Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 3 The Meteor Falling from the Sky

Chapter 3 The Meteor Falling from the Sky


At this moment, the girl let out a low moan and slowly opened her eyes.Gradually waking up, she seemed to be thinking about what happened before, and instinctively wanted to sit up, but she failed because her body was too weak.But because of this, she discovered that her shoulder, which should have been seriously injured, had healed.

"I've healed the wound for you, but you should take a good rest first, after all, you've lost too much blood."

"You...you are, the big brother from before. Why are you here? By the way, you did this? Didn't you say that you are not a soul master?"

After realizing what was going on, the girl asked several questions, but they were all ignored by Yin Xiaoya. Now is not the time to say these things.

"What happened to you? Miss Su, is she okay?"

"Teacher Su! Yes, I must rush over there!"

Yin Xiaoya's words reminded her, she said while struggling to feel around her body.

"We encountered a ten-thousand-year soul beast. Teacher, she must still be fighting. I must rush over there."

What?Ten thousand year soul beast?How could this thing come to the outskirts of the Soul Beast Forest?Even though she was very surprised, Yin Xiaoya was still going to persuade her not to go there, as a soul master who had just reached level [-], she would only be stabbed again, and her ring could not be cooled immediately.

"What can you do with the ten-thousand-year soul beast? Besides, you lost blood just now... eh?"

In front of Yin Xiaoya, the girl threw a red elixir into her mouth, her pale face immediately turned rosy.And the system explained it to him in a timely manner.

[Qi and Blood God Pill: It is refined from a variety of precious medicinal materials. It is used to condense Qi and nourish blood. It can also provide sufficient nutrition and the effect is immediate.]

It turns out that, as expected of the Douluo World, under the nourishment of the soul power of heaven and earth, it is not surprising that no matter how miraculous herbs appear.

On the basis of Yin Xiaoya's healing of her wounds, and the nourishment of the Qi and Blood God Pill, the girl has fully recovered now.

"Our medicines are all on me. When I was attacked, other students were also injured, so I have to go back, otherwise everyone will have no way to recover."

A yellow level [-] spirit ring was released on the spot. Surrounded by the spirit ring, the girl's appearance changed. From the cheeks to the neck and then to the two arms, scales the size of fingernails grew out of them, and her hands became more beautiful. It turned into a pair of scaly claws, her eyes also turned into a pair of scarlet snake eyes, and the biggest change was that a pair of bat-like fleshy wings stretched out from her back.

[Wing Viper Dragon, Assault Beast Martial Soul, Premium Level]

Yin Xiaoya frowned, you really know everything, are you sure it's just the Kamen Rider system?

[This month is not in vain, according to the settings of Douluo World, this system has already done a complete study and magic modification]

The girl who had completed the transformation flapped her wings and floated up, and said to Yin Xiaoya: "Big brother, thank you, although I don't know what magic medicine you used to help me recover, but don't worry. My name is Luo Pupu, remember My name, if I can't come back, go to my family and report my name, and you will be compensated."

After saying a lot of heroic words, Luo Pupu flew towards the upper reaches of the river without looking back, leaving Yin Xiaoya with a speechless face in place.

Even if I know your name, I don't know where your home is. Even if I know where your home is, you're dead, so I'm still embarrassed to ask for something?
"Hey, no matter which world it is, children are like this. But I also said it before, and now it's time to repay the favor."

While speaking, Yin Xiaoya took out the meteor driver from the system space and put it on his waist, while holding the meteor switch in his hand.

"System, transformation certification."

Buckle the Meteor switch into the driver and push the trigger, and the belt sound effect starts.

【Meteor Ready?】


With cheerful background music, Yin Xiaoya buckled the putter on the right side of the meteor driver, and the rotating celestial globe flashed a dazzling light and expanded instantly, covering Yin Xiaoya's entire body.

After Su Xuan and Jing Tieyang entered the soul beast forest, two students soon found a soul beast that was very suitable for them, but because of the staggered directions, they had to divide into two teams.

Luo Pupu was following Su Xuan's team. After tracking and fighting, they successfully captured the soul beast for the student and let him take the soul ring away.

But what people never expected was that the mutation happened when the student had just absorbed the spirit ring.A [-]-year-level bone scythe mantis suddenly appeared. Because it came out of the ground, even Su Xuan didn't notice it immediately. Dao Qi Blade.

Everyone including Su Xuan could only deal with it hastily. Su Xuan, who has already reached level 48 Soul Sect, relied on his strength and experience to stabilize his position immediately.But these students were not so lucky, and several students were recruited on the spot.

Among them, Luo Pupu was the most serious. She was cut in the shoulder by the air blade, and at the same time that she bleed out a lot of blood, she was thrown into the river next to her, and was soon rushed downstream by the swift river.

All this happened so suddenly that Su Xuan was filled with grief and indignation, but at this time she had no time to save her. She had to fight the attack of the bone scythe mantis here to ensure that other students would not be damaged again.

But having said that, it was also the first time that Su Xuan dealt with a ten-thousand-year-level soul beast independently. Although the opponent should only be a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, it was not something she could deal with.

Although the level 48 Soul Sect has demonstrated her talent, the current four spirit rings are only in the order of yellow, yellow, purple, and purple. That is to say, the strongest spirit ring is only at the millennium level. I have tried my best, and it is definitely impossible to say that I can win.

At this time, she can only hope that Jing Tieyang can join her as soon as possible, not only because of the need for his strength, but also because of Luo Pupu's departure, which caused the healing items of the team she brought to go, and those who were injured behind her The seriously injured students had no other choice but to wait for medicine from Jing Tieyang.

But as time went by, Jing Tieyang still hadn't appeared yet.The bone scythe mantis not only has no intention of retreating, but its fighting spirit is getting higher and higher.But Su Xuan, who was already exhausted, could only grit his teeth and start to retreat steadily.After fighting for several hours, he was finally caught by the opponent because of a mistake, and was sent flying by the side of the bone scythe, spurting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air.Following Su Xuan's defeat, the students behind also showed despairing eyes.

"Mr. Su!"

Just as the bone scythe mantis rubbed against the arm of the sickle and approached with a piercing grinding sound, Luo Pupu's voice came from the sky.When everyone looked at it, they found that the unscathed Luo Pupu flew towards them.


"Teacher Su, follow this! Reply quickly!"

Luo Pupu threw the medicine bag on his body to Su Xuan, but her appearance naturally attracted the attention of the bone scythe mantis.It let out a sharp roar, and the huge figure flashed away, even rushing towards Luo Pupu.

Giving the medicine to Su Xuan in front of the soul beast was already her greatest courage, but now seeing the soul beast staring at her, her scalp went numb with fright.Fortunately, she was somewhat prepared this time, and she immediately retracted the wings on her back, and fell down to avoid the opponent's impact.Then he turned around and used his only soul skill.

"Soul Skill: Gale Dragon Sharp Claw!"

A pair of wind-attribute dragon claw shadows shot out from Luopupu's hands, and tore off the back of the bone scythe mantis in a crossed manner.But these two dragon claws are only the skills of a hundred-year-old soul ring after all, and they can't do any damage to a ten-thousand-year soul beast at all, they just left two shallow marks on the opponent's back.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Luo Pupu was hit by the hind leg of the bone scythe mantis, and hit a tree not far away. His eyes were dark on the spot, and he almost fainted.However, before she could stand still, the ground suddenly roared, and the bone scythe mantis had already jumped in front of her, and the pair of huge scythe arms were silently hanging above her head.


Su Xuan was also unwilling to take the medicine that Luo Pupu sent urgently, but the effect of the medicine could not make her injury recover immediately, so she had no time to go to rescue Luo Pupu, so she could only watch helplessly. With the pair of sickles falling to the top of Luo Pupu's head.

"Boom rumble!!"

At this moment, an abnormal roar suddenly appeared in the sky. Everyone, including the bone scythe mantis, was attracted by this sound, and what greeted their sight was a ball of light shining with dazzling light.

The appearance of this ball of light seemed to be aimed at in advance, like a meteorite, and it rushed straight towards the bone scythe mantis. It was so fast that it had no time to dodge, so it could only block the ball of light with the arm of the sickle.When the two collided, a little bit of starlight suddenly burst out.And at this moment, a human voice came from the ball of light.


The arms of the Bone Scythe Mantis were knocked apart, and the ball of light pressed against its chest, pushing it out fiercely.The ball of light also fell to the ground, causing the entire ground to vibrate.Although the nearest Luo Pupu was dazzled by the light of the ball of light, she seemed to see a figure in the ball of light in a vague way.

Sure enough, as the ball of light dissipated, a man with a meteor-like visor on his head, a sky-blue shoulder armor on his right shoulder, and a starry night sky all over his body slowly stood up.And his pair of red compound eyes hidden behind the meteor mask stared at the bone scythe mantis not far away.

Such a shape is undoubtedly too advanced in this Douluo world, and there is no fluctuation of soul power on him, so that everyone including Su Xuan can't judge whether the opponent is a human or a soul beast.

"Little guy, are you okay?"

Although the sound made through the head armor had a little more special effects, Luo Pupu could still tell who the owner of the sound was.

"You are the big brother just now!?"

Yin Xiaoya nodded slightly, and then looked at Su Xuan who was still dazed not far away: "It seems that Miss Su is fine, it's really great."

This time Su Xuan also heard his voice: "You are Yin Xiaoya? Is this form your martial soul? But you are not..."

Yin Xiaoya raised his hand to stop her from continuing, because the bone scythe mantis on the opposite side had already regained its attacking stance.

"Let's talk about it after the battle is over."

Seeing that Yin Xiaoya was about to fight the ten-thousand-year-level bone scythe mantis, Su Xuan became anxious: "It's useless, that's a ten-thousand-year-level soul beast, and it's not comparable to you or me. You can hold on for a while, please help us find Uncle Jing, otherwise we will not escape the fate of being killed!"

"Fate? Oh, this is what Kamen Riders don't believe in the most. If you don't believe that fate can be changed, then leave it to me for the time being."

Yin Xiaoya raised his right thumb and swept it in front of his nose.

"From now on, your fate will be decided by me!"

(End of this chapter)

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