Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 245 Chimera Moment

Chapter 245 Chimera Moment

"Wait, teacher, this is too sudden, I didn't realize it." Ao Jia took a few steps back, "Just wake up on your own, there are no blank unlocked props, and I will just create a new one." props?"

"Yes, that's exactly what it is."

Oscar's face immediately became bitter: "This is too difficult, I have no direction at all. And why me?"

"Because you are the only one among you guys who has the power of a complete knight, and you can play a greater role in this matter."

"But isn't Tang Wu already there..."

"I did this for Tang Wu to stabilize her two personalities. To be honest, I don't have much hope for them after this matter. Oh no, strictly speaking, can this matter itself Yes, I don't know either. So I need you to help me with this experiment. And I only give you two days."

In fact, Yin Xiaoya was more or less confident in his heart, and he had already seen some clues about this matter from the other children.Especially Ma Hongjun, according to the combat data about him fed back by the system.It is very likely that he has awakened the unique upgrade ability of the sound strike ghost.

When fighting with Xiaosheng's transformed Weasel Rider before, there was already this clue.

The biggest reason for this to happen is that Yin Xiaoya has imbued Douluo World with a certain degree of knight system.

Of course, in terms of progress, none of them should be faster than Ao Jia.It is because she is the only existence with complete knight power.Such conditions will make it easier for her to stimulate the potential of knight power.

But the reason why she was a step behind the others had a lot to do with her temperament.To be honest, she obviously already has a complete Chimera, but she is too behind in the outbreak of idealism.You know, she is a magic knight, and she is supposed to be in the first echelon.

Taking the previous battle in the mirror world as an example, it cannot be said that she did not perform well, after all, she was even preparing to enter beyond the wild lion.But overall, it's really not as explosive as Ma Hongjun and Luo Pupu.

So Yin Xiaoya is going to give her a special training session.

Oscar, who knew he couldn't escape, could only bow his head and accept it now: "Is two days really enough?"

"If it's just pushing a person to the limit, that's definitely enough."

For some reason, Ao Jia suddenly felt that Yin Xiaoya's smile was a bit devilish.

"You...what are you going to do? What kind of magic ring do I need to awaken?"

"I asked Sect Master Ning to arrange enough auxiliary-type healing soul masters. As long as your physical strength drops, you will be replenished immediately. And what you have to do is to be surrounded by a group of combat-type soul masters. , to awaken a special prop called 'Chimera Moment', but it doesn't necessarily appear in the form of a ring."

"Chimera Hour? What type of magic is that?"

"This is a special kind of summoning magic. Simply put, it can summon yourself in various forms."

"Isn't that the avatar ability?"

"No! Although it is similar, it is definitely different. As I said, this is a summoning class."

Although she still looked troubled after hearing this, Yin Xiaoya didn't plan to say anything more, and if she said more words, there would be no meaning for her to comprehend by herself.

Chimera Moment, this is the Magic Dragon Time magic derived from Kamen Rider Wu Qi. The prop used by Wu Qi to activate this magic is not a ring, but a prop called Dragon Timer.That's why Yin Xiaoya said that this magic item may not necessarily be a ring.

Through this prop, the witch knight can summon the dragon form of the other three attributes.It looks like a clone ability, but strictly speaking, it is a summoning ability.

The witch knights summoned are actually just different attributes. To be honest, the abilities of attribute types don't cooperate very well. After all, there are effects of mutual generation and mutual restraint in it.If it weren't for the witch knight who could use this prop to combine the four attribute dragons into a complete dragon form, maybe the dragon timer would be very useless.

However, if this magic is used on beast riders with various abilities and no attributes, then it is too suitable.

Because each form of the beast rider is a targeted ability, and the beast rider transformed by Oscar also has several forms exclusive to Douluo World, so if she can summon it.Then this group of summoned forms can form a fully equipped combat team with each other.

Taking all her current forms as an example, the red bull cloak can be responsible for the front-line attack, the falcon cloak can be used for long-range supplementary attacks in the air, the dolphin cloak can be used as a nurse, and the chameleon cloak can be used for sneak attack interference.And the flower elephant cloak she unlocked in the world tree behind can be used as a meat shield. It is said that she still has an unused ring in her hand, which can speed up.

Just imagine, if she unlocks more magic rings later, this combat team will become more and more terrifying.And this special form of magic, but witch cavalry has not yet, only beast cavalry can do it.

However, the magical setting of "Chimera Moment" does not exist in the original drama, and it is naturally impossible for Yin Xiaoya to have the corresponding knight props to unlock in his hands.It is also impossible for him to say that he will take out the dragon timer of the witch rider for Oscar.

That thing is an exclusive prop, and it is exclusive to the main cavalry. It needs to be unlocked with the corresponding soul beast.

So in the final analysis, this thing can only be understood by Oscar himself and awakened.

Seeing her being taken away with a bitter face, Yin Xiaoya also asked Xiaoman a little unconfidently: "Are you sure that my current points will affect the world? If the influence is not enough, I guess this matter It's hard."

[Please rest assured, Ma Hongjun's previous battle data is absolutely true, there is still a high probability]

"That's good. If she can awaken the magic of 'Chimera Moment', then I can really give them targeted Kamen Rider counseling later."

[About this matter, host, I just have good news to tell you, because you just accidentally unlocked a brand new knight, the system judged it as an important event, so now it has reached the second upgrade condition]


[Yes, this upgrade, although I will still be offline, but the system function host can use it by itself]

"This is really good. When you upgraded for the first time, there were many times during the period, and it was quite difficult for me."

[The host can't rely too much on the system, it needs to grow up]

"Look at what you said, it's not that I can't live without you, it's just that as a human being, if you have a way to be lazy, it's seldom hard to work hard."

【Well, this is indeed your unique personality. You are good at everything, but sometimes you are too lazy.Not to mention, I will go offline to upgrade now. 】

"Wait a minute! Uh...how long this time?"

【Half a month】

"so long???"

Just when Yin Xiaoya was about to howl, Izzy came over.

"Yo~ You're finally here, are these the ones you said before?"

Being disturbed by her like this, before Yin Xiaoya could call Xiaoman to stop, she was already offline.Well, it still has to be experienced.

"Well, these two are the reformers in the Kamen Rider system I told you about, uh...Of course, their thinking comes from soul beasts."

Izzy circled around Kotaro and Shigeru, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "What a powerful transformation technique!"

Then he pointed at the two soul guide reformers on their backs with disgust and shook his head.

"These two are too far behind. After all, the skills taught by Wuhun are not as good as the second and third generations of soul guides we came out at that time."

"About this, I just want to ask you something."


Yin Xiaoya pointed to one of the soul guides who was suspected to be Xiaoli's father and asked, "I want to ask, how likely is it that their eliminated thoughts can be completely restored?"

"Restore thinking?" Izzy stroked his horse and said after thinking for a long time, "It's like this, once a soul guide who has been eliminated from thinking, even if his thinking is restored, it is nothing more than a machine that stores memories, personality and emotions. It cannot be recovered. Of course, I am talking about the technology on the Sun Moon Continent. And these two are from the hands of the Wuhun Sect. I can’t say with 100% certainty that they are the same, but I guess it’s enough.”

This is troublesome, after all, I have agreed to Xiaoli.

But Cheng Mao opened his mouth to remind him.

"My lord, the restoration of emotions can be done with the Showa transformation technology in our hands, as long as they enter the knight system after transformation. On the contrary, what we are not good at is memory."

yes!Isn't the strong emotional feature the style of the Showa Knights?And just as Cheng Mao said, memory recovery is something they are not good at.

After all, these technologies are organized by eccentrics like Xiuka. In order to control them, the modification of technologies often erases memories.Even some Kamen Riders have a very low probability of recovering their memory only because they have recovered their emotions. (For example, the Heisei Edition No. 1 in "Kamen Rider THE FIRST")
"Then you just communicate through technology to see if you can restore both their memories and their emotions."

Izzy shrugged: "I don't care, anyway, as long as you can follow the agreement and let me study the bodies of the two of them."

Kotaro showed a handsome smile: "Don't worry, I brought them here just for your research."

"Huh? What are you talking about? I'm talking about you two."

Izu pointed at Kotaro and Shigeru.

The expressions of the two froze, and they looked at Yin Xiaoya slowly.But he has turned his head away.

"Sorry, you just have to bear with it a little bit. Anyway, when you are soul beasts, you are all naked and don't wear clothes. Don't feel burdened."

 Last month's income fell by 1000 yuan. It's miserable. Don't hoard it.Also, if you have tickets, give me one or two evenly.If you have a small amount of money in your hand, you can also give a reward.

  Oh yes, tipping is prohibited for minors~
(End of this chapter)

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