Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 150 The Fox's Resentment

Chapter 150 The Fox's Resentment
As a super giant tree as huge as a continent, the World Tree is a paradise for all plant-type soul beasts and wood-type soul beasts.Everywhere here is full of aura full of wood attribute soul power.

And there is a good fit between the wood attribute soul power and any attribute, so even if it is not a wood attribute soul master, it can still be of great help to cultivation in this place.

Affected by such an environment, within hundreds of kilometers of the World Tree itself is a large soul beast forest, and this area is the outer area of ​​the World Tree.Most of the spirit beasts living in this outer area are not wood or plant spirit beasts, they just like the environment here and migrated here.

Passing through the outer area, you can see a huge pillar nearly [-] meters high with no side at all. This is the main pole of the World Tree.This is not a smooth plane, but an intricate and rugged main pole that is no different from ordinary mountains.The area where the main pole is located is the bottom area of ​​the world tree.

And the place where the adventures of the little ones are arranged is this area.Entering the bottom area, you will basically encounter wood and plant spirit beasts.The strength of the soul beasts here, the highest echelon, is basically maintained between 3 and [-] years. Strictly speaking, it has basically met the needs of normal soul masters for soul rings.

Climbing up and passing the bottom layer area, Tang Wu lamented that the leaf layer with lush branches and leaves blocking a piece of sky is also called the middle layer area.So far, the middle-level area of ​​the World Tree has not been explored by humans. No one can fully understand what kind of environment there is and what kind of soul beasts live there.

But one thing is certain, the strength of the soul beasts that survive in the middle zone basically start with 3 years of cultivation.If there is no companion, no preparations for the battle, and rushing here, the ending will basically not be good.

Above it, you will enter the upper area covered by clouds and mist. The environment here is already relatively harsh for human beings, and those who can enter here must at least start with Contra.Of course, even so, very few people entered.

As for whether there is any content on it after passing through the upper zone, no one knows, because no human has been there yet, and no one even knows what it looks like.The only thing he knew was that there was a rumor that a strong man was nearby, and he felt an aura coming from above that even a 10-year-old soul beast could not match.

After passing through the relatively safe peripheral area, Yin Xiaoya's team separated from the others and went straight to the middle area, because according to Xiaoman, the existence of the unlocking limit memory is in the middle area.

After all, the ground floor area is very large, even if they speed up their pace, it will still take some time, so it is inevitable that they will encounter some spirit beasts on the way.At this time, Xiao San can play his role.

He came in the form of a 10-year soul beast, and he has a very high status among plant soul beasts. Just standing here, the soul beasts on the world tree dare not approach, and will worship when they meet.That's why Yin Xiaoya wanted to take him with him.

And Xiaosan also used the ability of the blue silver grass to make the nearby soul beasts perceive her existence, and warned them not to approach in a language that only soul beasts could understand.After all, besides Yin Xiaoya, there are other people here, including Tang Wu, and Xiao San doesn't want her to know his true identity.

However, Xuanzang felt a little strange that there was no spirit beast approaching for a long time.During the break, she raised the question.

"It's really strange, why are there no soul beasts on this road?"

Su Xuan on the side also nodded and said: "Well, when I came here before, I could see the figure of the soul beast, but now I can't even feel the breath of the soul beast. Occasionally, the other party seems to be deliberately avoiding it." opened."

Regarding their doubts, Yin Xiaoya naturally thought of an excuse: "Probably because Su Xuan has the aura of the Queen of Light God Butterfly on his body. Although it is only 7 years old, its cultivation strength is already close to 10 years old." Now, if such an existence is placed in this bottom-level area, naturally no spirit beast would dare to approach it."

This statement was indeed convincing, so the two of them no longer doubted anything.However, he also realized that Xiao San had gone too far, and it was too unnatural that this spirit beast didn't appear.So he came to Xiao San's side, but before he could say anything, Xiao San's face turned livid.


He crossed his hands and kept rubbing his arms, as if something made him feel cold.

Tang Wu asked with concern: "Little San, what's wrong with you?"

"Uh..." Xiaosan's expression was a little unnatural, "Probably because the wood attribute atmosphere here is too strong, I have been in contact with it too much, and I am not acclimatized."

"Does it feel like an allergy?"

Xiaosan kept nodding her head.

"Then you should shield your breath a little bit. Look at you, your hair is still glowing green. It will be affected."

"Well, I see."

Seeing his embarrassed look, Yin Xiaoya frowned.It's not ridiculous, how could this kid be unacceptable, besides, if he blocked his breath, wouldn't all the spirit beasts come out.This is not what he wants to see.

"Borrow it."

After saying something to Tang Wu, he pulled Xiaosan aside, and asked in a low voice: "As the Blue Silver Emperor, how could you be dissatisfied in the world tree? What's going on?"

Xiao San said with an ugly face: "Master, we may be in trouble."

"Trouble? Do you have enemies here?"

Speaking of which, Yin Xiaoya wondered why the world tree is such a good place, why Xiaosan and his mother don't live here. Thinking about it now, maybe there are enemies here.

But when this question was brought up, Xiao San answered in the negative.

"Master, you have misunderstood, our Blue Silver Grass family is everywhere, and my Blue Silver Emperor's consciousness can move around wherever the Blue Silver Grass is. The reason why we don't live in the World Tree is simply because we don't have a fixed living area. That's all. As for the enemies... Well, if I really want to talk about it, there is indeed one."

"So the trouble you said came from this enemy?"

Xiaosan nodded, and scratched her hair a little irritably: "To be honest, I don't know if she can be regarded as an enemy. But I did feel her breath just now. There is no doubt that we have been targeted."

Yin Xiaoya figured it out, the other party must have had something happened with Xiao San, not enough to be an enemy, but he must have owed a lot of debts, of course, [-]% of the debts belonged to Xiao San.

"Then if the other party comes to the door, can it be solved?"

"This...I don't know either."

"Of course you don't know, because you don't even know how much you owe my concubine."


The figure that suddenly appeared behind Xiaosan, even Yin Xiaoya did not receive any warning from the system, there is only one possibility for this situation.

"It's teleportation! Little San, hide quickly..."

Yin Xiaoya was about to stretch out his hand to pull him aside, but the other party took the lead and hugged Xiaosan's neck from behind. The next moment, the two of them appeared more than ten meters away.

At this time, Xiaosan was tightly wrapped by the nine green-backed orange-tipped tails protruding from behind the opponent, only one face was exposed outside, and she couldn't even make a move when she struggled.

"Little San!!"

Amidst Tang Wu's exclamation, Yin Xiaoya, Su Xuan, and Xuanzang seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy, but when he saw each other's face clearly, they were stunned in unison.

"Hu Liena? Why are you?"

Although the clothes on her body were already tattered, it was clearly recognizable as the clothes of the Wuhun Sect. Coupled with that appearance, there was no doubt that she was Hu Liena.But at this time, the aura on her body, the martial soul that appeared was quite different from the Hu Liena they knew.

The other party obviously didn't expect that Yin Xiaoya and the others knew Hu Liena.

"Oh? So you are still acquaintances in this body? Hohohehe~~ It really is a great fate. Don't you think so, Blue Silver Emperor?"

Slowly he raised his tail, pulled Xiaosan in front of him, and gently caressed Xiaosan's face with both hands.

"Wow~~ Is this what you look like after transforming? It really looks like the previous generation of Lord Blue Silver Emperor. It's so cute~~"

Seeing this scene, Tang Wu felt a burst of fire in his heart.The pink soul power surged, and the soft-bone charming rabbit martial soul was pulled out.

"Here! Me! Let go! Hand!!"

The next moment, her figure rushed over in an illusory manner, and Su Xuan who was beside her quickly didn't stop.

"Huh? Yo~ what a magical footwork."

Hu Liena, who was absorbed, faced the rushing Tang Wu, not only did not panic in the slightest, but watched her curiously.

Seeing her flickering eyes, Xiao San quickly shouted: "Tang Wu! Go back quickly, your footwork has been seen through!"

However, the furious Tang Wu couldn't hear Xiaosan's voice at this time, and with a psychedelic movement, she stepped in front of the other party, and was about to grab him with her hand.

Unfortunately, the next moment, her hand was slapped away by Hu Liena: "Little girl, don't you humans know that you can't steal other people's things?"

"Little San is not an item! Give it back to me!!"

Tang Wu continued to meet her, but no matter how her footwork changed, Hu Liena could see through her, and every movement was easily dodged.

"Damn it! Secret technique! Control the crane and capture the dragon!"

Hu Liena, who dodged Tang Wu's movements, suddenly felt that Xiao San was flying towards Tang Wu uncontrollably, without even pulling her tail.

"I caught you, Xiao San, let's quickly..."

Tang Wu, who had just caught Xiaosan, hadn't had time to pull him out of his tail. The next moment, they disappeared together in front of her eyes.

"It's teleportation again."

Seeing Hu Liena who appeared tens of meters away again, Tang Wu was about to rush over, but this time she was stopped by Yin Xiaoya who rushed over.


"You are not her opponent, leave it to us."

Although being held back by Yin Xiaoya, Tang Wu's eyes kept staring at Xiaosan who was trapped by Hu Liena, and Hu Liena also ignored Yin Xiaoya and the other three, meeting her eyes.

She understood something from this look, and her expression was no longer as calm as before. She stretched out her hand and pressed it tightly on Xiaosan's face, her expression was slightly ferocious, and even her canine teeth became sharper.

"You have failed me for thousands of years, and when you reappear, you actually hooked up with a human being! Do you want to fail me again?"

Xiaosan, whose face was held by her hand, pursed her lips and said inarticulately: "Linger, calm down, we are all victims of that incident."

"You still know it's called Concubine Shen Ling'er? Unfortunately, I have thrown away this name. From now on, my name is Hu Liena." As she spoke, her expression softened again, her hands loosened, and her eyes were full of love. She said lovingly, "Feeling is really a magical thing. How much I loved you before, I hate you now. Similarly, even if I hate you, I still can't change my urge to love you." .Now I can give you a chance to go back to my concubine, otherwise...I will kill her."

"not good!"

When Yin Xiaoya, who was planning to eat melons, heard this, how could he not know who the other party said she was, and immediately pulled Tang Wu into his arms, but to his shock, Tang Wu disappeared It was already in Hu Liena's hands the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Su Xuan exclaimed in surprise: "How is it possible, it's actually locked teleportation!"

Seeing Tang Wu being held by Hu Liena, Xiao San finally panicked: "Don't hurt her!"

"Huhehehe, didn't I already say that when I return to my side, I will let her go."

"Don't...Little San, don't..."

Tang Wu, whose neck was stuck, said in pain.

"Hmph, so noisy."

Hu Liena, who got angry, was about to teach Tang Wu a lesson, but at this moment, she was blown away by a burst of chanting and almost collapsed to the ground.

"Su Xuan, now is the time!"

As soon as Xuanzang's words fell, Su Xuan's figure rushed over amidst the roar, and instantly entered the state of sonic speed.

Seeing that she was about to rush in front of the other party, she was surprised to find that Hu Liena, Xiao San and Tang Wu's figures appeared together, even if she stretched out her hand, she could only pass through their bodies without touching anything.But the breath told her that the three of them were right in front of her eyes, and they hadn't moved at all.

"Hehe, it's useless, you can't touch the concubine's body. However, with you here, it's really too much of a hindrance."

"Don't go!!"

As soon as Su Xuan realized what she was going to do, Hu Liena disappeared in front of her with Xiao San and Tang Wu.Obviously, they escaped completely by using teleportation.Su Xuan was about to rush to the upper floor to search for it, but was stopped by Yin Xiaoya.

"They have already been taken away, so there is no need to chase them. Don't worry, they will not be in danger for the time being. And I also know where they are, and she is not the only one who can use space to move."

At this time, Xuanzang stopped chanting, and looked at Yin Xiaoya with a gloomy face, "What's going on? Why is this boy named Xiaosan called the Blue Silver Emperor? I don't believe you don't know. "

"Yeah, Xiaoya, what the hell is going on? How did Xiaosan get involved with Hu Liena? And is that really Hu Liena?"

Facing Su Xuan's question, Yin Xiaoya smiled wryly. Of course Xiaosan would have something to do with Hu Liena. After all, they had had an affair when they were in the world of Douluo.But Yin Xiaoya never thought that their fate would be more complicated in this world.

"The identity of Xiaosan, I will tell you what is going on, but right now, Hu Liena's situation is more complicated. Your doubts are right, that can't be said to be Hu Liena now, but the state of being possessed by a certain soul beast. "

"Soul beast?"

"Well, with the spirit beast that can use those abilities just now, and Hu Liena's weird performance, there is no doubt that it is the wood spirit fox that is causing trouble."

 When the story develops to the World Tree section, a preview can be issued. This time, it will mainly be narrated with three sub-lines and one main line.

  The first line is the story centered on Xiaosan and Tang Wu. In this section, the power of Kamen Rider will play a big role
  The second line is the story centered on Aojia and Ning Longlong. In this section, Aojia will complete her first transformation, and Ning Longlong...

  The third line is the story centered on Chenglang, Bingliu, and the evil soul master Xiaowan. This section is relatively independent, but it will lead to the protagonist.

  The last is the main line. In this paragraph, emmm...let's keep it a secret, after all, the content is quite explosive.

  Please also support Douluo Fan and Fake Flour as always, and I will further improve this brand new Douluo World.Please also vote up all kinds of votes, if you can, use your hands to make a fortune, and come to a few waves of rewards. (Minors must, must, must!!! Do not tip!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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