Chapter 254

Bingliu and Cheng Lang were originally one of the new generation of elites cultivated by the Soul Masters Guild. They had embarked on many large-scale guild tasks before, and had a certain reputation in the Soul Masters circle.

In the past, their cultivation base was still far behind the top geniuses, but with their excellent combat command ability, they still became the hottest existence among all forces.Now, they have obtained the exclusive Kamen Rider power, and the gap with those geniuses has also been filled.

Therefore, many behind-the-scenes forces are very careful about these two people.That's why when these two people appeared, each other became tense and serious.

"What are the people outside doing? Why didn't you find these two people approaching?"

Bingliu snorted coldly: "Are you referring to those disguisers that you distribute in the streets and alleys and among the crowd? With that level of detection and camouflage, not only can't we be found, but even all of us have been found out."

The other party looked very annoyed: "It's really a bunch of trash... Oh, well, anyway, it's just a bunch of things that can be thrown away after use. What a pity, I thought I could bypass the two of you and take people away, it seems , it’s still unavoidable to make a big fuss.”

Hearing this, both Cheng Lang and Bing Liu's hearts tightened.The other party said so, it is obvious that they have a way to deal with the two of them.

"It's not that you two are the only combat elites in this world. Do you really think that there will be no way out when I take the shot? You know, we had a plan to deal with you two in our original plan, but now it's just according to the plan Execute it."

Hearing this, Bingliu smiled. If there was real danger, the two of them would not stand here so openly.

You must know that the Kamen Rider G4 transformed by Cheng Lang has the ability to predict the short future in real time. Before he came in, he had already predicted that the two of them would not be in danger.It is precisely because of this ability that they stand here so openly.

"Why? Don't you believe it? What do you think this is?"

Hearing Bingliu's laughter, the other party leisurely took out a soul guide device from his bosom. There was a button on it, which looked as if something bad would happen if he pressed it.

Since the soul guide became popular, many villain organizations have used similar devices, and almost all of them are used to detonate something.Bingliu and Chenglang naturally thought of this at a glance.

Bingliu glanced at Chenglang subconsciously, but Chenglang shook his head slightly, proving that the short prediction did not indicate any danger.

But for some reason, when Cheng Lang saw this thing, he subconsciously felt a little uneasy.But since his short prediction obviously still told him that there was no danger.In other words, this thing does not threaten him...

"Wait!" Cheng Lang suddenly realized something, "Stop! Dare to try!"

Bingliu was also stunned by his sudden and violent reaction. Could it be that he made a mistake in his ability and is now in danger?

"Oh? As expected of Akainu Shiro, the dog's nose is quite sharp, and he actually knows what I want to do."

"Chenglang, what's going on?"

"The thing in his hand controls other places, not here."


The other party smiled contemptuously: "It's too late to know now."

With that said, he pressed the button in his hand.


"Don't panic, there is nothing wrong now, I think you should also be able to see that we don't want to make things too big, so we have left a way for you. There are two places where we have installed sabotage devices. One is the headquarters hall of your Soul Masters Guild, and the other is in the central market with a lot of people. There are still 10 minutes left, and with your abilities, you still have time to rush there."

Then the two showed no signs of moving.

Cheng Lang clenched his fists: "Ten minutes, if you're done with, it's still too late to rush over."

"That's right, and the conversation we just had has been sent to our subordinates through the knight system, and they have already been rushed over."

"Hahahaha, I knew you would say that. But I will let you succeed? Press this button again, and the two places will explode directly. And it is useless even if your subordinates rush over. We have already collected Seeing the palm prints of the two of you, guess what? The release of the two devices must rely on the palm prints of the two of you. If someone else moves it, it will... touch!! Hahahahahaha~~"

Now, the two of them were really not calm, and they never thought that they would really fall this time.The opponent's series of actions really sealed off the escape route of the two of them.

If what the other party said was true, then they had no choice but to leave Xiao Wan behind and remove the two destructive devices.But what if it's fake...they can't afford to gamble.

When the two came over, in order not to startle the snake, they just asked the subordinates to pull out the spies around them, and didn't let them follow.Now that they heard the conversation just now, these subordinates must have rushed to those two points in batches.

For a moment, both of them froze.

"Hey, hey, hey~~ You guys should hurry up and decide, one minute has passed, if you slow down, even you guys won't have time."

"Damn it!" Bingliu quickly passed through the channel and issued an order to the people below, "Find the location of those two things, evacuate the crowd immediately, and wait for the two of us to pass!"

After cutting off the conversation, through the visor, his and Xiaowan's eyes met.The actions just now have already shown that he can only choose the other side now.It would be fine if there was resentment in Xiaowan's eyes, but he saw relief in Xiaowan's eyes, which made him feel even more guilty.

"Wait, we will definitely find you again!"

As he said that, the soul ring rose from his body, and a pair of icy wings appeared on his back, and he rushed out of the factory building.Cheng Lang also glanced at these people coldly, followed by Bing Liu, and left here.

"Boss, they really left."

"Of course, they can't afford to gamble. Let's leave quickly!"


So, a group of people lifted the immobile Xiao Wan and left here, and through special channels, they quickly disappeared in the city.

Chenglang and Bingliu soldiers split into two groups and rushed to the Central Market and the Soul Masters Guild respectively.

"Report, the location of the sabotage device in the central market has been determined!"

"Report, the location of the main hall is also confirmed!"

"Everyone stay away, wait for me... Tsk!" Cheng Lang paused suddenly, and then immediately switched to Bingliu's personal channel, "Get the things later, go to a place where there are few people."

Bingliu was already entangled in his heart because of Xiaowan's affairs, but Chenglang's reminder made him even worse.

"Did you see something?"

"Well, this short prediction, I saw that I was involved in the explosion. We didn't cancel it at all in the past, it was still an explosion. But it still exploded when the time came. Others held the so-called palm prints in case The place where it is lifted will still explode, so we can only take our things and run to a place where there are few people."

"Fuck! These bastards, I must kill them!"

Bingliu hung up the communication, accelerated his forward speed, and arrived at the central market in a short while. From a distance, he saw a group of G3 knights surrounding a place, and a metal box was exposed there.

"Ah! Captain Bingliu is here!"

However, the ice flow did not stop at all, picked up the metal box, and flew towards the nearest river in the city.

The same thing happened to Cheng Lang. When he arrived at the headquarters, there were only about 5 minutes left. This place was close to the suburbs, so he took his things and rushed to the suburbs.

Five minutes later, huge explosions occurred in the suburbs and the river in the city at the same time. The wave in the suburbs was fine and did not have much impact, but on the side of the river in the city, many of the embankments were directly blown up, affecting the entire city. Some people happened to be nearby, but fortunately, they were only slightly injured.

As Cheng Lang predicted, from the very beginning, the other party had no intention of letting the two of them go.But they didn't know that Cheng Lang had a short-term future prediction for himself, so they discovered this premeditated plan in time.

Therefore, the two of them were not fooled into reaching out to touch, but stayed away from the crowd as much as possible within the time limit.They themselves threw things far away when the time limit was up, and they didn't suffer any harm.

However, the seriousness of this matter is still very great, and even the royal family officials were alarmed.So the Soul Master Guild was held accountable.

After all, there was no direct evidence to prove that this was the handiwork of the Wuhun Sect, so they could only bite the bullet and take the responsibility, and paid a lot of money.

"Tut tsk tsk~~ miserable~"

Watching Liu Zhou nodding and bowing to the person in charge of the royal family, Yin Xiaoya experienced the horror of power for the first time in this different world. Even if you have power, as long as you are not the kind that breaks the sky, you should bow your head in front of real power Still gotta be low.

Because the teleportation ring can only go to the places he has been to, so when Yin Xiaoya came over, he appeared in the Soul Masters Guild.He passed this place once before returning from his journey, so he regarded this place as the destination of space movement.

Who knows, when he brought people over, the above things had already happened.

Xiaowan was taken away, while Bingliu and Chenglang untransformed and sat in the corner with gloomy faces.

Seeing Yin Xiaoya approaching, Bingliu said apologetically, "Mr. Yin is sorry, we acted without waiting for you to come."

Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "I already know what happened, and I don't blame you. After all, time was running out, and Xiaowan would be taken away if she was late. And the cooldown time of my space movement did not catch up."

Cheng Lang suddenly got up: "Since Mr. Yin is here, let's chase after him again. Those people don't know that we can locate Xiao Wan here."

"Cheng Lang is right, Mr. Yin, please help!"

Yin Xiaoya raised his hand: "Calm down, you two, why do you get so hot-headed when you get involved with that girl Xiaowan?"

"It's okay not to be nervous. No one knows what they are going to do with Xiao Wan. We haven't found out what's going on with their so-called singularity."


Before coming here, Yin Xiaoya analyzed some information through communicating with Izzy.Of course, I just came to a conclusion, judging that the Wuhun Cult is preparing to carry out a plan to create artificial gods.But how to implement this plan, the process, methods and conditions are still very vague.

Perhaps it is possible to obtain some information through Xiaowan...

Yin Xiaoya shook his head, and hastily dismissed this idea, which is equivalent to saying that it was no good to put her in danger.

No, at this moment, the can of locusts he carried rang, and someone contacted him.And this person also surprised him.

"Hu Liena?"

(End of this chapter)

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