Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 133 Showa Hooligans (4 character chapters)

Chapter 133 Showa Hooligans ([-]-word chapter)

The time went back a few minutes, and when Yin Xiaoya suspected that the power of the insect system was the rated power to deal with these gene bodies, he immediately asked Fang Xin to send out Mantis Immortality, and asked Mantis to immediately notify Amaterasu Jiadou and Sheng Yang Dou locust came over.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to ask Xiaoman, these two guys can unlock the original knight power that can be unlocked.Don't look at them all transformed into desires now, but their core coins are not formal knight power, and they can't use them at all.

[Amaterasu Jiadou can unlock knight power: Jiadou insect instrument, black Jiadou insect instrument. 】

[Sunrise Fighting Locust can unlock knight power: Locust Insect Instrument (both punching and kicking), Gaoyue Locust program sublimation key. 】

"What? Isn't Sun Locust suitable for unlocking Oz's locust core coin?"

[The matching degree is not high, but if it is directly unlocked as the power of a brand-new knight, it is not impossible, but it will become a brand-new Oz united form.Of course, no matter what the unlocking direction is, it still needs their permission]

By the way, this is also a headache for Xiaogong Yin. Those two guys are still struggling. It is estimated that even if they know the truth about Yan's balcony and are willing to fight, it is too late to persuade them to unlock it.Besides, if they become a formal knight force, the manpower on their side will decrease.

[Host, the two remains you left in the space can be modified to unlock two special knight powers, but you can't use this knight power now...]

After listening to Xiaoman's explanation, while Yin Xiaoya's eyes lit up, goosebumps all over his body stood up.

So there are now two knights who appear around Yin Xiaoya exuding a terrifying aura. Strictly speaking, these are the empty shells of the two Kamen Riders, and there is no soul boarding inside.

In the history of Kamen Rider, there are many types of knights, some are magic knights, some are mirror knights, some are data knights, etc. These are all Kamen Riders born after the combination of human and knight power.

However, there are some Kamen Riders. They are not the combination of human and knight power, but Kamen Riders directly transformed from human flesh and blood.To put it simply, they are Kamen Riders themselves, and their very existence symbolizes the hearts of knights.

These reformed knights are the Showa Riders known as the starting point of Kamen Rider history.

The source of the power of these Showa knights is the transformed flesh itself, so they cannot be unlocked through any of the previous methods. The only way is still to transform a flesh body to unlock the corresponding Showa knight.

Previously, Yin Xiaoya's unintentional move preserved the remains of Tianzhao Jiadou and Shengyang Dou locust, which provided a basis for transformation. Even though it was already dilapidated, it was more convenient for the transformation operation.

That's why when they saw these two knights appearing, they felt familiar with themselves, precisely because these two knights were unlocked through their physical transformation when they were still soul beasts.

[Kamen Rider Strong Armor (Strongman), Kamen Rider Rebirth Dark Heavy Unlocked Successfully]

The two Kamen Riders who suddenly appeared, one red and one black, are Electric Knight Stronger (Stronger), which is based on the unicorn fairy, and Black RX (Black RX).

Among them, the strong armor is not at all the cartoon appearance shown in the original drama, but the SIC version of the strong armor with a sense of compulsion. Although the dark weight known as the Showa appearance has not changed much, the carapace of the body has changed even more. Thick, just like the body of the ring ghost, reflecting a dim oily light.

[Please note that since it is a reformed knight, the power to drive them requires the integration of the consciousness body. The method is not limited. Soul consciousness, mind consciousness, and data consciousness are all available, but the host is now... 】

Can't control it!

Of course Yin Xiaoya is clear, not to mention that he only has a Kamen Rider Wuqi's spiritual consciousness that can be stripped out, even if he knows all these methods, he can't do it, because the stripping of consciousness means that his body will be very weak. Danger.And it is impossible for him to separate the two consciousnesses at once to control them.

So when they were summoned, it was naturally not for their own use, but for their original owner.After all, Amaterasu Jiadou and Shengyang Dou locust are the envoys of desire at this time, and they are originally the crystallization of desire consciousness.

"Directly integrate into these two bodies in the form of core coins. I don't think I need to explain the rest."

When the enemies facing each other saw the appearance of these two knights, they immediately recognized the posture transformed from their two bodies, and a bad feeling rose.

"Do you think I'm going to watch you do this?"

As soon as the words fell, a butterfly-shaped genetic body soul beast flew high, and immediately flapped a large number of shining red scales from its huge wings, instantly surrounding them.

Mantis exclaimed loudly: "Be careful! It's the superheated scale powder of the poisonous scale butterfly!"

As soon as the words fell, light appeared in front of the gene body of the poisonous scale butterfly, and the next moment, the scale powder emitted dazzling fire, and the terrifying super-temperature explosion killed five of them, together with the bodies of the two Showa knights. submerged.

"They don't die so easily, go and grab those two bodies from me."

A group of genetic soul beasts rushed into the flames, but with an electric light and a golden light shining, the first few genetic soul beasts flew out like cannonballs, collapsed and disappeared in mid-air.

At this time, a figure stepped out from the firelight, who else could it be if it wasn't Yin Xiaoya.At this time, his whole body was unscathed. If there was anything different, it was that there was an extra silver belt around his waist.

In the middle of this belt, a red light is shining.And there were flames burning around, and under the influence of this red light, even Yin Xiaoya's hair couldn't be stained.

Then, two figures came out from behind him, it was Kamen Rider Qiangjia and Kamen Rider Anzhong who had come back to life, green and red lights were clearly shining in the compound eyes of their masks.

"All things call, I, in the name of Kamen Rider Qiangjia, represent the justice of worm-soul beasts, and destroy you!"

"I am the Son of the Sun, Kamen Rider is reborn in the dark! In the name of the sun, I punish you!"

After being integrated into the bodies of these two Showa knights in the form of core coins, Amaterasu Armor became the strong armor of Kamen Rider, and Sunshine Dulocust became Kamen Rider Anju.

Since they were originally transformed from their respective bodies, their consciousness matched these two bodies very well. Therefore, under their control, the power of these two Showa knights was also stimulated to the maximum.

Standing between the two of them, Yin Xiaoya felt the real pressure, let alone the enemy they were targeting.

"Okay, okay, I want to see how long you can resist! Give me all of them!!"


Facing the swarming genetic body soul beasts, Qiang Jia rubbed his left and right hands lightly, and then punched heavily on the surface of the Yan balcony.

"Striking sparks!!!"

"Zi Boom!!!!"

A scene that shocked Yin Xiaoya appeared, the huge balcony was instantly filled with a large amount of electric current as thick as an arm, like a big net, it sealed all the genetic body soul beasts with electricity.Of course, he avoided his companions very deftly.

"Swirling Shadow Sword!!!"

Anzhong reached out and pulled out a handle that appeared in the belt, turning it into a flashing lightsaber.

Then he jumped up high, landed on one of the genetic body soul beasts, pierced its carapace with a sword, and then a lot of sparks burst out from the wound.After completing this action, he pulled out his sword, jumped onto the other genetic body soul beasts one by one, and used the same method to poke a sparking hole in their bodies.

Finally, falling beside Yin Xiaoya, with his back to these genetic body soul beasts, he made a handsome gesture of pointing his sword to the ground.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

More than a dozen genetic soul beasts with a strength of 4 to [-] years of cultivation, exploded at the same time, as if agreed, and all collapsed and disappeared.

All this happened so fast and suddenly, even Yin Xiaoya's hand was still on the belt, ready to transform in the next moment.In the end, these two guys actually cleared the field with one move each.

"Wow... trough...?"

Not only Yin Xiaoya, but also Mantis and Transformation Ghost Card were all dumbfounded, so why are they still playing?

Of course, things can't be that simple, although the enemy didn't expect that the genetic body soul beast he summoned would be wiped out in an instant.But on this beautiful balcony, it is equivalent to being in his home field. Although the body of Cang Gui cannot support him to summon more and stronger soul beasts, it does not mean that he has no means.

"Tsk! These bugs are indeed trash. Good abilities are built on them, but they just don't make good use of them."

Seeing that he was still fearless, Yin Xiaoya frowned.But Qiangjia and Anzhong had already rushed over.


Before Yin Xiaoya finished speaking, the enemy's figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, the two of them seemed to be knocked out by something, and before they landed, a shadow that was difficult to track with naked eyes flashed past. There was a loud bang, and they flew out again. After the same scene happened several times in succession, they fell heavily to the ground.

Yin Xiaoya naturally recognized what it was immediately: "Super high speed!"

"Yes, to be precise, it is the super high speed of Galewind Cockroach."

The enemy's voice suddenly appeared behind him, Yin Xiaoya yelled secretly, the next moment, he felt dizzy, and he flew out.Fortunately, the mantis rushed to the ground in time and caught him in mid-air.


Following Mantis' reminder, the ghost card had rushed to the enemy's back, and he slashed at it with one claw, but only hit the air.Then it was also knocked out by the super-high-speed enemy.But this time, he was also targeted, and was stepped on his chest as soon as he landed.

The enemy looked at the ferocious ghost card carefully, and said mockingly: "A newborn larva dares to show its teeth and claws in front of me, step on it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow of a sledgehammer suddenly appeared with his foot on the ghost card's chest.


The terrifying strength was suppressed, and amidst the painful cry of the ghost card, a deep hole was cracked along with the balcony on the ground, which shows that it must be multiple strengths.

"How come... the hammer tail of the heavy hammer hornworm? Indestructible!"

Mantis was shocked and rushed over immediately.But before he got close, the enemy stretched out his right hand and released a colorful psychedelic light pattern. Under this light pattern, Mantis's movements slowed down as if the slow-motion button had been pressed.

"Mom...Mom!! Transformation!!"

The immortal belt of the mantis turned into a red awakening device, the red heart A mantis card appeared from the body, and swiped through the automatic awakening device.

[Change! (Variety)】


In the stupefaction of the enemy, Mantis Immortal's whole body was covered with a layer of dark black energy, and then transformed from a ghost card into Kamen Rider Kalis.

He raised his bow and knife and shot a few light arrows at the enemy. While the opponent was dodging subconsciously, he took the opportunity to escape from under the opponent's feet, and immediately ran towards the delaying mantis.


The other party snorted coldly, and released another psychedelic light pattern, which was irradiated to Kalis, just like the mantis, entering a state of delay.

"Don't struggle, under the rays of the psychedelic snail, even your thinking will be delayed."

Hearing that it was a psychedelic snail, Qiangjia and Anzhong who flashed to Yin Xiaoya's side took a breath.

Qiang Jia said in disbelief: "It turned out to be a psychedelic snail!?"

"What's wrong? This soul beast is very special?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not special." An Chong explained on the side, "The blast cockroach, heavy hammer hornworm, and this psychedelic snail just now are all extinct soul beasts. And they all died in the history of Wanchong Valley. A soul beast cursed by Yan Balcony."

Yin Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then looked at the other party with a gloomy face: "Is this your purpose?"

"Hahahaha, how come? Do you think I like to inherit the abilities of these bugs? These are just my mission."

"Is your mission to exterminate insect life?"

"It is only responsible for the extinction of insect life. Please don't call me so ruthless. If you want to blame, you can only blame this twisted world. My approach is already considered gentle, rather than cruel, then you have never seen it before." Those who are responsible for destroying people compare their strength, you have never seen those guys who destroy demons, dragons and gods, they are scary."

What the hell is this guy talking about?Yin Xiaoya really couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Okay, it's almost time to get down to business."

Not intending to talk nonsense with Yin Xiaoya any more, he slowly raised his hand towards Yin Xiaoya, ready to seal them with slowing light patterns.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the performance of Yan's balcony suddenly fluctuated, and the buzzing sound of the mirror world became even more ear-piercing.

"Don't come out!"

Yin Xiaoya thought that Fang Xin was going to come out there, but he didn't want to hear a sound effect that surprised him.

【Steal Vent】

An illusory dark golden giant claw stretched out from the mirror world, grabbed Cang Gui, but strangely, it passed directly through Cang Gui's body.

"What!? What is this?"

Only then did Yin Xiaoya notice that the giant claws were actually holding a human-shaped light and shadow, while Cang Gui fell down on the spot, canceled the transformation, and returned to Ma Hongjun's appearance.

"No! No! Let me go!!"

The figure caught by the giant claws couldn't break free no matter how hard it struggled, and was dragged into the mirror world by the giant claws amidst the screams of panic.


Yin Xiaoya stared blankly at this scene, fully understanding what happened.But the sound effect just now sounded very real to him.

"Looting comes? Xiaoman, this isn't..."

[That's right, Kamen Rider Odin's ability, I'm sorry, host, this system can't explain what's going on now]

 Buy it buy it buy it buy it!All girls come and buy it!
  My mind is now full of this song by Li Jiaqi, I'm so brainwashed, today Li Jiaqi's second live broadcast of double eleven sales.You guessed it right, I was caught by my wife to grab orders again.

  I didn't get an order, and I'm still angry now.

  If you think I'm lying, I'll post the deposit shopping list later for you to see.I'm really...too difficult! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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