Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 30 The Grape That Turned into Armor

Chapter 30 The Grape That Turned into Armor

In Shrek Academy, the basic graduation requirements for the advanced department and the elementary department are different.Higher level requirements, at least 30 years old and cultivated to the realm of five ring soul kings.Elementary school requirements, regardless of age, as long as you have cultivated to the realm of the Four Rings Soul Sect.However, the above are only the most basic graduation requirements, and it is impossible for everyone to meet this requirement.

If the basic conditions are not met, then you have to rely on credits to fill in. There are many ways to get this credit, such as producing some verifiable conceptual papers, so that you can learn a lot from the master Yu Xiaogang, and another example Participating in soul fighting competitions like Wuhun Shenghui, the higher the ranking, the more credits you will get.Of course, for the students of the advanced department, they can also obtain credits by doing tasks in regular guilds.

Graduation is conditional, and admission is also conditional.The Shrek in this world is different from the Shrek in the main Douluo world. Only monsters are accepted there, which means that one's own talent is actually a threshold. After a student who is already a genius enters, the teacher's teaching ability is just icing on the cake. What played the biggest role was the protagonist's aura and talent.

The Shrek philosophy here is to cultivate monsters. They don't care about talents, as long as they have a heart to become stronger, they can enter the school.Whether to become a talent in the future, the guidance ability of the college will play a very critical role.Moreover, Shrek is not like other academies, which only accept students at a fixed time every year. Considering everyone's age and family conditions, Shrek is open to enrollment all year round, so it was so easy for Fangxin to enroll.

As for the conditions, there are also conditions, that is, three do not accept, do not accept children from the seven major sects, do not accept people with royal blood, and do not accept people with unknown identities.The reason why the disciples of the seven major sects and the blood of the royal family are not accepted is because Shrek does not want to be involved in too many power disputes. Of course, in most cases, these big forces are internal cultivation and will not rely on outsiders.The reason for not accepting unidentified people is to avoid being framed. In this matter, Shrek suffered a lot.

These are not hard thresholds on the surface, and actual arrangements will be made according to the actual situation.Just like Tang Wu who walked into Shrek's admissions office now, when the staff here saw the recommendation letter she sent up, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time.

"Come here, don't people in your family have any objections?"

Tang Wu put her hands on her hips: "It's been said, since my father, he is no longer a member of the Haotian School. So what relationship do I have with the Haotian School?"

Indeed, she sent it because the recommendation letter also clearly stated the reason for the incident, and the person who wrote this letter was none other than Tang Hao, the youngest titled Douluo in history according to legend.

But the problem is that Tang Hao has been missing for more than ten years. If it wasn't because Tang Wu showed him his martial spirit, he really couldn't believe that Tang Hao, who had been missing for a long time, actually had a daughter. The Clear Sky Hammer couldn't fake it. .In addition, Haotianzong, the number one goalkeeper in the world, really does not need Shrek's guidance, so the reason for Tang Wu's appearance here is probably what the letter said.

"I understand. I will hand over this recommendation letter to the dean. If you are really Haotian Douluo's daughter, then there should be no problem in enrolling. But this one..."

The staff looked at the mistress who came with Tang Wu in some embarrassment. Tang Wu's words were justifiable, but this mistress not only couldn't explain his identity, he even couldn't explain where he came from.This kind of situation can only be dealt with as unknown.

"Why not? Do you look down on Xiaosan's Blue Silver Grass? Let me tell you, his Blue Silver Grass is very powerful! It is said that he is born full of soul power."

When she learned that Xiaosan couldn't enter the school, Tang Wu asked with a puzzled face.

"Sigh, it has nothing to do with martial souls. Shrek Academy accepts even scrapped martial souls. But the unknown person is really..."

"What's the matter if the identity is unknown? I can guarantee, oh no, I can guarantee my father's reputation, Xiao San is a good person, and he saved me before. I don't care, if Xiao San can't get into the school, then I won't get in either." , anyway, I objected to Dad asking me to come here from the very beginning."

The other party smiled wryly, why don't you just take your father's reputation as a guarantee, and why don't you ask him what he thinks?But even so, he couldn't let Tang Wu drop out of school because of this. If she was really Haotian Douluo's daughter, then Shrek probably couldn't bear it and walked around.

"How about this, I just need to send your recommendation letter to the dean, and I will also tell the dean about his affairs by the way. Before the results come out, I will arrange free accommodation for you to rest for one night. How about ?”

"Little San, what do you think?"

Xiaosan still put on a face, ignoring Tang Wu's question, and walked in front of the staff member: "I want to ask, is Kamen Rider here?"

The other party was taken aback, is that person already famous enough for someone to visit?

"Kamen Rider is indeed in our academy now, but strictly speaking, he is only our distinguished guest, not a member of our academy."

"It's okay, as long as you know he's here."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Tang Wu hurriedly chased after getting the key of the residence from the staff, "Aren't you here to enroll?"

"If Kamen Rider is a person here, then I really consider enrolling."

"Why? Who is that Kamen Rider?"

"I don't know, but I think he has something I want, so I chased him all the way here. If it wasn't for meeting you halfway, I might have come here long ago."

"What do you mean, why are you still blaming me?" Tang Wu pouted and said very dissatisfied.

Arriving at the place where they lived, Tang Wu's face blushed immediately after seeing the room.The staff member actually arranged a big bed room for the two of them.

"I... Let me declare first. At night, you sleep on the floor and I sleep on the bed. Did you hear me?"

Seeing that Xiao San seemed to be eavesdropping on the sound in the next room, Tang Wu seemed to have thought of something, pushed him blushingly, and whispered.

"How can you eavesdrop on other people's..."



It seemed that she wasn't eavesdropping on those things, so Tang Wu also put her ear on it.

"There's a faceless mysterious guy in Soto City, and it's been a lot of trouble these two days."

"I heard that it is said that they have been helping the local people deal with some bad groups, and the few who were arrested by the security team later kept saying that Kamen Rider attacked them."

"It's another Kamen Rider, does it have something to do with the one in the academy?"

"Who knows, but those bad forces are not all made of mud. I guess this mysterious person will not go well in the future."

"That's right, why didn't he find someone to form a team, why did he have to be alone? I guess those forces will definitely invite powerful soul masters to sit in the command."

"Okay, okay, these have nothing to do with us, hurry up and pack up and salute, we just go back to the academy to sort out the supplies, and we have to do the mission later."

"Oh~~ it's all for credits."

After listening to the conversation inside, Tang Wu realized that Xiao San was listening to the Kamen Rider.

"Hey, Soto City is the place we just passed by when we came here, right?"

"That's right, if it wasn't because you were in a hurry, we were all planning to rest there for the night... I've said it several times, my name is Tang Wu! Don't call me hello anymore!"

"Little Miss Wu."

"Eh? Why is it so sudden again, what... what's the matter?"

Xiaosan gradually approached, and said sincerely, "Can you lend me some more money?"


The Ax Gang in Soto City is a dark organization that has been entrenched in Soto City for many years. Because they still control some gray businesses in the city on the surface, both black and white have power, which is the biggest headache for the security team. Their strength is the strongest among the bad groups, but because of their behavior style, not only ruthless, but also without leaving evidence, it is clear that they are the ones who committed the crime, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The most craziest thing is that this ax gang will gather the younger brothers from the whole city every night, and dance the ax dance in the square in the city.Hundreds of people in formal attire and black hats with axes in their hands wriggled neatly in the square to the music, which not only made the people in the city tremble with fear, but also the security team did not dare to come forward to disturb them.And people just dance, it's useless for you to go there.All people dare not speak out.

After the song was over, everyone neatly held up the axes in their hands.At this moment, a younger brother rushed over from outside.

"Boss, the machete gang in the south of the city was also wiped out by that Kamen Rider."

Ji Yu, the boss of the ax gang, a 34-level soul master, and a martial soul with an iron hand axe, is indeed not strong as a soul master, but his black and white business is booming, so he has gathered some souls with not low strength. Teacher as subordinate.

After hearing the younger brother's report, Ji Yu slowly put down the ax in his hand: "The speed is really fast. I really want to thank this guy named Kamen Rider, who helped me deal with the opponent who was not easy to shoot."

"But Boss, will this Kamen Rider come looking for us too?"

"Come on, it's just right. Yu and I admire this kind of guy the most. Wouldn't it be better to find a chance to recruit him?"

The little brother asked hesitantly: "But will we also be..."

Ji Yu looked at this little brother with a smile: "Do you think I didn't take action against those gangs because of my lack of strength?"

"No, no, I dare not."

Ji Yu patted him on the shoulder, making his body go limp in fright.

"If this guy named Kamen Rider is sensible, then he will be like a brother, eating and drinking with me, if he is not sensible..."

[BUDOU! (Grape)】

A sudden sound interrupted his speech, and everyone looked for the sound, only to see a grape-like thing appearing in the midair outside the square.And it's getting closer to them.

The younger brother just pointed to the grape with a look of horror and said: "Boss! It's him. It was also said in the previous rumors that the Kamen Rider was drilled out of a big grape."

Ji Yu frowned, and with a wave of his hand, the crowd hurriedly moved out of the way, and only then did he see clearly that a petite figure was walking towards them, and the big grape was quietly hanging above the opponent's head. They moved along with them, and upon closer inspection, they found that the other party was still holding a glowing object in his hand.

Because it was night, the lights were not enough for people to see the face of the other party clearly, so Ji Yu shouted: "You are Kamen Rider? You are the one who killed the gangster in the nearest city? Hey, there is something, how about it? Is there any?" Are you interested in following me?"

The other party did not speak, and continued to approach them, and at the same time, put the glowing thing in his hand on his waist.

【LOCK ON! (locking)】

【Chong!Clang!Clang! 】

At this time, the figure finally walked in front of all of them, and the lights on the square let them see the face of the coming person clearly.Although the face is covered, it does not prevent the gender and approximate age from being seen.

"Why are you a little girl?" Ji Yu frowned, seeing that the other party had never paid attention to him, his patience also dropped, "I can understand your attitude, you want to fight against me?"

"I'm not against you." Luo Pupu raised his right hand and held it on the knife-shaped pusher on his belt, "Kamen Riders are the enemies of all evil, Axe Gang, this is not your stage, I use the mask Expel you in the name of knights! Transformation!!!”

Depressing the knife-shaped push rod, the grape lock on the belt was cut open, and a gun-shaped light pattern flashed from inside.

[Budou Arms! (Grape Armor)]

The big grape hanging above her head was clasped on her head in front of everyone, and then a juice-like purple-green liquid sprayed from her neck, and a green Chinese-style shirt instantly appeared on her body .Just when Wang Ya and the others were asking questions, the big grape on her head split.

【Dragon Cannon!drink!ha!drink! 】

The split grapes turned into a gorgeous armor, which was tightly locked on Luo Pupu's body. At the same time, the exposed head was covered with a purple-eyed green fire patterned head armor.And in her hand appeared a gun decorated with grapes.Like a general on the battlefield, standing in front of everyone.

"Kamen Rider Ryugen, join us!"

As she spoke, she raised the grape dragon cannon and shot Ji Yu in the face, scaring him so much that he immediately raised the ax to cover his face.


With a roar, Ji Yu even flew the ax upside down, especially the ax in his hand, which shook him so much that his jaw hurt.This attack power frightened him very much. Fortunately, it was his own martial soul. If it was an ordinary iron axe, the blow just now would definitely blow the ax apart.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Give it to me!"

Following Ji Yu's order, everyone held up their axes and slashed at the Kamen Rider amidst hesitation.And Luo Pupu didn't hide, let them chop the ax on him, making a tinkling sound.But she herself kept staring at Ji Yu who had just been shot flying by herself, and walked towards him step by step.

"My God, what is her armor made of? The ax is cracked!"

"Boss can't do it, I can't stop her at all!"

Looking at the Kamen Rider who was still approaching him under the obstruction of all the younger brothers, Ji Yu's face turned green.At this moment, Luo Pupu moved, without any fancy moves, he punched these people flying in front of him one by one.

"A bunch of trash, let me get out of the way! The first soul skill! The giant ax opens the mountain!"

I saw three soul rings appearing on Ji Yu's body, the first white soul ring lit up, and the ax in his hand immediately turned into the shadow of a ten-meter-long giant axe, and he jumped to Luopu It was directly above Pu, and it was chopped down from top to bottom.

"The soul skill of the white soul ring? Huh!" Luo Pupu snorted coldly, and unexpectedly raised his left hand, grabbing the opponent's ax blade abruptly.

"What... what?"

Before he could be surprised, Luo Pupu pulled the trigger of the dragon cannon at him again, and countless purple energy bullets were fired at the opponent with almost no gap.

Panicked, Ji Yu dodged subconsciously, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Brother Feng, help me!"

"Who dares to hurt me to help the Lord!?"

A black whirlwind rose from the ground, and a thick and brutish man with a black beard appeared in front of Ji Yu with a pair of giant black axes in his hands, protecting him behind him.

 I watched the movie "Eight Hundred" today, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.It's really not easy for the ancestors.While not forgetting the hatred of the country, we really hope that there will be peace forever, and there will be no more wars.

  Originally, I spent Qixi Festival with my wife, but because of this, the two of them didn't even have the heart to play.After I came back, I didn’t write much, so today I have more than 4000 words, and there are [-] words left. I will make up for you tomorrow.I also hope to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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