i revived the scientist

Chapter 432 Contradictions escalate, go straight to the Jiang family in Langya, the Jiang family&#03

Chapter 432 Contradictions escalate, go straight to the Jiang family in Langya, the Jiang family's treasure house does not stay, the group merges and acquires
When Feng Shisan and Lian Qi went to Qizhou Langya, Su Sheng in Yangzhou called Di Heng, and had a video meeting with Tao Ran and Gao Yuan.

"The four of us will hold an impromptu meeting."

Su Sheng said.

Di Hengsan didn't speak, and waited quietly for Su Sheng's next words.

Su Sheng said: "I intercepted the Jiang Clan! Kill them all, and the leader of the team is Jiang Chengkun, the patriarch of the Jiang Clan in Langya, and Jiang Hua, the elder of the inner hall of the main line of the Jiang Clan in Yongzhou. Come down, the Jiang family will attack, you are ready."

Diheng: "..."

In the video, Tao Ran and Gao Yuan: "..."

Su Sheng went on to say: "The Zhu family who came to help me, I will also kill them all, leaving only one alive, and go back to the Zhu family in Qingzhou to report the news."

Diheng: "..."

Tao Ran and Gao Yuan: "..."

"At this meeting, I will arrange for you to draw out some trustworthy people from Yangzhou Rongguang and Qingzhou Rongguang to form a branch group in Langya, Qizhou, called the "Shengxi" Group, and wantonly acquire Langya Jiang's property. One request is to be quick, before everyone reacts, to occupy all of Langya Jiang's property, and dominate Langya, with Langya as the center, radiating the technology of Rongguang Group to the surroundings, but temporarily, Shengxi Group Don’t claim to belong to the sub-group of Rongguang Group, let’s talk about it when the universe is determined.”

Di Heng, Tao Ran and Gao Yuan didn't ask for details, they just nodded in response.

"Remember, what the Rongguang Group is looking for is definitely not a state, or a few states. What I want is the entire Pangu Interstellar! Even the entire Pangu Universe is just a starting point for the Rongguang Group."


After the temporary meeting, Yangzhou Rongguang Group and Di Heng personally selected a group of confidants to go to Qizhou Langya. At the same time, Qingzhou was relatively close to Qizhou, so they sent a group of confidants there first to build the structure of Shengxi Group. Matters such as office space and personnel recruitment began to progress.

At the same time, Feng Shisan and Lianqi traveled for several days, and the terrifying Su Sheng with the glorious new spaceship came to Langya. level, but relying on the majesty and resources of the main line of the Jiang family in Yongzhou, he forcibly became the uncrowned king of Langya and became a special existence comparable to the clan. , Yunzhong Jiang, Shunan Jiang, and Kunling Jiang are collectively known as the Eight Jiangs, which are branches of the Yongzhou Jiang family. In fact, since the Jiang family has developed to this day, there are generally hundreds of Jiang families in the entire Kyushu star map. However, the eight strongest branches are recognized by the Jiang Clan in Yongzhou and passed down their cultivation methods. Only in this way can they be regarded as branches of the Jiang Clan!

In Langya, there are hundreds of families and civilizations, but all of them are respected by the Jiang family. In Langya, the Jiang family is the "king", "earth emperor" and "Yiyantang".

In the Langya area, Langya Terrace, the Jiang family gathered and lived here. Feng Shisan and Lianqi, one of them relied on his high cultivation, and the other relied on his rich experience, profound background, and infinite means, so they sneaked into the Jiang family together. Today, the Jiang family Ninety-nine out of ten of the elders group were damaged or fallen in the two operations, and the rest basically had nothing to fight with them, but even so, Lian Qi and Feng Shi did not come to the door openly and forcibly suppress them.

You must know that among the hundreds of millions of Langya Jiang clan members, there are a few hundreds of thousands of practitioners who can step into the way of cultivation, and most of these hundreds of thousands have just stepped into the first-level elementary school, or belong to the peak of the first-level elementary school, and fight randomly. Master Shi is not joking. If the two dare to fight, they may be dragged to death and killed instead. Therefore, like the previous ambush, they can only be outsmarted.

"Miss Lianqi, your sorrowful breeze should be able to affect a large area, right?"

"Okay, we need to make some arrangements, and arrange the entire territory of the Jiang clan, but the sad crisp breeze is only effective for monks, and it has no effect for non-monks, and the security deployment of the Langya Jiang family is not weak, even if we let all the monks lose Combat power, but hundreds of millions of people and millions of soldiers are definitely not something the two of us can solve."

After Lianqi finished speaking, Feng Shisan was silent for a moment. That's right, even if there is a sad breeze that makes all the monks of the Langya Jiang Sect become ordinary people, the Jiang Sect's own technological weapons and security deployment are not weak. With a joint attack, even if Feng Shisan and Lian Qi retreated safely, it would be difficult to complete the task arranged by Su Sheng!

Feng Shisan suddenly flashed sternly, "Or...all of them wiped out?"

Lian Qi shook her head, "Sir will not agree, killing is not the crime."

"What should we do?" To be honest, when Feng Shisan encountered difficult things in the past, he would always step in to solve the problems that Pop couldn't handle, and the way he stepped in to solve the problem was to completely destroy them, without poison or husband.

Lian Qi is the emperor of the eighth-level peak civilization, and she should treat life like ants, but after getting along with Su Sheng for a long time, knowing Su Cheng's nature, and subtly influencing and nurturing it will affect her personal character and consciousness. Su Cheng is not a good person. But it is by no means a vicious person who will use any means to achieve his goal, something Su Sheng can't do.

"Then take the bottom of the pot and destroy and plunder all the foundations of Jiang's family." Lian Qi said.

"What does Miss Lianqi mean?"

"All important scientific and technological data have been taken away, and all the accumulation in the treasure house has been snatched away... When Mr. Langya Jiang Group is fully acquired, he will explain that Langya Jiang Group will be like a piece of loose sand, which will destroy itself without attack. At that time, when they are desperate, they will steal the family property, even sell it, and the birds will fly away, and at that time, the Langya Jiang Sect will be completely destroyed..."

Feng Shisan nodded and smiled, "What Miss Lianqi said is that if you deal with it this way, sir, you will definitely not blame it. In this case, let's drain the fire under the cauldron!"

Moonlit night!

The two figures sneaked into Langya Terrace, found the residence and study of Jiang Chengkun and the elder Taishang, found the secret key secret passage, and discovered the huge wealth accumulated by the Jiang family in Langya. Naturally, there were security arrangements along the way, but Feng Shisan and Lianqi were not ordinary people. It is easy to come to the treasure house without touching the security measures of the agency.

Seeing the treasure trove accumulated like a mountain, Feng Shisan said: "A family's tens of millions of years of accumulation will now make us a wedding dress. It's so cool!"


The next day, Feng Shisan and Lianqi returned, but the wealth was handed over to a professional manager sent by Qingzhou. His name was Guo Kai, Gao Yuan's cousin. He was also unrecognized for his talents and had a lot of problems in his chest. However, heroes were useless. !

Gao Yuan did not avoid relatives because of his talents, so he called Guo Kai to be the executive president of Shengxi Group.

"Make good use of them and complete all the group companies under Langya Jiang's as soon as possible. They have no follow-up funds, and their capital chain is broken!"

"Complete the acquisition plan as soon as possible while the parties are not aware of it!"



A month later, in the Langya area, a behemoth named Shengxi Group inexplicably rose up, possessed a huge financial chain, and had close business contacts with the Jiang family. Soon after, Shengxi Group began to show its fangs and tail, aggressively acquiring, Originally, Langya Jiang wanted to block the acquisition of Langya Jiang's enterprise, but due to the sudden shortage of capital chain and the sudden rise of Shengxi Group, they couldn't figure out the routine behind it. Other civilizations and families were rather confused, as if they realized Because of the seriousness of the problem, they hid it one after another and lowered the transparency. For a while, Shengxi Group became the No. [-] technology group in Langya, and most of its industries were obtained from Jiang's, and this "income" is still increasing!
(End of this chapter)

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