i revived the scientist

Chapter 16 Tech Girl, Tiger Touches a Group of Baldheads!

Chapter 16 Tech girl, tiger touches a group of bald heads!
Go to Yuhang Science and Technology Park, 13th floor, Building B, Times.

Huo Siyan waited anxiously at the entrance of the elevator until the elevator ding-dong sounded and the elevator door opened. Seeing Su Cheng coming with a beautiful crooked girl, she raised her nose slightly, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Su! You are finally here."

"Well, go to the technical department."

Huo Siyan took the two of them to the technical department, but the "driver" Xiao Meng just went to the basement to park the car and did not follow.

When he arrived, a group of people gathered behind the technical department.

"What's the matter, Brother Guoqing? Why are you all joining in the fun?"

Zhao Guoqing stretched out his hand and gestured for the word "shh".

"Our President Wang invited a computer "master" to deploy the online game server at the moment. I heard from that "master" that the deployment can be completed in half an hour, and even the test can be done together!"

Zhao Guoqing's emphasis on the word "great god" seems to be ironic.

"Deploy a large server in half an hour? Even test it? Fuck! Bragging!!"

Normally, deploying a large server is a very cumbersome job, especially for a large online game that completely relies on the server to operate, it is more troublesome to deploy, and it requires step by step and carefulness.

Even so, there will still be bugs and loopholes, so the verification department will verify, test, modify... and so on after a series of tedious processes are completed before the server can be put into use. Otherwise, once the game freezes, the game experience will be terrible. A large number of users will be lost.

Zhao Guoqing sighed: "Who said it wasn't, half an hour? Hehe, a department may not be able to complete the workload in half a month. It's just a dream for a little girl to think about half an hour."

"Little girl? You said that the great god is a girl?"

Could it be her?Xiaomeng thought to himself.

"It's not like that, who told the other party to be invited by Mr. Wang, we dare not ask, and we dare not say."

Zhao Guoqing grinned and looked inside the door.

He was not the only one who slandered, all the staff in the technical department, even Lu Guoan, the manager of the technical department who was staring at the display behind Angela's back, remained highly suspicious.

After half an hour to deploy and test the server, and put it into use?
This might be the craziest joke he's ever heard.

Su Sheng waited silently, no one trusted Angela more than him.

Angela's fingers fluttered and danced on the keyboard, but her eyes never glanced at the keyboard.

Blind type quickly!
An essential skill for senior programmers.

Angela can do blind typing quickly at this age, which makes Lu Guoan take back some contempt, but he still doesn't believe that Angela can complete server deployment and testing within half an hour.

Lu Guoan looked at Su Sheng, and Huo Siyan introduced to him that Su Sheng is the founder and chairman of Rongguang Technology. He knew very well that this young company, which was just established but has great development potential, belongs to this young man.

"President Su, how about I ask the network technology team to help Ms. Angela deploy the server?"

Su Sheng knew that Lu Guoan thought he was joking, but he didn't want to explain too much.

"Manager Lu, don't be impatient, wait quietly for half an hour, and let your network technology team come to watch Angela's deployment and testing. Believe me, they can learn a lot and benefit a lot. .”

The corner of Lu Guoan's mouth twitched slightly, but there was nothing he could do about it, you are the most glorious, and you can do whatever you say.

"National Day, Xiao Meng, Zhuo Feifan..." Lu Guoan called all the engineers in charge of network technology.

"You all have to seize this precious learning opportunity and watch Ms. Angela's server deployment and testing quietly. If you can learn a little bit, it will be enough for you to use for life."

After speaking against his will, Lu Guoan turned his head out of the window. The scenery outside the window is infinitely beautiful, blue sky, white clouds, high-rise buildings, harmonious scenery.

Hearing this, the members of the network technology team were collectively confused.

They, a group of plaid shirts, bald-headed monsters, and little girls are learning Internet technology behind the scenes?
Did you make a mistake?
However, they didn't dare to disobey the boss's orders, and the network technology team all turned their eyes to Angela in front of the screen... In other words, this crooked girl is really strong!

Xiaomeng is a member of the network technology team, and one who still has a relatively large amount of hair.

He didn't set his sights on Angela, after all, he didn't miss seeing Su Cheng and the others along the way, ahem, everyone has a love of beauty, God says peeping is not a crime!
On the display screen, the character codes that fly by line by line are particularly elegant, as if dancing youthful elves are singing and dancing happily. Xiaomeng is very familiar with those codes, every instruction and every sentence is very familiar.

"She seems to be very familiar with the Unix system."

Xiao Meng's curious eyes fell on Angela's calm and peaceful face, especially those blue eyes that could not make any waves.

At present, the server operating system is generally occupied by four mainstream schools such as Linux, Unix, NetWare, and WIN.

The Shuguang Group's large-scale servers leased by the company are based on the server operating system developed by Unix, and mainly support large-scale file system services, data services and other applications.

What is she doing?She is building a database! ! !
The development of two major databases, Oracle and Mysql, is also at your fingertips, she is so good!
It is not difficult for one person to learn two operating systems, two programming languages, and two databases!As long as you are willing to work hard and study hard, you will definitely be able to learn, but learning does not mean proficiency and ease of application, especially when using operating system instructions to deploy, test, and detect bugs while building a database by paging. "Great God" is not an exaggeration!

Xiao Meng opened his mouth slightly, and said in a low voice: "Brother Guoqing, look at the monitor quickly, you are a database master, help me analyze and analyze!"

"What kind of monitor are you looking at? How can you look at beautiful women... Damn it!"

When Zhao Guoqing's eyes fell on the display screen, he couldn't move away.

Partitioning, logic, interaction, operating environment, control, special data...

How did she do it? !


so perfect!

Textbook operation!
Seeing Xiaomeng and Zhao Guoqing's surprised looks, other members of the technical team also shifted their gazes from Angela to the monitor.

Once you see it, you can't leave it.

"She is proficient in the Unix operating system and knows every instruction by heart."

"Look, she is helping the mouse light server to fill in the loopholes, my God, who invited this fairy?"

"A girl who can apply database technology to a handy level, perhaps, this is a talent! Even if I spend my whole life and become a mortal, it will be difficult for me to reach such a height."


The technical group talked in a low voice, which made Lu Guoan upset and disturbed. Even if her technology is not good, you bastards have to shut up for me. Didn’t you see the boss staring at you?

"Ahem, you guys, don't discuss too loudly, study hard, and discuss after you finish studying."

Lu Guoan glanced at each member of the technical team with a wry smile and pleading eyes. At this time, the members of the technical team responded with expressions of gratitude and understanding.

As expected of the boss!

He deserves to be a leader!

Look, this look is vicious.

The look in the boss's eyes obviously has a profound meaning, and he wants them to learn as much as possible from her teacher. No wonder the leader said that even if they can learn one thing from her, they will benefit their whole life.

As a result, the members of the technical team kept their eyes wide open, refusing to let go of a chance to learn.

Lu Guoan was a little moved, as expected of the cub I brought!

I'll take you to the skewers tonight!Ha beer!

Half an hour was long and short, and when half of the time passed, Wang Tao came with a group of high-level executives. Lu Guoan asked the employees gathered outside the door to disperse and go to various tasks.

"Mr. Su."

All the senior executives greeted Su Sheng one after another.

Su Sheng nodded and smiled, "You are busy with your work, and I can help you solve technical problems."

Wang Tao responded with a smile, without any doubt.

"Who is this?"

Everyone turned their curious eyes on Angela, while the members of the technical team turned their surprised eyes on Su Sheng.

President Su? ? ?
The president and other high-level officials are honored as the general manager. There is no doubt that there are only two people in Glory!They have all seen a chubby golden president, and the other is more mysterious. The founder of Rongguang Technology, Su Sheng, who didn't show up at the company party two days ago!

Xiao Meng blushed a little, not long ago he despised Su Cheng for bragging.

"Angela, in my scientific research team, I'm in charge of the computer network."

Su Sheng said.

In order not to disturb Angela's deployment of the server, Su Sheng went to the meeting room with a group of company executives to discuss some matters.

As the number one person in the technology department, Lu Guoan naturally wanted to participate. Before leaving, he told their network technology team: "You boys are doing well, continue to "study hard" and invite you to play tonight!"

"Boss, really?"

"The kind of skewers of Ha beer?"

"Boss, you are so kind, I love you, okay^3^"

"Ouch~ get out of here!"


And no matter how noisy and hustle and bustle the surroundings were, Angela remained indifferent as always, her hands were flying on the keyboard without any intention of stopping.

The members of the network technology team were all shocked, from disdain and sarcasm at the beginning, to seriousness and surprise, to shock and horror now!

She, the title of computer network technology master, is well-deserved!

A group of plaid shirts and bald men unanimously approved.

In the tiger touch from the technical girl...

(End of this chapter)

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