Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 249 Hourglass Countdown

Chapter 249 Hourglass Countdown

That's right, what appeared in Ao Jia's hand was a royal blue hourglass. The upper and lower sides of the hourglass were engraved with reliefs of golden lions like the ring of beast riding and the ring of surpassing wild lions, and the sand in the hourglass was also golden sand. There is an ancient Egyptian style.

On the back of the hourglass, there is a buckle. Although it is a newly born knight prop, Oscar knows how to use it and where it should be used.

She naturally buckled the hourglass on the right side of her belt and turned it upside down.The relief that was originally an ordinary beast rider was turned downward, while the relief that surpassed the wild lion was turned upward.

【Chimera Time! (Chimera Hour!)]

[Start! (start the timer!)】


Chimera, Hundred Flowers Ivory Elephant, and Flower Arm White Mantis, who were resisting the soul ability, let out high-pitched roars together.

The next moment, their bodies turned into a ray of light, and within this ray of light, their bodies began to change, especially the Chimera, which not only changed, but also split into four figures.

[Flower Elephant! go! (Flower elephant form)]

[White Mantis! go! (White mantis form)]

[Chameleo! go! (Chameleon form)]

[Dolphi! Go! (Dolphin form)]

[Falco! Go! (Falcon form)]

[Buffa! Go! (Red Bull Form)]

With every sound effect, a magic cloak form in the basic form appeared in the light.In the end, all six cloak forms appeared in front of everyone.And they each held a dice saber in their hands.

"Stop it!!"

Ao Jia's body, that is, the Transcendent Wild Lion at the rear, swung the dice saber, and under the horrified gaze of everyone, the six cloaked beast riders displayed their respective abilities.

The beast rider in the shape of a flower elephant stomped heavily on the ground, and a phantom of the flower elephant appeared. With its powerful strength and solid body, it resisted all the soul skills with its own strength.

Of course, it can't really stop it. After all, it's not a single person's strength, especially when Qin Xin hit the Blue Bird Fist at the front.But just for this moment, it is enough to free up the hands of other forms.

【Moo! ! ! 】

The red bull beast rider charged towards the blue bird from the side. In the posture of shoulder collision, a huge red bull head was formed in front of the blue bird, directly resisting the blue bird's flanks. technology direction.After all, all the soul skills were concentrated on the blue bird released by Qin Xin.

【Cry! ! ! 】

At this time, an orange figure quickly descended from the sky, and after a closer look, it turned out to be a falcon wrapped in a falcon beast. It let out a shriek, and precisely plunged into the middle of the blue bird and the soul ability behind it. , abruptly interrupted the follow-up power of the blue bird.

Losing the traction of the blue bird, the soul skills behind immediately lost their direction and scattered in all directions.

Before everyone exerted control, the beast rider with the pink and white praying mantis head cloak on his shoulders already shuttled among these scattered soul skills at an extremely fast speed, swung the saber in his hand, and detonated a soul skill with one blow.

Qin Xin's reaction was quick, and she immediately controlled the blue bird she released, but after a while, she was surprised to find that the blue bird couldn't move as she thought.It's like being trapped by something.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the body of the blue bird out of thin air. It was the chameleon beast rider who could be invisible. At this time, the chameleon cloak on her shoulder was sticking out her long tongue to tie the blue bird on her body.And she kept hacking at the blue bird with her saber.

Seeing that the blue bird could not be pulled, Qin Xin released a fist of the blue bird again, stepped on its back, and flew towards Ao Jia's body behind.

[Set! (loading) Dolphi! (Dolphin Power)]

[Two! (two points)]

But at this moment, a sound effect sounded, and two purple-blue dolphins jumped out from behind Ao Jia, with water splashing around their bodies, and they shuttled through the space at a very fast speed.One left and one right blocked Qin Xin's way.

"too slow!"

Although the speed of the two dolphins is fast, it is still slower for Qin Xin.She manipulated the blue bird under her body and circled upwards.

But at the moment when the blue bird raised its head, the two dolphins exploded, forming two large water splashes, which completely wrapped the heart of the piano.

"This is... recovery?"

The wrapped Qin Xin slowed down as if in water.But what she didn't expect was that these seemingly water-like energies were not only harmless, but were actually restoring her physical strength.

At this time, she noticed that behind Oscar's body, there was a beast rider with a dolphin on its shoulders, and she must have made this one.

"Let me tell you, in real battles, you can only interfere at most, and you can't really restore the enemy, understand?"

The dolphin beast rider tilted his head, and uttered Oscar's own voice: "Why do you have to say this? Aren't I also you?"

"Uh..." Aojia was speechless for a while, and at this moment, she noticed that the chimera hourglass on her waist was about to run out, "Forget it, it's almost over! They're going to use their soul skills again, and they fought for a day. No matter what, let me win once!"

The dolphin beast rider also said expectantly: "Oh? Is it going to be the last moment?"

The so-called Final Time (Final Time!) is the ultimate move in the magical state of the Chimera Time. In fact, it is the strongest blow of all forms together.

But when Ao Jia lightly took a picture of the statue of Beyond the Wild Lion on the Chimera Hourglass, something unexpected happened.

[Error! (mistake!)】



The six cloaked beast riders looked at the main body together, and followed the main body, making a sound of panic.

"Oops... Oops, no magic power..."

As soon as the words fell, a new round of soul skills released by the elites on the opposite side had already bombarded them.


All the cloaked beasts rode in this bombardment, and were blasted out together with the main body. At this time, the chimera hourglass had also been leaked.

[Finish! (Timeout ends)]

The six beast riders disappeared in an instant, and Oscar, who was on his own, was also deflated again in this wave of attacks. He forcibly canceled the transformation and returned to his original appearance. Of course, he still fainted to death.

But this time, she didn't fall to the ground, but the escaped Qin Xin was caught in her arms.

Seeing Ao Jia's real appearance, Qin Xin had a strange expression on her face: "It turns out that she is really a little sister. The power of Kamen Rider is really amazing."

The healing soul masters who had already prepared to recover also rushed over, but they were stopped by Qin Xin raising his hand.

"She's fine, it's just that her soul power has been exhausted. The protective power of that posture just now is not bad, so she didn't suffer any injuries."

"Then at least give her some physical strength?"

Qin Xin shook her head, thought about it, put the battle armor on her body into her body, and said slowly: "If it is injured, it needs to be recovered. If it is not injured, then forget it. I heard that she It has been recovered more than a hundred times a day, although recovery-like soul skills are harmless, but it will disturb the body after a long time. After all, each of you has different fluctuations in the soul skills. Let her take a good rest normally."


"Miss Qin Xin is right, let her recover on her own this time."

Qin Xin looked up, and it turned out that it was Yin Xiaoya walking over.

"Hello, Mr. Yin."

"Thank you for the disciple matter, Miss Qinxin."

She shook her head, and glanced at Ning Longlong who was following behind Yin Xiaoya, who had already recovered.

"I did all this for the young master."

Ning Longlong was stunned: "For me? Sister Qin Xin, what are you talking about?"

Qin Xin smiled slightly, but didn't say anything more, but sent the fainted Ao Jia to Yin Xiaoya's arms, then turned and left.

No one noticed, when she turned her back, her mouth immediately pouted.

"This kid, the higher-ups have clearly seen my whole body, and I haven't had a nosebleed like just now. Is it possible that I am not as good as this little girl?"

After Yin Xiaoya thanked the elites present, he left here with Ning Longlong, who was still a bit flabbergasted.

"You can't do this, you will be short of energy and blood every now and then, what if you develop a habit?"

Ning Longlong lowered her head in shame, of course, her eyes still looked at the sleeping Aojia in Yin Xiaoya's arms from time to time.

Yin Xiaoya sighed: "Queen Bee."

With a flash of golden light, the Queen Bee Insect Instrument appeared in front of the two.

"grown ups."

"In addition to the ability of the queen bee, do you still retain all the abilities of the soul beast Shunfeng?"


"I heard that the honey produced by the instant bee has a very powerful function of replenishing qi and blood. Can it still be produced in this posture?"

The queen bee jumped up and down a few times: "Yes, but in this posture, the honey that comes out is very concentrated, and one drop is equivalent to the original energy of ten catties. You can't eat it directly, you have to dissolve it with water."

Yin Xiaoya nodded: "Longlong, from today onwards, you will have extra meals. In addition to an Oscar's sausage every day, you must also drink a glass of Queen Bee's honey water."

"Uh..." Ning Longlong's head was full of black lines. To be honest, he still didn't understand the meaning of Yin Xiaoya's arrangement, but he didn't have the right to refuse, "Yes, I understand."

"Well, my hands are sore, so you can carry it on your back."

As he said that, without waiting for Ning Longlong's consent, he put Ao Jia on his back, and he picked up the chimera hourglass that Ao Jia produced through self-awakening to observe.

"It's really a beast riding style prop. I didn't expect it to be successful, but it also proves that this world has indeed integrated a knight system with many components. It can be said that Xiaoman is not here now. Without her, I can't see the birth of this thing. How many knight points can be generated, but it must be a lot. The success of this can also prove that there is no problem with Tang Wu. If this is the case, there are many things to try."

(End of this chapter)

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