Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 46 The Evil Soul Master Reappears

Chapter 46 The Evil Soul Master Reappears


With the flash of light, the off-white poisonous scorpion sublimation key returned to its original purple color, Yin Xiaoya chuckled, turned around and looked at Ma Hongjun again.

At this time, he still maintains the form of Kamen Rider Cang Yan sitting cross-legged on the ground, with Cang Yan's exclusive weapon, Eagle Head Sound Hammer, lying across his lap.And directly above him, a yellow soul ring was gradually merging into his body. It was the soul ring of the Poisonous Fire Needle Scorpion, and it only had the power of 400 years of cultivation.

As for the power of the remaining 300 years of cultivation, together with the body of the poisonous fire needle scorpion, it has integrated and unlocked the program sublimation key of the spiked scorpion, which is the purple sublimation key with the scorpion pattern in Yin Xiaoya's hand. The key, it is the energy source of Kamen Rider Mie's transformation.

Yes, the reason why Yin Xiaoya jumped down was to coax and trick the Poison Fire Needle Scorpion to sacrifice voluntarily.Therefore, he also called out the mantis, who is also an insect-type soul beast, and the mantis is of a high level, so it is very easy to fool this little guy who is only more than 700 years old, uh no, to persuade It worked.

Let it be sacrificed, not only to unlock Kamen Rider's power, but most importantly for Ma Hongjun.That's right, his first soul ring can only absorb more than 100 years at most, which is already the limit.But with the addition of two conditions, this limitation disappears.

The first is to allow the soul beast to sacrifice voluntarily. The soul ring produced in this way not only has no backlash, but can also take part of the pressure of the soul ring for him. In this way, his absorption limit is pulled to at least 300 years.

Second, absorb the soul ring in the state of Kamen Rider Canggui. Canggui is the knight power unlocked by Cangyantian Griffin, so the Cangyantian Griffin in his body can also help him relieve certain pressure, but it is fake after all. The power of the face knight, so the amount of slowing down is not large, only about 100 years.

This can reach 400 years. In fact, Ma Hongjun's state is already very good. Even the first soul ring of most soul masters is not 400 years old.

As for the remaining 300 years of power, of course, Yin Xiaoya and the body of the poisonous fire needle scorpion are used to unlock the sublimation key of the needle scorpion of Kamen Rider Mie.

This was when Yin Xiaoya met them before, and after seeing the poisonous fire needle scorpion corresponding to the system's mark, he realized that it turned out to be a soul beast that could unlock the power of the original knight.

[The forced sublimator used for transformation is not exclusive to the main rider, so it can be obtained with points.It's a pity that 300 years of soul beast power is only enough to unlock the form of the Acupuncture Scorpion, and the basic value can't reach the peak, please continue to work hard for the host, and try to unlock the level of the Yake Scorpion one day]

"Yake Scorpion? Well...the shape is not good, it depends on fate. If I really want to say it, I want to unlock Kamen Rider Balkan. Speaking of points, how many points do I have now?"

[The subjugation of the Cangyan Sky Griffin, the birth of the Cang Gui, and the unlocking of the Acupuncture Scorpion are still being cleared. The current host has accumulated 70 available points, and a chance to draw three times in a row]

"70? Is that much already?"

[Most of them come from the incident of punishing evil soul masters. With so many points, it's time for the host to exchange for a car]

Yin Xiaoya nodded: "I'll change after I finish my work in this lava mountain."

At this moment, under the crowd watching, Ma Hongjun finally completed the absorption of the spirit ring.When the soul ring completely entered his body, he also released the form of Kamen Rider Souki.To everyone's surprise, after the transformation was lifted, he was still that chubby little fat man, and he himself didn't seem to expect this to happen.

"What, I thought I really didn't need to lose weight anymore, I just became tall and handsome."

Tang Wu on the side said angrily: "How can you take advantage of so many good things?"

"Ah! Senior!!" Ma Hongjun embraced him with snot and tears, "You are my Ma Hongjun's reinvented benefactor!!"

Yin Xiaoya pushed him away with a look of disgust, and then said: "Seeing how excited you are, it seems that after absorbing the 400-year spirit ring, it has indeed brought changes to you. Let me tell you about it first."

Ma Hongjun, who was pushed away, still looked excited. He said excitedly: "My martial soul has mutated into a pheasant. Not only is my talent extremely poor, but even the cultivation of soul power is very slow. But after 400 years of poisonous fusion After the Fire Needle Scorpion, everything changed. Yes, my martial soul mutated again, and this time it mutated positively."

Su Xuan shook his head with a wry smile, and corrected his mistake: "Whether it is positive mutation or negative mutation, they are all innate. The acquired changes cannot be called mutations, but should be called evolution."

Hearing this, not only Ma Hongjun, but Fang Xin also expressed curiosity, because her martial soul is also a mutant martial soul, which is inherently positively mutated.

"Mr. Su, is there any difference between mutation and evolution?"

"The difference is huge. Congenital mutation is individual, which means that the change of the martial soul is applied to one's own body. Even negative mutations are rarely passed on to future generations. The acquired evolutionary degeneration is hereditary. , will affect future generations. This is why the entire Luo family celebrated with joy when Pupu's martial soul evolved from a pterosaur to an emerald dragon."

After listening to Su Xuan's explanation, Ma Hongjun and Fang Xin showed different expressions. One was glad that what happened to him would not affect future generations, while the other looked regretful.

Yin Xiaoya rubbed Fang Xin's head and said, "It's a pity that the orb Dragon Mirror can't be handed down? Hehe, you, you think too much. Then find a way to let it evolve again on the road of growth." It’s okay if you don’t? And you little fat man, what are you lucky about? Your martial soul has evolved now, which means that your descendants will never be able to recover to the phoenix.”

"Ah? Is that so?"

Only then did Ma Hongjun react, and immediately cast a questioning look at Su Xuan, and what he got was the affirmation of the other party's suppressed smile.

"So it depends on how far your martial spirit is now. What if it's a better martial spirit than Raging Phoenix? Let's talk about it first."

Ma Hongjun sighed with a dejected look on his face: "My current martial spirit has changed... er no, it has evolved into a poisonous turkey. It has indeed broken the various restrictions of the previous pheasant martial spirit, and it has also changed my martial spirit. The soul power has been directly raised to level 18. But, how could it surpass the Fiery Phoenix, that is the top beast martial soul. Sigh, now my descendants have no chance."

"Why are you discouraged? Since your sect abandoned and humiliated you, you still have a shy face and plan to admit it later?" Yin Xiaoya patted him on the back of the head, "If you are ambitious, take out more Pay, let your martial soul evolve again, if you can't evolve once, you can do it twice, if you can't do it twice, you can do it three times, until you surpass the Fiery Phoenix, and let your descendants be proud of you, wouldn't it be more honorable?"

After hearing his words, Ma Hongjun swept away his previous depression: "Senior is right! Go to the f*cking Fire Phoenix, I will definitely replace it in the future!"

Su Xuan walked to Yin Xiaoya's side and whispered, "I found out before that you seem to be good at teaching children."

"Oh? Really? Hehe, it's actually very simple. There is no problem that a bowl of poisonous chicken soup can't solve. If one bowl is not enough, then have two bowls."

【Alas... you are really hopeless, host】

"?? What's wrong?"

At this time, a teacher stood up and asked: "Okay, Ma Hongjun's spirit ring problem has been solved, we are almost ready to leave here."

Yin Xiaoya quickly stepped forward to discuss and said: "Please wait a moment. I still have some things to do here, can you give me three days? Of course, you just need to wait for me outside the lava mountain range."

Su Xuan asked: "Since you still have something to do, let us stay with you. It's too dangerous to be alone."

"No, it was because of Ma Hongjun before, so everyone should accompany and protect me. But the next thing is my own business, and I really shouldn't bother you anymore. After all, we have to go to other places next, and we should let these children And teachers, take a rest. I can handle my affairs by myself, and I am enough alone."

Strictly speaking, only Yin Xiaoya can do this, that is, go to the places marked by the system to find the soul beasts that can unlock the original knight.According to the system, those who are marked are the targets that Yin Xiaoya can subdue with his current ability, so he doesn't need to trouble others.

Seeing that he was so persistent, Su Xuan couldn't say anything more: "In this case, we will retreat to the town closest to the lava mountain to wait for you, but I have this little guy, and I remember that we should be able to contact you through it. Yours?"

What she was holding in her hand was the canned locust that had led them the way before, and she naturally had no complaints about this Yin Xiaoya: "Even if you don't tell me, I'm going to do it. When I deal with it here, I will Will tell you through it."

"No, in these three days, you should contact me at least once a day. If you don't contact me once, I will let this little guy lead the way to you."

There was a trace of unquestionable in Su Xuan's tone, which made Yin Xiaoya nod subconsciously.After getting his response, Su Xuan resumed his smile: "If that's the case, then we'll leave here first, you should be careful."

"Huh? Well, okay."

Watching everyone leave in a daze, Yin Xiaoya shook his head.

"Okay, I'm going to get busy now, system, tell me the nearest point."

[The nearest point is eighteen kilometers away]

"So far? It seems that we still need a car, otherwise the time spent on the road will be wasted a lot. I remember that Meteor's car can be used in conjunction with the meteorite photosphere when transforming. How many points does this cost? ?”

[Kamen Rider Meteor's car needs 5 points]

"Only 5 points?"

[This car does not have many special functions, so it is relatively cheap]

"It's changed, brother is very proud now."

Then the light flashed, and a motorcycle with a satellite style appeared in front of him.This is the first time he owns his own car since he was born.He sat on it excitedly. Although he had never driven it before, with the help of the system, he instantly understood how to control it.As for the driver's license issue, it's the so-called in this world of Douluo.

With the roaring sound, Yin Xiaoya disappeared into the rising dust and smoke on his motorcycle.

He didn't know that just half an hour after parting with him, Su Xuan and the others who were retreating towards the outer edge of the lava mountain ran across a lot of corpses on the way, and all of them were mummies.

These people they have met before.When they just entered the lava mountain, another team of soul masters passed by them.

"It was the hands of the evil soul master." A teacher who had finished examining these corpses said with a gloomy face, "These corpses are basically above the level of the third-ring soul master, and the tallest one is even the fifth-ring soul king. Those who can attack a team of such a level are definitely not those evil soul masters who only target beginners, those who attack them, the highest level is at least at the level of the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor."

"Bastard, are these guys already so unscrupulous?"

"If the other party is only one person, we will still have the power to fight if we meet him, but obviously there are more than one person. If we continue here, we will also be in danger. Speed ​​up and go back to the town, tell the Soul Master Guild about the matter, and let them Assemble a team of soul kings to attack."

Several teachers quickly made a decision, but what they didn't expect was that Su Xuan asked to stay.

"If there is such a high-level evil soul master here, Yin Xiaoya can't be left alone inside."

"Then there's no need for you to stay. Isn't there a locust who can contact him? He shouldn't be far away now, just let him come back."

"It's because it's not far away that I have to go there in person. If he runs into an evil soul master by himself, it will be troublesome." With that said, Su Xuan handed the canned locusts to another teacher, "This You take it, after I join him, in case something goes wrong, I can contact you as soon as possible to find a rescue, don't talk about it, act quickly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find him if he goes far away."

Without giving anyone a chance to object, she ran back as quickly as she came.

"This... Sigh, when did this girl become so impulsive? She didn't use her brain before making a decision? Yin Xiaoya is not a soul master, and she will never be targeted by an evil soul master."

"All right, all right, this is the end of the matter, let's not delay, there are still a few children here, escort them out first."

So everyone hurriedly quickened their pace and walked to the periphery.

Along the way, Fang Xin also looked back worriedly, but he never saw the figures of those two people appearing.

"Is it really going to be okay?"

"Don't worry, with seniors around, those evil soul masters are simply not enough to watch."

Ma Hongjun, who has personally experienced the power of Kamen Rider, has become very convinced of Yin Xiaoya's power.

"Don't worry, you guys. Although as a soul master, my strength is not as good as yours, but as a Kamen Rider Canggui, I am much stronger than you now. If we really meet, I will also protect you ! Come on, master me, hammer and fly one!"

Regarding his self-satisfaction, Tang Wu cut her eyes and rolled her eyes: "Whoever wants you to protect, wants to hammer, and this girl hammers it herself! Who doesn't have a hammer yet."

Xiaosan pestered Ma Hongjun to see his transformation device: "Can you make me look different?"

"Go, go, don't think about it! You are a guy with a plant spirit, what are you doing with a fire attribute?" Pushing Xiaosan away, Ma Hongjun sighed and said, "Actually, senior asked me to stay with him. After all, I am also a fake." Face knight."

After hearing this, Fang Xin, who was at the end, took out his knight card box that had not been unlocked.

"If... I am also a Kamen Rider now, won't I be holding you back? Brother Xiaoya."

(End of this chapter)

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