Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 103 The Dark Golden Phoenix Knight

Chapter 103 The Dark Golden Phoenix Knight

This is a maze full of mirrors. People walking in it can't tell the difference between front, back, left, and right, and even bump their noses while walking.

Fang Xin ran inside in panic. She didn't know why she ran, but her intuition told her that something was chasing her.The countless mirrors around her reflect her running figure, revealing not only horror but also confusion.


Fang Xin's heart skipped a beat when the voice of the mirror world sounded.


So she quickened her pace, trying to escape from the sound and the presence that came with it.

"You got power."

The voice of men and women could not be distinguished rang in his ears, but Fang Xin ignored it and just kept running.

But at this moment, the whole mirror world lit up. Fang Xin glanced back subconsciously, and saw a golden-brown phoenix bird descending from the sky and flying towards her.

There is no reason, Fang Xin is subconsciously resisting it, so she escapes more quickly.

"Stop chasing me!"

Why should I say goodbye?

Faced with her almost begging cry, Fengniao chased after her unmoved. It is miraculous that it can pass in and out of these mirrors directly, which is equivalent to chasing Fangxin in a straight line. behind him, and quickly forced her into a crevice with no turning point.

Fang Xin, who found that this way was impossible, was about to turn around when a ray of light fell, and Fengniao stopped in front of her.

"Why do you have to pester me!?"

Why am I asking such a question?
The light on Fengniao's body disappeared, and it turned into a dark golden mechanical phoenix.Fang Xin knew this gesture.

"Contract... contract beast?"


The mechanical phoenix let out a high-pitched phoenix cry, accompanied by the buzzing sound of the mirror world, Zang Difangxin couldn't help but covered his ears.

When Fengming stopped, Fang Xin slowly opened his eyes, and found a warrior in dark golden armor standing in front of him with his chest folded, and pieces of golden feathers were falling around him.

"Kamen... Knight?"

A Kamen Rider she had never seen before, and like herself, a Mirror Rider with a contracted beast.

The Golden Knight stared at him through the visor, and Fang Xin immediately felt that he seemed to be being scrutinized.For some reason, this made her very upset.

Obviously, he didn't know what kind of person was under the armor of the other party, but he hated this golden knight from the bottom of his heart, as if he had hated this existence since he was born.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

The Golden Knight slowly lowered his hands, and then took out a card from his waist.This action is very familiar to Fang Xin at this time, and the opponent must want to activate some kind of descending power.

Almost subconsciously, she also prepared to take out the knight card box to transform.However, it was obvious that the knight card box was not on her body.

But there is no need for this, because the opponent did not make the attack move he imagined, but just threw the card in his hand towards him.

Fang Xin instinctively caught the card, turned it over, and saw a bell-shaped pattern printed on it.However, the next second, the bell-shaped pattern disappeared again, and it became a blank card.

The golden knight pointed at the blank card in her hand and said softly, "Get its power and accept the reincarnation of fate again."

"What are you talking about! What kind of fate, what kind of reversal!? I've heard enough!!"

Inexplicable anger welled up in his heart, Fang Xin tore the card into pieces on the spot, and then let out an angry cry.

In this roar, cracks appeared in the mirrors in this world almost at the same time, including the golden knight in front of him, which also cracked like a mirror, and even this inexplicable world also cracked.


There was a click, and everything was shattered into pieces.But among these fragments, the figure of the Golden Knight is still shining.

"Don't stop fighting, otherwise the world will die, and reincarnation must turn again."

"Shut up! Shut up! . . . "

"I said shut up!!!"

Fang Xin suddenly sat up from the bed, panting heavily with horror on her face, her whole body was drenched in fragrant sweat.At this moment, someone pushed open the door of her room, and Su Xuan rushed in anxiously.

"What's wrong, Fang Xin? We all heard your shouts."

"Ah?" Fang Xin was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously touched the sweat on his neck, "No...it's nothing, it's just a nightmare."

Su Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but still stepped forward and stroked her forehead: "Well, you don't have a fever, it seems that you are very tired from what happened yesterday."

"Sorry, Teacher Su Xuan, for worrying you."

"It's fine, that's all. Now that you're awake, let's get up and take a shower. There will be guests coming later, and Xiaoya is already waiting outside."

guest?Oh yes, Pupu is coming.

"I'll go after I wash up."

"Well, then I'll go down first."

After sending Su Xuan away, Fang Xin clutched her forehead and fell silent. She had never had such a clear dream.So much so that she subconsciously felt that this was not quite like a dream.

"If it's not a dream, then is this knight... eh!?"

Fang Xin was stunned suddenly, because when recalling the appearance of the knight, Fang Xin couldn't remember the appearance of the other party, and she couldn't even remember the contracted beast that chased her at the beginning. how is it like.

"Hehe, it really is a dream. I just can't remember what happened in the dream."

Regardless of whether he is comforting himself or not, Fang Xin's mood is somewhat better now.

On the other side, Su Xuan returned to the guild hall, and nodded to Yin Xiaoya who was still waiting for news: "It's okay, she just had a nightmare."

Many people heard Fang Xin's cry when he woke up the most.But the snow girl who was with her did not protect her, which meant that she was not in any danger.

Because it was a girl's room, it was not convenient for Yin Xiaoya to go in, so I had to ask Su Xuan to see how Fang Xin was doing.

Hearing that it was a nightmare, Yin Xiaoya just smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

About ten minutes later, Fang Xin came in front of the crowd and said blushingly, "Sorry, I scared you just now."

Oscar conjured up a sausage and handed it over: "Eat some, it can refresh you, and it can also be used as breakfast."

"Thank you."

At this moment, Yin Xiaoya raised his head and looked outside.Although no one was seen yet, the piercing sound had already resounded through the Hundred Screens Trench, attracting many soul masters to come out to watch.

But when they saw a huge sword light appearing in their sight, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Sword...Sword Douluo!?"

Those with insight recognized the ability of Sword Douluo Chenxin before the person on the sword shadow showed up.

Sure enough, when Jianfang fell to the ground and dissipated, Jian Daochen Xin's figure came out from inside, and behind him were a young girl and a young girl on the left and right.

"Big brother!!"

Luo Pupu naturally knew that Yin Xiaoya was here waiting for her because of the report from the Green Fruit Swamp Jiao in the knight power.So as soon as he came, he found Yin Xiaoya's figure in the crowd, and then rushed over with a vigorous step.

Just when she thought she could bump into her chest, she didn't want Yin Xiaoya to dodge by turning sideways.


Luo Pupu, who was in the air, slid a few meters on the ground like this.

"Huh? Pupu? Oh, I was shocked. It's only been a few days. How come you have changed so much? I thought it was someone who came here."

(End of this chapter)

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