Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 124 The Skill Match of the Eagle Mantis and Crocodile

Chapter 124 The Skill Match of the Eagle Mantis and Crocodile

The knight power unlocked by the soul beast can not only completely liberate the original power of the Kamen Rider, but also increase the power of the spiritual explosion.But the most unnegligible advantage is that it can obtain the characteristics of soul beasts on the original basis.

This point is actually very similar to the characteristics of the skills that the soul master obtained after obtaining the soul ring of the soul beast.It's just that on the knight's side, since the soul beasts voluntarily donate their power, the characteristics of the soul beasts will be more obvious and more helpful.

For example, before Alpha Amazon, after getting the devil-bellied lizard, not only obtained the fire resistance, flame explosion, and flame-attached attack of the devil-bellied lizard level, but also got its self-eating characteristics, which can burst out in desperate situations. Extraordinary energy.

And the mantis core coin unlocked by the bone sickle mantis, in addition to the power of the original coin is liberated, and after the transformation, it also gets the unique super bone quality of the bone sickle mantis, not only that, the cutting force and cutting power of the mantis arm knife The damage range has also been increased.

As for the phantom of the bone scythe mantis appearing in full view now, it seems that the bone scythe mantis is fighting against the golden-e red stag beetle. When helping Yin Xiaoya with all his strength, the thoughts between the two parties resonated, and the vision was triggered.

"Hmph, it's just a bone scythe mantis, so what about explosion resistance, I've defeated more than one of them! Ugh!!!"

After Yin Xiaoya blocked his own explosive shadow, Jin E's red shovel was still only surprised for a while, but his fighting spirit was even higher.It kept wrestling with Yin Xiaoya, pushing him back.It has to be said that in terms of pure strength, the performance of the Jine red stag armor is still very amazing.

Yin Xiaoya was stunned to be pushed a hundred meters away in an instant without stopping, and because the opponent's jaws were holding him all the time, he didn't dare to dodge easily, otherwise he might be cut off if he was not careful. with two halves.

Under the overwhelming force of the opponent, the vision of the bone scythe mantis disappeared, and anyone who saw it would feel that Yin Xiaoya was at a disadvantage now.

"It's just a bone sickle mantis, and it also wants to compare my strength with me!"

Yin Xiaoya, who was in the posture of resisting the opponent's jaws, chuckled lightly after hearing this, and said, "I know, I can't compete with strength, but I never only have the strength of the bone scythe mantis."

As soon as the words fell, the pattern symbolizing the power of the crocodile lit up on the chest plate of Masked Rider Ozzy, and then Yin Xiaoya's legs also flickered, and with a roar, his two legs parted. A phantom with a big mouth with fangs was born, both biting the ground.

A scene that shocked all the worm-soul beasts happened. The golden-e red stag beetle froze instantly, or could not move, as if the brakes had been stepped on suddenly.Moreover, the extremely hard meteorite under their feet was actually bitten open by the big mouth of his legs.

The little ones who didn't understand how hard the Yantai meteorite was, naturally cheered because of Yin Xiaoya's performance, but those worm-soul beasts were too frightened to make a sound, and many secretly looked at where the king worms were. In the past, I was relieved to find that the king worms did not respond.

Not to mention that the hardness of this meteorite known as the Holy Land will not be broken under normal circumstances, even if it is broken, it will be punished.Since the king worms did not respond, it meant that this was the first time in history that humans participated in the Hundred Insects Contest, which allowed this to happen.

Shun Feng said with a distressed expression: "It was really cracked, that's all, in order to see the true strength of Kamen Rider, this little sacrifice is fine. As long as it is not really destroyed by us. If it is just broken, The Yan balcony can still repair itself."

Why did the Insect Soul Beast only produce 20 yuan meteorite fragments? It's not that they didn't want to do it, but that this meteorite has an amazing healing ability, and they don't have this ability at all now.Just cutting it open used the power of a lot of Heavenly Tribulation-level king worms in ancient times, and then there must be enough distance between these twenty fragments and the body of the meteorite, otherwise it will still be broken. Drawn back, then fused.

"Bone scythe mantis, is this the one you said Kunyu was unlocked into the power of the Kamen Rider?" A king worm asked in surprise, "I remember you said that it was a female body with a cultivation base of 2 years, right?" ? Not to mention that its cultivation is not comparable, even if it is the same, it is impossible for its race to show enough strength to resist the golden ebony red stag beetle?"

Facing its question, Shining Kunyu replied: "Look carefully, what he is using now is not just the power of the bone scythe mantis. Didn't you find that his current posture is a combination of three kinds of power?"

The light butterfly, who observed carefully, also said: "I can feel it. The red power on his head comes from my friend Princess Canghuang, the green upper body comes from the bone scythe mantis, and the lower body shows a power that rivals the golden equestrian red stag beetle." The copper-colored part... I don't know where it came from, but judging from the aura, it probably came from a spirit beast of a higher level than us."

So far away from the ground, some king worms could already feel the upper pressure from the golden tortoiseshell, not to mention the golden ebony red stag beetle standing in front of Yin Xiaoya.

However, it was full of fighting spirit and did not have the slightest intention to retreat. After finding that Yin Xiaoya's legs had taken root and he could not push him anymore, it finally let go of the pair of big jaws.After two or three steps, it was more than a hundred meters away, and while retreating, it shot out needles one after another from its mouth.

Each of these needles is two or three meters long, and they are all formed by the condensed soul power. The moment they shoot out of its mouth, there are bursts of loud noises, and they are all sonic booms.It can be seen that their fire speeds all exceed the speed of sound.Under the support of this speed, none of these needles collapsed in the slightest, which showed that their hardness was also extremely terrifying, and the consequences of being hit could be imagined.

From the moment it retreated, Yin Xiaoya probably knew what it was going to do.Almost at the same moment, he also stepped back.The pattern symbolizing the falcon on the chest lights up, and the power of the falcon core coin is revealed.

As the falcon's compound eyes flickered, these terrifying needles not only slowed down in Yin Xiaoya's sight, but their routes could also be predicted.So while he was retreating, he quickly swung the mantis saber arm.

A series of green energy cut marks were swung out by him, accurately intercepting these puncture needles.And with the help of Falcon's ability, he saved all unnecessary movements, and the acupuncture that he had to get close to before he had time to intercept, followed him slowly to catch up with the speed.These cut marks also gradually moved away, one meter, two meters, three meters, and finally ten meters away from Yin Xiaoya's body, the acupuncture points could be intercepted.

Luo Pupu stared at Yin Xiaoya: "It's amazing! Even if I transform, I can't keep up with such fast acupuncture. I am indeed a big brother."

However, Fang Xin beside him was a little worried: "The speed of these needles is really too fast. Brother Xiaoya only relied on precise interception movements, and he barely intercepted them ten meters in front of him, but this is also the limit."

Xiaosan also nodded and said: "Judging from the range of movements, Master's consumption is obviously higher than that of the Insect Soul Beast. He won't keep fighting like this."

Sure enough, the golden E red stag beetle also saw Yin Xiaoya's disadvantage at this time, so he mobilized the soul power in his body again. The next moment, the acupuncture it shot was not only more powerful, but also increased in speed.Soon, the ranges of the skills released by the two sides were pressing towards Yin Xiaoya with changes visible to the naked eye.

"Does it mean that simply intercepting can't keep up with the speed? In this case..."

The right leg burst into copper-colored light, and before the needles could be suppressed in front of him, Yin Xiaoya kicked out with a high kick, and then a wide-open crocodile mouth rushed out of his leg with a roar.When these needles met this big mouth, they couldn't penetrate it at all, and scattered a little bit of starlight under its strong defensive ability.

But the crocodile's mouth didn't stop, and it directly bit the needle-spraying gold-coloured red stag beetle.However, it didn't intend to dodge at all. Facing the big mouth, it stopped its acupuncture jets, and those big jaws burst out with astonishing energy again, transforming into the shadow of the explosive jaws before.

The mouth of the crocodile and the mandibles of the red stag beetle bite together vertically and horizontally.Suddenly there was a bigger explosion than before.

 Thanks to "Jujugao" for rewarding 10000 points and becoming the first rudder owner in this book... I was also frightened, and thanked readers for the first time in the book.Thank you very much, and also thank other readers for their support.

  Don't blame me for not listing names, I'm really lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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