Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 270 Sharing the Soul Ring

Chapter 270 Sharing the Soul Ring
Life is very diverse, especially in Douluo's world. On the contrary, there are fewer individual types of creatures. There are no soul beasts that can be summarized in one category.This is true for soul beasts, and so is martial souls.

For example, Luo Pupu's Martial Soul Responding Emerald Dragon includes three types, namely wood attribute, ore type, and dragon species.Among them, the most powerful one is the dragon species, so it is best for her to target dragon-type soul beasts in her search for spirit rings.

Naturally, Yin Xiaoya would not say to find an insect spirit ring for her, just like what Xiaosan said, his goal was a spirit beast spirit ring that was both an insect and a dragon.

This is an extinct dragon species spirit beast named Tomahawk Jaw Dragon. Back then, their family was a Western-style dragon evolved from a beetle spirit beast with left and right opening and closing jaws on its mouth. Of course, because they were not pure blood, so it is wingless.

Fortunately, when these spirit rings appeared, Xiaoman logged all their information, so even though she was not online, Yin Xiaoya could still see the real appearance of this spirit beast and its ability information.

"In the world of soul beasts, the most chosen target for cross-species evolution is the dragon race. I remember that the green fruit swamp dragon in your body aims to evolve into a dragon species. Things like worms evolving into dragons It's actually not uncommon."

Yin Xiaoya is also very happy to see Xiaosan's talk-like explanation, at least he can save a lot of talking.

According to the system prompt, Yin Xiaoya finally came to a deep purple soul ring: "Here, this is your goal this time, the soul ring of the 9000-year Tomahawk Jaw Dragon."

"Nine...9000 years!?" Luo Pupu shook his head quickly on the spot, "No, no, this is really too high. Even if my second spirit ring is the purple millennium level, it makes my third spirit ring The upper limit has been raised, but it can only be around 5000 years at most, and it will definitely explode in 9000 years."

Yin Xiaoya knocked her on the head angrily: "What are you thinking? Of course I know what your upper limit is. Who said that you have to bear all 9000 years? You forgot that you promised to help the green fruit swamp in your body. Is Jiao also becoming a dragon?"

"Oh~~ In other words, it is the same as last time, I only absorb part of the power of the spirit ring? But how do I distribute the other part to it?"

"This is what I want to tell you guys this time. This time you absorb the soul ring, you have to do it in the state of transformation."

The knight power mastered by these little guys is actually very good, but until now no one has been able to combine the knight power and soul master power like Bingliu Chenglang.

This is not to say that it is so simple to use the soul master's soul skills in the state of Kamen Rider, but to let the knight's power directly attach to their soul master's power.

For example, Bingliu Chenglang can directly turn the martial spirit of Kamen Rider into ice sword, flame sword, or launch bullets with the power of their respective martial spirits through the knight gun.

When meeting them again a few days ago, Yin Xiaoya not only handed over the five youths from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to them, he also asked for some advice himself.So I got two proven useful methods from them.

The first is to practice soul power in the transformed state.The second is to absorb the soul ring in the transformed state.

Why among them, only Ma Hongjun has achieved a certain fusion of knight power and martial soul power to a certain extent?It was because when his martial soul absorbed the first soul ring and evolved, it was in the state of transformation.

It's just that Yin Xiaoya saw that he had knots in his heart, so the effect he showed was not good.Only then did he tell him when he was leaving that it was time for him to go back to the Phoenix Sect to untie this knot in his heart.

"...So, now you have to absorb the spirit ring in the transformation state, and then let the green fruit swamp dragon cooperate with you to distribute the power of the spirit ring."

Luo Pupu nodded: "Okay, I'll try it now."

Saying so, he took out the Sengoku Driver and Grape Lock, and transformed into Kamen Rider Ryuka.

"Tang Wu, look carefully. The reason why I let Pupu come first is because she is the one among you who has the most perfect combination of knight power and her own martial spirit, after all, they all come from the same soul." Soul beast. If there are no accidents, she should go well. It can let you learn some experience."

While speaking, Luo Pupu had already sat under the soul ring, but there was no movement for a long time.Yin Xiaoya didn't bother her because he knew that right now she was just not used to releasing her martial spirit in the knight state.To put it bluntly, I just couldn't find the switch to start it.

He blamed himself for saying it, he hadn't noticed this before, if it wasn't for Bingliu Chenglang's prompt, he might really have delayed these children.

About 10 minutes later, two soul rings, one yellow and one purple, finally rose slowly from her body, and at the same time, the soul power belonging to the soul master also began to circle her.

"Very good, you can already pull a new spirit ring in this state, but don't worry, you have to adjust the state with the green fruit swamp dragon in your body first."

At this moment, Luo Pupu's attention was so concentrated that he couldn't concentrate on responding to Yin Xiaoya.After hearing his words, she slowly took a deep breath, thanking her for letting her consciousness sink, and the next moment, she smoothly entered the world of knight power.

At this time, among her knight power, there is an old tree that twists and turns, and a green monkey jumps happily on the old tree.And above them, there is still a hot flame burning there.

Sensing her coming, the green monkey jumped over happily, and at this moment, the old fruit tree also slowly turned over and lowered its body.

It turned out that this was the green fruit swamp jellyfish. After all, this guy is a wood-type soul beast, so when standing still, it really looks like a tree, and the green monkey is naturally a green monkey.As for the flame at the top, it was a sliver of Yanlong power that Liu Erlong left her at that time.

"You are here, I already know the matter, you can rest assured to absorb the spirit ring, and I will bear the rest."

Luo Pupu nodded, but looked at it curiously: "Your face seems to be different from the beginning. How should I put it, it feels a bit like a dragon."

Indeed, the original green fruit swamp dragon's head still looked like a horned python, but now it has a hint of oriental dragon style.

"Well, it's thanks to you and the power left by Lord Yanlong. At first, I felt that the way to evolve into a dragon was closed, but since I became a knight, the way seems to be open again." After sighing with emotion , it shook its body, "Okay, let's absorb the spirit ring, focus on it, and recall the feeling when you absorbed my spirit ring before."

"it is good!"

With the help of the Luguo Swamp Jiao, the spirit ring of the Tomahawk Jaw Dragon did not directly attach to the human body as usual, but split into two streams and poured into Luo Pupu's chest and her waist respectively. in the waistband.

"She did it!" Yin Xiaoya let out a long sigh of relief, "She should have nothing to do here, and it's just a matter of time. How about it? Do you understand?"

"How can she see clearly." Tang Wu was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, a large number of data blocks gushed out of her body, and Tang Wu of the collapsed source body jumped out, "I am the one who absorbed the soul ring this time, and I have nothing to do with her." what relationship."

"You you you you! Why did you come out again! Go back quickly, don't delay things!"

"Why are you delaying things? Even without you, I can still superimpose soul rings on the Martial Soul of the Soft Bones Charming Rabbit!"

Seeing the two quarreling again, Yin Xiaoya and Xiao San sighed in unison.

"Let's not talk about growing up like this, I'm afraid they won't even be able to complete the self-awakening two-player action cassette task I asked for earlier."

"Master, I also have twin martial souls now, will it become like this?"

"You are different, don't think too much... Why do you still look forward to it? Why? Divide into two, one for the fox and one for the rabbit?"

Faced with Yin Xiaoya's ridicule, Xiao San actually became really flustered.

"Eh? Master, what are you talking about, how could I..."

"Hmph~~~~So that's the case, you think so?"

"I know you're still thinking about that fox!"

"Hehe, there is more than one, now there are two."

"Oh~ In this way, it's not all a bad thing for us to split up, at least now we are evenly matched."

The two Tang Wu reached a tacit agreement in an inexplicable place, pulling Xiao San's arm from left to right, twisting and grabbing his waist mercilessly.

Faced with his help-seeking eyes, Yin Xiaoya naturally turned a blind eye.What this meeting requires is that the two Tang Wus can be in the same mood, no matter what the method is.So naturally it is best to sacrifice the mistress first.

At the same moment, a giant hammer that was rapidly approaching the human world suddenly stopped.Sitting before and behind this giant hammer were three figures.

The leader is Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, and the two behind him are Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan who he rescued from the secret realm a few days ago.

"Uh, uncle, why did you stop?"

Tang Hao closed his eyes and felt it for a while: "Xiao... Tang Wu's position has changed, it should be to go to another place through the ability to move in space."

Jiang Nannan's ears twitched a few times, and said, "Really, it doesn't seem to be in the human world anymore."

Upon hearing this, Xu Sanshi's expression became bitter on the spot: "Ah~~~It means we have to change directions? Well, I want to go back to the human world first. I haven't had a decent meal for a long time. Woolen cloth."

Tang Hao manipulated the Clear Sky Hammer under him calmly, making it change its direction: "I can also leave you in the human world first."

Xu Sanshi waved his hand: "Forget it, come along, your matter is more important. And the one who can use long-distance space movement, I guess it should be the knight power of Mr. Yin, I just have something to see His side."

Tang Hao nodded: "It's okay, it's urgent, but it's not in a hurry. Anyway, with Yin Xiaoya by her side, nothing will happen. Well, when we pass by human towns, we can rest for a night."

"Hey, thank you uncle~~"

Jiang Nannan didn't say anything, but just quietly looked at Tang Hao's back, his mind was always full of doubts: "Why did the previous generation of Rabbit Kings choose this man?"

(End of this chapter)

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