Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 272 What Tang Wu Cares About

Chapter 272 What Tang Wu Cares About

The soul-eating spider was finally convinced, and Yujin Chanzi was selected as Bibi Dong's first soul in a daze under the envious gazes of all the king worms.

It was also the first time for Yu Xiaogang and the others to see the soul ceremony in progress. With the help of the soul contract, Yujin Chanzi completely transformed into a golden soul ring and entered Bibi Dong's body.

Although the original Bibi Dong had a lively personality, but because her martial soul belonged to the extreme dark system, her whole person's temperament was a bit darker, but when Jin Yuchanzi became her soul, everyone knew Yu Xiaogang's choice. How right.

At this time, Bibi Dong not only couldn't feel a trace of darkness, but also produced such a trace of holy aura.But her two spirits didn't have a negative impact because of this.


With a flash of light, a jade-gold cicada the size of a palm appeared on Bibi Dong's head, looking at everyone with cute eyes blinking.

"Wow~~Really! I feel it, the curse of Yan's balcony will not affect my group!"

Bibi Dong also looked at her Youhun soul ring in surprise, and then looked at Yu Xiaogang with love: "Master, thank you."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes also contained tenderness: "Tell me about the ability this soul brings to you."

Misty and Dai Yin are also very concerned about this issue.

Piao Miao asked excitedly: "A Xuan's Light God Butterfly brought her so many different types of arrows at once, you must have gained a lot of abilities, right?"

Dai Yin disagreed with her watching the battle: "That's not necessarily the case. Su Xuan's martial soul and the ability of the light butterfly are suitable, so he can get so many arrows with abilities. But the master didn't say anything, and Bibi Dong's death spider The soul chosen by the emperor is mainly to make up for the shortcomings of the martial soul, so it may not necessarily get a lot of abilities."

"Dai Yin's analysis is good, and this is also my point of view. Dong'er, talk about it yourself, what kind of abilities have you got?"

Bibi Dong didn't answer in a hurry, but closed her eyes to feel the new power she got.

"The master said nothing. I didn't get many kinds of abilities like A Xuan. Generally speaking, I got three kinds of abilities."

Upon hearing this, the Soul-eating Spider was very dissatisfied.

"Hmph, what rubbish. I just said how this thing can make her strong. It's really disappointing that a soul can also bring three abilities. Human, your choice is really wrong."

But Yu Xiaogang wasn't worried: "Let's talk about the three abilities first."

"Well, the first type..."

When Bibi Dong mentioned the three abilities, the breathing of the scene stagnated, and even Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened.

"I still underestimate the power of the soul."

And the soul-eating spider at the side also sighed for a long time: "Human, you are right, and only Yujin Chanzi can give her such a heaven-defying ability."

Just as this side was still amazed at the soul ability that Bibi Dong had obtained, Luo Pupu's absorption of the soul ring of the Tomahawk Jaw Dragon was also coming to an end.

What Yin Xiaoya didn't expect was that when Luo Pupu and her knight power absorbed the soul ring together, at the end, three phantoms appeared beside her.

Behind her is a Western-style pterosaur covered in emerald-like scales. This is her martial soul, the Emerald Dragon. I think that when her martial soul had not yet evolved, the wings of that dragon-shaped martial soul were The ones that grow directly on the front limbs, and the wings of the Emerald Dragon on Order are on the back, which are its third pair of limbs.This also means that the Fate Emerald Dragon is a pure blood dragon family.

And on her left is a dragon like a branch, it is the green fruit swamp dragon that has undergone great changes.This is also the first time Yin Xiaoya has seen it again after such a long time.I didn't expect it to look like a dragon now.And with the absorption of the soul ring, its appearance is still undergoing changes visible to the naked eye.

The last phantom is on the right of Luo Pupu. This is a wingless Western-style dragon, which evolved from a bug-type soul beast and has been extinct for a long time.Although it looks like a dragon body, the joints are very similar to those of insects. At the same time, there are a pair of ax-shaped jaws on both sides of the mouth that are more than three times larger than the entire dragon head, very much like the jaws of a stag beetle spirit beast. .

When the soul ring was completely absorbed, the phantom of the Tomahawkjaw Dragon dissipated into dots of starlight and merged into the body of Luo Pupu in the Kamen Rider state, and the appearance of the Green Fruit Swamp Jiao who was very close to the Eastern Dragon, took a look After Yin Xiaoya, it turned into a ray of light and got into the belt.

In the end, Luo Pupu's martial soul was sent to the Emerald Dragon. It did not disappear, but changed. I saw a huge ax-shaped blade growing from the side of its arms. Take a closer look, It is the iconic pair of jaws of Tomahawkgnathosaurus.

Apparently, Luo Pupu's commanding Jade Dragon actually changed again, which was beyond Yin Xiaoya's expectation.

Xiaosan was a little strange: "Master, why is Pupu still awake?"

"It seems that she has gained a lot this time, and it will take some time to digest." Then, he called Twelve, who was still observing Yan's balcony, "Pupu's soul ring has been absorbed, and the next thing is to wait for her Digestion is enough, I will take Tang Wu to the other side to find the soul ring, you help me look at it."

Twelve glanced at the emerald dragon behind Luo Pupu, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Okay, I will take care of it here, you go."

So Yin Xiaoya took Tang Wu... Well, it was two Tang Wus who were shuttled on Yan's balcony.This beautiful balcony has been filled with countless spirit rings, so the sight line is not very good.Fortunately, the system had already confirmed the soul ring for Tang Wu in advance, so he found the target in a short while.

When they saw that the target soul ring was a black ring that symbolized the ten thousand year soul ring, neither Tang Wu nor Xiao San expressed any surprise.

Tang Wu of the Bengyuan body asked: "Master, are you going to let me, like Pupu, transform into a Kamen Rider, and let the knight's power share the power of the soul ring with me?"

Unexpectedly, Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "Transformation is necessary, but the source of your knight power is yourself. To be precise, it is Tang Wu, the collapsed source body that belongs to the fleshy ghost. And this time the soul ring The superposition is also on the Bone Charm Rabbit, so your situation does not exist and let the knight's power be distributed to you, after all, the source of power is yourself."

The two Tang Wus tilted their heads at the same time, expressing that they didn't understand much.

"In short, you two should fit together first, otherwise you won't be able to change your body. Remember, you can directly transform into a level 2 form."

Tang Wu of the Bengyuan body was a little upset and turned into a pile of data and merged back into Tang Wu's body, so she pinned the player driver on her waist and pressed the game cartridge of Extraordinary Action.

As the breeze blew, Tang Wu's eyes flashed a pink light, and then he smiled flamboyantly.


[Gacchan! (open)]

【Level Up! (upgrade)】

【Mighty Jump! Mighty Kick! Mighty Mighty Action X! (Extraordinary jump! Extraordinary kick! Extraordinary action X!)]

With the blessing of a burst of brilliant special effects, Tang Wu transformed into a lively female version of Exide.


Seeing Tang Wu with her left hand on her waist and her right hand Biye, Xiao San subconsciously glanced down, and the transformed appearance of Oscar and Hu Liena suddenly appeared in her mind.

It is also a female rider, why is there a big gap.

"Look at the hammer!!!"

Tang Wu snorted coldly, obviously seeing that Xiao San was thinking of something bad, took out the player destroyer hammer, and hit Xiao San in the face with one blow.

[Perfect! (Perfect)】

Under the special effects of the perfect blow, Xiao San was sent flying before he could even scream.

You know, this hammer is combined with the power of the Clear Sky Hammer, this unguarded blow will not be able to slow down for a while.

"Huh! Let you think about it!" Then he came to Yin Xiaoya with a bump, "Master, I'm fine, what should I do next?"

"Ahem~" Coughing twice in embarrassment, Yin Xiaoya took out a blank off-white game cartridge, "You have to absorb this soul ring with your martial soul first, and when the years you can absorb reach the limit, I will take out the rest Part of it goes into this blank cassette."

"Oh~ I know this. I heard from Pupu that the master used this method when he helped her absorb the soul ring for the first time, right?"

"Yes, it is precisely because of this method that Pupu's martial spirit is so compatible with the knight's power. After all, the source is one. So this method is not only for you, I will also use it on other people in the future."

Tang Wu thought for a while, then glanced at Xiaosan who had been knocked into the air, and asked a little coyly: "That master, Pupu, she evolved her martial spirit because of this method. Do you think I have a chance?"

A smile flashed across Yin Xiaoya's face: "What do you care about is the evolution of the martial soul? Or Pupu's early-born figure?"

Tang Wu paused, obviously Yin Xiaoya had guessed what she was thinking.

"Hey hey hey hey, you noticed it. People really care about it."

"I can't guarantee this. Although I can't be 100% sure, but I heard from Master Yu Xiaogang that the variation of the martial soul is innate, so it has nothing to do with the body shape. Only the evolution of the martial soul is possible. Pu is like this. But everyone's situation is different. Ma Hongjun's martial soul has evolved once, but his body shape has not changed."

"Oh, that's it, then does the martial soul you chose for me have a chance to evolve?"

The corner of Yin Xiaoya's mouth twitched: "Do you think evolution is so easy to come here? The chance of evolution is very low. It is related to various factors... Okay, don't think about what you have, let's start quickly. I First, let me introduce the situation of this spirit ring, so that you can get an idea. This is an extinct spirit beast named Nianchrysalis, and it is a very strong spirit-type spirit beast. It's not its spiritual power, but its ability to move through space."

(End of this chapter)

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