Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 291 Hyper Cast Off!

Chapter 291 Hyper Cast Off!

Super speed state, this is a field that is with the world, but it is not accessible to ordinary people.

When both thoughts and actions reach this level, everything around will become very quiet, as if time can never catch up with you.

At this time, in a space invisible to everyone's sight, two red figures were entangled fiercely.Oh no, strictly speaking, one figure was chasing another figure closely, but no matter what, it couldn't catch up.

When it comes to Tang Hao, the existence of this level will not be very clear about the classification of soul masters, especially the strength type soul masters and speed type soul masters.Because at this level, strength-type soul masters also possess terrifying speed, and speed-type soul masters also possess terrifying power.

However, Tang Hao, who was fighting Jiadou through the martial arts statue, had a trace of cold sweat streaming down his forehead at this moment.

"Can't catch up? Why can he be so fast!?"

Obviously it has entered such a state of super speed, but the attack of the martial image can't touch Jiadou at all anyway, and even Jiadou is very comfortable when avoiding its attack.And all of this started when Jia Dou switched to knight mode.

This also fully proves that Kamen Rider's system is very different from that of Soul Master.

Jia Dou is very clear that he is not the opponent of the martial arts statue in terms of strength and energy, so he never took the initiative to attack from the beginning to the end. Fly out.

Gradually, Tang Hao's patience was worn out, so he gave up ordinary attacks.

"Chaos Cloak Wind Hammer!"

The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand appeared in the martial statue's hand in an instant, and it looked like he just swung it lightly, but there were shadows of the hammer hitting Jiadou from all directions, and there was no gap to avoid at all.

"It depends on how you hide again."

Although he thought so in his heart, Tang Hao always felt that something was wrong, because he found that even in the state surrounded by the hammer wind, Jiadou did not waver at all, as if these hammers would not hit him at all.

You know, this is Hammer Wind in a state of super speed, the move itself is faster than the current speed of the Wuxiang.From swinging to hitting, there is no difference with the speed of teleportation.Even the speed of this moment can't be described by a thousand shots.

So as soon as Tang Hao's thought just popped up, he was shocked by what happened next.

The first hammer fell on Jiadou's body accurately, but it went straight through, and at the same time another Jiadou's figure appeared beside him.And the hammer shadows that came down were all the same, passing through Jiadou's body one by one, and at the same time, one after another Jiadou's figure appeared on the scene.

"It's not a clone... it's an afterimage!? This guy's speed can be even faster!?"

It was only then that Tang Hao realized that the speeding state was not the opponent's limit at all.

That's right, from the moment Jiadou enters to ascending time, the figure of the martial statue is still in a slow-motion state in his opinion.And those Hammer Shadows surrounding him could barely keep up with his speed.

So he increased his speed to the extreme, and by using only the slightest time difference between each hammer shadow, he dodged all the hammer blows, and at the same time left afterimages in Tang Hao's eyes.

This is even under the super speed state, it can still be fast enough to leave afterimages, which is enough to prove that the speed difference between the martial statue and Jiadou is not in the same dimension at all.

After the momentary big move, Jiadou still stood there unscathed, the azure eye armor was like a calm lake, but the waves were rough under the quiet surface.

[ONE! (1)】

Just as Tang Hao was about to release the energy-type soul skills, Jia Dou calmly walked towards the martial statue.At the same time, he pressed the first button on the insect instrument at his waist.

A bad premonition surged in Tang Hao's heart. Although he didn't know what he was going to do, he had to stop it.

"It's so good, I approve." Tang Hao's voice came through the martial image, "But it's because you're so good, you need to defeat me to grow better. Your speed is very fast. Great, I admit that I can't catch up, but don't think that speed has no weaknesses. Soul skill: Gravity Hammer Pillar!"


Just when Jiadou was about to press the second button, the entire area, including the martial statue, was bombarded by a giant hammer that was as transparent as gas, and the entire ground sank into a hole about two meters deep. Deep round pit.And it's still going down.

"In the range of this hammer column, the gravity is increased by twenty times. This type of gravity-changing soul skill is the most deadly for a super-speed fighter like you. It doesn't work, admit defeat."

After finishing speaking, Wu Xiang walked towards Jia Dou without being affected in any way.

[TWO! (2)】

At this moment, Jiadou, whose legs were sunk into the soil due to gravity, naturally pressed the second button.

"It's useless, your body is already trembling, this gravity has affected your speed, without the speed advantage, you will not be the opponent of the martial arts. If the speed of avoiding the hammer wind just now is your limit, then now Your speed is not even double that of the Wuxiang."

Tang Hao's words fell into Jiadou's ears, but he didn't stop him from moving. He lifted his head under the weight of gravity with some difficulty. Although it was very difficult, his eyes still looked at him calmly. Martial statues coming.

Then, a voice that was not Yin Xiaoya came out.

"Limit? Grandma once said that as long as I think, the world will revolve around me, and there will be no existence in this world that can catch up with my evolutionary speed, because I always hold the decisive key in my hand." factor, its name is the future."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his left hand, and as he slowly clenched his hand, the space in his palm unexpectedly twisted slightly.

Tang Hao was stunned, and at the same time the martial statue also stopped. Through the perspective of the martial statue, he saw a silver beetle-shaped device appearing in his hand, and equipped by Jiadou on the left side of the belt.

"Hyper Cast Off! (Hyper Cast Off)"

With that said, Jiadou pressed down the equipped beetle Yinjiao.

[Hyper Cast Off! (Beyond Unlock)]

The change appeared in Jiadou's whole body. His red armor was replaced by a thicker layer of silver armor, and the red horn on the head armor was also very huge.

[Change Hyper Beetle! (Switch! Beyond Unicorn)]

"Impossible, this power has increased dozens of times! Gravity has no effect on him, how could it be, does he really have no limit?"

[THREE! (three)】

Just as Tang Hao was stunned, Chaoyue Jiadou pressed the last third button, and pushed the horn buckle of the insect instrument over.


Jia Dou snorted softly, ignored the pressure of gravity, and rushed towards the martial statue at the same speed.

The martial image immediately swung the Clear Sky Hammer, but it only reached the afterimage, almost at the same time, Jia Dou's voice appeared behind the martial image.

"Rider Kick! (Knight Kick)"

Pull the horn button again, and immediately, a large number of electric lights exploded all over Chaoyue Jiadou's body.

[Rider Kick! (knight kick)]

With a splendid turn around, the right leg kicked the martial statue's neck just as it was about to turn around, kicking its upper body straight down.

This scene finally made Tang Hao heave a sigh of relief. It seems that even though he has changed again, his strength has not yet reached the level that can destroy the martial image.

[Hyper Clock Up! (Beyond Uptime)]

Chaoyue Jiadou suddenly took a picture of the Chaoyue Insect Instrument at his waist, and the armor of his whole body unfolded like a beetle with wings spread.

Then, his figure disappeared from Tang Hao's sight.


With a huge roar, the onlookers witnessed a bright red explosion with puzzled faces.

Yes, they were very puzzled, from the disappearance of the martial arts statues and armored fighters in their sight to the appearance of this explosion.For them, not even two seconds passed.They simply couldn't imagine what happened in these two seconds.

Not to mention them, even Tang Hao, who was also in a super speed state, didn't understand what just happened. The only thing he understood was the result.

When the explosion gradually dissipated, everyone saw a silver-red light-armored Jiadou who was different from before disappearing. He raised his finger to the sky, but there was no trace of the martial statue around.

Then look at Tang Hao who has a very ugly face, how can everyone not understand what happened?
"No way! Master beat Dad?"

Tang Wu was dumbfounded, and so were others.

That is the power of a 99th-level peak Douluo, and he still has a part of the inheritance of divine power. In a sense, Tang Hao is already a demigod.

Although the God-killing Martial Statue does not represent his full power, they never expected to lose, and they still lost so thoroughly.

"Oh my god, isn't Jiadou a Kamen Rider who belongs to the same category as Ning Longlong's Queen Bee? This...what's the difference? Could it be that Ning Longlong can also do this?"

"No." Su Xuan looked at Jiadou with a complex expression, and she was the only one who understood what was going on at this time, "That is beyond Jiadou, not a dimensional existence. And the strong you see is not just The strength of the knight is strong, but..."

She didn't go on, because even if she did, she couldn't explain why this happened.

Tang Hao put away his heavy expression, and said helplessly: "You won, I obviously valued you very much, but I still underestimated you. I know you are not Yin Xiaoya, but I am not just asking about your identity. But Can you tell me what just happened?"

Jia Dou glanced at him, and said calmly but very proudly: "It's just that at that moment, I kicked him hundreds of times."

Hearing this, Tang Hao was completely convinced. It turned out that at that moment, Jiadou's speed increased again, and this time it directly approached a height that he could not reach at all.

That's right, if the power of one blow is not enough, then it will be done a few more times, so what if the martial image can recover, as long as these hundreds of kicks are completed in an instant, how can there be room for it to recover?
"It seems that what I'm going to say is meaningless. Kamen Rider has his own way of growing up, and there is no need for me, an outsider, to intervene."

As he said, he threw the Haotian Hammer high, and it was magnified several times in the sky.Stretching out a false grasp, Tang Wu, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan were pulled onto the giant hammer together by him.

"Hey wait, Dad, I haven't talked to Master yet..."

"No need to wait, your master has his own arrangements, you can come with me."

After nodding to everyone, he took another deep look at Jiadou, and then controlled the Haotian Hammer to fly towards the sky.

"Wow~~Big brother, you are too powerful, you have won against the demigod...Eh? Teacher Su?"

Luo Pupu, who came to his senses first, was about to run towards Jiadou, but was stopped by Su Xuan beside him.

"Let's avoid it for a while, he has some things to deal with, let's go back to the chariot first."

As he spoke, he persuaded everyone to return to the skeleton chariot.But the moment she got into the car, a figure in white stayed where she had just stood, and walked towards Jiadou.

"This is the first time for a powerful existence like you to appear. It shouldn't be, can you tell me why? Chief Director of Heavenly Dao."

Jia Dou chuckled: "Heh~ Sure enough, I can't hide from the eyes of the Daughter of Origin, but there is one thing you got wrong, I didn't appear here, what I'm talking to you now is just a remnant of my time .”

"Time remains... Could it be because of the power of the emperor and the king, but why?"

"Because I am the only one other than the two of them who can open the time channel with my own strength. That's why I was entrusted to this world to send equipment...Damn Emperor Qi."

The Daughter of Origin ignored the complaints behind him and asked: "Send the equipment in the way of time remaining, so you can't exist in this world as the body?"

"You got it wrong again, I am from the main body."


"Don't you understand? This kid is not the one I want to send the equipment to. It is true that this world still rejects us, but the time channel of this world has not been greatly affected."

The Daughter of Origin finally understood what he meant: "The person you want to send the equipment to is in the time channel?"

"Yes, I will appear here only because I felt his transformation into Jiadou for the first time when the mission was completed, and then I found him. But my body really can't come to this world directly, even if I stay The remaining time will be quickly worn away, so I can only use this kid's body to descend."

The Daughter of Origin frowned: "So, you did it just because of your will, and there is no other purpose? Do you know that because of your intervention, it is likely to cause unnecessary waves of time."

"Grandma once said: My way is the way of heaven, and the world must be centered on me. Since this is the case, no matter how big the waves are, they are just splashes to add to the fun."

"Pretty words, please leave Xiaoya's body. Anyway, your mission has been completed, hasn't it?"

Jia Dou stretched out his finger and shook it: "No hurry, I like this kid very much, so I want to leave something for him when the time remains, and treat it as my senior's care."

Keep something?The Daughter of Origin's eyes couldn't help looking at the Insect Transcendence Instrument on Jiadou's waist.

"Don't think about it. This is my power. Even if I give it to him, I'm afraid it will be banned in this world."

"Then what do you want to leave him?"

"He will bear a lot of things, which is normal. We Kamen Riders all come here with something on their backs. I won't bear these for him, but it can make him not feel strenuous when he bears them."

"Is this your own meaning, or the meaning of the emperor?"

Jia Dou was silent for a while, and said, "Even if it's the two of them, they can't control the movement of the sun."

The face of the Daughter of Origin softened a little, and she gave him a slight salute: "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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