Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 242 Kamen Rider Super Meteor

Chapter 242 Kamen Rider Super Meteor
No one noticed Su Xuan's strangeness, because everyone's attention was focused on Yin Xiaoya.Of course, even if she noticed, she still couldn't see the other blonde Su Xuan with different eyes beside her.

"Like this, guide him according to what you said, and the future you showed me can be changed, right?"

Facing Su Xuan's questioning, the eyes of the Daughter of Origin showed helplessness and exhaustion.

"The future... Strictly speaking, what I show you can only be my own experience. It has nothing to do with you, I just don't want you to go on the same path again."

"If this is the case, then even if we have changed, wouldn't your own fate still be the same? Why do you have to do so?"

"Because this is the only chance. This time, not only did Xiaoya choose a different path, but even this world has different ripples."

"I do not really get it……"

"That's something that hasn't happened in countless reincarnations before. The emperor left the power of the king in this world, so this world has the power to change."

After uttering these inexplicable words, mosaics began to appear on the body of the Daughter of Origin.

"Are you here again?"

"Well, sure enough, this is something I can't disclose."

After saying this, the Daughter of Origin also disappeared from Su Xuan's sight.

Although Su Xuan was at a loss, he was not surprised by the appearance of the Daughter of Origin, since she suddenly appeared in front of him, allowing her to see the truth of the world.She has already learned, don't try to understand what you don't understand.

As for the Daughter of Origin, she would say some inexplicable words suddenly, but Su Xuan knew that it was because she couldn't explain something clearly.The great power that keeps her in this time does not allow her to reveal the secret.

Yin Xiaoya felt the 100% unlocked power of Kamen Rider Meteor, and didn't know how to express his feelings for a while.

And at this moment, his shooting star shape also changed. On the basis of the original meteor storm blue-gold shape, a gorgeous star map stretched from the front to the back.

This planetary map is also a map with a sense of distance. From the farthest and middle sun, located in the center behind Yinbuya, planets of different colors appear outwards, and one of them is recognized by Yinxiaoya. It is the earth.

And this earth just fell on his heart.So Yin Xiaoya can see it everywhere.

"Earth... this is the solar system? What's going on?"

Xiaoman's reminder sounded.

[Kamen Rider Meteor acquires the power of Unknown Douluo (Kamen) and evolves into Kamen Rider Super Meteor]

"Super meteor?"

【Combine the new attitude of twelve planets in the solar system】

"How can there be twelve planets in the solar system?"

Without Xiaoman's explanation, Yin Xiaoya witnessed the changes with his own eyes.

Originally, the right hand could be used to summon the Meteor Galaxy with the power of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The three corresponding push buttons on it disappeared, replaced by a screen panel that symbolized the solar system map.

[Unlock the power of the sun, unlock the power of the earth, unlock the power of the moon, unlock the power of Mercury, unlock the power of Venus, unlock the power of Uranus, unlock the power of Neptune, unlock the power of Pluto, unlock the power of comet]

Now, Yin Xiaoya finally knew what the No.12 star was referring to. It turned out to be a comet. It held a long tail and was fixed at the position farthest from the sun.He subconsciously looked at his current body.Sure enough, the comet was found at the ankle of the right leg, and its long tail actually extended to the waist.

"I thought it was a meteor, but it turned out to be a comet."

[Just like the three powers of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter that Meteor already had before, the newly unlocked nine stars each have different powers]

[How to use, click on the planet you want to use on the panel, and then, as before, pass fingerprint authentication to confirm the power to use]

Xiaoman's voice was very excited. To be honest, even if the knight power in Yin Xiaoya's hands has been unlocked by the Douluo element, at most it has more abilities that were not in the original settings.

Even among his few disciples, many of them have brand new forms.As a teacher, Yin Xiaoya naturally doesn't care about this matter.But Xiaoman was already in a hurry.

Although she didn't know what happened, this time it was finally different. Not only did she gain a lot of abilities, but she also directly unlocked a stronger new form.To put it simply, Yin Xiaoya only had a lot of exclusive abilities before, but now, he has an exclusive form.

"Wait a minute, can this new ability of mine only be used in the form of a meteor storm?"

Just now, because of the influx of strange energy, the basic meteor form could no longer hold up, so Yin Xiaoya, with Xiaoman's help, upgraded to the meteor storm form.

However, Meteor Galaxy is a prop that can be used in both the basic form and the meteor storm form. Since this brand new posture is obtained through its evolution, all the twelve-star powers can also be used in the basic form, or it can only be used Samsung Power before.

[Host, haven't you figured it out yet, this is no longer a new form, but Kamen Rider Meteor has transformed into a brand new knight. 】

Yin Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, quickly released the meteor storm, and returned to the basic form. Sure enough, as Xiaoman said, the meteor in the basic form also has a solar galaxy map on the body surface, and the meteor galaxy on the right hand is also an evolved star. attitude.

In other words, it's not that Yin Xiaoya got the new form of Kamen Rider Meteor, but Kamen Rider Meteor itself has changed into a new posture.

"That is to say, I can't be called Kamen Rider Meteor now, but I have to be called Kamen Rider Super Meteor?"

[Yes, that's exactly it. 】

"A new look? Meteor is my first Kamen Rider. Is this fate?"

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaoya wanted to use this power.But looking at the commotion that had been caused around him, he thought that this was the Soul Tower after all, not a place where he could move his hands and feet.

"Brother Yin, are you okay now? If it's inconvenient today, then I'll bring you to meet people next time."

"Oh, it's okay, I'm sorry to make you worry, let's go up."

At this time, Su Xuan, who persuaded everyone to disperse, returned to his side, and said with a slight twinkle in his eyes: "Because stronger?"

"Well, although I don't know what's going on." Yin Xiaoya raised his head, "What is on the top of this soul tower?"

Twelve shook his head: "I don't know, our seven monsters haven't reached the top level yet, have we Su Xuan?"

"Ah? Well! Yes, we don't know what's on it, and I heard that Dean Flender doesn't know either. He can only go up to the tenth floor now. Each level of Title Douluo represents a level .”

Su Xuan's unlocking made Yin Xiaoya very strange.

"Isn't this soul tower the property of Shrek? Why doesn't even the dean know about it?"

Twelve explained: "This Soul Pagoda was originally a sacred object obtained by the Golden Triangle unintentionally, so strictly speaking, it was originally an ownerless object."

Yin Xiaoya shrugged his shoulders: "Okay, then I have a chance to go up to the top to have a look."

After finishing speaking, let Twelve lead the way to meet those constellation apostles.

Su Xuan walked at the back, and there was a secret in his eyes.

Yes, she knew what was on the top floor of the soul tower, but she couldn't say it.At least it can't be said now, and she doesn't have to worry about Yin Xiaoya finding out now, because she is very sure that even the current him will definitely not reach the top floor.

"Yes, now is not the time, until...you dye the world with your own color."

Hearing Yin Xiaoya in front of him paused, he turned around and asked, "Huh? Did you say anything just now?"

Su Xuan suppressed his inner thoughts, smiled and shook his head.

After a while, they came to the fifth floor. Because of this super meteor, the physical pressure of the soul tower on the fifth floor also lost its effect on Yin Xiaoya.

"Ah...Senior Twelve, you are finally back, please take care of Yaku, this girl has snatched away the switches of our star envoys."

Yin Xiaoya was stunned, what the hell?

Twelve next to him was not surprised, he just stroked his forehead and sighed, "Are you here again?"

As he spoke, he walked up to a blue-haired girl with her back to the crowd, who was messing with something.

"Aku, what the hell are you doing?"

The blue-haired girl raised her head, with a three-faced expressionless face, she said in a nonchalant tone: "I'm looking for the device inside this switch, which is used to connect with the universe. Because the switches of them are the same as my Aquarius. Compared with the switch, the cosmic energy that can be accepted is too weak, I wonder if it is possible to manually transform it."

"Then why don't you take your own switch?"

"Senior Twelve, are you out of your mind?"


"Aquarius Star Envoys have perfect repair ability. Their switches can be restored through this. If I remove the switch of Aquarius, who will repair it?"

There was really nothing wrong with what he said, Twelve was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Yin Xiaoya came over, flipped her right hand, and dozens of ordinary astral messenger switches fell in front of her.

"If it's an ordinary star switch, I can provide you with unlimited research. So return those switches to others."

The girl named Yaku saw Yin Xiaoya in the state of Kamen Rider, but she was not attracted by the star switch he took out, but stared at the meteor switch on his belt.

"I can feel that this switch is the source of your power, can you let me see?"

Without waiting for Yin Xiaoya to agree, she stretched out her hand and touched his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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