Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 207 Survival Game

Chapter 207 Survival Game
"Ha~~~Xiaoli, it's still your family's strong wine. Burp~~~ Let's have another bottle!"

While clearing the wine table, Xiaoli said helplessly: "Uncle Liu, if you drink like this again, you are not afraid that the aunt will not let you in the door again? Let's forget it today, or you will not be able to walk for a while .”

But Lao Liu said nonchalantly: "How dare that bitch! Xiao Li, it's not my uncle who is bragging with you. Don't look at me outside to let her go. At home, it's me who has the final say? Hiccup!"

An embarrassed smile appeared on Xiaoli's face. After all, there are quite a lot of people in the tavern now, so she didn't tell what happened when she heard him being reprimanded when she passed by the door of Lao Liu's house a few days ago.

At this time, the boss came over and took over Xiaoli's work.

"Little Li, it's getting late, you go back first, it's too late and it's not safe."

The owner of the tavern knew Xiaoli's parents. Xiaoli's parents left early, and she was the only one left in the family with a younger brother. The younger brother was more competitive and talented, and he followed the principles of soul master cultivation.But Xiaoli's talent is mediocre, and he can't be a soul master.

So I help to work here every day, earn some money to subsidize the family, and give my younger brother as living expenses and tuition fees.

For such a sensible girl, the owner of the tavern also takes good care of her, not only won't let her go back too late, but also pays enough.

Xiao Li wiped off his sweat, but he didn't flirt with the boss: "Okay, then I'll go back first, oh, by the way, boss, I'll..."

"I know, I'm going to visit your parents' grave, so I want you to go back and rest early."

"Hey, thank you boss~"

"Hi! Little Li! Where's the wine?"

The boss unhappily opened a bottle of wine and threw it in front of him: "Drink it quickly, I'm closing now!"

Old Liu was cursing, but he picked up the bottle honestly.But just as he was about to drink, through the reflection of the wine bottle, he saw a huge monster swaying behind him.

"Hi! Huh? What is this~~ what is this??"

Old Liu rolled his eyes blushingly, and looked again, but there was nothing.He turned around unsteadily and looked behind him, but there was nothing.

"Hi~ Forget it... Forget it, it seems that I really drank too much today~~"

Xiao Li, who walked out of the tavern, did not go home immediately, but walked straight to a flower shop.

"Xiao Li is here, the flowers you want are ready."

"Thank you, aunt~ how much is it?"

"Hey, can I still ask for your money? Is this for meeting your parents? Go ahead."

"That's not okay. If my parents know that I don't have any money, they can't dream about me."

As he said that, Xiaoli directly left a sum, and without any reaction from the other party, he turned around and ran away.

"Hey~~~ This girl, even if I give it, I can't use so much."

The proprietress of the flower shop shook her head helplessly, so she had no choice but to collect the money first.

Just when she turned around, out of the corner of her eye, a monster flashed past the glass of the store door, and she screamed out on the spot.But upon closer inspection, there was nothing on the glass.

"It seems that I have been very tired recently." She rubbed her ears as she spoke, "It seems that the tinnitus is still ringing."

Xiaoli looked at the flowers in his bosom, with a bitter smile on his face, although she looked happy on the surface, but only he knew how much he was forcing a smile.After my parents left, although I was actively facing life, the burden of life was never merciless.

"If you hadn't sacrificed... well, I really want to go back to when you were still there."

Just then, it began to rain.If this was normal, the distance from home was not far anyway, so she might just go back in the shower.But today, holding flowers in her hand, she was worried that the wrapping paper would get wet, so she ran all the way to a roadside eaves.

"Showers? It should stop in a while, right?"

At this time, it was getting late, including the store where I was standing, and even the roadside stalls were closed.Under the pattering rain, she seemed to be the only one in the small street, which seemed extraordinarily quiet.

Fortunately, it was indeed a shower, and after a while, it turned into a light drizzle.

Not wanting to be trapped again for a while, Xiaoli prepared to rush back in the light rain, but just as he lifted his leg, a piercing sound rang out.


Xiaoli subconsciously covered her ears when she was noisy, but because of this, the flower in her hand fell to the ground.

"Ah! Oh~~ Why are you so unlucky..."

Resisting the inexplicable sound, Xiaoli was about to squat down to pick up the flowers, but halfway through the movement, she felt as if something was pulling her clothes.

"Huh? What is this?"

Looking back, she found that a finger-thin silk thread was sticking to her back. Looking along the thread, the other end was glued to the glass window she had just leaned against.

At the beginning, she didn't care what it was, she reached out and wanted to tear it apart, but what she didn't expect was that this thick thread was actually sticky, and as she pulled it, the thread became longer.

Only then did she discover to her surprise that this was not a decoration on the window, but something extending from the glass.

It was the first time she had seen such a weird scene, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.She didn't even want the coat at all, she just took it off and threw it away, then grabbed the flowers on the ground and was about to run away.

But at this moment, another silk thread sprayed out from the glass, this time it actually directly bound Xiaoli's upper body, making her unable to move.

"Ah! What is this...help...huh??"

Before she could yell, another silk thread came out and directly sealed her mouth.


The buzzing sound was even harsher, as if something was approaching.


At this time, Xiaoli was horrified to find that a spider-like monster appeared on the glass, and the silk thread was shot out from its upper body.

Faced with the pulling of the other end, Xiao Li had no room to struggle, and was pulled over forcefully.But instead of hitting the glass, she was pulled straight into it.

With a whirl, Xiaoli fell heavily to the ground, and she looked around in horror.Although the environment has not changed, everything has been turned upside down.

Of course, this is not the point. What is important is that the monster with half the body of a spider is standing in front of him.And its hand is tightly pulling the silk thread wrapped around its body.


Xiaoli was terrified and started to run away, but he couldn't break free from the silk thread on his body.I saw that the monster used a little strength, and she was pulled over.

Being dragged under the monster's body by the silk thread, Xiao Li was horrified to find that there was a big mouth under the monster's body, and the big mouth bit her towards her accompanied by the stench.

Probably realizing that he was doomed, Xiao Li subconsciously closed his eyes.

【Shoot Vent! (shooting down)]

Suddenly there was a sound effect, so the imaginary attack did not come.


A roar sounded, and Xiaoli opened his eyes, just in time to see the monster being blown away by a icy mist.Perhaps it was because the temperature of the mist was so low that even the silk threads that bound her were frozen.


Before she realized what was going on, another huge object landed heavily beside her. It was a humanoid machine mainly in white and blue, and the mist that blew away the spider monster was also sprayed from her hand. from.


Xiao Li looked at this humanoid machine, subconsciously attracted by her crystal-like delicate appearance.

At this moment, a normal human-sized figure jumped off her shoulders, and came to her with a rapier that was simmering in the cold.


Xiaoli didn't even see the opponent's movements clearly, and the frozen thread on his body was smashed into pieces.

The other party lowered his body and asked, "Are you okay?"

Looking at this white figure that was only the size of a child, Xiaoli was a little confused: "Uh? Are you human?"

Fang Xin nodded: "I'll send you out after we finish dealing with the mirror monster."


Xiao Li didn't understand a word of Fang Xin's words, but she was sure of one thing, that is, the other party was not a bad person, and she was saved.Feeling relaxed, her body softened.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I... I'm so scared that my legs are weak, what's going on?"

Fang Xin helped her aside: "Now is not the time to explain, you wait here for a while."

At this moment, the spider that was blown away by the cold air released by the snow girl gradually became silent and turned into an ice sculpture.

So Xue Nu stopped, but issued a warning: "My lord, it is not dead yet."

Fang Xin nodded: "It's just right that it's not dead, we need to take a body back and let Brother Xiaoya have a look."

But as soon as the words fell, cracks sounded one after another, and the surface of the frozen monster began to crack.

"It...is it going to break free?"

Xiaoli was so frightened that he trembled again.

"Well, it seems that it is not so easy to handle. If so, let's break a few of its legs first."

Fang Xin didn't panic, but rushed over with the ice sharp spike in his hand, and cut off all the spider legs of the opponent's lower body before he could break free completely.

Under the severe injury, the monster let out a violent roar, and the strength of its struggle was much weaker.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief. Although Fang Xin looked like he was only a child, his strength was not low. In this way, his own safety was guaranteed.

[Final Vent! (Final arrival)]

"Huh? What!?"

Fang Xin was stunned when he heard the familiar sound, but it was not from her.

But at this moment, Xuenv suddenly moved. She came to Fang Xin's side in a flash, pulled her into her arms, and kicked the spider monster away.


There was a roar of a beast, and a light shadow of a beast head shining like a lion flew over from the other side, hitting the spider monster kicked away by the snow girl.


The spider monster that was hit by the light and shadow of the beast head exploded instantly.

Of course, its death is not the focus of Fang Xin's concern. She looked along the light and shadow just now, and on a roof not far away, a tall and tall figure slowly withdrew his right fist.

His whole body was covered in a layer of brown armor. This armor was shaped like a lion, as if corresponding to his body shape. Behind him lay a mechanical creature that looked like a lion.

When Fang Xin saw that the other party was wearing a belt like his own, his mind suddenly roared.

"This... Mirror Knight!?"

This time, Fang Xin was in a mess. She had never heard of Yin Xiaoya giving birth to another Mirror Knight.

"Is it like Odin, a knight who suddenly appeared?"

After the other party saw Fang Xin's appearance clearly, he also made a sound of surprise, and he landed in front of Fang Xin on a lion.

"Why is there a kid in this game? But your contracted beast is quite interesting. There are also human-shaped contracted beasts. I really want to exchange them with my lion."

Hearing this, the lion under him shook his body in dissatisfaction.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't say you are bad."

"Game..." Fang Xin didn't understand what the other party meant, "What are you talking about?"

"Huh? So I'm still a little white who doesn't understand anything. Heh... If that's the case, then I won't have to worry about it, so hand over your card box. This kind of game is not for a kid like you to participate in." .”

After hearing this, even if he didn't understand what was going on, Fang Xin could still list the opponent as an enemy.Moreover, the opponent's body doesn't have the same sense of oppression as when facing Odin, so his strength should not be that strong.

So Fang Xin jumped out of Xuenv's arms, pointed at her with an ice-sharp spike: "It seems that compared with the mirror monster, some things should be clearer after catching you."

"Hehe, it really is a brat. If you don't teach me a lesson, you won't obediently listen to your lord."

As he spoke, he took out one from the card box at his waist and stuffed it into the summoning machine on the outside of his right leg.

【Strike Vent! (Assault comes)]


The lion under him let out a loud roar, and then his fists were covered by a ray of light. After the light disappeared, he put out a pair of lion head gloves with both hands.

"Don't blame me, this is such a game."

As soon as the words fell, he jumped from the lion and charged towards Fang Xin, punching her with one punch after another, each punch could blast out a fist-sized animal head light and shadow, although it was not as powerful as the spider that bombed the spider just now. The monster was as big as before, but its power was astonishing.

While dodging, Fang Xin waved the ice-sharp spikes to bounce off the opponent's attack.

"Hahaha, what's the matter, what's the matter? Isn't your action too passive? Since you're going to fight, let me have fun! Let me declare first, I won't show mercy just because you're a brat!"

As he said, his attacks became stronger and faster.

But in the face of such an attack, Fang Xin did not lose her footing at all. While responding to the opponent's attack, she took out a card from the card box and stuffed it into the summoning machine on her arm.

[Guard Vent! (Protection comes)]

A ray of light flashed from Xue Nu, who was fighting with the opponent's lion contract beast, and flew in front of Fang Xin, turning into an ice wall carved with the appearance of Xue Nu.

The ice wall blocked the opponent's attack for Fang Xin, taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Xin retreated immediately.

The other party circled over the ice wall, only to find that Fang Xin's figure had disappeared.Just when he was still wondering, Fang Xin's figure flew out from the glass of a shop behind him and kicked him on the back.

After one blow, she immediately drilled into the real world through the glass on the other side, and just kept shuttling back and forth between the worlds on both sides, leaving a blow on the opponent's body every time she shuttled.

Under this attack, the opponent couldn't catch up with Fang Xin at all, and shouted anxiously: "Bastard!! How did you do it, why can you keep transforming in the real world!?"

Fang Xin, who was about to continue the attack, stopped subconsciously when she heard this. At this time, she was standing in the real world, facing the Lion Knight on the other side of the mirror world.

"Speaking of which, Odin seems to have only appeared in the mirror world..."

Her mind recalled the scene when she encountered Odin before.Then subconsciously looked at the lion contracted beast that had been suppressed by the snow girl.

The clever Fang Xin suddenly thought of something without waiting for the other party to answer.

"Your transformation can only be maintained in the mirror world? Let me ask you, is your contract beast unlocked through the soul beast?"

(End of this chapter)

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