i revived the scientist

Chapter 429 Soul Technology, No Chapter Business, Undead Containment, Uploading the Consciousness of

Chapter 429 Soul Technology, No Reincarnation Business, Undead Containment, Uploading the Consciousness of Life!

If the mysterious soul is compared to a kind of matter, then this kind of matter is lighter and more mysterious than dark matter. Under normal circumstances, it is not only invisible to the naked eye, but also difficult to capture by machines. Second, if the soul technology only shows the soul The processing and storage, in fact, the most important is sorting and coding, just like computer programs and coding.

The human body has six major nutrients, water, carbohydrates (carbohydrates), protein, fat, inorganic salts (minerals) and vitamins, all of which are indispensable. The most basic physiological body composition of carbon-based life is like a machine. There is a mechanical steel structure and internal secret core components, but there is no... driving soul. At this time, it can be automated by installing a driving decoration such as an engine.

And to the human body, the soul is the engine, the drive!
But Su Cheng understood a little bit through the narration of the spirit, what is called "soul", the soul is not described in the novel, it is a very terrifying and indescribable terrible material form, but a memory rich in energy, which is all stored in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. It is full of all the complete memory experiences and all emotional appeals of an individual, including the good and the bad, all the past experiences, all kinds of personal emotions, all the seven emotions and six desires, all the joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows and thoughts.

Compilation of the neuron library of the sea of ​​consciousness that mixes memory, emotion, experience and energy into a code is a completed soul, and the soul shaped by the soul coder, in a certain way, stores the individual in the form of data flow to achieve eternal life eternal purpose.

These are not the levels that genetic medicine can achieve. It is impossible to take genetic medicine all the time, because genetic medicine is improved through genes, so it can be said to be a one-time product, unless a higher quality genetic medicine is taken next time.

Gene medicine is mainly reflected in the word gene. Take the 120-year-perfect type of life-enhancing genetic medicine as an example. An endangered old man takes [-]-year-old perfect medicine. Then, his original life-controlling share of [-]-year genetic medicine The chain will be broken, and the [-]-year gene sequence will be re-fused, which can prolong the life of [-] years again. However, the second time of taking it will have no effect, because the gene sequence is already [-] years old, unless you take more effective and Only the high-grade genetic medicine can continue to prolong life.

But this soul compiles and stores immortality, it may really achieve eternal life, nothing more than not having its own original skin, but in the face of the current choice of biological cultivation technology and intelligent bionic robot technology, "soul grafting" can be achieved Or "soul transfer". Although the new body cultivated by the bionic intelligent robot body and biological cells is not as good as the original body, the new body is stronger. Some extraterritorial civilizations, such as the mechanical civilization that invaded Pangu, belong to the The way of grafting living organisms from carbon-based to silicon-based, so as to achieve the purpose of immortality.

However, long-term research on soul technology has found that the soul is not indestructible, especially after leaving the original environment and the body, it is difficult to achieve true immortality, and it will gradually become numb with the iteration and change of time, and lose some of the "humanity" possessed Precious experiences are thus assimilated into "smart programs", but this process is very far away, and it will take hundreds of millions of years, or even more than ten, billions of years!
Hearing Su Sheng's thoughts, he said in a daze, "I also have an idea."

"You said."

"Use the soul compiler to upload life, store it in the high-energy photon soul capture storage server, build a third world, which can accommodate all races of the heavens, so that each race, individual, and relatives who have passed away, as well as old people around The elders in the past have done life uploading, so as to obtain eternal life. In addition, the smart soul interaction business sector and the consciousness neuron interaction at the related technical level allow the dead to interact with the living. Although they are in two worlds and exist in two forms, But it is undeniable that from a humanistic point of view, it is a good thing for all the heavens and all races. In fact, in my seventh-level civilization, there is a similar project, and it is the product I created! I call it The world of gods, the realm of immortality!"

After Shen Xu finished speaking, Su Sheng nodded, "Okay, since you have experience, it would be great, tell me, what do you need to achieve technical work?"

"Number one, I need an expert scientist in computing who is smart enough to be intelligent enough to think differently."

"Professor Feng Yiman can definitely meet your needs."

"Second, I need a talented computer programming scientist. He must have absolute programming experience. The use of my soul compiler is extremely demanding. Even in my seventh-level civilization, anyone who can use a soul editor will be able to use it." Very few."

"After half a year, Angela is about to return. At that time, I will ask her to help you. In terms of computer programming, Angela belongs to the veteran level in the universe."

"Thirdly, material scientists. The soul materials I need are very special. I need excellent material scientists to help me complete chip introduction, upload and download, transmission and storage, and construction of storage materials and guiding materials."

"Song Changgeng, Gongshuban, and Jian Chen, all three of them can assist you, especially Jian Chen, who comes from a fifth-level intermediate civilization and is good at preparing and developing some special materials. I believe he can assist you." Su Sheng said.

Jian Chen on the side smiled, "Okay, I will do my best in terms of materials, just let me know if you need anything."

Shaking his head in awe, "That's all for now, um, there should be no problem with the preparation of the laboratory, right?"

"I'm building a large laboratory group in the Glory Mine Star in the chaotic area, which should meet your requirements. Moreover, the Glory Mine Star is located in a remote location, relatively comfortable, and the planet is heavily armed, so defense is not a problem."

With a faint smile, he said that he has no problem, and Bing promised: "Give me half a year to a year, and I can build it. As for the market for storing souls, you need to hire business people to do it."

"Well, in terms of business, call me, and you are responsible for the technical layer."

Su Sheng smiled in satisfaction, this "kidney deficiency" is actually for his consideration, however, a big guy who can master the seventh-level soul technology always makes him a little excited, soul!Reincarnation!He can even achieve imperfect immortality, he sighed deeply, the 50 billion technology points... are worth it!

But Jian Chen at the side said: "But in this way, Jian Chen can't stand guard by Mr...."

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "It's okay, after this farce is over, the Zhu family and the Jiang family will lose too much... that is when the Rongguang Group will rise completely, and then Rongguang will be able to fully wait for the Kyushu star map." , carry out my original plan, when the time comes, you will return to the chaotic area and help me develop the "Underworld"!"

(End of this chapter)

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