Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 300 The Second Wolf with a Sensitive Nose

Chapter 300 The Second Wolf with a Sensitive Nose

Looking at the shadow anaconda split into several pools of black water like splashed ink, Tooth Bat III couldn't help sighing.

"It's such a wonderful life form, it was smashed into pieces by double Pashar impacts, yet it didn't even die."

Holding two Pashar guns in his hand, Yin Xiaoya explained: "The shadow boa is an incorporeal soul beast. It cannot be killed unless a special method is used. And I have no intention of taking its life. After a while, its scattered energy bodies will gather and recover."

"I see, but compared to these creatures, you surprised me the most. Your pashar gun was unlocked by merging the life of this world, right? I didn't expect that it could bear the erosion of the blood of the Demon Emperor for you. If If Xiaodu's father had your ability back then, it wouldn't be like that."

Yin Xiaoya agrees with this very much. Originally, he thought it would be a bad luck to be stranded in this world and not be able to use Douluo's elements to unlock the knight's power.

But now it seems that this not only allows Kamen Rider to obtain a new evolutionary route, but also offsets some of the negative effects of the original knight power.

Thinking about it the other way around, these knight power loan functions after the system upgrade are not entirely a good thing, but also have pitfalls.

From the pain I felt when I just transformed into a tooth rider, it can be seen that the power of the Kamen Rider temporarily obtained through borrowing is not only the power of the original knight, but even the negative effects of the original knight power will exist.

For example, the generation of Kamen Rider 555 is also the same. If the transformed person is an ordinary human, the death rate is very high, and it must be of the blood of Orfi Enoch.

Therefore, some original knight powers should not be used rashly, otherwise they will definitely be affected by the original negative effects, so it is better to be very cautious.

"Let's go KIVAT, while in this place, I can only trouble you first."

"No problem, even if you keep transforming now, it won't cause any harm to your body. After all, you can only transform twice, and you will suffer if the time is too short. I understand..."

This guy is really noisy. If he transforms into the form of a demon emperor, there will be an even more noisy golden dragon on his body.

It was decided that in this world, when it was the turn of the Yaki to unlock the power, he had to find some quiet soul beasts to help.

"Xiaoman, now I have brought down two soul beasts, help me see if there is a new route to get back to the entrance."

[Analyzing... The analysis is complete, sorry for the host, the route back still hasn't appeared.Not only that, the series of turmoil just happened has already attracted other soul beasts in this layer. 】

"It's really not good news. What the hell is going on in this ghost place? Why can't we just penetrate up and down?"

[The entire mysterious crypt is isolated in the outer space and is maintained by a mysterious force. If there is no accident, the reason lies in the relics of gods on this floor]

That old man Ghost really took advantage of him.Even if the inheritance is still there, Laozi will curse him to die in the inheritance trial.

Sighing a little, even if he doesn't go through the system interface, he has already sensed that a powerful soul beast is approaching here with Yaqi's sound recognition ability.

"At least find a way to avoid them."

[It is not recommended to use the method of dodging. Considering that the spirit beasts blocking the route are all bewitched by the ghostly spirit skills, the power of the king-level spirit beasts in this state cannot be exerted to the extreme. The host is now borrowing the power of the tooth cavalry. There is still a chance to bring them all down]

"But what if you encounter other normal spirit beasts?"

[I can't think too much now, I can only take one step at a time]

To put it bluntly, it is to let yourself brush the monsters in the past.

"What you said makes sense, but even if they are in an opportunity to take advantage of their current state, I can't face several of them at once, right? I can see that it is clearly displayed on the map interface that there are several places piled up together."

[A person's ability is limited, the host needs bait to disperse them]

"Where can I find a lure at this time..."

As soon as he said that, Yin Xiaoya looked down at the two pashar guns in his hand.

The original Pashar didn't realize anything yet, but as the soul beast Pashar who helped him tear down the door of King Sea Dragon's house, he immediately realized what he was going to do.

"Eh!? Master...Master, are you serious? Those are all king-level soul beasts with a cultivation base of over 7 years. In front of them, I dare not even take a breath."

"Don't be cowardly, don't forget that you are Pashar now, you have the ability of water space, and it's not for you to fight. I just need to attract other soul beasts when I'm fighting, and don't let them get in the way."

Saying that, without giving it a chance to object, he threw it out together with the original Pashar.

In mid-air, under the control of his mind, the two guns returned to the posture of the Bashar murloc.

"Hee hee, interesting, let's go junior~~"

"Your younger sister, I'm already over 1 years old! Hey don't, I don't want to court death ~ Master!!!"

Amidst the screams, it was pulled into the water space by the original Pashar, and dived deep into the cave.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Get it out of your hands, and you won't be able to maintain the Pashar form for long. At that time, the blood of the Demon Emperor will torture you again."

"Time is running out, I am going to upgrade directly to the Demon Emperor form, and I have been crushed all the way. Anyway, it will be more painful, it is better to get used to it earlier."

As he said that, he directly released the double pashar form, and while enduring the torment of the Demon Emperor's blood, he approached the nearest soul beast under the instructions of the system map.

But Tooth Bat III suddenly became quiet after he finished speaking.

"It's really like those guys..."

Considering that other spirit beasts were already approaching, he also took off the blue whistle and purple whistle on his belt, and inserted them into the mouth of Tooth Bat III one after another.

[Garulu Saber! (Garuru Holy Sword)]

【Dogga Hammer! (Degas Hammer)]

Two rays of light, one blue and one purple, flashed out of nowhere, and the two weapons transformed into the Garuru werewolf and the Dega stone man appeared in front of him.

"You two don't need to be possessed. I summon you because I hope you can help me lure the enemy."

Tooth Bat III also echoed: "That's the way it is, please trouble you."

The two weapons froze for a moment, then returned to their werewolf and stone man forms respectively.

The stone people usually don't like to talk. After receiving the order, they nodded silently, then turned and walked into one of the caves.

But Garuru was not in a hurry to leave.


He took a long breath, and looked at Yin Xiaoya again with his blood-red eyes.

"You don't have the slightest trace of the blood of the Demon Emperor on your body, and you don't have the real strength of a horseman. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to serve people who are not emperors."

Tooth Bat III said very dissatisfied: "You guy is here again, have you forgotten what Xiaodu told us?"

"My uncle will naturally listen to his orders. If he is only driven as a weapon, my uncle will not have the slightest opinion, but if this little guy wants to directly drive this uncle to do things, that is delusional."

As he said that, blue energy surged from his body, and an evil-eyed uncle appeared in front of Yin Xiaoya.

"Ci Wolf, why are you always so casual."

Regarding Yaba III's complaints, Cilang laughed indifferently, and even put his signature sunglasses on his face in this dim cave, and sat up very comfortably on the spot.It's like he won't listen to anything you say.

"There are only three things that can drive me, the blood of the devil emperor, music, and coffee. From the way you look, you can tell that you have nothing, so don't count on it."

Faced with such a willful sub-wolf, Yin Xiaoya has no choice.

"Forget it, let's rest here, senior. If there is a battle later, please use the posture of a weapon to help seniors."

The second wolf waved his hand, not knowing whether he agreed, so he continued to take a nap.

It wasn't until Yin Xiaoya was completely out of sight that Cilang raised the glasses on his face to look at the direction he was leaving, and then stood up from the ground with a playful expression.

"You are quite capable of avoiding the real eye of the stone man, but my uncle's nose can't go wrong."

In the empty Taoist cave, although his voice was not loud, it was so clear that it echoed.But he was very clear that he was definitely not talking to the air.

Sure enough, under the sound of his words, the space in front of him suddenly began to distort, like a surge of heat, a woman holding a huge scythe and covering the upper half of her face with a wolf-faced armor appeared in front of Jiro.

It wasn't until the other party actually appeared in front of him that the second wolf's expression became dignified.

His nose moved, and he said in a surprised tone: "It's very similar to the smell on Yajituo and Kaiwu... Are you a god in this world?"

The woman nodded slightly: "I am Anubis, one of the gods of death in this world. I opened up this independent space. Dear Outlanders, can you answer me a question?"

The second wolf shrugged his nose, and replied impatiently: "First of all, let me state that I really hate philosophical discussions, especially when it comes to questions that don't have clear meaning. Just tell me what you have to do."

Anubis was not polite at all, and directly stated his purpose.

"I was actually one of the beings who escaped countless resets, so I knew about the existence of Kamen Rider from the beginning. This reset is different, I know that the destroyer of the world left an item in this world , please tell me, is that thing delaying the time when this world is destroyed?"

The second wolf frowned, how could it be his turn to know what the emperor's cavalry did.

"I don't know. That guy always likes to create a sense of mystery when doing things. If he really leaves something that a god like you cares about, then it will naturally play its role when it is needed."

Anubis didn't seem to be satisfied with this answer, and his hand holding the sickle tightened a bit: "We have no intention of making enemies with the existences in the outer realms, but this world can no longer withstand the reset. I ask you to Everything about Kamen Rider was taken away from this world. What you did was not trying to save the world, and it has been proven that you have failed countless times.”

Although it is not clear what the other party is going to do, the second wolf is not a good temper.

"I'm talking about honorable gods, you are so capable, why don't you use your own power to send him out of this world? Oh~~ I understand, it's not that I haven't tried it, but it's impossible to do it at all?"


"What? Was it right? You are a god, but you can't even tell right from wrong. Do you really think that the reason for turning this world into what it is today is that kid?"

"Even if it's not him, he is also the root cause of this incident. Take him away and eliminate all the elements he has rendered in this world! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what are you going to do?"

Anubis slowly raised his sickle and fell heavily back to the ground, immediately triggering waves of dark energy fluctuations.

"If you don't take him away, then I will seal him in this space forever!"

 Today is a small update, and tomorrow will officially resume normal updates.

  Once again, I wish you all a happy new year and all the best~~
(End of this chapter)

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