Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 192 LV99 Cassette

Chapter 192 LV99 Cassette

The disaster caused by red ginseng and radish is over, but the impact is still very large.After all, the number of groups she leads is not a small number.According to the character of soul beasts, they will definitely not be let go.

Although the wood spirit fox was sleeping, Hu Liena, who shared her life with it, could naturally sense that she didn't want such a thing to happen.But with the power of her words, it was not enough to stop these spirit beasts whose emotions had been controlled by anger.

Seeing that more chaotic disasters are about to erupt in the world tree, at the critical moment, the phantom of the tree god of the earth appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out that Tang Wu's last data power on the red ginseng and radish precisely eliminated the part of the red ginseng and radish, so that the remaining will of the tree god of the earth was reassembled.

Although the power of the will body itself is not great, and she has no godhead at this time, she cannot completely control the power of the World Tree.But it still has enough pressure on the soul beasts on the World Tree.With her appearance, the anger of the spirit beasts was suppressed.

At the same time, Su Xuan and Xuan Zang were rescued and sent down.

"It's a terrible crime."

"It's all because of someone's fault."

Yin Xiaoya apologized helplessly, and was called over by the tree god of the earth.

"What? Are you still going to dissipate?"

Looking at her calm face, Yin Xiaoya can hardly imagine that she is suffering the pain of death at this moment.No wonder Hu Liena's expression was very downcast just now.

"The moment I lost my godhead and was swallowed by red ginseng and radish, I was doomed to this ending. In fact, I am quite grateful to her. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have escaped without damaging my body. In this way Once it does, my body can become a pure refuge."

"But without you, there will still be people who covet your body in the future."

"So I will rely on the last sliver of strength to cut off all the fusion channels of the World Tree, so that similar things will never happen again. As long as you can protect my godhead forever. Otherwise, unless I agree Apart from the existence of the world tree, there will not be any life that can reuse the world tree."

Yin Xiaoya was silent for a while, then said: "What's wrong with this world? As for making you so desperate?"

"I'm not in despair. On the contrary, your appearance made me see hope. And I just dissipated, not really dying. Don't forget, I still have a distraction in the world library. Although she doesn't have my power , but have the same emotions and memories as me. With that little distraction, if the world does not go to the abyss, I will definitely be reborn again."

"In the final analysis, you just don't want to imagine facing the disaster at that time, and leave all the problems to us, don't you?"

The tree god of the earth showed a rare embarrassment: "I used to be too lazy, so what I can do now is my limit."

"Forget it, since this matter is your own choice, I can't say anything. Let's talk about the red ginseng and radish now. Do you have any plans for these relics of hers?"

Speaking of the soul ring of red ginseng and radish, because it has been 10 years old, not only the red soul ring is left behind, but also two soul bones are left because it was full of resentment at the end.

That's all for the soul ring, because it was killed by Tang Wu, so she can only absorb it.But her level is obviously not enough, so waste is doomed.But the soul bone is not an ordinary thing, Tang Hao should keep it for Tang Wu no matter what.

But Yin Xiaoya knows that the soul bones of 10-year-old soul beasts will preserve their own will, that is to say, the will of red ginseng and radish is still attached to the soul bone at this time.If some special conditions are met, resurrection is not impossible.

Although he is a traitor, he is a citizen of the World Tree after all, so Yin Xiaoya is still going to ask the Earth Tree God what he thinks first.After all, she is a false god, what if she can protect the spirit ring from being dissipated like the beautiful balcony of Wanchong Valley.

"I also don't have the ability to protect the spirit ring from being dissipated. As for the spirit bone, I hope to separate a piece. I hope that the Blue Silver Emperor can absorb this piece."

This guy obviously still hopes that Xiao San can succeed her as the new earth tree god in the future. The existence of recognition she just mentioned is probably referring to Xiao San.

For this request, Tang Hao did not go beyond Yin Xiaoya's expectations, and he agreed to the request, and gave one of the soul bones to the bewildered mistress who had just woken up.

"Sigh~~ What a pity, I can't absorb such an advanced spirit ring."

Looking at Tang Wu who looked depressed after the transformation was lifted, Yin Xiaoya's eyes narrowed slightly.

It stands to reason that even if Tang Wu exchanged his remaining blood for red ginseng and radish by reversing the coin just now, the red ginseng and radish would not necessarily be weak enough to be kicked to death.Judging from Kamen Rider's strength, if he didn't really want to kill her, no matter how hard he kicked, he should be able to keep her alive.

Obviously, Tang Wu was intent on killing in the end, and she didn't show any shyness at all.

It's not bad, it's just that several people, including Yin Xiaoya, noticed that there was something wrong with Tang Wu.And this sense of wrongness still exists even after she undoes her transformation.But what exactly is wrong, Yin Xiaoya can't tell.

"Since you can't absorb this soul ring, naturally you can't waste it. Why don't you inherit it in the way of Kamen Rider."

Saying that, Yin Xiaoya took out an unlocked blank replay cassette.

"Yes, there is another method, I almost forgot."

As she spoke, she snatched the cassette from Yin Xiaoya's hand.

"Master let me come, okay?"

Seeing that Yin Xiaoya didn't object, she jumped up and down in front of the soul ring of the red ginseng and radish.After pressing the start button on the Wanwan cassette, he aimed at the soul ring.

The spirit ring didn't resist at all, it was integrated into the cassette very smoothly.So the original blank cassette changed.

The change this time is a bit big, not only has the original gray and white been replaced by bright red, but also the shape of the cassette has also changed. The handle is much thicker and wider than the original size.

【Extreme Plant Wars LV99】

"Wow~~~Level 99 cassette! Yay!!!!"

After all, Tang Wu already knew a lot about replaying cassettes, so he naturally knew that if he wanted to upgrade Exide's power, he could only get a cassette with a higher game level.Right now she only has one initial cassette, the highest is to enter level 2.

Originally, I thought that it would take some effort to get the cassette up to level 5, but I didn't want to have a blessing in disguise.After the red ginseng and radish cleared the first battle, she directly got the level 99 cassette.

In fact, Yin Xiaoya expected that the level of the unlocked cassette would be very high, but he did not expect to go directly to 99.

"Okay, don't be too happy, you can't control such a high-level cassette now. Not only do you have to cultivate the power of a soul master, but you can't eat a fat man in one bite, you still have to buy a lower-level cassette first. OK."

(End of this chapter)

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