Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 154 Kamen Rider Spirit Rider

Chapter 154 Kamen Rider Spirit Rider
The body of will has appeared in many forms in the history of Kamen Rider, and most of them exist as the source of power of Kamen Rider.

For example, Yajituo's evolutionary power comes from the fragments of the will body of the White God.The magical power of the witch knight is provided by the phantom monster born in the mind and body.

The vast majority of volitional bodies have no entity, but it is not absolute. For example, the power of the King of Electricity comes from the God of Different Demons. If human beings want to become the King of Electricity, they can only be possessed by the God of Different Demons who has transformed into a will.To the extreme, there is also the mirror will body in the Dragon Knight series, which is a reverse personality that can act independently after being separated from the main body.

In any case, the existence of the will body is different, and the functions are definitely different.

As I said before, there is a will body that is the power that best matches the world of Douluo Continent, and this is the Kamen Rider Spirit Knight, and the source of its power is also the soul.It's just that the way to unlock the Spirit Rider is really difficult, so Yin Xiaoya never took the initiative to say that he wanted to unlock it.

Not only because the spirit knight's belt driver also needs to be unlocked with the elements of Douluo World, but also because the spirit knight needs to have the eye soul in the basic form before he can use the powerful power like Liu Erlong's eye soul.

And this basic form of eye soul is one of the few items that does not require the power of Douluo World to unlock, but the acquisition of this item requires Yin Xiaoya to do a certain amount of awareness.

"What? You asked me to kill you?" Xuanzang couldn't believe his ears, "There is such a good thing?"

Su Xuan pushed her angrily, and asked with a puzzled look: "Little Ya, what's going on? Didn't you mean to unlock the power of a knight? Why did you suddenly make such an outrageous request?"

Yin Xiaoya shook his head helplessly: "I'm going to find the boss here for a cup of tea, but I can't go with the body. If I want to find him, I can only go with the soul. Of course, It’s not killing casually, but pay attention to the process, otherwise I will lose a lot if I really die.”

As he said that, he grasped the belt with both hands, and with a roar, a large belt with a pull bar on the right appeared around his waist, which was the belt of Kamen Rider Spirit Knight.

The Douluo element that can unlock the Kamen Rider Spirit Riding Belt is very rare and difficult to come across, so Yin Xiaoya didn't plan to put this in the itinerary in the early stage.Just listen to these soul beasts that can be unlocked and you will know how difficult it is.

For example, Lingsu Bianhua, this is not a spiritual plant like Acacia Broken Heart, but a real soul beast.However, the concealment of its living place and the rarity of its existence have resulted in no human beings knowing the existence of such a spirit beast.

There is also the soul-eating Pixiu, an evil beast that likes to eat human martial souls. If I encounter this thing now, I probably won't even have a chance to escape.Assuming that even if it has no intention of harming anyone, its intelligence is extremely low. Before it can be persuaded to unlock the power of knights, it may be difficult to even communicate with it normally.

Originally thought that it would take a very late period to obtain the power of the spirit knight, but he did not expect that the previous unintentional move would bring him an opportunity to unlock the spirit knight's belt.That is, when leaving the Valley of Ten Thousand Insects, he asked the King Insects for a fragment of a meteorite on the grounds of research.

After all, the will body of the meteorite was taken away by the Kamen Rider Odin who appeared from nowhere, and he was really disturbed, so he had to look for clues from some existing things.This gorgeous balcony meteorite is one of them.

I don't want to, I haven't researched the reason from the meteorite fragments, just now Xiaoman told it that this meteorite fragment can unlock the power of the Kamen Rider Spirit Knight.

Meteorites, judged to be artificial biological weapons, can absorb the soul rings of sealed soul beasts, and even under the operation of the will body, they can also synthesize puppet soul beasts with exactly the same power.Thinking about it this way, doesn't its ability just correspond to the power of the spirit knight?

So Xiaoman used the function of the system to cut the meteorite in half, one half continued to be analyzed and studied, and the other half was taken by her to unlock the spirit knight's belt.

So now Yin Xiaoya has the spirit ride driver, and then he only needs to unlock the original eye soul transformed into the basic shape, and then he can officially use the power of the Kamen Rider spirit ride.

As I said before, the unlocking of the eyes and soul of the self requires the full awareness of the shapeshifter.Because its unlocking does not require the elements of Douluo World, but Yin Xiaoya's own soul is needed.

And the provision of my soul can only let myself die first, and force the soul out of the body.Of course, if you kill him directly, you will really die.So some preparation is required.

With the Spirit Knight Belt equipped, put the unlocked Self Eye Soul into the belt.Then, as long as you die once to force the soul out, the soul in the belt will automatically inhale the soul. When the unlock is successful, the soul will be returned to Yin Xiaoya by the spirit knight belt.

At this time, the original eye soul becomes an existence similar to a key. As long as it is activated, it can summon Yin Xiaoya's soul in the form of a ghost cloak to perform the transformation of a spirit knight.

It’s really not that the system intentionally made such trouble, because if it is carried out according to the method of the protagonist in the original drama becoming a spirit knight, not to mention the failure rate, and becoming a complete soul body also means that Yin Xiaoya is unfair and can no longer have a normal human being. life, and cannot transform into other Kamen Riders.

"...In short, even if I explain it like this, you still can't understand. Anyway, I'm killing me, and I'm not really dead. You don't have to worry about beating me into pieces. Under the effect of the spirit knight's belt, Even if my body receives a fatal blow, it will only force the soul out, and the body itself will not be harmed."

Having said that, Su Xuan was still amused when he saw Yin Xiaoya sitting cross-legged with dissatisfaction.

"Great, don't you seem to want this very much~"

"Isn't that nonsense, my brain is sick, I'm looking for death? Oh, there's no way, the power of this Kamen Rider, if you don't have some awareness, it's really hard to get."


Su Xuan gave a long snort with great interest, and then grabbed Xuanzang who was already gearing up.

"I'll still come."

Not to mention Xuanzang, even Yin Xiaoya was stunned.

"Eh? Do you have my opinion?"

"Why? I just don't want to hand over your life to someone other than me."

Xuanzang's eyelids twitched: "What do you mean, can you do it?"

"Women, when you get ruthless, you're even afraid of yourself."

Pushing Xuanzang aside, Su Xuan took a step forward and summoned the bow of the arrow species, and at the same time the soul of the light butterfly also lit up.Under Yin Xiaoya's astonished gaze, he aimed at him and drew the bow to its full capacity.

"Are you ready, my Mr. Knight?"

Blinking his eyes, Yin Xiaoya suddenly found that he calmed down after being very upset just now, and even his body stopped trembling when he was nervous.Can't help but let out a chuckle.

"Hehe, I really lost to you."

As he spoke, he turned on the driver of the spirit ride, pressed the unlocked eye-soul switch, and stuffed it into the driver. When the driver was closed, he pulled the lever on the right side, and the sound effect sounded.

【EYE~~~Bacchiri Mina~~Bacchiri Mina~~Bacchiri Mina~~ (open eyes to witness!)】

Then, he felt as if something had broken free from his body. After thinking about it, he knew that it was probably his soul.

"I'm ready, you can start, Sagittarius girl."

Su Xuan nodded, and with the surge of soul power, the phantom of the Light Butterfly revolved around her martial soul. After a while, an arrow feather with colorful lights appeared on the bowstring, and at the same time, the Light Butterfly His phantom also merged into this arrow feather.

Facing the arrow at such a close distance without transforming himself, Yin Xiaoya felt the threat of death from the bottom of his heart.

"I'll go, what a great handwriting, before you shoot, can I ask what kind of arrow feather is this?"

Su Xuan's face turned red: "If I can really shoot you to death, I will definitely tell you later."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yin Xiaoya didn't ask any more questions. As the two looked at each other, Su Xuan, who seemed to have received a signal, let go of his hand slowly, and the colorful arrow feathers flew out, sinking into Yin Xiaoya's heart.


In an instant, Yin Xiaoya's eyes widened and his pupils were widened to the maximum. At this moment, his life was successfully taken away by Su Xuan's arrow feathers.

Immediately afterwards, the soul that had lost the shackles of life surged out of the body, and an orange light covered the surface of his body from the inside out.

But before it was completely detached, a powerful attraction enveloped it, dragging it into the id's eye-soul in the spirit ride driver, so the gray-white id's eye-soul was soaked in by Yin Xiaoya's soul. Next, it restored its original color and was successfully unlocked.

Then, a black and orange cloak flew out from the eye soul, and accompanied by the sound effect of the driver, it began to dance happily around Yin Xiaoya's body.

The soul masters in Douluo World knew the power of the soul very well, so when the cloak flew out of Yin Xiaoya's belt, Su Xuan and Xuanzang immediately recognized that this was Yin Xiaoya's soul.

Under the action of a mysterious force, Yin Xiaoya, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly floated up like a ghost.

At this moment, the lever on the right side of the drive that was originally pulled away was automatically pushed back.A white eye pattern lit up on Yin Xiaoya's chest, and then his body was covered with a transparent black base armor with eye and soul patterns.

[Open your eyes! !I am! ! 】

In the end, the eyes and soul of the self that had been dancing happily covered his body from the back of his body.

[Let's Go!consciousness! Gho-Gho-Gho! Ghost! go! go! go! go! (Let's go! Enlightenment! Spiritual knight!)]

Amidst the excited sound effects, a unicorn knight with an orange face but black eyes appeared in front of them.

Landing slowly, Yin Xiaoya pulled the hood off his head, and at the same time, a force that was very close to the soul power of Douluo World surged out of his body, yes, this is the spirit of Kamen Rider The spirit of riding.

With the spread of this spiritual power, it not only attracted the attention of the king beasts blocking the way above, but also awakened an ancient will that had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time.

Hu Liena, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened her eyes, stretched out her hands and stroked the ground lightly, her eyes were constantly shining with orange and green lights.


 There is another chapter before 12 o'clock, you can read it tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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