Chapter 289
The southern region of human society is a frontier for all countries, so the humanistic order there is chaotic.Originally, the major forces didn't pay much attention to this, but as more and more gang sects were established by villains, it directly affected the peace of other regions.Therefore, other forces are no longer silent, and decided to liquidate and rectify them.

So there was the bandit suppression operation initiated by the Wuhun Sect. At that time, there were many organizations and forces involved, not only the Soul Master Guild, but also the national guards of various countries, and some sects, etc.

Although the final result was a tragic victory, the entire southern region was successfully brought back under control. Countries also obtained part of the land from the southern region and increased their budgets every year to build it.

However, all of the above are just the superficial part for the world to see.From the beginning to the end, this incident was a huge conspiracy planned by man.

Xiaoli's father was turned into a soul guide, Luo Qin's amnesia weakened, and Guan Hong's daughter was murdered, etc., are just the aftermath of this so-called bandit suppression operation.

Among the people who participated in the operation at that time, all those who came into contact with the truth, or had a little bit of awareness that something was wrong.Either disappear or die later.

And Guan Hong was one of the few people who had access to the truth of the incident at that time, but because of his position in the Soul Masters Guild at that time, the black hands couldn't do it too clearly.So he extended his hand to his relatives.

His daughter Guan Xiaoyun actually died because of this, and Guan Hong also realized that he could no longer have anything to do with others, so he left the Soul Masters Guild and refused Shrek's help.Alone secretly looking for opportunities for revenge.

On the eve of the World Tree incident last time, the young master of the Chrysanthemum Sect, Yue Qinglan, had reached level 50 and came to the World Tree to find the soul ring. Guan Hong seized the opportunity and followed.

In fact, he also understood that the other party had been waiting for him long ago, but he still jumped into this trap and attacked Yue Qinglan.As a result, he was naturally killed by the Titled Douluo who had already ambushed him.

"...They have been waiting for me from the very beginning, just to kill those who knew the truth."

"How did you know that it was related to Rakshasa God?"

"There are very complicated things in it. In short, including the gangsters who committed crimes there from the beginning, they were all written by the Wuhun Sect and the next four sects. The people who died in the action later had all their flesh and blood. It was sacrificed to the Rakshasa God. Yes, the Rakshasa God's residence is in the south."

Yin Xiaoya's complexion is very bad. If this is the case, then it means that the highest combat power of the Wuhun Cult is the god level?
Seemingly seeing Yin Xiaoya's worry, Guan Hongyanhun said: "No, the heavens have eyes, the person who was planning to inherit the Rakshasa god position failed, and all their hard work was in vain at that moment, haha , It’s really satisfying.”

However, Xiaogong Yin didn't look happy at all: "So that's the case, so is this why they want to create artificial gods..."

"Man-made god? What do you mean?"

Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "I'll tell you about this matter later, first tell me what happened to Luo Qin? Did she know the truth at the time?"

"She... well, she didn't know the truth of the matter. At the last moment of the sacrifice, a powerful power erupted. As one of the leaders of the Soul Master Guild at that time, at the cost of burning her martial soul, she created a She created a huge protective barrier and saved thousands of lives. And we speculate that the reason why the Wuhun Cult failed was because of her sacrificial attack at the last moment."

"Then the Martial Soul Sect let her go behind her?"

"This is necessary. After all, it appeared to be an operation to suppress bandits, and the result was a disastrous victory. Her actions at that time saved not only the soul masters guild, but also people from almost all participating organizations. So after learning about her amnesia, Martial spirit has degenerated, and many people have helped her secretly. Even the tasks assigned to her by the guild are of the kind that are less difficult and more beneficial. It is for her to live a carefree life in the future, preferably forever. Don't even think about what happened at that time."

It's no wonder that her troubles are just such insignificant things as repaying the mortgage.

But in the end, he died in a natural disaster-level accident like the World Tree incident, which is really embarrassing.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have said this in front of her just now. I didn't expect that after becoming an eye soul, her state of acceptance would be so bad."

"No, I don't blame you, and now it's good for her to recall the truth of the matter. Unfortunately, her real strength may not be so easy to recover. But at least there is no need to worry about her mental state. But it just takes a little time to relax. Next, I have to trouble you to return to the system space, so that you can enlighten her."

"Don't worry, I will."

After sending Guan Hong's eye soul into the space, Yin Xiaoya no longer feels happy after the system upgrade.My head is filled with all kinds of things, and it is a mess.

"Little tooth, are you alright?"

Su Xuan leaned over with a reddish face, obviously, she took the courage to come over to talk to her.After all, both of them were a little embarrassed in the morning.

Yin Xiaoya was not stupid, he secretly scolded himself for being puzzled, and then stretched out his hand to pull her to his side.

"Ah You……"

"What are you afraid of, haven't we already pierced that layer of paper?"

Su Xuan puffed his face and muttered, "Others are watching."

"Just look at it."

After two sentences, Yin Xiaoya had already kept all the things just now in the bottom of his heart, and chatted with Su Xuan casually.

Seeing that the two of them were having a lively chat, Luo Pupu moved closer to Tang Wu, the only person of the same age: "Hey, let me tell you, there seems to be some progress between Big Brother and Teacher Su Xuan."


"You're acting too indifferent." As he spoke, Luo Pupu showed a teasing look on his face, "Did you miss your mistress?"

"Hmph! Who would miss that idiot."

"Hey, just looking at you like that, you can tell that you're being duplicity."

Tang Wu covered her ears with her hands, and gave Luo Pupu a very unhappy look: "If you make fun of me again, I will ignore you."

Luo Pupu was bored to death, how could she let go of such a chance to bully her.But before she could do anything, Bai Xian at the side suddenly raised his head.

"Young master, someone is here...very powerful."

Yin Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, you must know that as a soul beast with over 10 years of age, if Bai Xian was called strong by her, it could only be a Titled Douluo.

"Little Man."

[There is a powerful aura approaching, but the other party is an acquaintance, don't worry]

acquaintance?That should be the one who came to find me.

So he stopped the skeleton chariot and greeted it.

A black spot soon appeared in the sky, and as the black spot approached, everyone seemed to see a huge hammer.


Tang Wu recognized the person coming, and greeted him with a bump.

Yes, it was none other than Haotian Douluo Tang Hao who came.

Putting away the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao landed in front of everyone with two figures.Seeing Tang Wu running towards him, he also had a rare smile on his face, but just as he was about to raise his hand to catch his daughter, what happened the next moment made him dumbfounded.

I saw a large number of pink data blocks pouring out of Tang Wu's body, and the next moment, an identical Tang Wu came out, and the two plunged into Tang Hao's arms.

With his ability, it is natural to see at a glance that these two Tang Wus are not from the ability of clones, but are genuine lives.

Sensing Tang Hao's suspicious gaze, Yin Xiaoya scratched his face, and said with some embarrassment: "There is a reason for this..."

Immediately, he explained Tang Wu's situation to Tang Hao in detail, and after talking about it, Yin Xiaoya himself felt a little ashamed.After all, I am definitely responsible for taking care of the other's daughter until it splits.

Looking down at the two daughters who were acting like a baby with him, the corners of Tang Hao's mouth twitched involuntarily: "Forget it, as long as people are fine, it can't be considered a bad thing."

Having said that, he looked around, and his face became a little puzzled again.

"I left him in the World Tree for special practice."

Yin Xiaoya naturally knew who he was looking for, so he told him Xiaosan's whereabouts.

Hearing that he was not here, although Tang Hao felt a little regretful, he didn't show it.

"I came this time to take my daughter away for a while. She needs to go back to her mother's group and accept the awakening of the beast king's bloodline."

"The blood of the beast king?"

Yin Xiaoya immediately thought of Tang San's evolution from Blue Silver Grass to Blue Silver Emperor in the Douluo World, and when the two looked at each other, he also got affirmation from Tang Hao's eyes.

"Do you want to leave? But Dad, I don't want to leave now."

"Yes, Dad, I still have a task assigned by Master to complete."

Before Tang Hao said anything, a girl with rabbit ears on her head jumped out behind her, grabbed the Bengyuan body Tang Wu excitedly and said, "King Rabbit, I finally see you."

Both Tang Wus were stunned, but Tang Wu, the main body, was the first to react.

"That's right, the one who needs to be awakened is the power of the Soft Bone Charm Rabbit, and it has nothing to do with me, so go quickly."

Tang Wu of Bengyuan body turned dark: "You just sold me out like this? No way! You have to come with me!"

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel, Yin Xiaoya made the final decision: "Bengyuan body alone is not enough for this matter. Don't make a mistake. Although your mind is divided, the two of you always belong to one person. This matter, The main body, Tang Wu, must also be present. Besides, this is an opportunity, and you don’t want to lose to those two foxes, do you? Anyway, you won’t be able to see Xiao San for the time being, right?”

As soon as these words came out, the two of them became quiet at once, and the next moment, Tang Wu of Bengyuan body merged into Tang Wu's body again.

"I see, Master. Dad, take me away."

Tang Hao nodded, suddenly thought of something again, and said to Xu Sanshi who was following him: "Don't you also have something to say to him?"

Only then did Yin Xiaoya notice that this travel-worn man was actually Xu Sanshi.

"Mr. Yin, I haven't seen you for a while. I found someone you asked me to look for." He said, and brought the rabbit-eared girl who talked to Tang Wu to Yin Xiaoya, "Let me introduce, she is... ..."

"Jiang Nannan."

Jiang Nannan was very surprised: "You really know me? When this guy met me before, he said that humans were looking for me. I didn't believe it."

"I didn't expect you to be born as a soul beast."

No wonder there was no news of Jiang Nannan being found by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School before, so in this world, she was also born as a soul beast.He also happened to meet Xu Sanshi.

Through communication, Yin Xiaoya also knew why the two met.

Jiang Nannan, who was born in the Bone Charming Rabbit Clan, transformed into a human after reaching 10 years of cultivation for the blood of the Rabbit King.Come out from the place where you have been living before to find Tang Wu's mother.

On the way, I met Xu Sanshi who was traveling everywhere. Because she didn't understand the human world, she confessed her identity as soon as she came up.Fortunately, Xu Sanshi has a soul in his body, even if he wants a new soul ring, the Bone Charm Rabbit is not suitable for him.

In addition, he found out that Jiang Nannan was one of the people Yin Xiaoya wanted to find, so he took her to travel history together.As a result, he was trapped by a false god's relic, and at a critical moment, he was rescued by Tang Hao who came to the door.

It turned out that Tang Hao also knew that in this world Tang Wu could inherit the blood of the King of the Soft Bones Charming Rabbit, so he took the initiative to find the location of their clan, and learned that Jiang Nannan, who had the highest status at that time, had left, so he searched for it. come out.

After hearing the cause of the incident, Yin Xiaoya let out a long sigh.

"This world is really a circle, and there is always the power of fate in the dark, pulling some people into the circle."

Thinking of this, he had some plans in mind, so he pulled Xu Sanshi aside.

"What are your plans next?"

"I will definitely continue to travel. If I meet some people you asked me to find again, I will bring them to you again."

"Don't be so troublesome." Yin Xiaoya took out the information about the characters that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect had investigated before, "You and Jiang Nannan go back to the Gentle and Charming Rabbit Clan. After the matter is over, you must take her with you and find a way to get this information. These people above contacted. Oh yes, this is Xu He, he is under house arrest in the Wuhun Sect, you should leave this person alone for the time being."

"Ah~~ But I still have something to do..."

"These are the soul contracts I made, which are a much improved version than the one in your hand. They are all for you, and can help you integrate into the second and third souls. I think the golden tortoiseshell in your body will not object. "

Throwing a radiant soul contract to Xu Sanshi, the guy was immediately gagged.

"Let me tell you this, if you find these people, they will definitely help you revive the country."

Swallowing, Xu Sanshi tremblingly put away these soul contracts, and asked with some uncertainty: "Really?"

"It may be worth a try, and I'm not afraid that you will know my purpose. I need you people to come forward to help me resist the crisis that befalls this world together at a certain moment of crisis in the future."

"This... that's fine. But I have a small request."

"Tell me."

"The power of your Kamen Rider, can I have one too?"

Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "Your generation can't use this."

"Our generation? What do you mean?"

"Don't think too much, it's not that I won't give it, but you really don't need it. I'll consider giving you this power when you can gather these together. What you have to do now is to strengthen yourself in the original way. If there is a real need in the future, I think you can have knight power even if you don’t need me.”

After successfully persuading Xu Sanshi, Tang Hao also came in front of him.

"Mr. Yin, I have a gracious request."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Can you fight me with all your strength? Even if you use the black form from last time. I want to know where your current limit is."

Yin Xiaoya blinked his eyes, then smiled and said: "It is possible, but there is one thing, you have misunderstood. Kamen Rider may say that his strength is not enough, but there is absolutely no limit."

(End of this chapter)

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