Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 209 The result of being exploited

Chapter 209 The result of being exploited
"So, Qilong is really not human..."

Yu Xiaogang took advantage of the night to find Yin Xiaoya on his own initiative, and learned about Su Qilong's true identity from there.

Listening to his tone, Yin Xiaoya also verified his thoughts: "Master, you have seen it before?"

Yu Xiaogang sighed for a long time, nodded and said: "When he was adopted back then, he was already beyond the normal age for martial soul awakening. It stands to reason that even if he awakened a high-quality martial soul under such circumstances, his later cultivation would be the same as before." A big discount. But he didn’t, and the talent he showed was not only not weaker than the other seven monsters, but also in such a unique form. This does not conform to any theory about martial arts I have studied. If there is anything similar to him , that is, the existence of soul beast transformation like Xiaosan is relatively close."

But although they are close, there are many differences. Just a titled Douluo can't see this, which at least proves that Su Qilong's situation is very special.

"It's impossible for him to go on like this. Although he completely regards himself as a human being, and the consciousness of the Devil-eating Dragon is also suppressed by other memory fragments in his body. But as he grows up, he is different from normal human beings. The difference between them will become more and more obvious. Moreover, his current power comes from the Devil-eating Dragon. The bigger he grows in the future, the more power he will use the Devil-eating Dragon. The result of this going on is that the Devil-eating Dragon Consciousness will definitely wake up one day."

This kind of thing must be prevented. Yu Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "In other words, his state of being weak after excessive use of strength is likely to accelerate the advancement of this matter. Next, I will strictly Manage his cultivation and tactics. Then...do you really have a way to help him?"

Yin Xiaoya nodded, but said in an uncertain tone: "There is a method, but it's hard to say whether it will succeed, after all, there is no precedent. And the conditions are not yet available, so right now, we can only do what you said, Master." That way, strictly manage his training and tactics."

"That's all. I'll talk to Flender, but for other people, please keep it a secret, Xiaoya."

"Naturally, don't worry."

Yu Xiaogang, who stood up and was about to leave, paused for a while, then bowed solemnly to Yin Xiaoya.

"Uh, you are..."

"I haven't had the chance to express it to you properly before, thank you for allowing Erlong to return to my side."

Oh, this matter, Yin Xiaoya smiled helplessly: "It's okay, I have a destiny with Senior Erlong, and this matter is not purely for you, you must know that Senior Erlong is now strictly speaking , is a kind of knight power, after all, it is for me.”

"But aren't you ready to bear the fate of the second dragon? Flender has already told me, and he told you what happened back then."

Yin Xiaoya nodded, Liu Erlong's death involved too many things, what Anfland said, even if he told him what he said, was only part of the truth.Of course, just knowing this part already shocked Yin Xiaoya.

"You don't think too much. I will do my best for Senior Erlong's matter. As for you, are you all right? Facing two people?"

Yu Xiaogang blushed, and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment: "This is very good, as you know, Erlong is actually my blood relative, and there was no relationship between us...Of course, the most grateful thing is Dong'er, she also bears a lot. Although I don't have much power, I will protect them in my own way."

Yin Xiaoya was a little worried when he said this. In the timeline of the main Douluo world, after all, Yu Xiaogang failed Bibi Dong because he was too weak, which led to a series of tragedies.

Although it can't be said that it's entirely his fault, a large part of the readers still criticize him as a scumbag who can't even protect his own woman, and deserves to be called a tauren.

If Yu Xiaogang in the main Douluo world can have Tang Hao's power, maybe there is no need to wait for Tang San to cross, and the timeline may have already come to an end.

In this world, although Yu Xiaogang's conditions are much better than before and his status is higher, the hidden problem still exists.

Logically speaking, if it was his choice, Yin Xiaoya would not want to intervene without authorization, but after all, Liu Erlong's matter involves too many levels, and according to Flender, the background of Bibi Dong in this world is not simple.

So if something really happened, it was still hard for Yin Xiaoya to believe that Yu Xiaogang could handle it.

Thinking it was to get more cards for future combat power, Yin Xiaoya decided to make another shot.

"Master, although this kind of thinking is wrong, I have to admit that weakness is the original sin. It is true that you have strength, but if you convert it into combat power, it is too difficult to realize it. You are not as good as yourself Master the power, what do you think?"

Yu Xiaogang probably knew what Yin Xiaoya wanted to do, but he shook his head and refused.

"The power of the Kamen Rider system is indeed very attractive. I have to say that I am also moved. But now I have found a new direction. If possible, I still hope to become stronger through my own power."

"New system?"

"Well, it's actually not a secret, it's from the Sun Moon Continent's power system."

"Soul guide or something?"

"Well, almost. Speaking of which, there have been some breakthroughs recently. If you don't mind, I hope to borrow your knight power to test its combat power."

This is really not a troublesome thing, but Yin Xiaoya is still a little surprised. Yu Xiaogang in this world is still somewhat different. He didn't give up and become stronger prematurely like Yu Xiaogang in the world of the main Douluo. I guess It was also because the death of the second dragon had stimulated him too much.

"No problem, then I'll wait and see."

Yu Xiaogang nodded and left Yin Xiaoya's room.

After he left, Yin Xiaoya opened the system interface, there were a lot of things to do recently, he specially asked Xiaoman to make a list of things to do before the Wuhun Saint meeting.After all, there is not much time, and he has to allocate it reasonably.

"Let's put it aside for Su Qilong. After all, I have to wait until I have completely unlocked the power of the witch cavalry. In two days, I will go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School with Ning Longlong. There are two matters to be dealt with at this time. It has already been decided, so it won’t be changed. Su Xuan said that someone from her father will come to contact her, so it shouldn’t be the most recent time. Another thing is to trouble the headmaster to go to the Soul Master Association to ask for the death list..."

He sighed for a long time. With so many things under pressure, he wanted to deal with them separately.Of course, it's not the clone ability of a knight, but it would be nice to have a clone.

[Everything is just for system upgrades, thinking about it this way should make the host feel better]

"Ah, speaking of which, have you met the upgrade requirements now? Is the story of the knights of Bingliu and Jolang complete?"

[Yes, the system is approved, and the conditions for knight points have been met. After all, because of the World Tree incident, it is basically enough to reach the god-level domain, so a lot of knight points have been obtained.So before your next system upgrade, you only need to complete a few more events, and the number of events just listed is about the same]

"Okay, let's grit our teeth and work hard again. I hope that after the system reaches level three, there will be more benefits."

After confirming the target, Yin Xiaoya was holding a water basin to wash his face and go to sleep, but before he splashed water on his face, a figure came out of the water basin, not to mention his face, his upper body was full wet.

"Brother Xiaoya! It's not good, come to the mirror world quickly, someone is dying!"

Suddenly it was Fang Xin who had been investigating things in the mirror world.

"Emmm...you can't come out from another place."

Having said that, Yin Xiaoya didn't delay. After all, when he heard that someone had an accident, he didn't even wipe the water, and let Fang Xin take him into the mirror world.

[Host, it is detected that the mirror world is different from before, please transform into a knight, or equip knight props, otherwise it may be dangerous]

Since Xiaoman had reminded her like this, there must be nothing wrong, so Yin Xiaoya directly summoned Kongwo's belt from her body, but did not rush to transform.

"Big brother!" "Teacher!"

After entering the mirror world, Luo Pupu and Oscar were waiting there.

"You two all right? Huh? Who is this?"

When Fang Xin first found him, he thought that something happened to the two of them, but it turned out not to be, but a stranger he didn't know at all.

At this time, almost half of Xiaoli's body has collapsed, his limbs have disappeared, and the rest is still disintegrating little by little, as if being eaten away by something.

Oscar said in a dejected tone: "I used the power of the dolphin ring, but there is no way to restore her."

[Start analysis...]

Without Yin Xiaoya's reminder, the system began to analyze Xiaoli's situation.

While the system was analyzing, Yin Xiaoya learned about the current situation from the three of them.

"...It really was Odin's handwriting, and he scattered the knight's power?"

"Well, but for the two mirror knights we met, none of their knight powers have been unlocked through soul beasts, so they can only move around in this mirror world. After returning to reality, they cannot use their knight powers."

Yin Xiaoya's expression turned serious. Regarding the distribution of the knight's power, he was also doing it himself, so it didn't matter.But the knight power he allocated did not contain selfishness, but Odin seemed to do it for some special purpose.

"Did you ask them what they got the knight power for?"

All three shook their heads regretfully, expressing that they had slipped away without asking.

At this time, Fang Xin thought of something again: "But they mentioned the game several times before and after, saying that it is a game."

"Game..." Yin Xiaoya thought about it. It was a game related to Mirror Knight, "Could it be...Fang Xin, show me the card that Odin left you before."

After receiving the blank card, Yin Xiaoya read it several times, and then returned it to Fang Xin with a heavy expression.

"Brother Ya, do you see what this is?"

Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "I can't be sure, but if the game they mentioned is really what I think, then this card is very likely to be the Time Arrival card."

"A time card?"

"Well, in Kamen Rider's power system, one of the few powers that can reset the world is also one of the top props."

Oscar covered his mouth: "Reset the world!? Oh my God, I have never heard of a god who can do such a thing in the legend."

That's why Yin Xiaoya's expression was so serious. He didn't expect that Odin would start a survival game in Douluo World.Those endowed with knightly powers probably don't know what they're fighting for.

But no matter what, Yin Xiaoya would not allow this kind of thing to happen.Originally, he just wanted to wait and see what happened, but now it seemed that he had to see the other party.And regardless of whether he came from the future or not, at least for now, Yin Xiaoya felt that it was necessary to classify him as an enemy.

[After the analysis, the mirror world of the host does not know when, there are more settings of the original Kamen Rider. 】

"In other words, is this girl really being distorted by the power of the mirror world?"

[Yes, only Kamen Riders can stay in this mirror world. Ordinary humans stay in it. After a long time, they will be rejected by this world, which will evolve into the current situation. And once they enter this state, they cannot return to reality. world】

Yin Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, and asked Fang Xin: "Have you ever tried to bring her back to the real world?"

"No, because I feel that if I just take her out like this, there may be no hope of recovery."

Yin Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief: "Your judgment is correct, she cannot return to the real world immediately in this state."

Speaking of which, Yin Xiaoya spent 1000 million to exchange a white knight card box from the system space. This is an original knight, and it is also one of the mirror knights, White Goose. She is the only female who appeared in the story line of Dragon Knight. knight.

A snow-white swan contracted beast flew out of the card box and floated in front of everyone.It's just that its eyes are inactive and rather rigid.

"This girl is your contract master, be her strength."

The contracted swan beast nodded, took the card box from Yin Xiaoya's hand, put it on Xiaoli's chest, and then slammed into Xiaoli's body.Then something miraculous happened.

As a ray of light enveloped Xiaoli's body, her body began to recover, and the part that had been eaten away by this world returned little by little.

Seeing this scene, the three little fellows also knew that Xiaoli's life was to be saved, and they all heaved a sigh of relief.

Fang Xin looked at the card box on Xiaoli's chest, and thought about the situation of the two mirror knights before, so he asked, "Brother Xiaoya, can the knight power you gave her be used in the real world?"

Yin Xiaoya nodded: "Yes."

"That is to say, this is also the knight power unlocked through the soul beast?"

"No, it's not." Seeing Fang Xin lost in thought, Yin Xiaoya smiled and said, "I know what you're thinking, don't worry, you guessed well before. The reason why those two mirror knights couldn't maintain their transformation in the real world , because it has not been unlocked through the elements of the Douluo World. And although the one I gave has not been unlocked by the soul beast, it already contains the elements of the Douluo World."

Yes, Xiaoman told him the answer to this question after the system was upgraded once.

During the month when the system disappeared, it had already been magically reformed in order to deal with this Douluo world.

The lottery chance and knight points obtained by Yin Xiaoya by completing the event, these two things already contain the karma of Douluo World, so although the knight power obtained through these two ways is not as strong as unlocking the normal Douluo elements, but Still available.

Of course, it can only be the side rider part. The cause and effect required by the main rider is too great, and the simple lottery and points are not enough to unlock them.

In other words, if it is 100% Kamen Rider power, it is absolutely impossible to exist in this weird Douluo world.

The space where the Renren Fruit was located before is the evidence. This Douluo World is very exclusive, and strictly speaking, the mirror world is not the real Douluo World, so here, 100% of Kamen Rider's power can be released. use.

However, this situation only started recently. Under Xiaoman's notice, Yin Xiaoya learned that the knight points he obtained by resolving the incident actually symbolized the progress of the knight's power in this Douluo world.

It is precisely because too many points have been obtained recently, which means that the Douluo World has begun to integrate the knight system, so it is inferred that Odin is taking advantage of this opportunity to stimulate the movement in the mirror world that is not much affected by the Douluo World. This led to the birth of the Mirror Monster and the Mirror Knight.

"This guy actually stole the fruits of my labor."

Yin Xiaoya gritted his teeth a little bit. He didn't expect that the fruits of his hard work would be used by others, and the things he produced were headaches like mirror monsters and survival games.

[The host has detected that multiple knights are approaching, presumably they are other mirror knights]

Yin Xiaoya sneered: "I came here at the right time, and I have a lot of questions to ask them."

(End of this chapter)

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