my virtual kingdom

Chapter 74 Conception of the Magical Artifact

Chapter 74 Conception of the Magical Artifact

The outer gate of Danxia Sect, on Xiaohui Peak.

After receiving the sect's precepts and clothes with the five outer disciples, everyone returned to their arranged residences to rest.

Although everyone has no intention of resting at the moment, but for a moment, the morning practice session of Xiaohui Peak has not yet arrived.

Secondly, almost none of the crowd has reached the peak of the late stage of physical training, and they cannot practice qi at all.

Among the many players, the only one who can practice Qi refining is Ning Daoxuan.

But Ning Daoxuan didn't have Qiling Pill in his hands, so he broke through the Qi refining stage hastily, even with his talent, he was suspected of courting death.

Many players found that there was nothing to do at this time, and they were worried that they would cause trouble in Xiaohui Peak and be kicked out of the sect.

For a while, many people actually chose to go offline.

Zheng Dong is one of them.

The first time he went offline, Zheng Dong logged into Honghuang Forum.

Sure enough, the forum was already buzzing.

Countless people asked for the location of Shuiyuexian Island on the forum, and even more people were curious about the appearance of Shuiyuexian Island.

However, Honghuang and the Internet are not connected to each other, so it is impossible to shoot videos.

Otherwise, if Zheng Dong made a video of the grand scene of Lingzhou flying over Danxia Peak and put it on the forum, it would probably be popular.

If you think about it carefully, it's not impossible to shoot videos at all. You can use jade slips to record the video content in the wild.

Then "realize" the jade slip, so that the video can be watched in reality.

As for how to put the contents of the Jade Slips on the Internet, it will be enough to take another projection of the Jade Slips at that time.

The operation is really troublesome, and there is such a thing as a jade slip, who is extravagant enough to use it to shoot videos to satisfy the curiosity of sand sculpture players.

It must be to record various methods of cultivating immortals and techniques. After all, improving strength is the most important thing compared to pretending to be b.

Has strength, but still worry about not having a b-installation?
But apparently someone didn't think so.

On the forum, a post describing Danxiazong was posted, and it was immediately pushed to the number one position on the forum.

This is a text post, except for a map of the town building, there are no other pictures.

In fact, there is not a single picture of Honghuangli in the Honghuang forum.

The person who posted the post had a good writing style, from being admitted to the Danxia Sect today when he was recruiting, to taking the spirit boat to the Danxia Sect, and even including what he had seen and heard along the way, the description was vivid.

Behind the post, followed by a group of kneeling and licking players.

"Boss Niubi, beg for the location of Shuiyue Xiandao."

"Seek the location of Shuiyuexian Island."




"The people upstairs are not sincere. The owner of the building has a private message. This is my WeChat ID (37). I want to buy the location of Fairy Island at a high price."

"Buy at the same high price, chat privately."

At the beginning, everyone just asked about the location of Xiandao, but later, it became a high price to buy the location of Xiandao.

But this scene is not uncommon in prehistoric times.

There used to be a local tyrant, in order to complete a task of searching for elixir in Xinhuo Town, he spent a high price of 600 million to buy the location of the elixir on the prehistoric forum.

Such a local tyrant is not alone.

There are even some players who are not rich, but in order to gain opportunities in the prehistoric, they will go bankrupt.

Even so, there is still very little information sold in the prehistoric world, except for the well-known information, some secret information, all of which are blocked by high-end players and top players.

Money, no one does not love.

But compared with the extraordinary power and immortality of immortality, money is nothing more than rubbish paper that is too hard to even wipe your ass.

After reading the forum for a while, Zheng Dong turned off the computer.

He's been thinking about magic tools recently.

That's right, it is the magic weapon that appeared in the prehistoric world.

In Zheng Dong's view, compared with an extraordinary knight, a monk in the qi refining period is not as powerful as fighting qi, and compared with a spellcaster, his spirit power is not as powerful as the other party.

So what are the advantages of cultivators in the Qi refining period?
Magic weapon!

Things that appear in countless fairy tale novels, but after all, they only exist in these literary works, and do not exist in reality.

In the foreign world, the closest thing to a magic weapon is the enchanted magic equipment.

For example, the space ring, and the fire gun that Zheng Dong saw in the light of Andaya last time, etc.

But magic weapons such as flying swords and spirit boats do not exist in other worlds.

Unless Zheng Dong made it himself!
If you want to create by yourself, you must have a theoretical basis, and you can't create things out of thin air.

Thinking of this, Zheng Dong couldn't help thinking of a profession in another world, an enchanter.

Zheng Dong knew a lot about the profession of Enchanter in Fulun's memory.

The so-called enchanter is to engrave various runes on the supernatural material to make the supernatural material burst into greater power.

The rune attributes such as "sharpness" and "piercing" recorded in Fren's memory are often used by enchanters.

But what these runes are like, Fren doesn't know.

After all, what he has learned is the knowledge of refining medicine. For the manufacture of magic equipment, he only knows a few more rune names than ordinary people.

Zheng Dong couldn't help thinking of the "Theoretical Basis of Runes" in Fren's memory.

This "Basis of Rune Theory" has been read by Zheng Dong.

Before, due to lack of spiritual power, he couldn't study it even if he checked it. Later, he broke through to the Qi refining stage in the prehistoric period, and finally he was able to study it in the prehistoric period.

Zheng Dong found that the runes depicted in the book are very magical.

These runes are somewhat similar to the caster's spell model, which is a strange spatial structure, but unlike the spell model, they can be combined with each other.

Moreover, according to the depth and direction of each person's understanding of rune theory, the combined runes are very different, with different strengths and weaknesses.

But in general, the more runes combined, the stronger the power of the explosion.

In the theoretical basis of runes, there are [-] basic runes recorded.

These one hundred and eight basic runes, just like numbers are to mathematics, form the basis of runes.

During the most glorious period of the magic empire, spellcasters developed runes to the extreme. The towering magic defense tower of Andaya Light is one of the crystallizations of runes.

Of course, the magic defense tower not only uses runes, but also supernatural knowledge such as alchemy and engineering.

But it can be seen from this that the rune literature inspired Zheng Dong to refine the magic weapon.

Moreover, he researched an interesting thing through his study of rune knowledge during this period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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