Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 72 Cooperation reached

Chapter 72 Cooperation reached
"This is really great. You don't know, four hundred sets can solve many difficulties for us."

Liu Zhou happily took Yin Xiaoya's hand, it was indeed as he thought, Liu Zhou actually did not expect such a large amount at the beginning.

It is true that the evil soul master incident caused riots in various places, but in fact, the guild has more people and stronger power.Therefore, as long as the problem of the evil soul master's skills is solved, the guild's actual prediction needs only 300 corresponding people.

Hearing that Yin Xiaoya can now supply [-] sets of mass-produced knights, this means that the guild can even formulate some active combat modes in the plan.This can not only greatly suppress the arrogance of evil soul masters, but also alleviate the current disturbances caused by evil soul masters in human society.

Yin Xiaoya smiled awkwardly, what would he think if he knew that he could provide a thousand sets.

"Okay, then we won't go around the bush anymore, Mr. Liu, how much do you plan to ask for each of these two sets?"

It doesn't matter what he said, only soul masters who have experienced the power of the two knights on the spot have the right to speak.So they dragged Liu Zhou to discuss in a low voice for a long time, and finally gave Yin Xiaoya an answer that surprised him.

"Mr. Yin, soul masters have various skills. In order to deal with various battles, we also need to have more corresponding abilities in battles. Therefore, we decided to buy all Kamen Rider Ji with various weapons. three."

It's Kamen Rider G3, forget it, I won't complain about the language.

However, Yin Xiaoya didn't expect that the other party only needed G3, and didn't need a Ole.Although Oulai's weapon is only an accelerated blade gun, you must know that the power of this weapon is extraordinary.

In the state of sword mode, it can vibrate 600 million times per second and operate at a high temperature of 1000 degrees. The cutting force is very amazing.

In addition, in the gun mode, it can fire 1200 rounds in a row when it is blasting, and it can fire 300 rounds of powerful energy bullets in a row when shooting with a rifle.If dozens of you launch together, you can completely suppress firepower, okay?

[The main reason is that G3 has been optimized. In addition to transforming, he does not need to wear it manually. His long-range weapons have also been converted from live ammunition to energy bombs. Another point is that G3 equipment is transmitted and shared in real time. Function, this is also inferior to Olle, which is also on the technology side, it can only perform voice, and cannot transmit images]

It turns out that these two people had a full understanding of their own Kamen Rider form the moment they transformed into Kamen Riders.Real-time sound map sharing is very useful for their large-scale decentralized operations.

It's not that Douluo World isn't developing technology, and it's already in space by Douluo IV, but it's just that the current technology makes it impossible for them to refuse its temptation.

"Okay, I understand, then please accept it."

Don't worry about these anymore, in order to settle the matter as soon as possible, Yin Xiaoya will naturally not interfere with their choice.With a wave of his hand, four hundred Kamen Rider G3 energy belts appeared in front of them.

"Four hundred are no more, no less. As for these two, it is my friendly gift. Please treat them kindly."

The way Yin Xiaoya handled things made Liu Zhou feel good about him. He enthusiastically asked the servants to hand over the things they had prepared long ago.

"Mr. Yin is a righteous person. I, Liu, admire me. Don't worry. Afterwards, our Soul Master Association will come to thank you in person with a reward. Here is our contract document, please keep it well. And this, I, Liu, said A personal thank you to you."

What Liu Zhou held in his hand was a golden badge. Even if he wasn't a soul master, Yin Xiaoya could still feel a trace of inexplicable energy fluctuations from it.

"this is?"

"This is the solicitation order of the Soul Master Guild. If you hold this item, if you have entrustment in the future, no matter where the Soul Master Guild is, it will not collect your entrustment money. At the same time, it will give priority to dispatching the entrusted tasks for you." Soul master. Of course, I must choose an excellent level of soul master, and all rewards for soul masters will be paid by my soul master guild. But please forgive me, at my level, I can only give this solicitation order at most set a validity period of one year."

Oh~~ It's equivalent to a high-end membership card, I understand, and the gym is also used for this purpose.It's just that in this world of Douluo, there's no need to worry about them running away.

In this regard, Yin Xiaoya thought about it for a while, and there is no way to solve everything by himself.That's why he needed to get to know Shrek before he was willing to cooperate with the guild.But do I really need such a superior way to coordinate power?Just by providing the power of these mass-produced knights?Something seems wrong.

So Yin Xiaoya put the contract documents into the system space, but did not take over the solicitation order.

"I'll just accept the paperwork, and it's enough that I will receive the due reward afterwards. But please allow me to decline this solicitation order. Please don't get me wrong, I am definitely not rejecting Manager Liu's kindness, nor is it for the sake of getting along with Mr. The guild draws a clear line. I just think that if I need help from the guild in the future, I can make everyone help me from the bottom of my heart, not for the sake of this symbolic certificate."

Yin Xiaoya knew very well that he would definitely solve small troubles by himself, since it was related to the knight points.But if he really came to a situation where he needed the help of the guild, then there would definitely be a very serious incident.To be clear, it is very likely to be the kind that will kill people.

Therefore, he really didn't believe that with the so-called so-called collection order, they would really help him for free or even at a cost.Instead of this, it is better to deal with each other sincerely.In this way, when it came to the critical moment, he dared to hand over his back with confidence.

Liu Zhou is a sensible person, and immediately understood what Yin Xiaoya meant.He didn't force it, because he also understood that when Yin Xiaoya made this decision, it meant that the future would be brighter.

"In this case, I hope that we will have a happy cooperation in the future."

"Of course, by the way, can I make a small request?"

"No problem, you just say it's all right."

"I hope that when you crusade against evil soul masters, you will do so in the name of Kamen Rider."

This made Liu Zhou puzzled: "If you do this, doesn't it mean that all the knots from the evil soul master will be tied to your head? Why?"

Yin Xiaoya smiled, Liu Zhou naturally did not understand why he took the initiative to sow hatred.But even if he explained it himself, he wouldn't understand, after all, there are many things involved.The most important thing is knight points.

Just like before Luo Pupu went to sweep up the black forces behind the back of the academy, and Ma Hongjun helped Aojia fight against the people of Canghui Academy, and he also got knight points for himself.

Even though the guild uses mass-produced knights, they will still bring knight points to Yin Xiaoya, it's just a question of more or less.

In the name of Kamen Rider, for Yin Xiaoya himself, the danger of the evil soul master incident will increase, and the amount of points obtained will naturally increase.As for getting angry, of course Yin Xiaoya wanted to.

If he can bring the black hand behind him to his face, then the system's evaluation of this event will increase again.At that time, as long as the opponent is eliminated, the amount of points will be amazing.

"I naturally have my own plans for this matter. Manager Liu doesn't need to ask."

Liu Zhou nodded: "Okay, then we will boldly act in the name of Kamen Rider."

After arranging for the four hundred sets of G3 belts to be put away, Liu Zhou bowed to Yin Xiaoya and said goodbye.However, Yin Xiaoya did not leave, but borrowed the venue from him, hoping that no one would disturb him for a while.For this, Liu Zhou naturally made arrangements.

Not long after everyone had left, the children walked in.It was Yin Xiaoya who asked the staff here to call, but when he saw that everyone had come, he smiled wryly.

"I just asked someone to call Xiaosan over, why are you all here?"

Tang Wu put her arms around Xiaosan's shoulder and said, "This is my little brother, so I, the big sister, naturally have to follow."

Ma Hongjun approached with a smile and said, "It's clear from a glance that you have prepared the power of Kamen Rider for Xiaosan, so of course we have to come over to palm the eye."

Fang Xin nodded, indicating that she also thought the same.As for Ao Jia, who had just joined them, he was pulled over by them in a daze.

Of course, apart from them, there is also Mantis holding the child, she is looking straight at Yin Xiaoya, she has been like this since he came back today.

Su Xuan asked strangely: "Why does she keep staring at you like this today?"

Yin Xiaoya smiled wryly: "Hehe, it's because I noticed something extra on my body."

The reason is simple, because she sensed a similar aura from Yin Xiaoya.This kind refers to the breath of desire, so she cares about it very much.

Although it was called by Yin Xiaoya, Xiaosan always looked restless and looked at Mantis from time to time.Yin Xiaoya already knew about her resemblance to his mother from Su Xuan.

"Little San, Mantis is not your mother. I hope you can recognize this as soon as possible. If you can't even sort out this point and are still affected by it, then how dare I hand over the power of the Kamen Rider to you?"

Hearing this, Xiao San panicked, and lowered his head admitting his mistake.

"I'm sorry, Master."

"I've said it all, don't call me master."

"Okay Master, no problem Master."

Yin Xiaoya sighed helplessly, forget it, do whatever you feel comfortable with.

"Let's get to the point. That's right. The reason why I called you over is that I have prepared a good Kamen Rider power for you."

Hearing this, Xiaosan showed an excited expression on his face, and finally got to himself.Ma Hongjun beside him also heaved a sigh of relief.

"No need to be pestered by this guy again."

"Since you are here, Ma Hongjun, that's just right, you can transform now."

Ma Hongjun blinked: "Uh, are you preparing for a battle training?"

"No, it's for the next large-scale confession. The power of the two Kamen Riders I brought back this time comes from the parents of Cang Yantian Griffin. Yes, it is the source of the power of the knight in your hand. They are a family It’s been thousands of years since I’ve seen you, after you transform, the Cangyantian Griffin’s consciousness can be expressed better. Just take it as a favor.”

As soon as Yin Xiaoya finished speaking, Ma Hongjun noticed that the ghost tuning fork on his waist was vibrating. Obviously, Cangyantian Griffin was also very excited when he heard the news.

As Ma Hongjun has been with it physically and mentally, naturally he will not refuse to do this favor.So he took off the Oni tuning fork, and under the wrapping of the blue flame, he transformed into Kamen Rider Cangki.

"Okay, you two come out."

Saying that, Yin Xiaoya took the Chimera ring and the three bird-type core coins of Desire Maker Anku.

Then the Chimera's figure rushed out from the ring of the beast rider's basic form with a roar, and landed heavily on the ground, raising a cloud of dust.On the other side, Anku, who was transformed from the three core coins, was much more elegant, and her figure slowly fell amidst the blue and red intertwined flames.

As soon as they came out, they looked at the Kamen Rider Souki who had never seen before.No matter how much their appearance changed, they recognized at a glance that this was their child.And the ghost on the other side is the same.Even if he separated from his parents not long after birth, he recognized each other at a glance.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing here is Ma Hongjun who is physically and mentally integrated with Cang Yantian Griffin. At this time, he can not only perceive Cang Yantian Griffin's emotions, but even peek into the memory of the other party.Things that obviously have nothing to do with him, but he insisted on making him feel this kind of family affection, and it was the kind between soul beasts, not to mention how embarrassing it was.

(End of this chapter)

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