Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 100 Kamen Rider Ice Snow (4 Character Chapters)

Chapter 100 Kamen Rider Ice Snow ([-]-word chapter)

"No! There is still time! I must save you!"

The power left by Xiaosan has not completely disappeared, Tang Wu naturally will not let go of this time difference.

She clenched her teeth, and put Xiaosan and Fang Xin on her shoulders one by one.However, the soul power in his body could not be mobilized at all.

He had just resisted Xiaosan from the high altitude, and he had been mobilizing his soul power to defend those soul masters to a high degree.At this time, not only her soul power has been exhausted, but even the most basic physical strength has been consumed a lot.

She persisted with a ferocious expression on her small face, but she still launched the ghostly fan step, but unfortunately, after rushing less than ten meters, her muscles in her whole body were worn out, and she fell out with the three people on her shoulders.

She struggled to get up, but there was no part of her body that was not crying.I really can't move.

But at this moment, her back collar was inexplicably lifted up, and she turned her head to see that it was the deep-sea crab spider.Unexpectedly, at this time, its body regained its freedom.

She thought it was over, but she didn't want the deep-sea crab spider to not only not hurt her, but to lift her and Xiao Sanfang Xin together, then curled up with eight legs, protecting the three of them under the body.

"Are you saving us?"


"I don't understand what you're saying."

The deep sea crab spider shook its eyes impatiently.

What are you running?Can you run with two people at your current speed?I really owe you guys, obviously as long as I think about it, I'll be fine if I go straight back into the ocean.Why should I do so much unnecessary work?
The deep-sea crab spider didn't know what it was thinking, it actually wanted to protect humans.Maybe it's because Xiaosan is also a soul beast, or maybe it's because they just protected themselves.

No matter what, its current behavior will definitely not bear good fruit, because although it has resumed its actions now, it is also in a state where its soul power cannot be mobilized. If it can release the phantom clone as before, it will fall down. The big ice cubes can't hurt it too much.

But now it can only resist directly with the carapace on its body. Even if its carapace is already very hard, it is not enough to face such a huge ice block, and it still fell from such a high place.Even if it doesn't die, it will definitely leave a lot of damage.

They didn't notice that Fang Xin, who was in a coma, moved her fingers at this moment, and the orb Longjing, which was thrown not far away, returned to her in an instant.Then two lives collided.

Opening her eyes, Fang Xin found herself in a world of ice and snow, and she shivered from the cold.Although she didn't know what was going on, her thoughts were very clear. She was very clear about what happened just now, and this was definitely not the real world.


Fang Xin's whole body was shocked, and when he heard the sound, he turned around and found a tall shadow standing not far behind him in the icy and snowy land, looking down at him with a pair of blood-red eyes.

She didn't panic, because she knew very well what happened, and she knew very well what the other party was.

"Are you the soul beast that has been hiding in the iceberg just now?"

Yes, in the last piece of iceberg that she transferred to the foreign space, there was a soul beast staying inside.The reason why Xiaosan noticed the iceberg for the first time before was actually subconsciously feeling the existence of this life before discovering the iceberg.

Later Xiaosan disintegrated the iceberg into more than a dozen pieces, and it stayed in the middle piece.Before turning it away, Fang Xin almost lost all five senses due to continuous operation, so he couldn't find something wrong in the first place, so he still turned the ice cube with the soul beast away.

This turn will directly break the limit of what she can bear, because the transfer of life forms will cause a very large consumption.So at the moment of turning in, her physical functions weakened and her mental strength also collapsed.

This is why Fang Xin knew the other party's identity immediately.

"I didn't hide in that all the time, but I was sealed in it."


"That's right, even now I still haven't been lifted from the seal, and the seal will get heavier and heavier as time goes by. But luckily, because of your foreign space here, the power of the seal on me has been reduced a lot, At least it won't get any worse."

The corner of Fang Xin's mouth twitched, so this is his foreign space.After just a while, has the entire space been frozen like this?What kind of existence is this?
"Well, we have suffered a lot because of you. Now is not the time to dawdle here, I need to wake up quickly, otherwise the iceberg above will fall, and we will definitely die. Once I die, the spirit will dissipate, and you will either To be ejected, or to stay here forever, is another seal."

The other party let out a deep laugh: "Human, it turns out that you don't understand your own abilities. But for all martial souls that have links to foreign spaces, the flow of time in the inner and outer worlds is different."

"So that's the case, then why did you call me over?"

The laughter stopped, and the blood-red eyes began to approach her. The figure of the other party was very tall, but when approaching, it was slowly shrinking.When the opponent's real body came out of the wind and snow, Fang Xin was stunned, because it was not the image of a soul beast in his imagination at all, but an extremely beautiful woman.

"Human... Human? Are you not a soul beast?"

This woman's snow-white hair is wearing a layer of tulle in this icy and snowy place, even though it is very exposed, there is no confusion at all.On the contrary, looking at her posture, it gives people a pure and noble feeling, but for some reason, there is also a hint of sadness.

The woman is much taller than Fang Xin, and even if they meet in real body, they still look down on her.It's just that the pair of eyes didn't just see blood red, but a very crystal light blue.She opened her mouth slowly, her voice was not the deep tone she just heard, but a woman's voice that fit her image very well, very ethereal.

"I'm a soul beast, but I prefer the human form. Also, I didn't call you here, but a certain power in you brought you to me."

A certain power in her?What else can she have besides martial spirit...

Thinking of this, Fang Xin was stunned for a moment, and she subconsciously put her hand into her pocket. In this situation where she was obviously only a conscious body, the Kamen Rider card box that had not been unlocked actually appeared on her body.

"That's right, I can feel it, it's what drew you here."

Fang Xin blinked his eyes, how could he not understand what was going on, the soul beast in the posture of a beautiful woman in front of him must be a soul beast suitable for his knight power.

"Can I ask, what are you? Why are you sealed?"

"What's the point of asking this now? Don't you want to solve what happened outside? Seeing that this space is helpful to me, I can help you."

Fang Xin shook his head like a wave drum: "No, no, no, if you are really my knight power, let alone the iceberg outside, even the seal on your body can be lifted in an instant."

"Release the seal?" The woman's eyes became sad, "Human, I don't know what knight power you are talking about, but Haikou's boast is not ordinary if you want to remove the seal on me. The seal on me can be It's not something from this dimension. It's from..."


Fang Xin waited for her answer, but the woman stroked her head with a painful expression on her face.

"No, this memory is gone."

"Have you lost your memory?"

"Strictly speaking, someone took away my memory. Not only my memory, [-]% of my power was also taken away, and the seal on my body was also imposed by the same existence. But... I just know what happened Things, and all the memory pictures related to it have disappeared.”

Fang Xin said with some regret: "So, you don't even know who you are?"

"No!" The woman said firmly, "I know who I am. I am the Snow Maiden, the embodiment of sorrow."

"Ice and Snow Maiden? I heard that there is a pure ice-type creature called Snow Essence in the Ice and Snow Polar Region. Because it is a lonely female spirit beast, its appearance is also very cute. Indeed, some people named them Snow Maiden. , so you are Snow Spirit?"

Ice and Snow Girl fell silent, but shook her head: "I don't know."

"Uh...then why are you called the Incarnation of Sorrow?"

Ice Snow Girl shook her head again: "I don't know."

Why doesn't she know anything, what has she experienced?Seeing her in such pain, Fang Xin couldn't continue to explore her past affairs, besides, there are more important things at the moment.

"Well, I won't ask about your previous affairs. But I assure you, as long as you become my contracted beast, the seal on you will be lifted. If you lift the seal, maybe your memory will come back isn't it?"

Obviously, compared to lifting the seal, being able to restore the memory seems to be more attractive to Ice Snow Girl.Besides, I have been sealed for an unknown number of years, and finally there has been a slight change, so what can I lose if I try it?

"how should I do?"

It's done!Fang Xin held up the knight card box that had not been unlocked facing the woman.

"It's very simple, touch this card box and become my contracted beast."

The Ice Snow Girl didn't hesitate, she took a step forward, stretched out her jade hand and gently tapped on Fang Xin's card box.

At this moment, the space where the wind was howling just now became quiet as if the pause button had been pressed.

Then, a snow-white light illuminated the entire space...

In the real world, Xiaosan's strength finally couldn't support it, and it disappeared completely. The huge ice cubes without support just fell down one after another.

Tang Wu, who was hiding under the deep-sea crab spider, also closed her eyes nervously.But at this moment, through her eyelids, she felt a strong light.Opening it, it turned out to be Fang Xin beside him.

At this time, a silver belt appeared around Fang Xin's waist, and at the same time, a white card box with a buoy of a blue woman's image appeared out of thin air and inserted itself into the belt.

Then, several black shadows appeared out of thin air and overlapped on Fang Xin's body, so the light became even brighter.Before Tang Wu could react, Fang Xin flew out following the ray of light, rushing towards the ice cubes falling from the sky.

The light dissipated, and a snow-white figure appeared in Tang Wu's sight.This figure has very obvious female features, the sky blue base armor is covered with soft and close-fitting white armor.

The white visor of the medieval style is very soft and cloudy, and there is a pair of light red knight compound eyes under the visor, and there is a relief of a snowflake in the middle of the forehead.

Looking at her back, there is still a waist-length cloak that is not very big, sky blue, and there are snowflake patterns of different sizes printed on the cloak.

Whether it is the color tone or the accessories of these snowflakes, it all shows the relationship between her and ice and snow.I also want to know that this snow-white female warrior is Fang Xin.

"Kamen Rider!?" Tang Wu was stunned, but also very confused, "But when did she unlock it? Where did the soul beast come from?"

Fang Xin raised his left hand, and there was a snow-white summoning machine on his left hand, which was an exclusive item for Mirror Knights.

Every mirror knight's summoning machine is different, but her summoning machine is a arm armor, and this arm armor is engraved with a frontal relief of a woman closing her eyes and praying. If you look carefully, this woman looks exactly like a snow girl .

Seeing the huge ice cube falling faster and faster, Fang Xin unhurriedly pulled out a card from the card box at his waist.The card was printed with a mechanical creature of the same hue as hers.At the same time, the Snow Girl Summoner on the left hand automatically opened, revealing the card slot inside.

Fang Xin put the card in, and then closed the Snow Girl Summoner.

"Come out, Yuki Maiden."

[Advent! (Contract comes)]

A bigger light flashed from the light, and a huge robot appeared under Fang Xin's body, and it was a slender and slender female image.The robot is nearly 20 meters tall.

The whole body of the female robot appears to be composed of blue and white mechanical parts.It corresponds very well to Fang Xin's knight shape, and a cloak is also fluttering behind it, but this cloak is formed by real wind and snow.

"I see, is this my brand new posture?"

The robot named Yukino seemed to be sizing up her whole body, and her movements didn't seem to have the flexibility that a machine would have.

"Snow Girl, it's coming." Standing on Bingxue's shoulder, Fang Xin looked at the several large ice cubes that had fallen in front of her eyes, pulled out another card from her belt, and put it into the Snow Girl Summoner that opened automatically In, "Let's go up together."

[Final Vent! (Final arrival)]

"Understood, my master."

For a moment, a large amount of wind and snow emerged from their bodies, and these wind and snow instantly formed a huge wall of snowflakes, blocking the falling ice blocks.

No, strictly speaking, at the moment of touching the wall of snowflakes, these ice cubes entered a state of stillness as if they were temporarily stopped by time.

"Knight Flying Kick Snow Burial!"

Fang Xin jumped up from Xue Nu's shoulders, one person and one machine simultaneously kicked out the knight kick, hitting the wall of snowflakes.Waves of snow-white energy surged on the wall of snowflakes, and violent storms also gushed out from that side of the wall of snowflakes.

And these large ice cubes that came into contact with the snowflake wall were also affected by this energy fluctuation.In the next second, they instantly turned into a pile of fine ice chips without any warning, and were blown into the distance by the violent storm gushing out of the snowflake wall.

(End of this chapter)

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