Chapter 230

After seeing the scene of Tang Wu transforming into a data block and merging into Xiaoli's body, Yin Xiaoya was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

"This, this, this... Bengyuan body!? How is this possible? How did Tang Wu become a Bengyuan body?"

Yes, in that state, Yin Xiaoya can naturally see that it is the eccentric side of Kamen Rider Exedri, a eccentric formed by a virus born from the game data and concretized.

impossible?What went wrong?It is true that there is a collapse virus in the system, but he definitely has never exchanged it.

Because unlike the constellation apostles, there are also weird people like doping bodies.If the Bengyuan virus is not well controlled, there will be a large-scale infection, and the birth of the Bengyuan monster is accompanied by the death of the infected person's consciousness.

So Yin Xiaoya never thought of touching this kind of thing from the very beginning.

But after seeing the changes in Tang Wu, Yin Xiaoya held his head in his hands and fell into deep self-doubt.

"Impossible, when did she get infected with this thing? Could it be that Odin made it? The key point is that she is not the real Tang Wu, right? I have always felt very strange just now. What about the real Tang Wu? No ...wouldn't have been..."

[Host calm down, Tang Wu is fine]

"how do you know?"

Xiaoman directly called up the interface, allowing Yin Xiaoya to see the results of the system analysis.

[After the Tang Wu was revealed to be the Bengyuan body just now, the strangeness detected by the system before has been explained. The one the host saw is both the Bengyuan body and Tang Wu, and of course strictly speaking it is one of Tang Wu]

Listening to Xiaoman's explanation, Yin Xiaoya also read the content on the interface.Only then did I understand what was going on.

It turns out that in the original drama, only those who have undergone adaptive surgery to make antibodies to the collapse virus in their bodies can transform into Kamen Riders of game data.

After Tang Wu used her martial soul to unlock and transform into Kamen Rider Exeter, this setting was kept in an alternative way, which directly turned Tang Wu into an existence with antibodies to the Bengyuan virus.

But as everyone knows, martial souls are a symbol of the soul in this world. Tang Wu, who possesses two martial souls, after transforming, the dual martial souls were affected by the double influence of data energy and the anti-bengyuan virus, and split into two consciousnesses. .

One is Tang Wu, the main body with the Wuhun Haotian Hammer, and the other is Tang Wu, the Bengyuan body with the Wuhun Soft Bone Charm Rabbit.

The relationship between the two of them is actually the same as the relationship between the protagonist Little Doctor and Palad in the original play, which belongs to the existence of two hearts.

After figuring this out, it's not so strange to look back at the strange things before.

For example, when Yin Xiaoya left Shrek to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the reason why Xiaoman said that Tang Wu was missing something at that time was because the Bengyuan body Tang Wu was no longer in her body.

[Obviously, after the soul is separated into two pairs, the two Tang Wu's personalities are also very different. This Bengyuan Body Tang Wu is a typical mischievous and active character who likes to play. 】

"The same existence as Palade... Then, Tang Wu can use the dual-player game cartridge?"

[That’s right, but when you don’t think about it now, it’s obviously not the first time that Tang Wu with the Bengyuan body has merged into Xiaoli’s body. She may have done this to replace Xiaoli, who is inexperienced in fighting, but she doesn’t want to fight. You will know that there is a very high possibility that Xiaoli will be infected with the collapse virus]

Upon hearing this, Yin Xiaoya's expression suddenly became serious.

"Then it seems that we have to stop her first."

But just as he was thinking this way, Xiao Li, controlled by Tang Wu of the Bengyuan Body, moved.A long phantom was drawn behind her, and she launched a ghostly fascination step, rushing towards one of the frog-shaped knights.

He was startled by Tang Wu's change, but when he saw Tang Wu rushing over at such a fast speed, he quickly retreated behind his giant frog contracted beast in shock.

"See if I don't kill you!"

As he spoke, he took out a card and stuffed it into the summoning machine.

【Shoot Vent! (shooting down)]

The cyan giant frog contracted beast sat still, but its eyeballs moved very quickly, and it caught up with the figure of "Xiaoli".

Then it opened its mouth, and pieces of crescent-shaped water knives shot out from its big mouth. Perhaps because frogs have very good dynamic vision, the first water knives slashed at "Xiaoli" very precisely. ".

But at this time, "Xiaoli" not only has Tang Wu's speed, but also her flexibility. Not only did she dodge the water knife very cunningly, but she still had the strength to guide its water knife to the direction of the other two people. .

"Fuck! Tell your toad to be careful!"

"If you can't hit the shot, don't shoot! Don't just contract the beast to move, you should move too!"

Impatient with the nagging of the two companions, the frog-shaped knight jumped out from behind the giant frog contracted beast.

"It's so noisy! I know how to do it, I don't need you to teach me!"

Then, he took out another card and stuffed it into the summoning machine.

[Sword Vent! (weapon descends)]

A ray of light flashed from the giant frog's mouth and fell into his hand. After the ray dissipated, a long tongue whip appeared.

While "Xiao Li" dodged another water knife, he threw out the tongue whip and successfully bound Tang Wu.

"Haha, let's see how you can hide now!"

Unexpectedly, "Xiao Li" also laughed out loud.

"Haha! Now you are caught by me!"

"What? Hey!!!!!!"

Before the other party realized what was going on, he saw "Xiao Li" receding backwards and upwards at an extremely fast speed, before the other party even had time to let go of his hand, he yanked him in front of him.

"Soul Skill: Waist Bow!"

The moment the other party flew in front of her, "Xiao Li" did a backflip, and then kicked the other party's chest fiercely with his legs like fired shells, and then kicked him back, hitting the opponent on the chest. into the arms of his own giant frog contracted beast, and overturned the past together.

When he was kicked flying, because he let go of his hand, "Xiao Li" slipped out of the opponent's tongue smoothly.

"Big Frog!"

Seeing this scene, the other two rushed over quickly.

But before he got close, he was attracted by the "Xiao Li" who turned around.This is because a strong pink light is shining from the inside of her visor.

"Soul Skill: Charm!"

After the two of them got the enchanting soul skill, they immediately fell into a daze.

"Xiaoli" didn't delay, and immediately pulled out the card and stuffed it into the unique sword-shaped summoner of Kamen Rider White Goose.

[Sword Vent! (weapon descends)]

The white goose contracted beast flew through the air, sending down a ray of light, which turned into a double-headed long knife, which is the unique weapon of the white goose, the winged sword.

Then she rushed towards the frog-shaped knight at the speed of ghost shadow fans.Then he swung the winged sword and hit the contracted beast and the knight respectively.


With an unwilling scream, the frog-shaped knight's contracted beast exploded and destroyed, and he himself was forcibly released from his transformation.

Although he fell on the ground, he didn't die, but he couldn't move because of the pain all over his body. He could only watch helplessly as the opponent pulled his knight card box away.

At this moment, the two who had acquired the charm skill also regained their sanity, just in time to see the scene where their companion was picked up by "Xiao Li" and pushed out of the mirror world.

"Xiao Li" looked at the two of them, and said helplessly, "It's not my own body, otherwise the charm wouldn't be unraveled so easily."

As he said that, he also sent the knight card box he had just snatched from the frog-shaped knight into the storage soul guide that he carried with him.

Not far away, Yin Xiaoya, who has been hiding his figure, stroked his chin: "Will possessing someone else's body reduce the effect of my ability? Xiaoman, exchange it for a game observer."

【Successful exchange】

With a flash of light, a strange-looking special stethoscope appeared on Yin Xiaoya's neck. It was the prop used in the original drama to check whether patients were infected with the virus.

Facing Xiaoli, who was possessed by the Bengyuan body Tang Wu in the distance, he activated the observation device, and a light screen appeared, on which a pink rabbit head was moving happily.

Yin Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, put away the observer and sent it back to the system space.

"Currently, only Tang Wu's collapsing body has been detected in her body, which means that she has not been infected and gave birth to a new virus."

Anyway, the matter has developed to this point, Yin Xiaoya decided it would be better not to expose himself.

"If there is an accident, it will not be too late for me to act."

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(End of this chapter)

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