Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 205 Phantom Phantom Demon

Chapter 205 Phantom Phantom Demon
The Devil-eating Dragon is a soul beast with an extremely developed sense of taste. Not only can it taste the taste that other creatures cannot taste, but it can even taste the taste of non-material existence.This includes biological thinking, feelings, and even memory.

Different from other dragon-type soul beasts, its strength is not its strong body, nor its thick soul power, and it doesn't even use the dragon power attribute unique to dragon-type soul beasts, it's not that it can't, but Disdain.

What it likes to do most is to deceive, not only humans, it also likes to use deception to hunt spirit beasts.Cooperating with this way of acting, the Devil Eater has evolved a series of strange abilities for deception, such as deformation and mimicry.

It is precisely because of this that not only are there few sighting records in the human world, even in the world of spirit beasts, it is also rejected because of its despicable ecological methods.

In any case, it can indeed be ranked at the top of the food chain.Fortunately, although it has a well-developed taste, it does not overeat and is a full-fledged gourmet.That's why they are willing to spend years to raise food, just to taste the taste of food better when eating.

It's just that the Devil-eating Dragon in front of him turned over because of this habit. After eating Su Qilong, it carefully tasted everything about Su Qilong, including memory and emotion.

And the time train that suddenly appeared happened to hit it at this time, causing its main body consciousness to faint.It was also at this time that the memories and emotions swallowed by it took over its body in turn.

So what Yin Xiaoya saw was that the fainted Devil-eating Dragon gradually changed into the appearance of Su Qilong.

"We were also the memory fragments swallowed by it. Strictly speaking, we are all equivalent to the personality it temporarily simulated... Well, it would be more appropriate to use the animal personality. But because of Xiaolonglong, we have also been liberated. "

Listening to the woman's words, Yin Xiaoya finally understood what was going on.

Su Qilong didn't realize his identity, not just because of the accident he saw.More because in the depths of the spiritual world, these memory fragments have always suppressed it and prevented it from waking up.

That's why Su Qilong's subconscious mind looks like a kid who doesn't know anything.Because once he knew it subconsciously, it meant that the Devil Eater Dragon would wake up.At the same time, in order not to let Su Qilong on the surface realize this matter, his memory stays at the moment before being swallowed.

"Even so, how did he grow up to this day? Since he is not a human being, how can he integrate into the soul ring like a normal soul master?"

"Simulation, all of this is a simulation. Pretending that the soul ring was absorbed, it was simulated with the ability of the Demon Devouring Dragon. So his martial soul was never a soul source of soul power, but because he couldn't have a martial soul at all. .”

That's the way it is, and it's all explained in this way.

"The problem is that this kind of thing is really outrageous, how can it be leak-proof?"

Xiaoman analyzed: "With the huge soul power of the Devil-eating Dragon, this kind of thing can indeed be done. Coupled with the assistance of these memory fragments deep in the heart, as long as he does not let him know about it in the real world , and don’t let that little Su Qilong know the existence of the Devil-devouring Dragon in the depths of your heart, so you can keep it hidden.”

"Originally, these memory fragments of us can only be digested. I was used to simulate deformation by it, and those children were able to benefit from this accident because they were swallowed not long ago." Speaking of the woman here A look of gratitude appeared on his face, "All this is due to the magical creature you saw just now. If it wasn't for it, we wouldn't have had the chance to turn over."

Yin Xiaoya's expression twitched, Mao's magical creature, it must be the ghost of his future self.This is tantamount to showing to the current self that the existence of Su Qilong is meaningful, so he needs to be allowed to exist.

So the question is, did I find a solution to this matter later?Or did you really just help him hide it like this?He couldn't see the answer, but at present he had no other choice but to hide it for him.

But in this way, in the real world, the problems I face cannot be solved.

As if aware of Yin Xiaoya's headache, the woman said: "We know your embarrassment, and we will subconsciously tell him not to behave like that again. Of course, the spirit you mentioned must be It cannot be imposed on him."

So far it seems that's all there is to it.

"I see. I will keep this matter a secret after I go out, and I won't let him know."

Although he stayed in the spiritual world for a long time, in the real world, from Yin Xiaoya entering the magic circle to when he came out, it actually took less than a minute.

"Little tooth, what's the matter?"

Seeing Yin Xiaoya's silent expression after he came out, everyone had a bad premonition.

"Sorry, you're right, his psychological shadow is indeed very large, and he cannot be allowed to face it directly. Otherwise, it may cause mental damage. However, after he wakes up, at least he shouldn't be too concerned about the matter of the soul. objection. It's just..."

Flender frowned: "Just what?"

"It's just that he rejects soul beasts like this, and it's not suitable for soul fusion. So this time, we can only make sure that other people can proceed smoothly with the soul fusion of the seven monsters."

At the sound of speaking, Yin Xiaoya also removed the chains tied to Su Qilong's body, and at the same time took the contract ring from his hand.

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as we can resolve the current conflict first." Hearing that Su Qilong would no longer object to this matter, Flender was greatly relieved, "In that case, Then let's establish the matching soul beasts of the other five first, Xiao Gang, I will trouble you with this matter."

Yu Xiaogang on the side didn't respond, but stared at Yin Xiaoya for a long time.

"Huh? Master, is there a problem?"

To be honest, Yin Xiaoya felt somewhat flustered when he looked at this man.After all, in terms of IQ, no one present is higher than him.Yin Xiaoya is still deeply afraid that he will see something, or in other words, he has already discovered something from Su Qilong?

"Oh, it's nothing, just... I hope that if you have any questions about the matter of the soul, you can give me your advice."

This guy definitely saw something!To say this is to deliberately imply that I have a problem to talk to him about.

"Well, of course, master, don't worry."

Su Qilong woke up soon, and as Yin Xiaoya said, although he still had a bad face when he woke up, he took the initiative to express that he would not contradict the college's decision on this matter again, but At the same time, he also showed that he would never fuse the soul.

Yin Xiaoya didn't say anything more to him, he politely declined Flender's invitation to have dinner together, and excused Fang Xin and the others on the grounds that they were still at Mirror World.

【Host, this kind of concealment is still possible right now, but as Su Qilong grows up, it will be exposed sooner or later. This is not a long-term solution at all. 】

"Of course I know, but I can't help it. Could it be that you have a way?"

[If it is just to tame the Devil-eating Dragon, there is indeed a way]

"any solution?"

【Do you still remember the strange behavior of the phantom dragon when you were in the spiritual world just now】

"what happened?"

[The Devil-eating Dragon is one of the soul beasts that can completely unlock the Succubus Dragon]

Of course, Yin Xiaoya has already guessed this point, but what is the use of this?

It's not that Su Qilong has the Devil-eating Dragon sealed in his body, but that he himself is the Devil-eating Dragon himself.If it is used to unlock, it will definitely be unlocked together with Su Qilong's personality.If this is the case, there is no point in hiding it.

"Unless the unnecessary parts can be separated, but how can he do it in this situation."

[Host, maybe there is no need to separate. Don’t you think that his current state is actually very similar to the phantom monster born in the body of the Kamen Rider Wuqi world, who is called the magic door? ? 】


[Not only that, his current state aside from the truth, is the operation mode of his power similar to that of a soul master who has already fused with a soul? 】

Yin Xiaoya was stunned, and after Xiaoman's reminder, he did think of a possibility.

"That's right, the phantom monster and the body were born in the same individual. The phantom can usually replace the phantom, and the phantom can also replace the phantom!! and the white magician)"

【Looks like the host, you know how to do it】

"Yes, there is really no need to separate, as long as it can be turned into a phantom! The question is whether to make the Devil-eating Dragon a phantom, or to make Su Qilong a phantom..."

[Before this, the host needs to have the complete power of witch cavalry first]

Yin Xiaoya glanced down at his witch riding belt, "Indeed, the power of magic knights is very much needed here, is one enough for me?"

[Maybe not enough...]

"It's okay, Oscar is also a magic knight, just let her assist me when the time comes."

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(End of this chapter)

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