Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 173 Soul guide transforms people

Chapter 173 Soul guide transforms people
Under the joint torture of Tang Wu and Hu Liena, Ghost Knife's two eyeballs twisted and turned in different ways, exuding pink and orange light respectively, foaming at the mouth, and falling down with blood spurting from the nostrils.

Of course, everyone no longer had the mood to pity him, and everyone had angry expressions on their faces.They finally knew what happened to the two monsters outside who were both evil soul masters and humanoid soul tools.

One of the Shrek teachers slammed his fist on the ground angrily: "Although I know that the Wuhun Cult has been using their position to do things recklessly, I never thought that they would even do such a thing..."

Regarding these two weird existences, their previous conjectures were actually correct, but they were not comprehensive.They are not human-shaped soul guides at all, but through the technology of human-shaped soul guides, living people are forcibly transformed into that.

Yes, this is not an artificial human, but a modified human.The reason why they have the breath of evil soul masters is because they were evil soul masters before they were transformed.

Because it is in the state of half human and half soul guide, the upper limit of the soul power that can be stored completely exceeds the limit of the original human being.Those nine spirit rings were not real spirit rings, but artificial spirit rings developed to fit this body.

This kind of man-made spirit ring is just a pure source of energy, and it can also be supplemented by absorbing other people's spirit power.This is also the reason why when these Shrek teachers fought with them just now, the soul skills attacks were basically useless on them, because they were all transformed.

Fortunately, this kind of man-made soul ring cannot provide soul skills, so their attacks are relatively simple, either they can only use the soul skills they had when they were still humans, or they can only simply blast out powerful shock waves like just now.

But having said that, their attack power is still at the level of Title Douluo.Coupled with the fact that there is no sense of pain, and all kinds of combat experience have been integrated, the soul power is in a certain sense continuous, so it is almost impossible to confront directly.

Of course, what is even more unbelievable is that these two people are still conscious, because there is no better calculation tool than the human brain. If it is completely transformed into a soul guide, it still needs someone to control it.

So when transforming them, they deliberately retained their consciousness, and controlled them in a special way, and finally got such a crazy machine that can fight independently.

Although they were evil soul masters before this, the reason why the two became evil soul masters was also bewitched by the Wuhun sect, and they came into contact with the evil soul master's exercises in a concealed state.The purpose is to be able to transform into what the Wuhun Cult wants.

It is conceivable how painful these two people are now, but it is a pity that this pain only remains in the consciousness, and the body no longer has even a trace of warmth when it is painful.

As for the part about the evil soul master, this seems to be a more secretive matter than transforming people.Ghost knife and the other person should have been banned.Even if Hu Liena and Tang Wu tried their best, they couldn't get any news out of their mouths.

What can be known now is that this matter is also led by the Wuhun Sect behind the scenes, but it is not known for what purpose.

After all, Tang Wu's soul power is not as powerful as Hu Liena's, so she was still panting slightly at this time: "Huh~huh... This person said before when he confronted you that the Pope did this for you."

This was what Tang Wu heard from their conversation when Hu Liena had just arrived in front of Ghost Knife. She looked at the pale Hu Liena and sighed slightly.

"Looking at you like this, you probably don't know, right?"

Hu Liena was full of disbelief, slowly shook her head, and said in a trembling tone.

"I don't know, I don't even know about the evil soul master. The Pope is my master. If she doesn't want me to know, there are ways to hide it from me. Although I don't know what her purpose is, but the elder Hui didn't want this matter to succeed, so he attacked and assassinated me before. There is only one possibility I can think of, and that is that this matter may affect the balance of the soul master world in the future."

Ma Hongjun plucked his ear, and asked: "Oh, that's aimed at you. I heard it before when I was still in the Phoenix Sect. Wuhun teaches a saint and a saint. They have the same status, but the people who support them People are different. You are supported by the Pope, and the Holy Son is supported by the Presbyterian Church. The future Pope will also choose one of you. Even if there is nothing special, you two will still fight, right? "

"I know the Holy Son, is he called Jiang Ye?" Fang Xin looked at the ghost knife that was already foaming at the mouth, and clenched his hands tightly, "It was this guy named Ghost knife who accompanied him to hunt soul beasts back then. At that time, it was because of a mistake that the soul beast escaped, which caused the death of all the members of my clan. And brother Xiaoya was also affected by their attacks in order to protect me. I have a grudge against them... "

Tang Wu and the others knew about this, but this was the first time they knew the identity of her enemy.

Sensing the killing intent emanating from her body, one of the teachers patted her on the shoulder: "This person is in your hands now, and you can deal with it as you please, but now we have to find a way to stop the two reformed talents from outside. OK."

Fang Xin let go of his hand slowly, nodded: "I know."

"Even if we already know their weaknesses, we still don't have enough people to attack them, right?"

Others also thought of Ma Hongjun's worry.

Yes, in the temptation test of Ghost Saber just now, I also inquired about the way to stop the two reformed people outside.

Generally speaking, it only needs a specific person to give them password commands, but even if Ghost Saber and another person understand it, they will not kindly help them stop the two reformers.

So they inquired about another way to stop them. After all, it was the destructive power of the Title Douluo level. In case of rampage, there must be an emergency check and balance method.

But this method is not available to ordinary people, he needs at least one Contra-level powerhouse to be present, but there is no such level existence on their side now.

"No, there is."

At this moment, Hu Liena spoke.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Tang Wu immediately thought of who she was talking about.

"You're not going to let her out, are you? Don't be kidding, once that one comes out, what if it gets rough on us again?"

"I've already said that I'm one with Mu Linghu now. She won't do what I don't want to do. And even if she gets rough, it's only against you."

Ma Hongjun nodded: "Yeah, after all, you robbed him... Uh, I'm sorry, I'll shut up."

He glared at Ma Hongjun fiercely, and saw through Fang Xin's martial soul the madness of the two guys outside. In just a short while, several soul beasts had already died under their influence.It's definitely not going to work like this.

So he gritted his teeth: "Okay, I get it, let her come out. If she really dares to do anything to me, Xiao San will definitely not let her go."

"Huhe~~~Little girl, don't you think that I will want to kill you even more if I do this?"

At some point, Hu Liena had already stood behind her. At this time, her fox ears and nine tails appeared, and she hugged Tang Wu's neck tenderly.It seems that his movements are gentle, and there is a charming smile on his face, but his whole body reveals a murderous aura that is as sharp as a knife.

 Let me make a small notice, the black cat girl that some people think about may, maybe, should appear soon... That's right, it's the real master, not the peer of the multiverse
(End of this chapter)

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