Chapter 225

In the timeline of the main Douluo world that Yin Xiaoya knew, the development history of the Doukai evolved directly from the humanoid soul guide form.

But in this brand new Douluo world, before the human-shaped soul guide, there is actually another stage, that is, the soul guide transforms people. In Izzy's words, it is the soul guide.

At this stage of development, there was no concept of Doukai in it, but simply wanting to combine the powerful soul guide with human beings.

However, this technology faces many problems, the biggest of which is that the Sun Moon Continent launched a war of aggression against the Douluo Continent.

For this reason, the effect and efficiency that soul guidance can bring to transform people cannot keep up with the needs of war.

Although the soul guide has a very high control over his own soul guide, the soul guide retains the foundation of human beings after all. Human beings themselves are uncontrollable. Such uncontrollable factors cannot exist in war.

"The first technology leak in the Sun Moon Continent was caused by the defection of the soul guide."

So, it's no wonder that the Wuhun Sect has soul guides to transform people in their hands. It turns out that they had already obtained the technology at that time.

"The two soul guides you saw without self-thinking are probably the measures taken by the Wuhun sect here after you got the technology and realized that the soul guides are uncontrollable? By the way, eliminate the soul guides. The technology of guiding people's thinking is also the technology of the Sun Moon Continent."

Having said that, Izzy's eyes gradually lost their luster.

"Because of this matter, all soul guides except me were forcibly eliminated from thinking. This matter was also very troublesome in the Sun Moon Continent, causing great dissatisfaction. It can be said that The failure of the war at that time also had a certain relationship with the dissension of the people caused by this incident.”

According to her, the development of soul guides ended here, because the humanoid soul guides appeared at the same time and took the place of soul guides.The development of technology has jumped from the combination of human and machine to the research and development of humanoid devices.

"Then why haven't you been eliminated from your mind?"

"Me? Because no one thought that I would be a soul guide from the beginning, because the soul guide technology was developed by my father. Who would have thought that a father would conduct such an experiment on his daughter?"

Seemingly realizing that what he said had caused confusion in the hearts of those present, Izzy quickly laughed.

"Hey hey~ Don't get me wrong! I asked my father to do this on my own initiative. It's not a human tragedy~"


Ignoring everyone's stiff expressions, she continued.

"In short, because of this matter, my father has been hiding the fact that I am a soul guide, and I also followed the research team and participated in a series of research until the birth of the battle armor. The first generation officially There are a total of five sets of battle armors, all of which were developed by me. This includes the Tian Xiao battle armor worn by the girl just now. It is precisely because of this that I was able to find this set of battle armor. data collection."

Hearing this and Ning Longlong's explanation, Ning Zhiyuan probably understood what happened, so he asked, "Then why are these battle armors in the hands of the Wuhun Cult?"

"Hmph! Do you still need to ask? In order to curry favor with the Martial Soul Sect~ those arrogant old guys in the Sun Moon Continent think that the technology of this first generation of battle armor is not complete, so the performance is not as good as that of the later generations, so even if you take it It would be too much loss to give it away. But how did they know that these five first-generation battle armors are the only ones that can have room for improvement, and although the latter battle armors are more complete in technology, they are the only ones. This feature is missing.”

Hearing this, Yin Xiaoya finally understood something: "I understand, this technology that can evolve is in your hands?"

"Hey, that's right, my little brother has eyes~"

"Then this is the reason why you escaped from the Sun Moon Continent and were wanted?"

"No, no, no~" Izzy shook his head, "The reason why I was wanted was that I defected on the surface, but actually it was because I was discovered that I was a soul guide. Haha, it's very helpless to say, Because my body has been modified, I have maintained this appearance for many years, people who have been with me will always notice something, so I discovered it."

Because he was discovered to be a soul guide, Izzy was supposed to be secretly deprived of his mind.But under the cover of her father, she managed to escape. After all, she was a researcher who had mastered the core technology of Doukai, so Sun Moon Continent put her on the list of criminals wanted.

It's just that they didn't expect that she would escape to Douluo Dalu, let alone that she had a technology that they didn't know.

"Doukai...Armor..." Ning Zhiyuan lowered his head and began to think, "I remembered, the Wuhun Sect is trying to win over forces for the Wuhun Sect, and the Noumenon Sect seems to have obtained a set of armor from the Wuhun Sect. It is very likely that it is also one of the Doukai."


Izzy's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Well, not only that, this time the Wuhun Sect has sponsored by the participating forces, so the rewards are extremely rich, and the rewards given by the Wuhun Sect seem to be related to armor. Maybe it is also a battle armor."

"Stupid! They don't even know the meaning of these five sets of battle armor! I want to add another condition, you must get the other four sets of battle armor no matter what!"

Ning Longlong said angrily: "You say you can get it if you get it? Let's not say that the Noumenon Sect is not easy to mess with, who can snatch the reward from the Wuhun Sect?"

"It's fine if you win~"


Everyone decided to ignore her for the time being, and gathered together to discuss.

"Fortunately, everyone else was sent away. We are the only ones who know about it."

When Ning Zhiyuan made a request for protection from Izzy, he carefully cleared away all irrelevant people present, and took Izzy back to his personal room for talks.Therefore, the only ones who know these things now are themselves, Sword Bone Double Douluo, Ning Longlong, and Yin Xiaoya.

"Mr. Yin, you seem to know more about Doukai. Do you think what she said..."

"It's all true, and she didn't lie in it." After all, there is a system in her body, so I can tell whether the other party has lied or not, "Sect Master Ning, the value of the battle armor is very huge. Judging from its strength, it can even be said to be very close to my Kamen Rider system. The disadvantage is that the cost is too high and it takes a certain amount of time to grow, but this is actually not true at all for a sect like Qibao Liulizong. Worth mentioning."

Ning Zhiyuan nodded, suppressing the excitement in his heart: "If you have Mr. Yin's words, then I can feel relieved. The research resources that Miss Yizi wants, I, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, will undertake."

In fact, not only Ning Zhiyuan is excited, but Yin Xiaoya is also very excited, because he is currently dealing with a matter that needs the help of someone like Izzy, that is, the transformation Kamen Rider that Kotaro and Shigeru will carry out. plan of.

Not only that, but I also learned from Xiaoman before that after the system is upgraded, the battle armor is likely to become an unlocking factor for Kamen Rider.

For a long time, Yin Xiaoya has been very troublesome in unlocking technological Kamen Riders. Take 555 as an example. If you use a soul beast to unlock it, unlike Kura, there are many choices, and there is only one soul beast that can unlock it. unlock.

Then it lives in the volcanic zone of the seabed, a kind of soul beast called Blastershark. This kind of soul beast is not only extremely rare, but also very far away from his location. Even Xiaoman can't be sure of this kind of soul beast. Is the beast still alive?

Because the blaster shark belongs to the level of prehistoric creatures in the history of Douluo World, and it can be described as a living fossil now, so even if it is extinct, it is not impossible.

Just unlocking the initial form of 555 is already so difficult, let alone the later form of 555.

But if the battle armor can unlock the knight's power, it can completely forge a set of battle armor according to 555's ability style. In this way, wouldn't the problem be solved?

So Izzy, he has to do his best to protect him, and he is also the one he will try his best to please in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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