Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 114 Shining Kunyu

Chapter 114 Shining Kunyu
"We are actually in the world of mirrors now."

Everyone else squeezed behind Fang Xin and watched Yin Xiaoya's activities in the mirror from a distance, but he was the only one who was always in a daze.

As the only Ning Longlong who has not yet been endowed with the power of a knight, from the moment she entered the mirror world, both the world itself and the contracted beast Snow Maiden who were flying with them at this time have been completely overturned. his common sense.

"I said Brother Ning, you can almost return to your soul, right?"

Seeing him like this, Ma Hongjun leaned over and stabbed him a few times.Ning Longlong regained her senses with a wry smile on her face, her soul had returned, but she still couldn't calm down in her heart.

"Can you all enter the mirror world?"

"That's definitely not..."

Ma Hongjun was about to continue to answer, but thought of what Yin Xiaoya said before, so he pulled Ao Jia, who was afraid of heights, over.

"Come on, it's time for you to work."


"Didn't the senior say that you are responsible for answering his questions?"

"what is the problem?"

Ao Jia looked at Ning Longlong, so he repeated the question again.

"Oh, this, there are many kinds of Kamen Rider powers, so not all Kamen Riders can enter the mirror world."

"So that's the case. Then, isn't a mirror knight like Xiang Fang Xin the strongest Kamen Rider? You can enter and exit freely in any place that reflects light, and there is a great helper like the Snow Girl. In this way, the enemy will not be able to fight like this." There's no answer to that."

As soon as Ning Longlong uttered these words, Ma Hongjun at the side immediately refused to accept it.

"This can't be regarded as inaudible. Who said that entering the world in the mirror will be invincible? You don't know the power of sound strike ghosts like mine. Seniors have said that we can even hit the power of sound strike ghosts after we have practiced to the end. The melody enchantment, in the enchantment, all monsters and ghosts will only end up exploding and dying. Even the mirror knight, unless he has been hiding in the mirror and cannot come out, otherwise he cannot directly confront my power."

"It sounds amazing...is that so?"

Oscar said angrily: "Of course not, fat man, where did you put me as a magic knight? Let alone my magic skills are too many for you to handle, just being able to enter the spiritual world, Is your melody enchantment unstoppable?"

"Ah, this..." Ma Hongjun paused. Indeed, in the real world, his melody can be said to be the nemesis of entities, but if someone directly destroys your spiritual world, how can you play?
Aojia continued to explain to Ning Longlong: "It's not just me and Fang Xin who can enter the special world. Although it hasn't been unlocked yet, Tang Wu's knight power can turn her into a data knight. You may not be familiar with the word data." I understand, in short, the physical body will become virtual and unreal, and I heard that it can also enter a magical data world."

"What about Xiaosan and Luo Pupu?"

"The two of them, the two of them have the same power. I heard from the teacher that although it is not possible now, there should be a chance to enter a different world called Haim's Underworld in the future. It is said that there are even buried treasures there. The secret of becoming a god."

"Become...become a god!?"

Seeing Ning Longlong being intimidated, Aojia burst out laughing, unable to maintain a serious expression.

"What are you laughing at? Could it be that you are lying to me?"

"Ahahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the main reason is that you looked so funny just now." Oscar's laughter gradually faded, "I didn't lie to you if I lied to you, I actually wanted to tell you, no matter what kind of Kamen Riders all have their strengths, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as strong or weak. You don't need to worry about the strength of others."

"There's no need to be obsessed with other people's strength..." Looking at Ao Jia's sincere eyes, Ning Longlong was stunned, the two looked at each other for a while, and he raised his eyebrows, "You want me to stop Are you staring at your knight power?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and Ao Jia turned his face away, but he was still discovered.

It seems that because she saw through her small thoughts, Ning Longlong also had a funny look on her face, and then said in a teasing tone: "You really need to be more careful, you have to absorb new things here in Wanchong Valley this time. Soul ring, I heard that this is your first battle as a Kamen Rider, maybe you didn't perform well, you don't need me to do anything, sir will transfer your power to me."

Oscar subconsciously clutched the Lion Gate belt on his waist, pouted and said, "Hmph, I must have my Chimera, even if I give it to you, you can't afford it."

After finishing speaking, she deliberately moved her body to the side, trying to stay away from Ning Longlong.But there is only so much space on Xuenv's body, so how far can she move.In the end, she was still entangled by Ning Longlong, who was full of doubts, and started to scold and fight.

"Tsk! I really owe you all."

Forced to watch the state of the two people being at room temperature, Ma Hongjun propped his chin with his hands, smacked his lips, and secretly cursed that the dog food was not tasty.

At this moment, Fang Xin patted the snow girl under him, and said to everyone: "Okay, you can stop here. Brother Xiaoya has already arrived, and we will follow up on foot. Although Brother Xiaoya's He has many abilities, but Ten Thousand Insect Valley is the territory of Insect Soul Beast after all, and it is still in such a special period, just in case, we have to be ready to go out to support him at any time."

When they got off Xue Nu, in an empty cave in the real world, Yin Xiaoya had already met the owner of the previous voice.

"Human, your head is placed too high."

Yin Xiaoya looked at the golden ant about the size of his palm in front of him speechlessly: "I can't control this, do you still want me to be as low as you?"

This ant with a whole body like gold is not much different from normal ants in appearance, except that the wings on the back have not degenerated, and the pair of pliers-like mouthparts are much different from normal ants' mouthparts. The organ is proportionally larger, about half the size of the body part.

In addition, its eyes are also very special, like a pair of sapphires.Because the eyes are not mammals, if the opponent's breath is not locked on his body, he would not know where the eyes of this little guy are looking.

Just this thing, is it also one of the king worms?
"Boy, are you thinking about something impolite?"

"No, of course not."

Yin Xiaoya's heart skipped a beat, he still couldn't judge a beast by its appearance, even though the opponent was small and exquisite, but at least he could talk to others, which meant that its cultivation base was at least 7 years old.Of course, it refers to the strength and cultivation base. If you really want to count its age, it should be much less. After all, because of the meteorite, the cultivation efficiency of the insect soul beasts here has improved a lot.

"Well, Mantis, why don't you introduce me?"

Mantis, who knelt down and saluted as soon as they met, raised her head in confusion and asked, "My lord, don't you know soul beasts very well? How come you don't even know the name Shining Yaokun?"

I really don't know, after all, Xiaoman is temporarily offline.

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to know me or not. The problem now is you, or you guys."

While speaking, Shining Kunmai looked up and down at the mantis who was in the state of desire. At the same time, the pair of tentacles on his head kept shaking, and thoughts shot out one after another, swimming on the mantis body.But Mantis did not resist at all.Even at the back, a force took away the Immortal Mantis in its arms, but she didn't say anything.

The shining insects floated gently in front of the sleeping Mantis, and made hesitant voices one after another: "Both you and your son have perfectly transformed into another form of life. The stag beetle king insect That guy didn't say it. But I guess it's also the effect of the so-called Kamen Rider power in the hands of this human?"

Mantis nodded and said, "Strictly speaking, I was reborn as a Kamen Rider, and my child directly inherited the power of a Kamen Rider..."

"I don't need to explain so much, I just need to know that this Kamen Rider can really save our soul beasts from the threat of catastrophe. Not all soul beasts in this world have the ambition to climb up. Lord Yandi is like that." After all, there are still a few."

Yin Xiaoya frowned, this sentence contains a lot of information.He seemed to have heard something inside.

Emperor Yan said before that due to some personal reasons, she must become the soul of a certain human being. Now, according to Shan Yao Kunyu, it is to climb up. Which one will go up?I also know that it must be the God Realm.It seems that in this brand new Douluo world, the matter of soul beasts becoming gods can only be achieved if they are attached to humans.

As for the soul beasts here in Wanchong Valley, they seem to be looking for boarders of souls just like Mantis judged before, but their purpose is not as lofty as Emperor Yan, they just want to avoid the catastrophe , in order to live longer.

But once attached to humans is also risky, although this can avoid catastrophe, but the lifespan of human beings is much shorter than that of spirit beasts, so even if attached to human bodies, they will still find ways to make their hosts walk on the road to becoming gods .

Even if it doesn't work, you can go back to seek the power of God.In this way, even if he does not become a god in the end, at least it can ensure that the host can get rid of the limitation of human life span.

When Mantis expressed her judgment, Shining Kunyu admitted without hesitation: "We set up the Hundred Insects Contest to arrange all the races for the next hundred years for the 20 yuan fragments. Those who have cultivated for 3 years basically know what secrets. But the real reason for allowing humans to participate in this matter is only known to the king worm level. You are very smart, you are the first one in tens of thousands of years See the existence of this secret."

Mantis did not reveal that Yin Xiaoya had a soul in her hand, but raised another question in her heart: "Why not choose to transform into a human after 10 years?"

Shining Kunyu sighed helplessly: "This is the price we need to pay after receiving the favor. The reason is actually very simple, that is, it is too late. The catastrophe will come down when it reaches that level of cultivation, which means relying on meteorites If we speed up our cultivation with strength, we will encounter catastrophe very early. However, we must be physically [-] years old to transform into a human being."

(End of this chapter)

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