Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 187 Kamen Rider Exide

Chapter 187 Kamen Rider Exide
Tang Wu finally made up his mind and filled the power of his martial soul into the replay cassette.After fully absorbing the Clear Sky Hammer and Bone Charm Rabbit, Extraordinary Action X was unlocked.

Because it is unlocked by Tang Wu's martial spirit, it has become a part of Tang Wu itself, which means that the extraordinary action X in her hand can only be used by her, and Yin Xiaoya cannot use it.

To be honest, Yin Xiaoya didn't want Tang Wu to become a Kamen Rider at first, but he changed his mind after speculating that Tang Hao in this world might be the original master of the Douluo world.

As the only main cavalry force that was sent out completely, it would be a lie to say that it is not a pity.But not to the point of distress.In his opinion, no matter how good the power is, it only makes sense if it is handed over to the right people.

To be honest, although he likes Exide very much, he is not very interested in its appearance.He himself prefers the shape of the vice cavalry hero.

And in addition to the main rider Exide, there is another purple version of the Extraordinary Action X, if you really want to use it, there is not no way.Taking another [-] steps back, after unlocking the power of the imperial cavalry, it is not possible to switch any knight power at will.

Yin Xiaoya wanted to exchange for the power of Kamen Rider Brave by himself.After all, after the recent incidents have been settled, Yin Xiaoya already has more than 5000 million points in assets, and he is squandering it.

However, the power of knights that has not been unlocked by the soul beast is not cost-effective. In addition, the authority Meihu also needs enough manpower to help her contain the red ginseng and radish.So all this can only bet on Tang Wu.

【Mighty Action X! (Extraordinary action X)]

The Replay cassette was pressed, and a large screen appeared behind Tang Wu. The flashing images on the screen were exactly the contents of the game in the cassette. Then, large and small game scenes and game props flew out from it.

At this very moment, a gust of wind blew past Tang Wu's long whip.

At this moment, Tang Wu's eyes suddenly widened, the corners of his mouth turned up flamboyantly, and a pink light flashed in his eyes.

"Huh? This breath..."

Meihu, who was thinking of holding back with red ginseng and radish, looked sideways slightly, and looked at Tang Wu's back. She didn't know if it was her own illusion. At that moment just now, she seemed to see a back that she was familiar with and missed.

"Heh~ Let me just say, how could that naughty rabbit give birth to a good girl."

Not only did she realize that something was wrong, but the red ginseng and radish on the opposite side also felt cold all over her body at this moment.It was an instinct engraved in the bones, an instinct that subconsciously wanted to avoid after being targeted by prey.

"How is this possible? Why is there that woman's breath on your body?"

Being so far away from the ground, Tang Wu naturally couldn't hear what she was saying.With her expression changed drastically, she put the game cassette on and inserted it into the player driver at her waist.

[GASHAT! ! (insert)】

Then, the selection screens of game characters flashed in front of her, and finally, the one that symbolized the extraordinary action X stayed in front of her.

"This carrot of yours is really very sick, do you understand that if you are sick, you have to cure it? Rabbits don't like to eat broken carrots~ Transformation!!"

As she spoke, she reached out and pressed the screen of the game character in front of her. After the screen flipped forward, it was printed on Tang Wu's body.

【Let's Game! Metcha Game! Mutcha Game! What's Your Name! ? I'm a Kamen Rider! 】

(The game starts! Play the game! Super game! Who are you!? I am Kamen Rider!)

So a fat white man who was fatter than an adult appeared in front of everyone.


If it wasn't for fear of getting discouraged, everyone might have laughed out loud.

Even the red ginseng and radish on the opposite side were stunned. Could this be considered a Kamen Rider?

"Little girl, are you kidding me?"

Tang Wu didn't care at all, she just shook her already fat head, but began to warm up a little, not to mention how funny that was.

Then, she stretched out her hand, and a hammer with a very toy texture appeared in her hand.

"Hmph~~~Since it was unlocked by my Clear Sky Hammer, at least don't lower your appearance, what's with this ugly look? Sigh~ forget it, let's not pursue it if the ability is not weak. "

As she said that, she threw the hammer and hammered away a few scene cubes that flew out of the game screen.Coins the size of washbasins fell out of the smashed cubes one after another.

So under the doubtful gaze of the crowd, she slowly picked among these piles of coins.

"It's not this, it's not this, oh, there's it! There are two more~~"

"I said Tang Wu, can you hurry up? We are now in a tug-of-war with the gods, are we very tired?" Luo Pupu shouted with difficulty.

Ao Jia behind her also complained: "Ouch~ my waist~ ouch~ my back~~ so sore~~~"

However, in the face of everyone's urging, Tang Wu still acted in his own way, leisurely moving according to his own rhythm.Finally, he found three coins of different colors from the pile of coins, and threw them at himself.

So three colors of red, silver and blue flashed across her body, and when the red flashed, her identity appeared to expand.When the silver flashed, another layer of metal effect appeared on the whole body.Finally blue flashes and her legs stretch.

No one knew what she was doing except Yin Xiaoya.He clearly saw that the three coins were red muscle, silver steel, and blue jump enhancement.These are great game props.

Seeing the choices she made, Yin Xiaoya nodded. It seemed that Tang Wu already knew the use of Exide very well.

The current state of this big fat man is actually just Exide's level 1 state, not even the basics.Level 1, after all, the values ​​are not enough, so you can only use these game props to increase yourself.

And now she can obviously enter the basic level 2, but the reason why she didn't do so is because only in the state of level 1, she has an exclusive special ability, that is, she can completely separate two fused life forms.

Now with the restraint of Meihu, Tang Wu can attack the red ginseng and radish without even needing to expand the game field.That's why Yin Xiaoya said that currently only Tang Wu and Mu Linghu can save Xiaosan.

"But then again, you are really too slow, can you hurry up? Amazing Almighty takes a lot of energy, okay?"

Feeling the screams from all over his body, Yin Xiaoya couldn't help complaining.What the hell is this dead girl doing, as if she has a deliberate sense of exposing them.

"I'm not here to do enough preparations, it's all right, I'm going to do it now~"

With that said, Tang Wu put away the hammer, then moved her legs on the spot, and finally assumed a starting posture.


No one saw her movements clearly. Anyway, when she heard a loud noise, Tang Wu had already hit the red ginseng and radish's stomach firmly like a cannonball.

However, this seemingly powerful blow did no harm to the red ginseng and radish.

"Tsk~~ Sure enough, it's useless to add a few effect coins to deal with God~"

Tang Wu, who bounced back, did a backflip in mid-air, then precisely stepped on a floating game cube, and hit another head hammer, this time on the back of the red ginseng radish.

"What the hell are you going to do!?"

The red ginseng and radish didn't suffer a little damage, and it wasn't even moved a bit.But for some reason, Tang Wu's actions at this time made her very uneasy, so uneasy that she became irritable.

Facing her questioning, Tang Wu didn't pay attention to it at all, but just repeated the above actions over and over again, hitting the head hammer, rebounding, and hitting again.

Although there was no substantial damage, everyone always felt refreshed due to the high-speed impact produced by the jumping enhancement and the visual effects produced during the impact.

[Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Great! Perfect! (Hits! Beautiful! Perfect!!)]

"Ah~~ blah blah blah blah!"

Under Tang Wu's countless but seemingly useless combos, Red Ginseng Laifu finally noticed something was wrong.

"No! Impossible! The Blue Silver Emperor is being separated from his body!?"

Shocked, it was impossible for the red ginseng and radish to let such a thing happen, because once Xiaosan was separated from her body, she would no longer have the conditions to control the divine power and control the world tree.

So at the cost of her lifespan, she squeezed a little bit out of the power that was competing with the knights, and controlled a root of the world tree to roll towards Tang Wu's back.

"Tang Wu be careful!"

Prompted by Yin Xiaoya's loud yell, Tang Wu also noticed the crisis behind him, so relying on the game cubes floating everywhere, he evaded flexibly by jumping.

But that was divine manipulation after all, how could she avoid it at level 1, after only two or three bounces, she was tightly bound, and her already bloated body couldn't even move this time.Can't even touch the belt.

"Hahahahaha! Got you!"

Seeing this scene, how could everyone be in a hurry.You know, they are now trying their best to restrain each other with red ginseng and radish
"Not good! Go and save her personally!"

"No, we can't do without one person on our side, and the control will be taken away by the other party immediately!"

"Fang Xin, can you call the teachers out of the mirror world?"

Fang Xin shook his head with difficulty: "No, I don't have the strength to spare now, and that stem is not something the teachers can compete with."

Seeing that all the knights were in a mess, Red Ginseng Laifu laughed loudly: "I admit that I was careless just now, after all, I can't dodge, but you are too ignorant of martial arts, you have the ability to confront me head-on, and you still engage in this kind of battle?" Be careful, little girl, I advise you to use rats for juice~"

"Bah! Carrots, I must have eaten you raw! Ah! Mmm..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Wu let out a cry of pain. It turned out that the roots that bound her began to shrink violently.

"It's really blunt. As long as I kill you, no one can threaten me anymore!"

"Tang Wu! Bastard!!"

Yin Xiaoya's eyes shone red, and the power of amazement and almightyness began to erupt under his emotions.At this moment, everyone immediately felt a lot more relaxed, and their restraining strength also increased a lot.

And the rise of strength here abruptly interrupted Red Ginseng Laifu's attempt to strangle Tang Wu to death.After all, this is a sliver of strength that she squeezed out by consuming her life energy. It is impossible for her to continue to consume her life energy for Tang Wu's sake.

So the two sides fell into a stalemate again, but no matter how you look at it, the situation is beneficial to the red ginseng and radish.Because the moment just now had already strangled Tang Wu to the point of losing consciousness, even if she stopped, she wouldn't last long.

Once she loses consciousness, it is very likely that she will be forced to touch and transform.Once transformed into contact, in the state of the physical body, she may not need a second, and she will die in the entanglement of the huge rhizome.

"Come on, Tang Wu! Cheer up!"

Being able to hold the red ginseng and radish is already the limit of what Yin Xiaoya can do right now, he is not a god, it is impossible for him to be so idealistic that he can kill even a god, at least he can't do it now.Therefore, he really had no other choice but to motivate Tang Wu.

Unfortunately, his voice could no longer reach Tang Wu's ears.

"Little San... I'm here to save you..."

Consciousness gradually blurred, and he couldn't even feel the pain of being tightly bound. At this moment, Tang Wu seemed to see hallucinations.

A figure with a graceful figure playing and fighting with a man, although she has never seen it before, she can perceive who they are.

"Mom... Dad... save... me..."


In the clear sky, there was a thunderbolt.A huge steel hammer with a length of more than [-] meters appeared out of nowhere in the midair. The giant hammer was headed downwards, and it fell straight down with the terrifying soul power wrapped around it. The roots on her body instantly shattered into pieces and smashed into the ground heavily.

Everyone was so frightened that they almost pulled back. At this moment, a tall and strong man flashed past the crowd, grabbed Tang Wuhou who fell down, and stood firmly on the handle of the huge steel hammer. serve.

Although the light was behind him, everyone couldn't see his face clearly, but from his clear eyes that pierced the darkness, everyone felt an incomparably terrifying coercion, although it was a little worse than that of red ginseng and radish.But it's really not much worse.

As streams of red energy gushed out from his body, both the wood spirit fox and the red ginseng radish were stunned, because this energy clearly revealed such a trace of divine power.

"Death God Domain!?"

Hearing Mu Linghu's exclamation, coupled with the sudden appearance of the giant hammer, Yin Xiaoya still couldn't recognize his identity.

"Haotian Douluo, Tang Hao!?"

[Host, this Tang Hao's level has reached level 98, he is a peerless Douluo, and there are faint signs of breaking through to level 99 demigod level! 】

 Today I will write [-] words first, and there are [-] words left. I deleted and rewritten it, because it is not right, there are loopholes, and I will make it up tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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