Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 81 Grape Flame Dragon (5 character chapters)

Chapter 81 Grape Flame Dragon ([-]-word chapter)

"No! I don't agree with this old man!"

Originally, Manla wanted to save face, but now he lost the match in his territory under the watchful eyes of so many people. Not to mention saving face, he lost even more face.The mentality was completely out of balance, without the slightest demeanor that a titled Douluo should have, and began to become hysterical.

"This old man wants to see if your armor can hold back the power of Title Douluo!"

As he said that, he was about to rush towards Luo Pupu in the arena.

"you dare!"

Flender, who had been staring at him, naturally couldn't do what he wanted, and blocked him with a dodge.

However, as long as Title Douluo is really murderous and wants to kill a junior.Even Flender, who is also a Titled Douluo, can hardly stop him.

Manla seemed to know that he would be stopped. When Flender stood in front of him, a bright red light shot out from his eyes and pointed at Luo Pupu.

"not good!"

A flash of fire flashed on Bibi Dong in the stands, and Liu Erlong's personality switched up.But even so, she was too late to rush over.

Luo Pupu, who was still in the transformation state, suddenly sensed an astonishing murderous aura attacking her back. When she turned her head, that ray of light was already in front of her eyes.At this moment, she seemed to have seen the picture of herself being pierced.


Manra laughed maniacally.

At this moment, a sharp ray descended from the sky, pierced into the ground in front of Luo Pupu at an astonishing speed, and firmly blocked this murderous light.

The two collided and produced a wave. Not only was Luo Pupu, who was very close to the ground, knocked to the ground, but even the tens of thousands of teachers and students in the stands were blinded by the blow.

All of this happened so quickly, no one knew what happened, only Flender and the others knew that Manla's attack was blocked.

When the fluctuation disappeared, everyone took a closer look and found a big sword shining with silver light inserted straight in front of Luo Pupu.

And at this moment, a figure in a white robe slowly descended from the sky, stood on the hilt of the sword with one foot, and looked at Manla not far away with his hands behind his back.

"Old Shitou, you really are going back as you live."

The appearance of this person was beyond everyone's expectations. This white-haired but eccentric man is a big shot known to everyone in the Douluo Continent.

"It's you, Jian Daochen Xin! Do you want to meddle in other people's grievances?"

That's right, the person who suddenly appeared was none other than the dean of the Sword God Academy, the sword fighter Luo Chenxin, who was titled Jian.

"If it's a personal grievance between you and Dean Flender, that's fine, but you're clearly killing a younger generation. Such a despicable act really insults your cultivation."

Manla is not stupid. After he calmed down, he naturally realized that his appearance was too ugly. Tens of thousands of people were staring at him. There was no way he could escape the viciousness of his behavior.If you stay here, the situation will only get worse.The teachers and students he brought were already trembling at this moment.They don't even know if they can get out from here now.

Flender, who could see that he was about to back off, snorted coldly: "Do you think you can leave if you do such a thing in front of me?"

"Hmph, this old man is a glorious Douluo, if you want to go from here, how dare you stop him?"

Flender was so angry that he was about to make a move, but Chen Xin's voice came from beside his ear.

"Principal Flender, don't do anything here. If a titled Douluo dies here, it will definitely not be a good thing for your academy. Besides, you should know who is behind Canghui Academy."

"Martial Soul Cult!"

Thinking of Wuhun Cult, Flender's face darkened.Two days ago, Su Xuanyin and Xiaoya were accompanied by a master of the agility department who handed him a memory of an evil soul master when they came back.

He unlocked that memory through the power of Titled Douluo, and the contents inside made him dare not tell anyone until now.

Obviously, seeing that Flender didn't dare to stop her, Manla showed a smug face, and released a spirit power from her body, pulling Ding Yuan who had fainted in the arena.

"The old man has written down today's matter. I will see you that day at the Martial Soul Saint Assembly. Let's go."

After speaking, he dragged his group with his soul power, and under the eyes of tens of thousands of angry eyes, he got off the ground and flew to the outside of the field.For this, Flender could only endure it through gritted teeth, and Chen Xin who came to him also patted him on the shoulder silently, indicating that he must not be impulsive.

However, at this moment, a small flame rushed out from the stands, and even Manla didn't react, and was directly hit by it on the back, and the burst of flames scattered these people from mid-air, They all fell down in embarrassment.

"What... who is it!?"

Caught off guard by this blow, Manla asked loudly, but saw a small ball of fire floating in front of her.A cold and beautiful voice came from the fireball.

"Shrek can't do anything to you, but I can."

This sound is very magical, although it is not loud, everyone present can hear it very clearly. At this time, a strangely shaped object flashed out from the small fire, and the sound came from this.

"Second...Second Dragon Sister?"

Flender was shocked, how could he have forgotten about this grumpy guy, he hurriedly looked up the stands, and sure enough, he saw Bibi Dong with an embarrassed face, and Yu Xiaogang who was already in a dazed state beside her.

Just now he clearly saw this thing flying out of Bibi Dong's body, and then this thing made the sound that he missed for ten years, this was also the first time he really saw Liu Erlong's posture now .

Although he vaguely guessed that Liu Erlong might co-exist in Bibi Dong's body in some special way, he never expected it to be like this.

"You... what are you?"

"I'm the one who's going to beat you up next, as long as you don't kill me anyway, am I right, Flender?"

Flender was about to cry, so he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Wait a minute, sister Erlong, don't..."

But Liu Erlong didn't give him a chance, so he instantly hit Man La on the chest, not losing the power of the Titled Douluo, and pushed him back into the soul fighting arena.

Then Liu Erlong's eyes flashed in front of Luo Pupu who was also a little dazed.

"Lend me your body, let us teach this old man a lesson in the name of Kamen Rider."

"Eh? Hey! Wait... um!"

Before she could react, Liu Erlong's eye-soul penetrated into her body without hindrance.Even the green fruit swamp Jiao, which is the source of Kamen Rider Longxiang's power, was stunned, and could only watch helplessly as this little eye soul drilled into the same space as it.

"You are the source of Kamen Rider Ryuka's power, right? Well...so that's how this Kamen Rider's power is used. Alright, let me borrow this space for now!"

After perceiving the method of using Longxiang, Liu Er Longyanhun unreasonably attached his own power to this space.

"What? Wait, this is not..."

"Shut up for me! My old lady says a number! Just use... 1 minute!"

The mighty Liu Erlong made Luguo Swamp Jiao shut his mouth in an instant.

But in the real world, Kamen Rider Longxiang, who was penetrated by Liu Erlong's eye soul, burst into flames all over his body.Under the action of the flames, her armor was also rendered golden red, and a dragon pattern was also attached to her breastplate.The original emerald green compound eyes not only turned golden red, but even their shape changed into a glaring shape.

[Budou Arms! Fire Dragons! (Grape Armor! Flame Dragon Mode)]

Hearing the sound of the Zhanji drive, Luo Pupu, who is a shapeshifter, can naturally understand what it means.

"Still...can you still play like this?"

Luo Pupu, whose consciousness was also pulled into that space, was dumbfounded. She didn't expect to unlock a new form. So, is this eyeball-like thing really the power of Kamen Rider?

"Little girl, after this mode is unlocked, it will follow you forever. It's my thank you for lending your body. You should learn it now."

As soon as Liu Erlong finished speaking, she was moved by Longxiang, the Kamen Rider she controlled.

She raised the golden-red dragon cannon and pulled the trigger dozens of times. The original grape energy cannons now turned into faucet-headed cannonballs, attacking Manla with a roar.

Man La was shocked, this aura clearly had the strength of a Titled Douluo, it couldn't be hardened directly with the body.So he quickly released his martial spirit, and a colorful stone flashed out of his body.Also appearing at the same time are the nine spirit rings symbolizing Title Douluo.

"The seventh soul skill! Diamond Mountain!"

A golden mountain shadow more than 50 meters high appeared and protected it in the middle, blocking the fire dragon shells.But what he didn't expect was that these faucet-head shells, as if they were conscious, were concentrated on the same point, and within a short while, a crack appeared on the golden mountain.

"What? It's impossible!"

"What's so surprising, I used to be a Titled Douluo!!"

As soon as the words fell, cracks covered the entire Jinshan in an instant, and it was shattered into pieces in the next second.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Long Xiang buckled the knife putter on his belt next time.

【Budou Squash! (grape squeeze)]

The grape dragon gun burst out astonishing flames, Long Xiang pulled the dragon gun and pulled the bolt, and the flames turned into a small flame dragon and entered the dragon gun.

"Remember it was the Kamen Rider who beat you! Get away as far as I can! Drink!"

When the trigger was pulled, dozens of fire dragon shells shot out at the same time, and immediately turned into flame dragons and rushed towards Manla. Although he had already released another soul ability, he was also blasted towards Manla together with this soul ability. horizon.

"Ugh!! Remember it! Damn Kamen Rider!!!"

Seeing their own dean being blown away, the teachers and students of Canghui Academy dared not stay any longer, they fled here scrambling and chased after Manla.

Such a relief scene caused the Shrek teachers and students present to cheer.Of course, as the dean, Flender covered his head with a headache on his face.

"Sister Erlong, you are really... oh~"

In the stands, Su Qilong and Piaomiao, who were originally obsessed with Kamen Rider's power, couldn't calm down for a long time after watching what happened just now.To be honest, the moment Luo Pupu defeated Ding Yuan, they had a certain change in Kamen Rider.

But when a ball of flames drilled out of Bibi Dong's body, and then got into Luo Pupu's body, what happened next overturned their common sense.Especially when Bibidong said that is also the power of Kamen Rider.

"Dong'er, you said that the thing that escaped from your body is also the power of the Kamen Rider? Does that mean you are also the Kamen Rider?"

Facing the misty question, Bibi Dong hastily shook her head and denied it.

"That's rather special, so it's kept by me? Well, it's almost like this. I'm not a Kamen Rider."

Su Qilong frowned and said, "Just now, we all heard a human voice coming from that thing. Could it be that it was also the reason for the flames that came out of you just now?"

"Uh... well~" Bibidong glanced at Yu Xiaogang who had a sad face, sighed helplessly and said, "Don't guess, there will be a day when you will understand."

At this time, because Luo Pupu was possessed by Liu Erlong's eye-soul, she used too much power, and the transformation was canceled by itself, and Liu Erlong's eye-soul also flew out of her body.

"Well, yes, little girl, you still have a lot of room for improvement."

Facing the compliment from Liu Erlong's Eye Soul, Luo Pupu had no choice but to laugh awkwardly, "Uh heh heh heh, thank you...thank you senior."

Chen Xin beside Flender watched Liu Erlong's eye soul fly towards the stands, and his eyes fell on the exhausted Luo Pupu again, showing a hint of a smile.

"Sovereign, have you seen it?"

At this time, Ning Zhiyuan, who was still hidden in the sky through the soul skill, nodded.

"Well, I saw it, Uncle Bone, what do you think?"

Bone Douluo Gu Rong nodded and said: "This is much stronger than the so-called mass-produced knights we saw from the Soul Masters Guild before, and it has even reached the level of Titled Douluo just now. Although it should be because of that little thing that suddenly appeared However, it is certain that Kamen Rider's upper limit can at least reach the level of Title Douluo."

Ning Zhiyuan couldn't restrain his excitement and said: "When I saw those mass-produced knights before, I was somewhat worried. After all, although they can give ordinary people a certain amount of power, but the level is too low, and the maximum effect is only It is released by converting the power of the soul master into a Kamen Rider. Whether it is strong or weak depends on the power of the transformed person. But the one below is completely different. It is not a level thing. That kind of power is ours. something you've been looking for."

Ning Longlong, who was with them, had watched the whole battle of Luo Pupu. To be honest, since she transformed into Kamen Rider Longxiang and easily defeated Ding Yuan, he was deeply impressed by this power. deeply attracted.It was completely beyond his expectation that Manla, who was a titled Douluo, would be blown away next.

That Luopupu is just an existence at the same level as her own, and after transforming, she didn't use the ability of a soul master at all, indicating that the power she displayed came entirely from the Kamen Rider.From this point of view, the level she can achieve can also be achieved if she transforms herself.

Because he is an auxiliary soul master, he will only be able to find a powerful female soul master as a partner in the future.For him who is still young, this is very difficult to accept. He can't bear to be protected by a girl all his life.

As a boy, rather than being the future suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he hopes that he can become a powerful hero like Grandpa Jian.Now, this hope is in front of his eyes, as long as he also becomes a Kamen Rider.

"Father, please help me become a Kamen Rider, I am willing to spend any money!"

Ning Zhiyuan smiled softly: "Don't worry, this is one of the reasons why we came to Shrek this time, and this is no longer your business alone, even for those mass-produced knights, it is also important for auxiliary system soul masters." Very valuable. When you meet people, you have to put away that arrogance."

Ning Longlong grinned: "Don't worry! No matter what you say this time, I will fully cooperate."

"Yes. Uncle Gu, let's go down."

Originally, the appearance of Sword Douluo Chen Xin had surprised everyone, but the subsequent appearance of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Master Ning Zhiyuan and Bone Douluo Gu Rong made everyone realize that something big might happen.

"Ning Zhiyuan is visiting with his son, and please forgive me for coming here uninvited, Dean Flender."

As soon as he came up, Ning Zhiyuan bowed to Flender very politely, and Ning Longlong beside him naturally followed.

Although we didn't have much contact with them before, the reviews of Sword Bone Shuangyuan and Qibao Liulizong are not generally good, and Chen Xin also rescued Luo Pupu just now.Naturally, Flender would not neglect such a guest.

"Where is it, I should ask Sect Master Ning and the two seniors to forgive me for being far away. Teacher Jing, immediately organize the teachers and students to leave the venue in an orderly manner."

Jing Tieyang nodded: "Yes, Mr. Dean."

"Several, this is not a place to talk, please come with me."

"Oh, and can Dean Loveland take this girl?"

"Huh? Me?"

Being pointed out by such a big man as Ning Zhiyuan, Luo Pupu was a little flustered.

Flender knew about Yin Xiaoya's rescue of two Sword Academy students from the hands of the evil soul master in the Soul Beast Forest.Coupled with the fact that a bunch of Kamen Riders appeared in the Soul Masters Guild to attack the evil soul masters in the past two days, this made him vaguely guess the purpose of Ning Zhiyuan's coming here.

"Alright, Luo Pupu, come here too."

"Oh, yes, Mr. Dean."

At this time, Ning Zhiyuan noticed that Luo Pupu was still weak due to the battle just now, so he said to Ning Longlong who was following behind him.

"Longlong, recover this girl."

"Yes, Father." Ning Longlong stood in front of Luo Pupu solemnly, and released her Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, "Senior, I'm going to Ning Longlong, and I'll restore it to you. Seven Treasures are famous: heal!"

A ray of sunlight gushed out from his Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, attached to Luo Pupu's body, and quickly recovered her physical and soul power, so comfortable that she almost didn't cry out.

"Thank you. But, you can't call me senior sister. Judging by your appearance, you shouldn't be too old, right?"

Ning Longlong replied very politely: "I will be over twelve this year, so I should respect you as a senior."

"Ahaha, that's why you can't call me senior." Luo Pupu laughed, "Because I'm the same age as you this year, and I'm over twelve."

"What did you say?"

Sword Bone Double Douluo, Ning Zhiyuan, and Ning Longlong called out in unison.

 Ahaha, I was lazy again today, and I missed writing a thousand words, and there is no chapter, everyone squeeze, squeeze, and just wait and see, hehe~~~
(End of this chapter)

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