Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 202 The potion is more powerful (1 chapters)

Chapter 202 The potion is stronger ([-]-word chapter)
When Yin Xiaoya arrived, he happened to encounter the scene where Su Qilong and Kotaro confronted each other, and then the two separated, and they both used big moves.

Although I don't know how much power Su Qilong's move can produce, Xiaoman immediately calculated what kind of consequences it will produce.It is very likely that the people around and watching will be affected by their power.

Because of the matter of the soul beast, the current situation is somewhat contradictory. If there is another major incident and the trouble becomes unstoppable, it will be really troublesome.

Yin Xiaoya is not the kind of irresponsible person to turn around and avoid such things when he is in trouble.So he will never do the kind of behavior of the second protagonist who just throws his face away because he is looked down upon or rejected by others.

So he decided to personally stop this dispute caused by ideas.


Yin Xiaoya rushed over, transformed into Kamen Rider Kuraga halfway, and took out Kuraga's polar sky dial.

【悲まじき Warrior!Empty me! !アルティメット! ! ! (A terrifying warrior! Ultimate Kuga!!)]

According to Xiaoman's analysis, it is estimated that any of his knight powers can't withstand the power of the two of them at the same time, so he can only sacrifice the ultimate Kuga that is enough to resist gods.Although the maintenance time of this ultimate emptiness is very short, it is enough to prevent the current situation.

After falling among them, Yin Xiaoya, whose whole body was wrapped in fierce black flames, kicked the RX knight effortlessly, and took over Su Qilong's original soul skill abruptly.

"Stop for me!"

For Yin Xiaoya's order, RX naturally obeyed, so he immediately withdrew his strength, and at the same time, after a backflip, he completely dissipated his strength.

But Su Qilong on the other side would not be so polite. After all, Yin Xiaoya’s voice became a little hoarse in the state of the ultimate empty object, so he didn’t realize Yin Xiaoya’s identity, and thought it was Another opponent's partner came out to disrupt the situation.So not only did he not withdraw his strength, but he increased his strength.

But how could the power of Ultimate Sora be something he could resist, he was surprised to find that not only the power he exerted was like sinking into the sea, but also was suppressed by the opponent.

"You need to calm down."

"I've always been calm!"

As he spoke, the lame man wrapped around him swung the long crutch in his hand and threw it at Yin Xiaoya.

Yin Xiaoya took two steps back and dodged precisely, but the big man stood on the crutch, suspended his body in the air, made a circle around the crutch, and kicked him again.After being blocked by Yin Xiaoya, he performed another front somersault almost without a pause, aimed at Yin Xiaoya's head, and swung it over.

"Such a messy attack... Drunken Fist?"

The opponent's attacks seemed to be chaotic, but they were very compact, and they hit Yin Xiaoya overwhelmingly without any gaps.Although Yin Xiaoya has all-round fighting skills, he also faced difficulties for a while when facing such an unstructured physical skill like Zuiquan.

Seeing that Ultimate Sora's power was about to disappear, Yin Xiaoya decided to use a ruthless move to calm down the opponent.

So he changed from retreating to advancing, and took the opponent's leg hard. Of course, nothing happened.Then he was thrown directly into the sky.

In mid-air, Su Qilong stabilized his figure very skillfully, and then the lame old man with a cane formed by the soul power around his body changed into a big fat man with a big belly and a banana fan.

"Original soul technique: Drunken Meatball Han Zhongli!"

The big fat man with a height of four to five meters followed Su Qilong's movements, rolling over while pressing towards Yin Xiaoya.It was like a giant mountain crashing down.

"So it's the Drunken Eight Immortals. Did other mythological elements in the real world appear here?"

Facing the huge meatball, Yin Xiaoya unhurriedly raised his hand, and then slightly spread his five fingers.


The meat bomb that fell at high speed suddenly ignited. No one could see how the flame appeared, but it didn't feel like being ignited, but the fat man wrapped around Su Qilong was burning.

In less than two seconds, the fat man built with soul power was burned away.Although Su Qilong was not affected, he became unstable because of this, and fell down from midair.He looked at Yin Xiaoya in horror.

At that moment just now, he felt that he was only a thin line away from death.This was the first time he felt so close to death after escaping from that guy.

"Well, it seems that you have calmed down."

Although it was a bit rough, the effect was still very satisfying to Yin Xiaoya, as expected, he still had to use ruthless moves.

Judging by Su Qilong's state, he probably didn't look like he would do it again, so he took the initiative to cancel the transformation before the time limit expired.

"It's you!?"

Only then did Su Qilong see Yin Xiaoya's appearance, and at the same time he was surprised, but also more heavy.He really didn't expect that Yin Xiaoya was so strong.That gesture just now, probably has reached the level of a Titled Douluo.

"Well, it's me. I think you should be able to feel now that I don't mean to fight you any longer."

Indeed, Su Qilong knew very well that if the flame that suddenly appeared just now burned on his body, he might not be able to survive even if he consumed his martial soul.Obviously, Yin Xiaoya withdrew the terrifying force just now, and it was obviously a warning to him.

"Big brother~"

The barrier that Su Qilong released to trap Luo Pupu and the others was subconsciously revoked by him just now.

Seeing Yin Xiaoya surrounded by a group of children, Su Qilong's teeth clenched tightly, and after a cold snort, he regained his physical strength.Because the source of his martial soul is the soul power itself, when retracting and releasing, others cannot see any obvious changes.

Of course, it also includes abnormalities in the body, and no one will notice it.

"What ability was that just now?"

"Supernatural fire is a force that can make any substance plasma."


"You can understand it as the flame itself. To put it bluntly, even water will burn under the influence of this ability."

Yin Xiaoya explained without reservation, not to pretend to be B, but to deter the other party and some people around who have the same idea.No matter what the method is, in short, we must first cut off the idea of ​​doing it right away.

There is something that can be discussed slowly at the table, but this kind of fruitless battle is really unnecessary in Yin Xiaoya's view.

"Hmph, no matter what kind of ability there is, there is a way to break it."

Su Qilong naturally also heard the warning in Yin Xiaoya's words, although he has stopped attacking now, he will not retreat because of this.

"You are really stubborn. You have already tried your best just to stand still."

At this moment, Dai Yin came to his side and pushed Su Qilong to the ground with a light push.

"Dai Yin, you..."

Seeing that Su Qilong, who was able to fight RX evenly just now, softened like this, Yin Xiaoya also had question marks all over his face.

Su Xuan took Tang Bumi away from the man just now, and returned it to Tang Nu.Then explained.

"Because of his special martial soul, he can directly mobilize strength that is many levels beyond his own. But his body can't bear such a great strength, so his body will collapse."

"Eh? Is that so?"

Having said that, Yin Xiaoya was finally relieved.To be honest, when I saw that Su Qilong could fight RX like that, Yin Xiaoya was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

You know, this RX is unlocked by a 5-year-level soul beast, plus the ability settings of RX itself.It's no problem for him to go alone and gang up a group of soul beasts below 5 years old.Putting it in the soul master, it is quite a character at the level of a soul saint.Even if it is against a strong Contra, it is not impossible.

With such a formidable opponent, Su Qilong can fight to such an extent that Yin Xiaoya almost wonders if he has reached Contra.

After hearing Su Xuan's explanation, Yin Xiaoya asked Xiaoman to scan Su Qilong again.As it turned out, he wasn't exaggerating so much.

It's just relying on the special spirit of the martial arts and using the power of leapfrogging.It's not just that Su Xuan's body will collapse, the side effects are also very serious, and there are more than one.

With his approach, if he is facing an opponent at the level of the real Soul Saint Contra, he can only have the strength to fight, but he will definitely not win.

It's like using rice paper to hold water. Although it contains the same amount of water, it will break when it touches an iron cup.

And afterwards, the body will become like a cracked bottle. If it is not repaired in time, it will 100% leave hidden injuries that will affect life.

But there is no need for Yin Xiaoya to remind, the members of the Shrek Seven Monsters already know this very well.

"It's all gone, let's go." Dai Yin said to Misty while dispersing the people around him, "Misty, send him to Twelve for treatment, it will be troublesome if it's too late."

Miu Miao, who came with her, curled her lips: "Tsk, now is a trouble."

Even though she said so, she still lowered her body and tapped Su Qilong's back lightly.

Then, like a manipulated balloon, he slowly floated beside Misty.And she herself floated up as if she had lost weight, and took Su Qilong to Twelve who was still sleeping in the sun.

Before leaving, Dai Yin also reminded: "Take him here quickly when you're done, and take Twelve with you by the way."

"I know, it's annoying!"


Seeing the misty figure gradually flying away, Yin Xiaoya raised her brows. It seems that this woman flew up without using the flying soul skill. Isn't this kind of thing that can only be done at the soul saint level?
Sensing what he was thinking, Su Xuan explained: "She is not flying, but has the ability similar to floating. This is the effect of Wuhun. Her Wuhun is quite special, but I will talk to you later." Explain, let's go back to the dean first."

Yin Xiaoya nodded: "Indeed, the Martial Soul Sacred Meeting is coming up, it's best to resolve this kind of matter as soon as possible."

So he asked Luo Pupu to take the others back first, and he followed Su Xuan and the others back to Flender.

"That, Brother Xiaoya..."

Before leaving, Fang Xin called Yin Xiaoya to stop.

"Huh? What's the matter? Why are you still in the transformed state?"

"I can't enter the mirror world anymore."

"What? Impossible?"

Fang Xin patted himself on the head, he was in a hurry and confused: "No, it's Xuenv who won't let me go to the mirror world, saying that there is danger there."

As she spoke, she held the mirror in front of Yin Xiaoya. Of course, the mirror was not her own reflection, but the snow girl in the mirror world.

"What happened?"

"My lord, I have noticed that there are multiple signs of life in the mirror world."

"Multiple signs of life?" Yin Xiaoya pondered for a while, "Could it be that Odin appeared?"

"Odin? Brother Xiaoya, do you know that golden knight?"

"What? Have you encountered it before?"

Fang Xin nodded, and then told Ma Hongjun about meeting Odin at World Tree, and at the same time handed her the card that Odin gave her.

[This card... is too strange, it is not a card produced by the system]

"Can you see what kind of card it is?"

[I can't analyze it temporarily, this is an empty card, and the real ability has not yet appeared]

Even Xiaoman couldn't analyze something, it seems that Odin's identity is not simple.

"Yuki, the life you perceive is probably Odin and his contracted phoenix beast..."

"No!" Xuenv directly denied Yin Buya's guess without even thinking about it, "I know that golden knight, and I won't admit his aura. There are so many! They have an aura very similar to mine..."

"Mirror monster!?"

Yin Xiaoya widened his eyes.

"It's impossible... No, it's not impossible."

[Yes, it's not impossible, the spread of the knight's power has taken effect, but unfortunately, the first one to appear is not the knight side, but the weirdo side]

"But it's impossible to be so fast. Although there are a lot of points, but... ah."

[The host has noticed, it seems that Odin has moved something]

Noticing Yin Xiaoya's complexion, everyone realized that something bad must have happened.

"Little tooth, what happened?"

Yin Xiaoya glanced at Su Xuan, with a trace of bitterness on his face.

Now that the Martial Soul Saint Meeting is coming up, Shrek still has a lot of things to deal with.Next, help these little guys break through, and then accompany them to match soul rings.At such a juncture, a mirror monster was born in the mirror world.

Although the Douluo Continent is considered a world of high martial arts, it doesn't matter if those soul masters and soul beasts come, even if they encounter mirror soul beasts, they still have the ability to protect themselves, of course, the premise is that they are not dragged into the mirror world.But you must know that there are many, many ordinary people in this world.

These ordinary people have no ability to fight back when facing the mirror monster, and casualties will definitely occur.

Although this incident may have been driven by Odin, on the whole it was because he came to this world and chose to integrate the power of Kamen Rider here.So I must be responsible for this matter.

This is understandable, Yin Xiaoya himself had already made up his mind to bear all this before.It's just that it came too suddenly, and I wasn't prepared at all, and I couldn't think of a good way to deal with it.

"Xiao Ya, do you need the power of a soul master?"

Su Xuan's words lit up Yin Xiaoya.It's not that this world doesn't have corresponding power, and one's own manpower is limited, so wouldn't it be enough to mobilize more soul masters' power?

Besides, what is a mirror monster?That's the source of the Mirror Knight's power. If it really doesn't work, why not find a way to seal it all in the knight card box?This kind of thing may not work in the original drama.But he still has a system that can be modified by magic.

But when Yin Xiaoya proposed this idea to Xiaoman, he got a negative answer.

[I'm afraid it won't work, you forgot that in Douluo World, knight power must be fused with Douluo elements.There is one thing you don't know, even if it is meteors, skulls and other knight powers that have not been unlocked, it is because the system bought the right to use it at the price of changing itself at the very beginning, otherwise, all knight powers It’s useless here]

"In other words, those mirror monsters cannot become contracted beasts in Douluo World?"

[Strictly speaking, it is uncertain, at least one individual must be scanned to determine whether it is feasible]

Yin Xiaoya nodded, probably knowing what to do.

"Xue Nu, please pay close attention to those lives. It is best to be able to touch them. If they try to break into the real world, don't hesitate to destroy them!"

"Yes, my lord."

"Fang Xin, I'll give you the same task. During this period of time, I've worked harder and entered the mirror world to investigate. If there is no accident, there should be no movement in the mirror world in those dangerous areas, and most of them will be concentrated in the ordinary world. The area where humans live. If possible, capture an individual with Yuki Nu."

"Okay, Brother Xiaoya."

As soon as they heard that there was work to do, the little guys also worked hard.

"Big brother, let me go too. On the contrary, I have the highest cultivation base here. I haven't had time to get a soul ring yet, so I don't need to practice any more. I can help Xin."

Yin Xiaoya nodded, not without reason: "Then you still have Aojia, so you can cooperate with Fang Xin, and the others don't shout, one of them has already prepared a new soul ring, and the other is waiting for a new soul ring, so they have time .You must first raise the soul master's cultivation base, so don't get involved. "

So under the envious gaze of others, Fang Xin took Luo Pupu and Ao Jia into the mirror world.

As for Yin Xiaoya, after persuading the others to go back, he followed Su Xuan to return to Flender, and the Shrek matter must be resolved quickly.

Originally, he wanted to have a slow talk with those who opposed him, but such a sudden incident as the mirror monster happened, so Yin Xiaoya had no choice but to cut the mess quickly.

"Su Xuan, if Su Qilong's problem is solved, can he take the lead and ease the current confrontational relationship?"

Without waiting for Su Xuan to answer, Dai Yin said: "That's for sure. It is no exaggeration to say that the main reason why there will be conflicts this time is because that kid took the lead. If he settles down, those who are quite Even if his people are unhappy, at least they will not express their dissatisfaction."

Dai Yin's words were also approved by Su Xuan, but she was also a little worried.

"Having said that, Su Qilong's problem is quite serious, Xiaoya, do you have a solution?"

"Well, I have some ideas, but this prescription will be very strong, I don't know if he can hold it."

 Ask for votes, and then I would like to ask everyone to give more comments and help me get points out of the circle.Thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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