through "people".

"Fourth, with the information superhighway, the traffic superhighway can't be left behind! Use the space technology you have learned, Angela, to open up space tunnels in various regions of the Pangu universe. It just so happens that Professor Ainshitan and the others are researching this Field, now that you have returned from your studies, you will open up new ideas and directions for them! At the same time, after the traffic highway is opened, the market for Rongguang's new spaceship will naturally open up..."

"When all these technologies are fully applied, the reputation of the Rongguang Group will resound throughout the Pangu Universe!"

When Lu Zhou spoke, he seemed more excited than Su Sheng!
(End of this chapter)

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